Four Boxes: Soap, Jury, Ballot, And Ammo

“Prentiss got caught stuffing the ballot boxes, so I won.  I am the sheriff!” – Soap

I was physically restrained and denied the right to vote once – and Pugsley would have made such a great 6th grade treasurer.

Western Civilization is a work of genius.  Yes, there are flaws, and some of them may be fatal, but it has produced the greatest amount of achievement in human history.  Western Civilization has done things that no culture has in history.  It has gone from the farthest reaches of the Arctic, to the Antarctic, to the tallest mountain in the world and the lowest trench in the sea.  And don’t forget the Sports Illustrated® Swimsuit Edition™.

While other nations starved their own citizens on purpose, we gladly fed the world.

Were we perfect?  Certainly not.  I, for one, want to apologize to the world for The Brady Bunch, which I believe was in violation of the Geneva Convention.  But in most cases, we brought far more than we took.  When Western Civilization retreats, freedom dies and chaos reigns.

There are Four Boxes that keep Western Civilization safe – really four systems.  Remove them?  Freedom dies and chaos reigns.  I’ll note that Western Civilization is built on more than this – but these are four stabilizing features that help protect it.

The first box is the Soap Box.

Freedom of speech is stabilizing, within certain parameters.  If an insane person is allowed to speak, that’s a safety valve.  Bad ideas won’t gather much purchase:  they are drowned out by good ones.  Heck, even North Korea has freedom of speech.  They just won’t guarantee your safety after you speak, however.

Communists allow free speech – no one says otherwise, right?

But as I’ve documented at length in the Civil War 2.0 Weather Reports (LINK) censorship is a primary tool of the Left.  I’ve documented time after time how the Left is censoring ideas across the primary means of communication today – the Internet.

I know that many people have said (especially libertarians) that Twitter®, for instance, is owned by a private company so censorship is fine.  It’s not merit-based like it used to be.  Heck, at one point even Jesus only had 12 followers.

I can understand that, because once upon a time, I was a libertarian, too.  Heck, I’ve been registered as an independent until the last primary election.  Why did I change?

First, I’m older than 35.  Second?  So I could vote for myself.  Take that, Mrs. Svenson (my kindergarten teacher).

Twitter® used to advertise itself as the “Free speech wing of the Free Speech Party.”  Now, a better line would be the “Allowed speech wing of the Leftist Revolution.”  It’s true.  Place any idea on Twitter™ that’s out of the mainstream, even if backed up by data?

It will be suppressed.  And sure, you say, there are alternatives.  You could go on Gab©.

You may not know this, but Gab™ was cut off from its payment processors.  If you wanted to give money to Gab® via Visa©?  You can’t.  You can pay for porn with a Visa®.  But you can’t pay for Gab©.

See the problem?

Used with permission. 

When Alex Jones was banned from Twitter®, in rapid succession he was banned across nearly all social media in the same day.  He wasn’t a killer – killers can have Twitter™.  He wasn’t a foreign government who calls the USA “Great Satan” – they have an official account.

Nope, he was just a Texan who said things that scared people.

The ideas of the Left don’t hold up to history.  Their compassion is, mainly, a lie.  Should Twitter® be a public utility?  Maybe.  I hate to suggest that step, but perhaps the time has come.

Regardless – removing the Soap Box is dangerous.  Suppression of ideas will lead to suppression of people.  And suppression gives a validity to ideas that they might not have otherwise.

The Soap Box is the first safety valve.  If people cannot vent?  If they cannot share their opinions?  The system begins to fail.  The system is based on the idea that Truth can be debated, but Truth cannot be suppressed.  Heck, I’ve even seen politicians speaking the Truth – they were calling each other liars.

Our system now is dangerously pushing censorship.  And Leftists cheer it, as Leftists always do.

The second box is the Jury Box.

As members of Western Civilization, we give up some rights to play the game.  One of the most important rights we give up is personal vengeance.  In areas where personal vengeance is still the normal mode of operation, one killing follows another which follows another.  It’s like Chicago, but without the charm.

I guess I don’t understand court.  After they found me not guilty of bank robbery, my lawyer told me I shouldn’t have asked, “Does that mean I can keep the money?”

An article that opened my eyes to the importance of the justice system to Western Civilization is at this (LINK).  It’s by Jared Diamond, who is often wrong on things, but this is perhaps his strongest work.  It shows clearly what happens to a society that has no law.  But Diamond was talking about New Guinea, not San Francisco.

