Hapsburgs, Beijing, and Small Villages: Genetics and Innovation

“Her actual name is:  Penelope Mountbatten Hapsburg Hohenzollern Mulan-Pocahontas.” – The Simpsons


So, if your European Dynasty is the subject of Internet memes in 2010’s?  You know you were inbred.

Last week on Monday’s post I wrote about how a massive amount of wealth that wasn’t tied to any production (New World gold) weakened Spain in every conceivable way (LINK).  A comment on that post indicated that wealth alone wasn’t the whole story.  The Hapsburgs were horrible leaders because they were rendered idiots by centuries of inbreeding and watching reality television.

That’s where we get to the Hapsburgs and genetics.

The House of Hapsburg started with the unlikely named Count Radbot.  If ever there was an argument that Europe was run by time travelling robots or the writers of the game Fallout, well, the fact that a major European dynasty was started by a person named Radbot is probably the best evidence to date.  Radbot built Hapsburg Castle in around 1020.  His grandson, Otto, took the name of the Castle and became Otto Von Hapsburg.  Eventually the family moved to Austria, and took over the country in 1276.  They only ruled Austria until 1918.


Count Radbot was also a fixture in the Sunday comics for thirty years – often he would chase a cartoon cat and fight comically with him over hamburgers.

Besides the whole, “ruling huge chunks of Europe for 650 years” thing, the other thing that the Hapsburg dynasty was really known for was . . . serious inbreeding.


For being a bunch on inbred sometime-morons, they seemed to do okay.  CC by SA 3.0, Original by Wikipedia User Alphathon

The Hapsburg family kept breeding cousins because that was a great way to not share power with outside families.  Unfortunately, cousins that have been breeding only with each other limit the gene pool pretty severely.  Charles II of Spain (shown below) had comparable genetics to a child born of a brother and sister.  He was reportedly:  “ . . . short, lame, epileptic, senile and completely bald before 35, always on the verge of death but repeatedly baffling Christendom by continuing to live.”  Charles reigned between 1665 and 1700, and when he died it plunged Europe into the War of Spanish Succession as the Hapsburgs attempted to control who would become the next King of Spain.


Charles II of Spain.  What a catch!  I think he was featured in several of the “Hills Have Eyes” movies . . . keep in mind that painters tried to make their subjects look better in their portraits than they did in real life . . . .

Evidence is fairly clear at this point that genetic difficulties led to the final problems of Spain that led to the fall of the Spanish Empire.

This is an example of genetics that are too close . . . there is no variation because there is far too small a gene pool to contend with.

A modern city is the opposite.  People are mobile, and cities are growing – there’s a great deal of movement from the countryside to the cities.  A Yale® study indicated (LINK) that by 2030, 10% of the land surface of the Earth will be covered by cities.  To get to that number, the equivalent of 20,000 football fields are being paved.


Major cities perhaps are the opposite of diversity – they may be the greatest homogeneity.  Unique cultures and traditions are moving to the cities and destroying diversity – even within groups that are remaining distinct.  In order to avoid arguments that are outside of the point I’m making today, the metropolitan area that I’m picking to make my point is . . . Beijing, China (as opposed to Beijing, Oklahoma, population 6).

Beijing is interesting in that the ethnic makeup change appears to be zero – so I can happily avoid (at least for this blog) those questions.  But what’s changing?  The city has had a tremendous influx of people from 2000 to 2010, over eight million.  But Beijing remains a Chinese city, specifically Han Chinese.  So what’s the argument about diversity here, John Wilder?

China is a pretty big country, and there are about a million villages in China.  The average, medium sized village has about 500 people, and 7 to 10 clans.  Some of these villages have histories spanning thousands of years, with customs and families reaching far into the past.  Over time, there is genetic drift – a village in Northern China doesn’t look nearly the same as one in Southern China.  Both are Han Chinese, but differing diseases, climates, history, original genetic stock, and, well, luck play a part in allowing a diversity to flourish among the villages.  China has a history of amazing innovation.  How much a part of this does the village structure explain?  How much genius sprang up because of the stability of those villages?

From Freeman Dyson (LINK):

West does not mention another scaling law that works in the opposite direction. That is the law of genetic drift, mentioned earlier as a crucial factor in the evolution of small populations. If a small population is inbreeding, the rate of drift of the average measure of any human capability scales with the inverse square root of the population. Big fluctuations of the average happen in isolated villages far more often than in cities. On the average, people in villages are not more capable than people in cities. But if ten million people are divided into a thousand genetically isolated villages, there is a good chance that one lucky village will have a population with outstandingly high average capability, and there is a good chance that an inbreeding population with high average capability produces an occasional bunch of geniuses in a short time. The effect of genetic isolation is even stronger if the population of the village is divided by barriers of rank or caste or religion. Social snobbery can be as effective as geography in keeping people from spreading their genes widely.

A substantial fraction of the population of Europe and the Middle East in the time between 1000 BC and 1800 AD lived in genetically isolated villages, so that genetic drift may have been the most important factor making intellectual revolutions possible. Places where intellectual revolutions happened include, among many others, Jerusalem around 800 BC (the invention of monotheistic religion), Athens around 500 BC (the invention of drama and philosophy and the beginnings of science), Venice around 1300 AD (the invention of modern commerce), Florence around 1600 (the invention of modern science), and Manchester around 1750 (the invention of modern industry).

These places were all villages, with populations of a few tens of thousands, divided into tribes and social classes with even smaller populations. In each case, a small starburst of geniuses emerged from a small inbred population within a few centuries, and changed our ways of thinking irreversibly. These eruptions have many historical causes. Cultural and political accidents may provide unusual opportunities for young geniuses to exploit. But the appearance of a starburst must be to some extent a consequence of genetic drift. The examples that I mentioned all belong to Western cultures. No doubt similar starbursts of genius occurred in other cultures, but I am ignorant of the details of their history.

I suggest you read the whole thing – it’s fascinating.  And Dyson dates things properly – BC, AD.  If you’re not familiar with Dyson, he’s a physicist and scientist of renown, the Dyson sphere – an artificial sphere built around a planet – is one of his most known ideas.

From this, one could surmise that the “end of diversity” even among ethnically homogeneous societies will rob us of genetic variation that will advance the human race, perhaps even greatly.  Would places like Stanford® or Harvard® provide a place where this (intellectual) genetic diversity could flourish?  I’m not sure, but I don’t think so.  The time and relative isolation required for drift appear to be missing.

Genetics may be like water – when frozen through inbreeding, no progress is possible.  When boiling in a city, no usefully differential structures form in the chaos.  When in the right size populace for a period of time?  The lukewarm water of interesting change, complexity can form.  Like Goldilocks:  too hot, too cold, and then just right.

What do we lose if we don’t have that drift, if we don’t have those periodic bursts of genius arising out of that properly complex world?  Is it odd to think that cities, which we think of as engines of diversity are really just engines of future homogeneity?

Thankfully we don’t have to worry about that, because our new robotic overlord, Count Radbot, will come from the future to save us all!

Doritos, Obesity, Addiction, and Nic Cage

“Good evening, sir. My name is Steve.  I come from a rough area.  I used to be addicted to crack but now I’m off and trying to stay clean.  That is why I’m selling magazine subscriptions.” – Office Space

nic cage rage

Now I’m gonna hum that song all day long.

What if . . . your food is actually an addiction, like heroin, tobacco, the metric system, or Lady Gaga songs?

I heard just a little bit of a radio talk show where the guest made that comment.  Well, kinda made that comment.  I embellished just a bit.

How on Earth could your food be addictive?

