Forbidden Science: The GloboLeft Versus Truth

“Archeology is not an exact science.” – Raiders of the Lost Ark

I failed my medical school test because of nerves.  The right answer was bones.

It has become clear that the GloboLeft has become truly Soviet in the way that they view that basic reality must conform to their ideology.  Their ideology isn’t based in any sort of reality – it’s based instead on the equivalent of a child’s wish list for the way that they’re really, really like the world to be.  And if they wish it enough, it must be true, or they’ll hold their breath until it is.

Here are a few ways that the “I f***ing love science” crowd get more wrong than the Vaxx:

They believe that there are no significant personality and physical differences between men and women.

They really believe this.  To be fair, if all they had to deal with were GloboLeft troglodyte women and pencil-neck Antifa® dudes, that might be an assumption that might make sense.

If they really buy into this, (and they do) then the transification of the world starts to make sense.  If anyone feels like they’re a woman, then, boom, they’re a woman.  Actual women then become “uterus havers” or some other such nonsense.  That’s not made up – I don’t even have to write jokes with their newspeak silliness.

How is this easily provable?  The under-15 boys’ team in Dallas beat the U.S. Women’s World Cup® team.  Yup, the very same team that featured the pink-haired piece of beef jerky Megan Rapinoe.  Yet, this is ignored because . . . reasons.  Back when I was in college, one of my friends was on the (very average) Division 2 college swim team.

Cinderella was awful at soccer – she kept running away from the ball.

“Yup, beat a world record tonight,” he said as he came back into the house we lived at after practice.  I did a double take.


“Yeah, the woman’s world record.  Everybody on the team can beat it.”

The consequences of this are many, but it’s clear to see that if this isn’t checked, there won’t be any reason to have sports where actual women compete.

So, there are physical differences.  And personality?  Woman have been charged with being the nurturing caregivers for children since forever.  I could list all the differences here, but that would be a post all by itself.

The GloboLeft indicates that biological race has no basis in fact, despite the evidence becoming clearer and clearer every year that this is very much the case. 

One meme I saw on the Internet was an organ donation organization asking for more organ donors that were black and Hispanic.  I believe it was on InstaFace®, but wherever it was, the organ donation organization was immediately swamped by people calling it racist because, “all organs are the same.”

What’s the worst thing to hear during open heart surgery?  Anything.

No, they aren’t.  It’s not that a black person has to have a heart from a black person, but the chances of a match go up tremendously when the donor is of the same race.  Mixed race people, especially, have difficulty in getting organs that match.

And this should surprise no one.  Soviets started a fox breeding program to try to understand the interplay of genetics and behavior.  Within six generations, there were foxes that actually liked people and wagged their tails.  Now, this program is some 50 generations in, and the foxes actually seek people, and, though still foxes, behave and act like dogs.

The aboriginals in Australia were separated from the rest of humanity (mostly) for 2500 generations.  It has been 101 generations since the birth of Christ, so imagine how living in cities has changed us from what we were?  In Great Britain, virtually all of the poor people living 500 years ago died out due to economic selection, and the vast majority of folks are descended from the aristocracy.

Is another term for a mattress a “loaf of bed”?

How has that changed them?  And, how could a professor think to share that information in the Cancel Culture?

The GloboLeft believes that people are blank slates, and not dependent for 50-80% on genetics for their personality, sense of humor, and intelligence. 

The Wilder Family is a fun one, but I can certainly see the interplay of the genetics from The Mrs. and I in our children.  I have the unique opportunity to have been adopted, but I did manage to meet my biological father later in life, when I was an adult.  There was no subject that I was interested in that we couldn’t discuss, in depth.

I had never met the man, yet his personality contained no surprises.

If they genetically engineer pigs, will we get CRISPR bacon?

Absolutely there is a place for nurture in the world, but the numbers are showing that most 100% biological siblings share much more than nurture – we’ve all seen those news stories about twins raised separately that have the same job, same hairstyle and often very similar wives.  The Minnesota Study on twins reared apart showed that the twins showed generally were the same as twins raised in the same household in terms of personality, interests, and attitudes.  The twin study came up with about a 50% nature score, though observationally it’s more than that.

Again, the GloboLeft can wish all that they want, but the facts don’t follow their ideology.  In the end, Truth always wins out.  But the GloboLeft doesn’t like the Truth.  I guess that’s why the listen to NPR® and CNN™.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

55 thoughts on “Forbidden Science: The GloboLeft Versus Truth”

  1. …CRISPR bacon. Love it.