In the United States, we make fun of lawyers, because many of them are worthy of being made fun of. They charge thousands to write out your last wishes.  Did they never hear of free will?  But the justice system is crucially important:  first, it allows a push back against government.  Second, it provides a way that the guilty can be punished, so you and I don’t have to do the dirty work ourselves and create feuds that last generations.

So, yes.  The Jury Box is that important.

It has been subverted, however.  Prosecutors always charge people with amazing levels of crimes in order to achieve a plea bargain and have the ability to throw nearly infinite resources at prosecuting a man because they don’t like him.

“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”  This is a quote by one of the most evil men to have ever had power in the world – Lavrentiy Beria, who was head of Stalin’s secret police.  It could almost be the motto of the Department of Justice in 2020.  The DOJ seems fixated on finding an unpopular person and then finding crimes.  Hillary Clinton admittedly committed multiple felonies with her email server even though she never confessed to the fashion police.  Green pantsuits?

No charges will ever be filed against Hillary, or almost any powerful person.  Governor Cuomo abused his power to force Coronavirus patients into nursing homes where they infected and killed thousands.  But heaven forbid that a businessman make a mistake in filing foreign taxes.

That’s one way to lose faith in the justice system.

George Soros hates Flat-Earthers.  They’re not globalists.

Another?  Buy your justice system.  George Soros has been spending tens of millions of dollars getting District Attorneys that he likes elected.  Nope, this isn’t a conspiracy theory – it is well documented by mainstream sources (LINK).

What happens when you own the District Attorneys in dozens of Leftist-controlled areas?  They decide who gets charged, and with what.  So, a Leftist college professor swings a bike lock which would be an assault with a deadly weapon for you and I?

Probation for three years.  If that had been someone from the Right?  Prison.  Certainly.

But who do you think funded the D.A. that let the bike lock professor off with probation?  Soros.  Here’s the link to the San Francisco Chronicle (LINK).  I don’t make this stuff up.

I’ll skip the activist judges that want to legislate and make new law from the bench – you can look them up.  They’re out there and ubiquitous enough that they’re a stereotype.

A justice system that doesn’t have the faith of the people undermines all of Western Civilization.

The third box is the Ballot Box.

At least 60,000,000 American citizens think the 2020 presidential election was stolen (so far – the results aren’t done yet).  Let that sink in.

And these 60,000,000 Americans aren’t foolish, stupid, or acting in bad faith.  They’re actually quite rational.  On the face of it, electoral fraud is nearly certain.

How can I make such a statement?

  • The people who would have engaged in the fraud thinks Trump is “Literally exactly like a certain leader who led Germany from 1932-1945.” When faced with that?  In their minds, a little fraud is justified.  Motive is proved.
  • The systems are set up that relies on trust at the lowest levels. Opportunity exists.  The people hired to run the system at the lowest levels are politically motivated.  The Means exists.
  • On top of that, getting caught is difficult. Certain cities like Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee have been corrupt for decades.  Graveyard voting in Chicago has been a joke for decades.  Think Detroit is better?
  • It doesn’t need to be widespread. It only takes four cities to rig a presidential election in 2020 – Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee.
  • The Mainstream Media is 100% compliant in covering it up. How many people do you think CNN® is sending to look into allegations of voter fraud?  Umm, zero.

As I said, election fraud is certain, the only question is the extent.  Was this election stolen?  Means, Motive, Opportunity plus cover-up?  Why wouldn’t it happen?  How many ballots could you fill out in four hours?

No, this doesn’t look unusual, or at least it wouldn’t look unusual in the Soviet Union. 

Were I Joe Biden, and there was a chance I was going to become president under a cloud, I would work with Trump to clear my name.  Fraud in Philadelphia?  Let’s find it.  Fraud in Milwaukee?  “I’m sure it’s malarkey, but let’s investigate it.”  If he wants to fix the country, he should jump in and fix this.

But it’s not happening.

And people who are certain that $200,000 in Facebook® ads in 2016 from Russia changed the election are certain that the election is clean this time.


A failed voting system is a cancer on the Republic.  The voting system is exactly the last system that can relieve pressure in politics.

That leaves only one box:

The Ammo Box.

The Founders wisely put free speech in the First Amendment.  They put in an above-average justice system.  They put in a voting system that minimized the spread of fraud – the Electoral College.