Humans have been eating food for as long as there have been humans.  Before that, they ate rocks.  Small ones, better for the digestion.  But humans were stupid, so our ancestor’s brains encoded subtle signals that made them think that sweet things were amazingly good.  That meat tasted wonderful.  That eating enough fat should make you feel full.

These signals directly from the food, sometimes.  Cheese contains casein.  I know that “casein” sounds like what you do to a bank before robbing it, but in this case it’s a protein found in milk.  And casein is found in dairy products, like cheese.   When you eat it, your body begins the process of digesting it.  And in digesting it, it turns it into opiates called casomorphins.  Yes.  Your body turns cheese into drugs that make you want to eat cheese.

When I eat sugar, I can feel it.  There’s a reason that parents think that kids are hyperactive, and that’s because they are.  Sugar hits the bloodstream very quickly, and stimulates an insulin response that plays hell with the endocrine (“Endo” is from the Latin for “Stupid name that George Lucas would use to name an Ewok® or something” and “crine” comes from being sad, as in “it’s a crine shame”) system.  We certainly didn’t have sugar in quantities 5,000 years ago, so our bodies developed a strong, positive response to this extremely energy-dense and reactive group of molecules.

It’s my guess that we’ve changed (via breeding) the nutrition that we get from our plants.  The corn (maize) of today doesn’t look much at all like the grass-looking plant that humans started breeding thousands of years ago to turn into the massive ears of corn.  It’s certain that the protein balance and other aspects of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrate content have changed as we made corn what it is today.

So far, we’ve only touched on foods that were at least related to stuff we ate 5,000 years ago.  A native American from 1500 B.C. would recognize corn, kinda.  He’d recognize meat.  But he’d have no clue about what to think about a Ding Dong®, Twinkie™, or Nachos BellGrande®.

Bold John Wilder Assertion:  Modern foods have led us to a place far enough and fast enough that our digestive systems, brains, and hormonal system can’t even remotely begin to cope.

What evidence is there for this assertion?

Doritos® have more than 40 ingredients.

Wonder Breadâ„¢ has over 14.

The bread the Amish make has five.  Remove sugar, and you’ve got four.  And that makes yummy French bread.

Let’s think of the processed food that we buy in the supermarket (or convenience store) differently.  These foods aren’t the same as they were forty years ago.  They’ve been faced with the ultimate evolutionary system that the modern world has to offer:  the free market.

Markets are amoral.  They provide the product that people purchase, not the product that people need.  Markets are ruthless.  If no one buys a product, the product will cease to exist, quickly.

And what do we buy?  We buy things that we like.  Things that taste good.  Things that we crave.  What could be a better seller than food that has been taste and market tested to be something that is . . . addictive?

If you look at the data, you can see plainly that obesity had accelerated greatly in the United States.  If you were planning on hurting the place, you couldn’t have done a better job.  Sadly, there are too many changes that have happened during the time period to be absolutely certain about what happened.  The Internet hit.  Smart phones were invented.  High fructose corn syrup replaced sugar in lots of things (and it is different than sugar in how it is metabolized).  Air conditioning became more common.  Nicolas Cage started doing movies.


This isn’t good.


It isn’t getting any better.

It’s entirely possible that our changing food consumption has nothing to do at all with our changing obesity rates.  It’s probably all due to Nic Cage.


Maybe the food sticks to your ribs?

As I’ve pointed out before, there are many, many mysteries about being human.  It doesn’t make it easier to track down what’s going on in this experiment when the world is changing so very fast.  My take?  Our parents were skinny (mostly).  Why?  They ate food with mostly few ingredients.  Steak.  Eggs.  Broccoli.  Potatoes.  Lettuce.  Butter.  Milk they just got from a cow.  And they also expended more calories without washing machines or dishwashing machines.  And they were colder in winter and hotter in summer.

So, of the things that have changed, I’d bet that food is at least a part of it.  Heck, they had Coke®, but they served it in 8 ounce glass bottles, not 2 liter plastic jugs.  Mass quantities, like maybe an addict might want.

Or maybe (ounces to liters?) . . . it’s the metric system that’s making us fat?

Karma May Not Be Real . . . But, Seriously, Why Would You Want To Mess With It?

“But not this time, this is our time.  This time you gonna hand them a business card that says I’m a CEO, bitch.  That’s what I want from you.” – The Social Network

karma knife

Your Dogma caught my Karma . . .

My first month on the job (when I graduated from college with a Masters) I travelled around to several of the company’s remote offices.  They had offices across the country, and at that time I think they had some sort of operation in 35 of the 50 states (57 if you count Texas as many times as they think they should be counted).  One of my first trips was to Central Midwestia – the rustbelt.  And our facility was right in the middle of the rust belt.  Across the street there was a stamping plant that continually (and very audibly) stamped auto parts out of glowing steel.  To the north there was a sausage plant.  To the west was a manufacturer of household cleansers.  Many of the factory buildings looked to have been built prior to World War I, and some of them looked like they had been through World War II or even the Great Sitcom wars of the early 2000’s.  Still bits of Futurama® on some of the walls.

The facility there was . . . everything packed into the size of a postage stamp.  There were areas of the facility that if you had a sandwich for lunch you couldn’t gotten through because your belly would have been too big.  And the electrical system?  It looked like it had been thrown together on a Hollywood set so you could channel lightning into a monster to have it live . . . again.

What an experience!

The next month, I had the opposite experience at another one of “our” (I don’t work there anymore) facilities.  Even though the facility had been open (in one form or another) since the Civil War, this facility, though old, was spacious, with plenty of room for moving around.  The primary purpose of my visit was to work on a problem that the facility manager was having, so, after talking about the issue and looking over the beautiful Atlantic bay that was right next to the facility, we decided to go to lunch.  The Salesguy, sensing a free lunch (I think they have radar) tagged along.

During lunch we talked about lots of different things, like how lobster stew there was cheaper than a hamburger.  Also, as a new guy to the company they each had really interesting stories to tell the new guy (me).  The conversation drifted to the places I’d visited with the company so far.

Wee John Wilder:  “Well, I did see our facility in Central Midwestia.”

Salesguy:  “What did you think of that?”

Wee John Wilder:  (Pause)  “I think that whoever set up that facility had one of the biggest challenges of a career.  I have no idea how they fit all of that stuff into that space.  My hat is off to them.”

Sure, I could have called the place a mess, but it really wasn’t – I’m not sure anyone could have done better putting all the parts into place.

The next morning when I got to the facility, Salesguy wasn’t there, but he had left me two boxes of golf balls (good ones) with the company logo on them, along with other swag he normally gave to customers.

“Wow!  This was nice of him!”

The facility manager then explained that Salesguy had been the person who had put that facility in Central Midwestia together – and he’d spent months of his life making it work, but most people had called it a mess.  Karma . . . doesn’t always mean that bad things happen.

karma more

Fast forward to last year:

I was on the phone talking to a friend that works at another company about a year ago.  The CEO (at my friend’s company) had just announced his “retirement”.  He hadn’t been talking about retirement, so the corporate world knows that “going to spend time with family” also means . . . “got fired”.

There had been some other recent changes as well at that company – the Chief Sales Guy (I don’t remember his actual title) had recently quit.  That was fairly surprising, since Chief Sales Guy had been at the company since it was founded.  The Chief Sales Guy was friends with the owner of the company, and had even suggested a possible replacement for his position as Chief Sales Guy to the owner.

Since The Mrs. had met the now fired CEO at a party some years ago, when I got home I mentioned the news to her.  Her response was immediate:  “Oh, the Secretary got him fired.”