    John, another corollary is that they believe that they’re a 1-sigma IQ “smarter” than any MAGA. But refuse to acknowledge that there’s a 1+ sigma difference in IQ between your average MAGA & the black populace.

    Cog diss, fer sure.

    1. Every “leftists are smarter!” study I’ve seen was done by leftists with horrible methodology. It let the leftists define left/ right such that they could skew the results any way they wanted.

      Studies where left/right was determined by the subject reporting it show that right-wingers have higher IQ than lefties. It was based upon a data set which likely greatly under-represented People of Ghetto Heritage, so the IQ split is likely even greater, gnomesayin’.

      “…a test of probability knowledge, a test of verbal reasoning, and an assessment by the interviewer of how well the respondent understood the survey questions. In all three cases, individuals who identify as Republican score slightly higher than those who identify as Democrat; the unadjusted differences are 1–3 IQ points, 2–4 IQ points and 2–3 IQ points, respectively.”

  2. Funny thing about that meme is how true it is, because a non-degenerate White guy has to have almost perfect scores and grades to even be considered at mid-tier state medical schools.

    1. Oh and on the sports angle, I had a chick arguing with me saying that Caitlin Clark of Iowa would be a star in the NBA if only they would let her play. My retort was that she wouldn’t make the team for most high school boys squads.

  3. John – – I am a twin. My twin fraternal brother and I both got appointments to attend West Point beginning in July 1965.
    My academic records were slightly better than his, but his athletic abilities were slightly better than mine.
    In those days, before WOKENESS set in at West Point, each Cadet was graded in every subject nearly every day, certainly once a week in afternoon classes. And we had classes six days a week, even on Saturday morning.
    We were put in distant units on opposite ends of the campus, and had no classes together. When finally allowed to take electives at beginning of our Junior Year, we chose almost all different subjects, with but one overlap. That continued into Senior Year. However, after four years, when the Class standings were computed and published we were surprised. Note that graduation lists included computations based on academic grading, physical fitness performance, demonstrated leadership and peer evaluations, with heavier emphasis on academic standings.
    Note that in those days (daze) at graduation, you lined up in order of your Class ranking. The surprise was that after four years of constant grading, there were two fellows who stood between us in the graduation lineup.
    Our records were that close…….which is more proof of the closeness in life experiences that twins experience.

    1. Very much the case here, and I’m not a twin. Sadly, I wouldn’t suggest to my children to even consider and Academy today.

  4. John – – I am a twin. My twin fraternal brother and I both got appointments to attend West Point beginning in July 1965.

    My academic records were slightly better than his, but his athletic abilities were slightly better than mine.

    In those days, before wokeness set in at West Point, each Cadet was graded in every subject nearly every day, certainly once  a week in afternoon classes. And we had classes six days a week, even on Saturday morning.

    We were put in distant units on opposite ends of the campus, and had no classes together. When finally allowed to take electives at beginning of our Junior Year, we chose almost all different subjects, with but one overlap. That continued into Senior Year. However, after four years, when the Class standings were computed and published we were surprised. Note that graduation lists included computations based on academic grading, physical fitness performance, demonstrated leadership and peer evaluations, with heavier emphasis on academic standings.

    Note that in those days (daze) at graduation, you lined up in order of your Class ranking.  The surprise was that after four years of constant grading, there were two fellows who stood between us in the graduation lineup.

    Our records were that close…….which is more proof of the closeness in life experiences that twins experience.


  5. “… there won’t be any reason to have sports where actual women compete ,,,”

    … and the reason we have them now is?

  6. ‘If they really buy into this, (and they do) then the transification of the world starts to make sense.’

    The rank-and-file of the GloboLeft don’t believe this. Trans is just another power-plank, another useful Minority of the Oppressed that can be created and employed. It’s a practical and tactical move.

    The principalities (angelic) and powers (human) of this world absolutely do believe in trans, however. For the fallen angels, trans is the culmination of thousands of years of interference in human minds and cultures. To the angels, that span is merely passage of a weekend.

    The final purpose of the luciferian/gnostic project of trans-sexuality (and trans-humanism) is to create the perfect being and a perfected race, which to them necessarily means androgynes and androgyny. Been going on since Babylon Uno.

    Ancient Egypt was all over this stuff. Greece, Rome, many others.

    The luciferians, gnostics etc. hold that both God and Adam originally were androgynous. Thus, they see themselves as the Good Folk ‘n Heroes for ‘restoring’ the original goodness, rightness, and wholeness of the universe and of humanity via the Trans Project. That’s been the rap down the ages, anyway. Feel free to check the ancient texts for evidence. Medieval alchemy, btw, had much more to do with moving the world towards an Androgynous Eden than with chemistry, per se.