But they also put in place the Second Amendment, which had the purpose of being both a safety measure and a curb on government.  The safety measure is that a populace who is armed feels safer – they will be measured in a response.  The curb on government is the flip side of that coin:  if you were going to do something that would put a substantial portion of your population to think that armed insurrection was a better idea than doing what the government said?

The government loses.

And there are at least 300,000,000 firearms owned by American citizens.  My bet is closer to 500,000,000.  Want to talk about a successful government policy?

In this nation, the bulk of the American population is well-armed.  A portion of it, veterans, are very well trained, perhaps better trained than the current members of the military.  I know several people that compete regularly shooting things so far away that I can’t see them even if I’m wearing my glasses.

Understand that ending up at this stage is something that almost no one wants.  We want freedom, peace, sound money, strong justice systems, and voting systems with unquestionable integrity.

But there’s always another alternative:  the last of the Four Boxes.

Let’s hope we don’t have to go there.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

35 thoughts on “Four Boxes: Soap, Jury, Ballot, And Ammo”

  1. Great article John. If the story of the USA isn’t over, it will continue through the ashes of rebirth. The first boxes are in flames now, and just the last is available. We still have the opportunity to just let it all happen so we can experience the USSA first-hand.

  2. “Yes, there are flaws, and some of them may be fatal”

    The biggest flaw and the one proving fatal is thinking that we can plug just anyone into Western civilization and get the same results.

    See: 2020, America In

    1. Arthur, you are correct. If you import Somalia into Minnesota, why would you expect Minnesota to not turn into Somalia? If you imported Missouri into Japan, why would Japan not be Missouri.

      Hence the difference between nation and country.

  3. We pledge our lives, fortune’s and Sacred Honor. I think they knew all 4 boxes would need to be used.

  4. Speaking of Western Civilization:

    Speaking of boxes:

    Less that 30% of Americans have ever served in a jury box. The vast majority view it as an inconvenience they would rather avoid.

    Only 40% of Americans live in a household have a “bullet box”. The vast majority of those are in a defensive mode and are gonna stay on the sidelines protecting their front yard, not running up the marble steps of some government building to establish A New Republic.

    Only 60-65% of Americans use the ballot box. After this month’s fiasco, half of THOSE don’t trust it and the other half want to gimmick it forever by disbanding the Electoral College, packing the Senate, packing SCOTUS, etc.

    Over 70% of Americans are on Facebook. The vast majority (including my wife) have exactly zero interest in using it as a soap box. They just wanna see the latest family pix and updates.

    There’s a fifth box and it’s sadly the most important box of all: the cardboard box.

    100% of Americans are consumers and get their stuff out of a cardboard box. That cardboard box used to fill up store shelves. Now it fills up your front porch.

    There’s riots in the streets because we have some very organized soap boxes these days.

    There’s not gonna be riots in the suburbs unless and until the cardboard boxes get increasingly cut off as the economy craters.

    That day is coming, and that’s when the real problems begin.

    Keep your eyes on the cardboard boxes.

  5. John – – Anudder udder good one !

    I believe that one of our leading national stupidities is the ranked ignorance (“We’re Number ONE!”) about our Bill of Rights, as in what they protect, why, and how they work together to help guarantee our freedoms.

    George Zimmerman, yes that one who shot Woebamaz son (Trayvon Martin), encapsulated the proper relationship between the 1st and 2nd Amendments. He painted a Confederate flag and put these words in the four quadrants of the red field: “The 2nd Protects The 1st”.

    IMHO, the only thing protecting us from deep diving headlong into Communism is the 2nd Amendment.

    Thomas Jefferson said it best:

    “And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

  6. Correction: The 4th box is the “cartridge box”. Historically and technically more correct.


    If Biden successfully steals this election, there is no point pretending that we are a nation of laws any more. There is no point pretending that our votes matter any more. There is no point pretending there is a Constitution any more. There is no point pretending there is a unified country any more.

    Do the Democrats want a civil war? Because this is how you get a civil war.

    This is my hill to fight and die upon. I can do no other.

    1. I look at a lot of sites and comments, and your decision is widely held among those with enough motivation to post comments on conservative sites. I fully agree. IMO, there is no option other than the forces of destruction, as they are needed to disassemble to vast corrupt structures that surround our government.

    2. Point taken – I changed it to “Ammo.” That would allow for shells and cartridges that identify as shells.

      And that’s the point. We are on that edge. Think the Left knows it??