The Mrs. is a writer of novels, so I asked her to explain this particular plot.

“Well, you remember that you told me about secretary, right?”

And then I remembered.   The Chief Sales Guy had an executive Secretary that been with him for over a decade.  After he left, that Secretary was blended into the pool of lesser secretaries on the floor.  One Thursday afternoon, she had tickets unexpectedly fall into her lap for a literally “once in a lifetime” adventure (it was Elton John© performing the “Best of” Metallica™ with backing vocals by Katie Perry® and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir©).  The Secretary was supposed to work until 5pm, but would have preferred to leave about 15 minutes early to get ready.  This would have been fine with her old boss, so she found another lesser secretary who could cover for her.

But the person who could cover for her went to the “Jabba The Hutt®” of secretaries (her new boss), who didn’t like this impertinence.  So, even before the Secretary could go and ask Jabba© for permission, Jabba™ had gone to complain to the CEO.  The CEO fired the Secretary on the spot.

Fired.  On the spot.  For wanting to leave 15 minutes early.  Yeah, true story.

The Mrs. reasoned that the Secretary had mentioned her woes to the former Chief Sales Guy.

The Chief Sales Guy went to the owner and told him the story.  The owner, in the narrative favored by The Mrs., fired the CEO a week later, after he’d found a replacement.

I have no idea if this is true or not, but it really makes sense.


Everybody answers to someone, even the CEO.  Oh, sure the CEO retired with $100 million or so, but I bet the Secretary enjoyed the afternoon she found out that karma had scored just a little revenge for her.  Me?  I’d have smoked a cigar and had a nice scotch.   Bet she had a Margarita on her deck with copious middle fingers for the CEO.

Your career will likely be a long one – 40 to 50 years for most people.  You will meet people on the way up, and you will meet people on the way down.  You alone control how you act and how you treat people.  Being nice is a choice.  Being a jerk is a choice.  Why would you ever choose being a jerk?  Why would you, as CEO, choose to fire a secretary for wanting to leave 15 minutes early on a Friday?

I’ll note that being a jerk isn’t the same as being honest.  Don’t lie.  Why does The Mrs. never ask me “does this outfit make my butt look big?”  Because if honesty counts against my karma scores . . . oh my.

But Texas will be fine when it comes to karma.  They have no idea that when hurricanes hit them it might be karma.  Texans?  They just want to put a saddle on the hurricane and ride it on up into Iowa so they can take that over, too.

Pizarro, The Economic Failure of Spain, and Why Bad News May Be Good News

“You don’t acquire the kind of wealth your uncle commanded by being like the rest of us.” – John Carter On Mars


I love the idea of people carrying me around everywhere I go.  Now how do I become emperor again? 

In 1532, Francisco Pizarro, accompanied by a force of less than 200 Spaniards, took on a portion of the main army of the Inca.  Why?  To defeat the entire Inca nation.  The plan was at least partially desperation.  To retreat would show weakness.  As Cortez had burned his ships years earlier to give his men incentive to defeat the Aztec empire, Pizarro was all in.

Pizarro invited the Incan Emperor, Atahualpa, into a down called Cajamarca.  Believing this to be safe since there were only 200 Spaniards, Atahualpa was accompanied “only” by 6,000 of his warriors and generals who were admittedly armed only with small battle axes.  The Spaniards had waited, concealed and terrified in Cajamarca, for hours.

As Atahualpa was carried into the central square of the town, his honor guard parted to allow Atahualpa down from his litter.  History records that he became angry when a single Friar approached him and asked him pledge fealty to the Spanish king, Charles, and become a Catholic.  At the point where Atahualpa enraged, the Spanish sprang from their concealment, attacking the Incans with cannon, gunfire, and sword.  The cavalry managed to abduct Atahualpa, and Pizarro himself blocked a sword strike at Atahualpa, catching at least part of the sword on his own hand.

Pizarro wanted Atahualpa as a hostage – a living Atahualpa could be used to give orders.  A living Atahualpa could be used to prevent the 55,000 battle-hardened troops outside from rushing the Spaniards.  A living Atahualpa could be ransomed.


Fake news, 1532 style:  a picture of Pizarro meeting Atahualpa looking like everything is nice and rosy.  Not pictured:  The battle where Atahualpa lost his entire empire.   

Also:  Do you have a few minutes to listen to a story about Jesus?

And ransomed he was – for a room, 22’ by 8’ by 7’.  Not just any room.  But a room that big, filled with gold.  And two the same size filled with silver.  It’s certain that the gold wouldn’t have been solid, but would have been jewelry and other items.  Let’s assume that it was 2/3 filled with air.  That still means the gold would have been worth (in today’s dollars) at least $20 billion.  The silver wouldn’t even be worth a billion.

Atahualpa was executed, anyway.  The King of Spain was reportedly not pleased, but was pretty good with the over $4 billion that was his (minimum) cut of Atahualpa’s treasure.  In November of 1533, Pizarro entered Cuzco, the capital of the Mayans as its conqueror.  He would serve as governor of what is now Peru.  Pizarro was killed in 1541 by the son of an assassinated rival.


Pizarro, with a fine, feathered hat.  Makes me want to kill some tropical bird so I can have a cool feather.  What, I don’t have to kill one for a feather?  Spoilsport.  Oh, and Pizarro had two kids with Atahualpa’s wife.  She must have been attracted to that fine beard.

But the impact on Spain was enormous.  The Conquistadors kept coming, and kept taking gold from the New World for over a century more.  All of the treasure went back to Spain, and, initially, paid off the debts of the Spanish government.  But it did other things, as well.

Seville, the Spanish city had over 16,000 shops making textiles out of silk in the year 1500, before the gold started to come in from the Americas.  The population of Spain stood at (around) 10,000,000 at this time.  200 years after 1500, in 1700?  The population of Spain had dropped to around 6,000,000.

What happened?

All of the gold.  Such good fortune, right?

Where it would have been pretty rough for a foreign power to have taken over Spain (it was in pretty good shape, militarily) the gold from the New World did the job wonderfully.  How?

All of the gold led to a change in the culture and value of Spain.  Whereas before, Spain had been an industrious nation, after gold, things changed.  Why do it, when you could have someone else do it?  There were people in the Netherlands that would gladly build it for you and ship it to Spain.  There were people in the Netherlands that would gladly come to Spain to do work that Spaniards wouldn’t do.  Begging (among Spaniards) and living off of charity became to be seen as more virtuous than resorting to common work, at least that was the message the common man received from watching the nobility.  Spain had traditionally been more than self-sufficient in providing agriculture.  In 1578, one observer noted that the lack of production “was not the fault of the land, but was the fault of the people.”

Spain’s military and colonial establishment, however, continued to provide the currency that the country needed even as the country sank into indolence and despair.

And what brought about the despair?


Success took away the hard lessons in life.  The Spanish military took the ambitious young men of Spain and allowed them to seek glory.  The rest of Spain?  Lived off of the glory.  Eventually, the rot of success allowed the United States to completely remove the remaining Spanish colonies from Spain.  When our new, steel warships fought against the Spanish?  They often fought cannon that were 100 years old, and 70 years out of date.

Success allowed Spain to become an economic shambles.  Success teaches no lessons.

In my life, everything that ever made me better was . . . awful.  Losing a wrestling match.  Being deeply in debt.  Getting a divorce.

Losing a wrestling match (2-1, in overtime in 8th grade) made me want to win.  And I worked harder.  Next time I wrestled that guy?  I pinned him in 20 seconds.

Being in debt.  That one mad me reexamine my entire life, or at least the spending associated with it.  Each spending decision became a moral choice, since I was living in a constant state of (nearly) not having enough money to make it.  There’s nothing immoral about being either rich or poor – it’s what you learn.

Getting a divorce, to me, allowed me to really understand how I’d contributed to the failure of the marriage, realize what I was really looking for in a partner, and allow me to both pick a more suitable wife as well as to become a more suitable husband.

If I had won the lottery or become a rock star at 20, what would I have learned?  Well, besides learning what a car upholstered entirely in endangered species would drive like, probably not much.  I’ve often said that if I’d been immensely wealthy when I was young, I probably wouldn’t have made it to 30.  For whatever reason, I find that adversity and challenge are my friends.  Success is nice, but only if it holds a challenge.

Holy cow – maybe the ultimate challenge is beating success?

Oh, Seneca figured that out 2000 years ago:

“Let us too overcome all things, with our reward consisting not in any wreath or garland, not in trumpet-calls for silence for the ceremonial proclamation of our name, but in moral worth, in strength of spirit, in a peace that is won forever once in any contest fortune has been utterly defeated.” – Seneca, Letters

So the next time you feel that you’ve just had a spot of bad luck?  It might just be your best luck.  Or, if you believe Seneca – no luck at all is required.

Smoking, Health, and the (Very Small) Risk of Spontaneous Combustion

“Someone is either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There’s no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are, and be that. If you’re a nonsmoker, you’ll know.” – Dead Again


I sense a contradiction in these signs . . . can anyone help me figure this brain teaser out?

One of the more notable downsides to being a human is that there are numerous activities that you can do that (apparently) have no significantly bad effect on you.  Smoke?  Sure. You might cough some tomorrow, and your mouth might taste pretty ugly for a day or two, but everyone knows that smoking’s not bad for you, right?

Smoking even has some pretty good immediate impacts – smokers weigh less than non-smokers.  And a smoker who quits – gains weight, so there’s a direct negative effect tied to giving up smoking.  Plus, when you have a smoker who quits smoking, their brain has to rewire itself.  Huh?

If you’ve been using nicotine regularly for any length of time your brain changes.  Nicotine has an impact on almost everything you love by increasing the level of serotonin in your brain.  What does serotonin do?  Not much:  serotonin helps to regulate mood and social behavior, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and sexual desire and function.  Oh, and it increases your mental acuity and speed of thought processing.  And (early on in using it) it gives you a nice buzzy feeling of peace.

I’m not sure about you, but if you add in football and beer, well, that’s most of life.  Just “quitting” nicotine means impacting . . . everything about your life that you like.  I’ve heard it said that nicotine is tougher to quit than Wonder Woman®.  Oh!  That’s heroin, not heroine.  My bad.

Yes.  Your brain has to rewire itself.  Full disclosure:  I’m a former tobacco user (not a smoker) so I know about this personally.  I takes three days for the immediate nicotine to drop to nearly zero in the bloodstream.  It takes three weeks for the brain to not be foggy every day, and three months for the brain to (more or less) completely rewire.

Second full disclosure:  I really like nicotine.  When I turn 65 or when the doctor gives me a short timespan on the Earth?  I’m going to take in all of the tobacco.  Get a tobacco suit.  Bathe in tobacco water.  Use it as toothpaste and underarm deodorant.

Nicotine is easy to start, easy to love, and has some great short-term properties.  What’s not to like?

Well, there might be some longer term problems – not so much with nicotine (which might mess with your heart after decades – but probably isn’t much more of a risk factor than being fat) but with the delivery system.  Inhaling buckets of smoke daily for thousands of days in a row might be bad for you.  Who knew?  And chewing tobacco and vaping appears to have (some relatively minor) increase in risk of several cancers plus some heart stuff.

But when you’re feeling that wonderful feel from tobacco, 23 year-old-you doesn’t care a bit if 65 year-old-you gets lung cancer, because 23 year-old-you is pretty sure that aging is what happens to other people, and not to 23 year-old-you.

That’s the other thing about the brain – it prioritizes things that are happening to you, right now, today over things that might happen to you in the future.  And each of us values that future differently.

The “different value” of the future is apparent when we look at different deals.  Would you prefer $50 today from me, or $50 from me three months from now?  Everyone (except three-year-olds) will pick “now”.  Tons of things can happened in 90 days.  You might spontaneously combust.  You might get hit by a tiny asteroid while out walking your pet penguins, poodles, and parakeets.

Okay, what if I offered you $100 in three months?  That sounds like a deal many people will take.  You realize that spontaneous combustion and tiny asteroids aren’t all that common.  You decide that a risk is worth it to double your money.  But even this deal is situationally dependent.  You might really need that $50 to buy more trashbags so you can throw away all of your Star Wars® dolls action figures after that horrible last movie.

This is what economists call a “discount rate” – it’s literally how much you discount the probability of a future event versus your present needs.  Most often it’s used with money and a specific percentage is used, but in the end, it’s all about how different people value the future.

Why do we value the future differently?  Beats me.  And, I think it beats everyone.  And it’s certainly not the whole story (LINK):


The first study examines health-related variables associated with making tradeoffs between the present and future, including body mass index (BMI), exercise frequency, dieting, and smoking. The authors find that the discount rate is a significant determinant of BMI, exercise, and smoking and that it can explain 15 to 20 percent of the variation (or differences in these variables across people) in each of these measures. Interestingly, no other variable explains as much of the variation as the discount rate. When the authors create an index of these four health variables, the results are even more striking – the discount rate explains one-quarter of the variation in the index, while no other variable explains more than one-tenth.

Thankfully, our tax dollars went to study the correlation between how people do deals involving money and whether or not they exercise.  In the end, the answers appear to be pretty messy.  People smoke, because . . . maybe . . . they like it?

Some people might even need it.

80% of schizophrenics smoke versus 20% of the population.  The one (actual, diagnosed) schizophrenic that I knew smoked constantly.  It turns out that the nicotine from the cigarettes regulates the dopamine thingys in their head/brain thing, and is a pretty substantial benefit.  Schizophrenics smoke a lot, and are (from everything I’ve heard – from real doctors) actually amazing good at self-dosing with cigarettes to provide themselves meaningful benefits, and, well, not be as crazy.

Humans are complicated in their behavior, even when not schizophrenic.

What is the impact of a choice today versus an outcome in the future?  Does the first bite of cake care about the second?  Not really, but your discount rate may tell you how much you eat.

Oh, and back to tobacco:

So why did I quit?  Three reasons:  to (1) see if I could, to (2) lower future health risks (self-diagnosed) and to (3) stick it to the man.  Tobacco products are heavily taxed.  If I can voluntarily lower tax payments and then live longer so I can drain Social Security?

Yeah, count me in!

(John Wilder is NOT a doctor, except in an amateur, Civil War doctor sort of way when extracting splinters from Pugsley and The Boy, so please don’t consider this medical advice.)

Most of the People at Your Company Know Nothing, John Snow. And You Can’t Fire Them.

“He was poisoning me?  It was all there in the job title.  The head of Human Resources.  This time, it’s personnel.” – Dr. Who


Umm, I can’t top this.

I’ve posted before about how government is a jobs program (LINK), but increasingly government has made businesses hire more and more people that produce nothing in order simply to meet government regulations or to fend off lawsuits.  It’s like welfare, but with the whole, “you mean I have to be there at eight . . . am?”

Think I’m kidding?

Let’s start with Human Resources.  I love the title.  HR.  Every company has someone who does this, right?  The title makes me think they go to a mine and take a pickaxe and look for bits of people that they can assemble into Frankenployee.