      1. The Left doesn’t care. Black swan fallacy – we have never fought back before. Therefore, we will always meekly surrender, no matter what they do.

        Mao got one thing exactly right – power flows from the barrel of a gun. The pen is mightier than the sword, until the sword chops off the hand holding the pen Money is also power – it can buy lots of pens and lots of swords. For a while.

  7. What Mr. HH wrote.

    One of your memes reminded me of an old Radio Free Yerevan Joke:

    “America is so great: I can take to the streets and call our President, Mr. Reagan, a feckless warmonger!”

    “Hah! In Soviet Union we can call your President stupid too!”

    For anyone unfamiliar with the genre:

  8. Regardless of the election outcome, the cartridge box will be used. If Trump, to defend ourselves from the leftists who will most certainly go insane. If Biden, to overthrow an illegitimate government and exterminate the left entirely. Looks like they would be better off with Trump.

    1. Never count the Left out. Their main hubris is spiking the ball too early. One would hope that they keep overestimating their support.

  9. I was much happier eleven years ago as an ignorant functioning alcoholic. Trust me I have been tempted many times over the last decade to just pull the cork and crawl back inside. I am to old at sixty to realistically fight in a civil war but that is where our country is going. I will fight the best I can because as one of the leaders of the Russian revolution said, you may not be interested in revolution but it is interested in you. There will be no side lines just mass death, and the only winners in the end will be the ones who always profit from mass death. Banksters Here’s to an interesting future, it makes me want to puke.

    1. You are never too old to fight. I live out in Aryan Nations, we will NOT fight them in the streets but they sure as hell better not come into our domain thinking they will disarm us. Did anyone actually think the leftist and elitist scum would allow this clown Trump to be re-elected? You people are not paying attention.

  10. Excellent Post sir.

    A new graph idea for your civil war series: A line graph, by date, plotting the number of blog posts and social media comments about the Four Boxes.

    1. Thank you!

      Now where do I get that data???? Also, found my copy. Should I read now or wait for a .pdf of the next version?

  11. FWIW,
    Sometime shortly before his untimely passing, Weaponsman undertook a research project to accurately estimate the number of firearms in private hands in the U.S., based on actual manufacturer’s production reports and US gov. import data going back to the dawn of cartridge-loading weaponry.
    His figure, from the most conservative end of estimates, landed on about 600,000,000, rather than the oft-repeated 200M number bandied about by the forces of gun control.
    Anyone saying that there were more like 1B floating around was therefore not wildly out of the realm of likelihood.

    And to a certainty, several trillionS of rounds of ammunition for same.

    (In most parts of the U.S., there is a quaint term of affection for people with less than 5000 rounds of ammunition: they are called “Quakers”.)

    One side has been warning people for years that “the Second Amendment ain’t about duck hunting”.
    The other side is about to find out what that means, in a real, practical, and hemorrhagic way.

    Boo. Hoo.

    BTW, I’ve forgotten the official protocol for starting a civil war.
    Do we play the national anthem, and wait for the home plate umpire to yell “Play ball!”?
    Or is it a standing start like LeMans, where there’s just a starter’s pistol shot, and then a mad scramble to get things rolling?

  12. John Wilder & Frederick Douglass, two brothers from different mothers, separated by 150 years, whose wise ways won’t perish with them.

    1. Thank you for the kind words.

      I have a bit of doubt that my words will change the future much. But I write that it may be so.

  13. I suspect if we lose all four of those boxes, the likelihood of being denied a fifth and final box goes up by the power of unmarked graves.

  14. — Prosecutors always charge people with amazing levels of crimes in order to achieve a plea bargain and have the ability to throw nearly infinite resources at prosecuting a man because they don’t like him. —

    Combine that with the suppression of the ancient principle of jury nullification: the jury’s absolute indemnification for delivering a verdict of acquittal, regardless of the charge, the black-letter law, or the instructions of the presiding judge. At one time it was considered the ultimate protection against tyranny through the courts. Yet today, a defense attorney who dares to mention it in open court will be cited for contempt, and probably censured or disbarred as well.

    1. That is one thing that burns me as well. Pick a crime, charge that crime. No multiples. And the defendant gets an equal footing (cash-wise) as the prosecution.

      Last time I was on jury duty they tried to weed out nullification people.

    2. Absolutely. The judge at the case where I was (nearly) on the jury asked this question, “Do you think that you can judge the legality of the law?”

      Actively trying to get rid of nullification.

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