I’m wondering where I go to complain about the other employees and their “made from living tissue in a normal manner that doesn’t insult God” privilege?

Well, what’s the problem with HR?  They’re there for their workers, right?  (Notice the They’re, there, their trifecta!)

Let me tell you a story that I’ve seen unfold several times during my career.

Person A, unhappy about employee favoritism, to John Wilder:  “I’m so angry, this isn’t right!  I’m going to tell Human Resources!”

John Wilder:  “Umm, dude, Human Resources reports up to the President.  They are not on the employee side, they’re on the company side.”

Person A, after talking to HR:  “They asked me if it was sexual harassment.  I said “no.”  Then they said they didn’t care – quit whining.”

If your boss treats you poorly, and fires you, and is wrong in every way possible from being rude to being born as ugly as a cross between a turkey and a cat, Human Resources is . . . on their side.  As long as he doesn’t take a fire axe and try to kill you at your desk – they’ve got him covered.  “Unconventional leadership!  Attempts to motivate by leaving a dead rodent in their tea!  Didn’t actually kill employee!”

The only way to get Human Resources on your side?  Own the company.

Sure, HR helps with finding and hiring people, but that’s primarily so the hiring manager doesn’t screw up and create legal liability by asking the person being interviewed if they’re fat or pregnant, then telling them they must be fat, because they’re too old to be pregnant.  HR tells them not to do that.  But if they do it?  HR will defend you (if you own the company).

HR also helps with setting up employee benefits.  Yup.  Employee benefits still exist in some places – they’ve not vanished, but they are as rare as a coelacanths. (pronounced see-lo-can-thhhhhhhhhhh)


Yeah, coelacanths are almost as old as your mother.  And what would Mom say?  Don’t be a coela-canth, be a coela-can!

Let’s pretend that businesses didn’t have to pay taxes.  What then?

Well, your accounting department would shrivel – and not the individual employees shriveling so all seventy could fit into a filing cabinet (though that is amusing).  You’d only need the accountants that sent the bills, paid the bills, and then do whatever reports you wanted and maybe a couple to make sure employees aren’t stealing too much from you.  Sure, it’s important to know why your company makes money (don’t laugh – there are some companies, profitable ones – that have no idea how they make money) and the accountants can be sent out to find which parts of the company cost more than they make, but the current sea of accountants that are devoted to taxation and special treatment of the way the company spends money so it can conform to what the government wants?  Yeah, they could go away.

Thankfully, Big Brother Government will never let this happen, though, due to public safety concerns.  Nobody wants that many introverts walking around the streets staring at their own shoes.  The poor dears would get run down right and left.  And how would we pay for cleaning up all the accountant blood off of our cars?

Next victim?  Investor Relations folks work with the company lawyers to help the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pretend that they know what a business is when Congress calls them and invites them to come and talk.  Congress then kicks them a few times to show them who is boss, and then sends them back to do exactly what they previously did before they got yelled at.

In reality Investor Relations fills out forms and does annual reports.  The purpose of the annual report is so that the CEO can show off how much he cares and about the new charity hospital the company set up in Belgium.  Why Belgium?  Your CEO thought Belgium was in Africa.

Don’t let the Legal Department reproduce, or your company will have three lawyers for every person engaged in productive activity.  It’s like that movie with the aliens with the seed pods.  But in this case the seed pods just turn into more lawyers.

Every industry in the United States has “Industry Regulation Experts.”  Things that a farmer can throw on a trash-heap in his north 40 are (sometimes) things that a chemical company would get fined for even thinking about purchasing since hazardous waste is the in the eye of the beholder.

(True Aside:  There are two kinds of hazardous wastes under Federal law:  listed and characteristic.  Listed is just because an unelected regulator put it  . . . on a list.  Many of these items make no sense.  But characteristic is funny.  Originally EPA was gooing going to set characteristic hazardous wastes as those with a pH less than 3 (that means it’s an acid).  OOOPS!  Coca-Cola™ has a pH of 2.5.  So they set the pH of a characteristic hazardous waste at . . . 2.

Let’s go to bases/caustics.  These can still burn you.  So, the EPA decided that we’d set a limit of 12.  Again . . . OOOPS!  Wet concrete has a pH of 12 to 13.   So, they set the pH for a hazardous caustic waste as . . . 12.5.

Government is stupid, but not stupid enough to outlaw Coke® and concrete.)

Food production people in California have vastly different regulations than a similar company in Utah might have.  And as government finally comes around?  Tech companies will soon require hundreds of extra personnel just to sit in your office to tell you why you’re not allowed to do.

Thankfully, there are companies you can hire to do everything we’ve talked about.  You can outsource accounting, payroll, HR, and even legal.  Groups of consultants know your business better than you.

Rob Halford knows HR and Legal says you’re not supposed to mix Judas Priest® and Babymetal™.  But Rob doesn’t care . . .

It’s my theory that our country could be as productive as a boxcar filled with kindergarteners that just had sugar cookies after trick-or-treating.  We just need to get everybody rowing and we’d be on Mars in two years.

If not rowing?  At least tell them about our new colony on Venus!  We’re shipping out new colonists starting every Tuesday!


Found at (LINK).  Story “Marching Morons” can be found at (LINK).

Taxes, Charity, Morality, and the Immortality of Keanu Reeves

“You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.  It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes, to blind you from the truth.” – The Matrix


I’ve always wondered what clothes cost in The Matrix.  These three could have told me, but I forgot to ask them before I moved away from Alaska.

I’ve just finished stapling my tax return together for the year 2017.   Why did the tax return cross the road?  John Wilder stapled it to the chicken.

I can’t (generally) do my taxes before the first week in April because, like Ben Franklin said, the only two certain things are death and taxes.  And I’m certain I like to wait, because:

  1. I’m lazy and
  2. I don’t get all the information for one investment until mid-March.

I really hate doing taxes, but, thankfully, an entire tax software industry exists only to allow us to do them ourselves on a Sunday afternoon.  Yes.  I started on Sunday afternoon after I’d taken one of the cars in to get fixed.  As in today.  I’m not only lazy, I do everything I can to put off taxes to the last possible minute.

Generally, as the envelopes with “IMPORTANT:  TAX INFORMATION” show up I clip them all together and pretend they don’t exist for 70 or so days, so I’ve been preparing for doing the taxes for a while.  My information isn’t all that complicated, so I’ve managed to do it myself for, well, ever.


Taxes are more complicated than time travel or Doc Brown’s hairstyle.

How does doing taxes change my mood?  The Mrs. says that I have three personalities, and generally, she’s right:

  1. Juan Délegator – Juan is general me around the house. My general motto is:  if someone else (like my kids) can do it, they should do it.  Why?  To make them capable.  No, I won’t make them run 480 volt 3-phase power to my flux capacitor, but I will make them do dishes.  And I will make them do things that they are capable of and uncomfortable with.  Why?  So, like Conan, “they will be strong when the wolves come.”  Juan is pretty easy-going.  And why not?  The work is getting done.
  2. The General – The General is like Juan, but The General comes out when time is of the essence – like our house is going to catch on fire due to my poor wiring of the flux capacitor. The General is commanding, and expects immediate obedience and compliance, due to the consequences of not taking that immediate action.  The General doesn’t care how you feel, but wants to end the emergency as quickly and as efficiently as possible.  Movie reference:  The Wolf from Pulp Fiction®.
  3. The Nazi – The Nazi is like The General. But isn’t having fun.  And The Nazi kind of wants you to suffer.  Only one thing (really) brings out The Nazi (anymore).


Me when I’m enjoying myself the most . . . fixing bad things in a hurry.  Pretty please.

This year (I have to say) wasn’t that bad.  Most of the time I get worried that, since I’m doing the taxes on the last possible day prior to them being due, that I’ll find myself without some key piece of information.

Not this year.  I have it all, or I did after I looked in a stack of papers on the bedroom.  Whew.

So, I entered the information required by the program.

And this year TurboTax® downloaded my work information directly from my employer.  Also nice.  Not that I’m a huge fan of TurboTax© – they are, at best, a necessary evil.  Doing a meaningless task well is still meaningless.  Without taxation, fully 20% (my guess) of the economy could be used for more productive things . . . overnight.  TurboTax© programmers could program video games.  Or something.  The IRS™ could do what they would naturally aspire to do, form covens and attempt to steal souls actually produce something in the economy.

And the process of doing taxes today are (largely) meaningless for the average taxpayer.  For the average payer, the IRS already has all of the information necessary to send the taxpayer a bill.  They already know my income.  My interest payments (to and from me, which are getting closer to equal!) and they know how much I made (or lost) off of my stocks.  They know if I bought or sold a house.

But the process of taxes is, at least partially, immoral.

Yes.  Immoral.

Let me tell a story . . .


I used to go to church when visiting Pop Wilder – it was the same church that I’d grown up going to coloring pictures of Jesus.  True conversation, from when I was about five:

Sunday School Teacher:  “Johnny, Jesus wasn’t purple.”

Little Johnny Wilder:  “Isn’t Jesus God?”

Sunday School Teacher:  “Yes, He is.”

Little Johnny Wilder:  “Then he could be purple if he wanted to be.”

It was a small church in a small town.  Pop would go every Sunday, and when I was around, I’d go with him.  One morning, the Pastor gave a sermon that made my circuits pop.

He used the concept and example of Christian charity in his sermon.  But in every verse I could find, that charity referred to voluntary giving.  Here?  The Pastor was wanting to have increased taxpayer spending going to the poor – and indicated that, somehow, this equated to charity.

I sat on the pew, seething, which, generally isn’t very appropriate for a church, but neither was his sermon, which violated the following principles:

Taxes are forced – there’s nothing moral about them.

Charity is given of free will – there’s no coercion other than moral coercion.  You have to make a choice to give to charity.

And that’s what made me mad.  Charity – the act of giving time or money to someone else, is important for the soul.  Government services have nearly completely destroyed the idea of charity – why help the homeless?  Government should be doing that.  Why feed hungry children?  Government should be helping them.  Folks drowning in Canada due to all the hockey rinks melting?  Government should fix the rinks, because Canadians can’t swim!!

Since government is already fixing the problem people don’t think that there’s the need for charity.  Since I already give federal, state, and local governments over 45% of my income directly, and indirectly pay for the corporate income taxes on every item I buy and Social Security kicks on another 15%, I figure the government is already into me for 65%-75% or more of what I make.

That thought doesn’t leave me feeling charitable.  And that’s the immoral part.  Giving charity makes me a better person, inside, where it counts.  Feeling uncharitable because my money has been forcibly taken from me and to (many people and groups) that I feel undeserving, well, that’s immoral.  Charity is good.  But Jesus certainly didn’t say, “Go forth, and haveth ye government arresteth ye brothers and ye sisters who give not 75% of yon incomes to others.”

And I didn’t feel charitable when the Pastor was asking the congregation to take more of my money.  Honestly, it’s not greedy to want to keep some of your money.  But I feel that there is truly nothing greedier than asking forcing others to pay for things that you want to do, but don’t have the money for.  I mean, I’d love to have a great treehouse, complete with air conditioning and plumbing.


Now there are legitimate reasons for taxation – common defense.  Courts.  Common infrastructure.  But there isn’t enough money in the world to pay for everyone’s “needs” – and payment for everyone’s wants would bankrupt the planet.

Taxes were complicated this year.  The parts that I have to file and send are about 40 pages, but I’ve learned printing off the federal and sending them to the state makes life easier.  By the time that I’d printed the copies I’ll send plus the spare copies, I had printed out 160 pages.  I’ll send 120 pages out, plus a pretty big check.  I don’t mind sending 120 pages out, or even the check.  Heck, all the dollar bills I have say they belong to the Federal Reserve® already, right?


No refund.  But I won’t burn the place down.  Or try to get my stapler back.

I’m just sad that they make us pay taxes in the Matrix.  But, the clothes don’t cost all that much here . . . .


And Neo lives forever.  I guess the whole “Death and Taxes” must just be . . . taxes.

Russian Wrestlers, Pylometrics, and You’re Probably Not Trying All That Hard

“When the game is on the line, a winner wants the ball in his hands.” – The Replacements


A miniature version of The Boy prepares for a match . . . he now weighs 200 pounds.

The other day I was on Amazon.  Yes, I know.  The fact that I cannot walk into my living room because of all the little boxes shows I might spend too much time there.  Anyway, I was looking for hair regrowth tonic that actually works and carbohydrate free sugar cookies options for fitness equipment for Pugsley and The Boy.  One of the things that I saw was . . . a box.  You can buy it here (LINK).


I don’t get any money if you buy a box.  But you do get a box.  One box.

The idea of the box is that you . . . jump on it.  That’s it.

What led me to the box I was watching a video of Александр Александрович Карелин.  Oh, sorry, you don’t speak Russian – that’s Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Karelin spelled out in the strange chickenscratch that Russians use as a secret code that Putin and Trump devised so we can’t decipher their messages.  Karelin was an internationally ranked wrestler for a while.  Like for five Olympics.  In fact, his career record is 887 wins and two losses.  His nickname is “The Experiment.”  Because he could do 42 pullups.  And he weighed 285 pounds.  His signature move?  Lifting 285 pound people off the mat and tossing them up into the air so they landed on their shoulders.

The Experiment.


A quote from Aleksandr: “They call me The Experiment because they cannot conceive that every day I train harder than they have ever trained in their lives.”  He might be just a bit intense.

Aleksandr was being interviewed in the YouTube® video I saw, and they showed the obligatory clip of him working out.  One of the exercises he was doing was repeatedly jumping on a box that was 24” or 30” high.  I was impressed.  285 pound guy jumping that high?  Wow.


Here’s a picture of Aleksandr.  Yeah, that’s a 285 pound human he’s going to toss into the air like a ragdoll.  Not sure why they need tanks if the Russians have more guys like this around.  Oh, and he’s buddies with Putin and has both a doctorate and a law degree.  Don’t you feel like an underachiever now?

It turns out that “jumping on boxes” is known by the $250 per hour consultant word, “pylometrics.”  From the Latin root Pylo for “pile of” and the ancient Greek word “metron” which means “communist measurement system.”  Pylometrics came to world attention when the Soviet track and field teams of the 1970’s were turning in absolutely amazing performances.  One trainer thought, “hey, it must be all of the jumping on boxes stuff that they’re doing,” and completely disregarding the simpler theory of, “win Olympic medals or we’ll shoot your family.”

Regardless, as noted above, he renamed it pylometrics so he could charge $250 per hour to talk about it.

Well, if one of the best wrestlers ever to live thought that pylometrics should be a part of his routine, well, why not?  (Previous post:  Pugsley decided he wanted to be an NCAA champion in wrestling.  (LINK))  If you’re going to try to be the best, you emulate everything you can about the very best people you can find.  Everything.  Pugsley even has a poster of Putin up on his wall now.

So, I was on Amazon, totally not looking for hair tonic when I found the boxes shown above.  Did I say boxes?  Yeah.  I saw the picture and expected three.  Turns out that a cube exists in three dimensions, so they delivered just one box with three heights – 16 inches, 20 inches, and 24 inches.  It turns out if you rotate the box . . . well, you get the picture now.

The Boy put it together when it arrived, but then he had to leave, so that left Pugsley and I in the wrestling room with the cube.  To be frank, I was concerned that Pugsley wouldn’t be able to jump up on the 16” side and we’d have to get something smaller.  I was hoping that it wouldn’t hurt his confidence to have to jump on the “short box.”

He set it with the 16” side facing up.  He jumped, and stuck the landing on top of the box like an Olympic® gymnast.

John Wilder:  “That was awesome.  Okay, try 20 inches!”

He tried once, twice, and was up on top on the third side.

John Wilder:  “That was amazing!!  Try 24 inches!

Pugsley:  “No, I can’t do that.”

John Wilder:  “Try.”

He jumped up.  Not quite.

Again.  A miss.

Third time?  He stuck to the top of the box like there were magnets in his feet.

Also this month, friend was doing Crossfit®.

Things you never need to guess about a person:  if they are vegan, if they drive a Prius®, or if they are in Crossfit©.  Now if you find an actual human that does all three of these things, you might have found a smug singularity – beware or you might get sucked into the smug . . . . (my friend isn’t smug, just often sore after working out).

Anyhow . . . when working up to a max in the deadlift (the king of all lifts) my friend tried to stop at 100 pounds.  She thought that was enough.  Too hard.

Her coach encouraged her – and she maxed out at 180 pounds.

Most days we have no idea of the things that we are capable of, if only we try.  The thing that generally limits your life is . . . you.  If you want to be the best, you have to start by working like the best.  And believing in yourself.

You might not get there, but you’ll know that you didn’t hold back.  You’ve put the game in your hands.

I know where you could go to buy a box . . .

College is Expensive and Your GPA is as Inflated as an Instagram Model

“But you can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals.  For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole fraternity system?  And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general?  I put it to you, Greg – isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society?  Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America.  Gentlemen!” – Animal House


Pugsley climbing a climbing wall.  Not pictured:  college degree he earned.

Last week we reviewed how college may provide (does provide) a lot of poor choices for student degrees – essentially you can get a degree that’s not worth very much to any employer.  But, thankfully, in an era where I can look up the most obscure facts online, I can count on college being cheaper now?

No.  It’s more expensive than ever.

Huh?  You have a service that more people are requesting, one that’s essentially unlimited since Wikipedia® is free, and the prices go up?

Yes.  But Wikipedia™ does not have climbing walls.

At least colleges are paying more for instructors/professors, right?

No.  Colleges are increasingly pushing instruction onto “adjunct” instructors.  These adjunct instructors are generally paid in PEZ® and pity.  If the college feels guilty, it leaves a little extra on the nightstand in the morning.

How much have prices gone up?

Prices have gone up everywhere, but let’s pick Harvard™.  In 1970, Harvard cost about $4,000 a year for tuition.  Not bad?  Well, the median family income was about $10,000 back then, so, not so bad.  If you hustled you could (with a small scholarship and working a pizza delivery job) make it.

Harvard now costs over $43,000 a year.  Median family income is closer to $60,000 a year, so prices (in terms of a family income) are up over 180%.  But Harvard® has literally billions of dollars in a cash horde that the administration rolls in when they can’t get enough sleep.  Other colleges have gone up more.  Much more.  One state school has gone up (since 1980) from $6,000 tuition to $40,000.  This is more than Harvard’s 180%, but I won’t do the math because I’m feeling like I don’t want to.  Oh!  The solution is left to the student!  Yeah, that’s what the books said . . .

So why are prices going up?

One theory, and it’s a good one, is student loans.  Student loans were created as a mechanism to trap young people into debt before they can legally buy whiskey means to allow anyone to go to school as long as they were willing to borrow enough money.

Student loan debt is the very worst kind of debt I know of that doesn’t involve a blood oath with the Mafia.  It is the herpes of debt.

Just like herpes is incurable and makes you (when disclosed) a lot less attractive to the opposite sex (or same sex, or whatever combinations including androids that are possible in California) student loan debt makes you less attractive.  And you can’t declare bankruptcy and get out of student loan debt.  Again, like herpes, it’s forever.  Unlike herpes, you can pay your debt down to zero.

But you should avoid both of them, if you can.  Debt, especially student loan debt, will outlast your mortgage.  I bought and sold four houses, three unicorns and one wife before I paid off my student loan.


I met him.  Nice guy.  But he never did a song about a unicorn or a Pegasus.

But why would student loans cause the cost of college to increase? 

Simply put, there’s more money available?  The colleges most exposed to student loans increased their tuition the most.  Quite simply – tuition expands to consume as much money as you can feed it.  There’s a pretty comprehensive study that proves it – you can find the info here (LINK).  What, am I supposed to do all of your research?

So where is the money going?

PEZ® for the adjunct professors?  No.  Administrators.  I’ve seen this before in other organizations that aren’t subject to market punishment (like, say, your friendly federal or state government or school district).  One administrator has a job.  It’s not a hard job, but it’s his (or hers).  They are paid, at least partially, on the number of staff that they have.  So, they get approved positions for “essential” work.  Soon enough, a job that was barely important enough for one person is now down by a staff of thirty.  (This tendency will be discussed again in a future post, and was discussed in “Government is a Jobs Program here (LINK).)

Professor Doom is a very good writer.  His blog is “Confessions of a College Professor” and I strongly suggest that you read it, especially if you are certain that colleges are bastions of honor, learning, and goodness.  Recently, the learned Professor had a post where he described that at Evergreen College in Washington State, that there is one administrator for every six students.  I kid you not.  Here’s the link (LINK).

But the education is better, right?

Again, I’ll have to defer to Professor Doom.  He writes again and again how grade inflation has taken off (LINK).  I tried to find his post about how, due to a computer error, bunches of students at a school he was at were signed up for a class AFTER they got their schedules.

When this error was discovered at the end of the semester, fully a third of students (who had never attended class) had an “A” in the class that they had never been to and weren’t aware of.  Yeah, you read that right.

In at least a third of your classes, you never need attend and you’ll pull an “A”.

Wow.  That’s not really education at all, except maybe in the “son or daughter of a President or Senator who gets on a corporate board of directors because they can fog a mirror” way.


On snowy day a long time ago I decided I wanted to teach.  A new college had come to town – I had never heard of it, “University of Phoenix™.”  They put an ad out looking for faculty, and I sent in my résumé.  Or rësümë if you’re in a 1980’s hair metal band.

hair metal meme

Well, in the 1980’s I had hair . . .

I got an immediate call back.  Pretty soon I was in “New Faculty Training” – which included a batch of people with master’s degrees.  Most of us had teaching experience at the undergraduate level – that was, back in the day, how you paid to go to grad school.

We sat in a circle and discussed how to teach at the University.  We would get stock options if we did well.  The curriculum was set, and it was explained to us that the students were often working.  And had a tough time.  So we shouldn’t treat them exactly as students.

Think of them as customers instead, we were told.

So, what if a student never came to class?

“Well, they’re paying for it, so, it’s not a problem.”

What if a student didn’t turn in an assignment?

“You should give them a chance to turn it in late – they might have had a sick kid.”

One of the prospective faculty got pretty blunt:  “So, we shouldn’t flunk them?”

The leader of the orientation paused.   “Well, not if you can help it.”

So, a course you didn’t have to show up for, you could turn in assignments late, and would almost never flunk?  That sounds like the state of higher education today.

That was my last meeting with the University of Phoenix©.

Was it a smart financial move?  I just checked.  I wouldn’t have been a billionaire if I would have stayed with them.  So, whew.

What happened, John Wilder?

Prior to our current generation, college had been about the reputation of the institution and the graduates.  If you were a Harvard® man or a Vanderbilt™ grad, that meant something.  Not only was the curriculum difficult, but you only had a very small chance of even getting into the place.

The reputation of the school was that it was difficult – only the best should try to get in.  Only the best will succeed.  The often repeated story was of a Dean getting up before the freshman and saying, “look to your left . . . now look to your right.  Only one of you will be here in four years.”

That was something they were proud of.  If you didn’t dig in and study, well, you’re gone.  That enhances the value of the school’s name.

This was important.  The school would rather eat a kitten (an actual, living kitten without condiments like creamy horseradish sauce that go great with kitten) than put a graduate out that wasn’t up to their standards.

Now?  Students are “customers” and the administration wants as many of them as possible so they can spawn a never ending series of administrator clones (college administrators reproduce asexually) to bring into the college administration.  They don’t want to kick a student out, because that would mean that they would lose the precious, precious money that the student brings in.  So they need things to attract more customers.  Like elephant rides.  Free panty hose.  Margarita Tuesday.

Oh, did I mention that our college has climbing walls?

Mental Illness, Dunbar’s Number, and the Divine Right of Kings

“I thought I alone considered your boyfriend a narcissistic moron, but the whole galaxy does.” – Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


The Tribe begins its annual war, an ancient rite known as “dodge ball.” 

What if we’ve been looking at mental health . . . all wrong?  This may be the most interesting thing you read all month, maybe all year.  But that’s just what a narcissist would say . . .

I was thinking the other day (a dangerous thing to do, I know, thinking is something to be left to those that work at universities and in congress) and had an idea.  Maybe (some) mental illness has a purpose.  I’ll explain, but first I have to explain Dunbar’s Number, which, of course, is named after Kim Kardashian.  I’m kidding.  Dunbar’s Number is named after Caitlyn Jenner.

Robin Dunbar, British Psychologist, looked over the size of the human neocortex (not Neo-Cortez, who would take over the Neo-Aztec) and after playing with a particularly plump and pleasant neocortex, decided that brains just might have something to do with how humans relate to each other.  The neocortex is actually the newest (in a biological sense) portion of the brain, and allows humans to do complex things, like talking, snorkeling, and making microwave ramen.

Dunbar looked at primate group brain sizes, and compared to the size of the neocortex to the size of the primate “group” or tribe.  After running the math, he predicted that humans should have a group size of around 150 – it’s related to the size of working memory that you have about other people.  The commonly accepted maximum stable group size (average) is 100-250, which explains why I need to have my children program the streaming box hooked up to my television – my working memory is full of details like the shoe preferences of the administrative assistant at work from six jobs ago.

Dunbar further theorized that larger groups could only stick together under strong survival pressures – you’d have to be pressed to work together by a fate as tough as death.  Why?  Because people are tough to deal with.  And it takes time to deal with people, rather than strangle them.

One potential reason that the “Dunbar” number for people could be higher than predicted is language.  Whereas other primates have to use non-verbal cues like body-slamming them, people, after the advent of language, can talk to each other so they can explain why they are body-slamming you.  For that reason, especially when dealing with modern (the last 12,000 years or so) humans, I favor a Dunbar number in the 250 range.

There is some validity to the number.  Anecdotally, I’ve been involved with a company that had two divisions in the same area.  One had 120 or so employees.  The other?  It had far greater than 500 employees.  I observed that the smaller division operated as a single unit.  Every employee knew every other employee – and they knew about their families, their hobbies, and their history.  Did that consume time?  Sure.  You couldn’t just go over to talk with one of them – the entire social greeting took at least 10 minutes.  You had to catch up.  And that’s the way that close relationships work – you can’t just say “hi” and walk on, you have to catch up with each other.  That explains why when I come home, The Mrs. wants to talk and stuff.  We’re engaging in a practice that’s at least thousands of years old.

The larger division had broken up into various factions based on job functions.  These factions looked like little tribes – each had a leader, an agenda, and they fought against each other regularly, often over nothing.  And each of these fights ended up hurting the company.  Gore-Tex® found the same thing – they built buildings for 150 people.  When the building filled up?  They built a new one.  They tried to keep the trust, the positive aspects of the tribes predicted by Dunbar from spilling over into intertribal warfare that happens at larger group sizes.

But ancient tribes didn’t have kid’s soccer, and FaceBorg®, and the myriad of connections that occur outside of work.  So, the Gore-Tex™ number is smaller than the “actual” tribe size.  Again, 250 seems about right.

So what does this have to do with mental illness?

Well, for a tribe to survive over time, while most members would be able to act as general “tribal” members most of the time (i.e., hunting, gathering) there would also be the need for specialist skills and attributes.  Situations the tribe might encounter (and overall group cohesiveness) require different talents.

Let’s take schizophrenia.  It’s prevalent in about 0.4% of the population.  It often manifests with being able to hear things that aren’t there, see things that don’t exist, and believe in a reality that others can’t see.

Sounds like a Shaman to me.  Every good tribe needs one, right?  Well, 0.4% is 1 person out of 250.  I got goosebumps when I did that calculation – the number seemed like a nice fit for the theory right off the bat.

Okay, what about another common mental condition?  Anxiety.  Anxiety is found in about 10.6% of the population.  So, in our tribe of about 250 we’d have about 26 planners.  26 people worrying on a daily basis about how the whole tribe would die.  These people are a pain in the butt, but this ability to dream up a constant set of disasters that the tribe could anticipate and avoid has huge survival value.  In today’s world, not so much.  Back 8,000 years ago?  This was an amazingly important skill.

About 6 of our 250 tribe would be obsessive-compulsive.  Mainly older folks.  I can see the meticulousness compulsion of the older, wiser tribal member being infectious – and leading to greater spread of learning throughout the tribe.  There are certain things you have to do right, you have to double check (think food poisoning) or else the tribe will die.  Having these super process-driven people might have been quite a help.

About 6 would of the tribe would be paranoid.  Again, like planning, it serves a purpose – but in this case the paranoia is about what other groups are doing and thinking.  Very helpful to have someone looking for the hints that the tribe will be attacked from outside.  Or, from inside.  Are you threatening me?

Narcissism?   About 1%.  Only so much room for leaders.  This would have about 2 of them in the tribe.

Psychopath/Sociopath?  About 1.2%.  So, 3 bold, direct, mean leaders of raiding parties/war parties.  It takes a village to kill another village.

kermit direction

Pictured:  Psychopath.  I like the cut of his jib! 

Outside of oral history, our hypothetical tribe had only one way to pass on information about required roles and how to do them – genetics.  Genetics matter – many of these conditions are at least partially inherited, making it more likely that the leader was . . . the son of the leader.  The shaman was . . . the son or daughter of the last shaman.

This genetic tendency to replace the leader with the leader is (likely) the source of the concept of hereditary royalty and hereditary nobility.  And, genetically, those people were likely the best leaders around at that time, and they kept breeding . . . so, there was (at least for a while) some good reason to think that the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs might be pretty good choices for kings.  They were bred to be kings.  Now:  perhaps a bit too much cousin-lovin’ (LINK)?

So, yeah, all of the roles required for a self-sufficient band are built within our genetic profiles – but some of them aren’t valued so much in our current society – we don’t need a half-dozen war-band leaders in every high school.  And, as far as I know, this is an idea I developed (more or less) independently.    Which is also something a narcissist would say . . . hmmm.