    Thus, we witness the horrors of so many cultures: Jezebel’s eunuch household and palace, the galli of the widespread ‘Magna Mater’ cults and religions . . . right down to modern Western women chopping off the doodads of little boys, in the name of feminist power, internet likes, and taking revenge against Deh Ebil Patriarchy . . . and just outta spite and wickedness generally. They can, so they do.

    The global drive towards androgynization is a very longstanding project. One of the oldest, sadly.

    Apologies for the opus.

  7. There are some ancient ruins that defy common explanations. They were proficient in science, elaborate building construction that is remarkable in detail, and existed long before what were considered the earliest civilizations. They disappeared without any known reason, and many of their structures were covered by later civilizations. Some believe aliens took them away, while others believe they ran out of food and had to leave or perish. I think they just became tired of the BS, moved on to where they didn’t have to deal with DEI, and realized they were more comfortable with people of their type. That, and the media of that time became so distorted, finding the truth was a hopeless endeavor.

    1. Most likely it was the catastrophes at the end of the last Ice Age 10k or so years ago that did them in. Fascinating stuff on many levels. Besides simply the fact of their existence, but also the depths to which mainstream academia will go to ignore the obvious existence of such civilizations.

      From a logical point of view, the initial presumption should be that previous civilizations existed. It is commonly accepted that agriculture arose independently in 5-7 different places*, all in a span of 2k years or so. Which makes sense, as the conditions arose for agriculture once the glaciers receded and so people all over the world would tend to stumble onto ag at about the same time.

      Anatomically modern humans have existed for 200-300k years, depending on which expert you ask. Much of that time had good conditions for farming, which only took a few thousand years for it to spontaneously arise 5-7 times in accepted history. For example, the last interglacial period, the Eamian, lasted 30k years and was slightly warmer on average than our current interglacial period. How could ag not have been stumbled upon in a 30k timespan?

      * wheat in levant, maize in mexico, taters in S America, yams in Africa, rice in India and/or China, perhaps multiple places.

      1. I used to think the ancient high tech civilization theory was bogus, because there should be more archeological signs of them (particularly if the civilizations were so advanced). But then my lawnmower broke and I went 2 months without mowing and saw how quickly mother nature took over. All it takes is a couple of years of neglect for a house to get overrun and start falling apart. Entropy is a cruel mistress. Even things like highways and many buildings around here are starting to rubble due to lack of maintenance and it has only taken about 20 yrs for this to happen. So yeah, I am now a firm believer that 10000+ yrs would erase everything except the largest stone structures.

        1. Another factor is that even when such ruins exist, academics will go to extreme lengths not to believe what they don’t want to believe. The pyramids and the sphinx are perfect examples of this.

          Or all the ancient maps that show the world as it existed during the Ice Age, which people couldn’t possibly have known unless there was a civilization that could measure longitude in a way that we couldn’t until the 1880s, or see under the Antarctic ice as we couldn’t until the 1950s or so.

  8. Genetics is such a fascinating subject. The other day I was reading an article that proved diarrhea is hereditary. It runs in your genes.

  9. “welcome to orientation at Acceptably Nice
    Leafy Managerial University, Washanecticut Campus! a few important items before we get started: remember that for a little under half of you, your bodies are a threat! for the other half, your bodies are a prison. just a safety FYI!”

    “also the planet is dying, and it’s your fault; but you can’t fix it, it’s too late. we’ve got all sorts of great initiatives on campus here, from the free bike share to vegan Wednesdays at the cafeteria, so check that out! we’re all going to boil to death.”

  10. Hello. John writes “In Great Britain, virtually all of the poor people living 500 years ago died out due to economic selection, and the vast majority of folks are descended from the aristocracy.” Serious? Or am i missing the joke? Asking for my not to clever friend.
    Reminds me of when people say that “You know that things are getting bad when people
    are dying that have never died before”

    1. That’s a for-real quote. Study came out in the mid-00’s, and was pretty controversial. I’ll see if I can’t dig it up for a Monday post.

  11. >The GloboLeft believes that people are blank slates

    Well, yeah. Duh. Except for Germans. Germans will unfailingly turn into Nazis unless they are suppressed. That’s why they must be demonized and forced to pay “reparations” in perpetuum. And except for Russians. Because every Russian has in his heart a not-so-secret Cossack. Which is why Russians must be demonized.

    Come to think of it, and except for white people. Because white people are clearly genetically oppressive. But otherwise, yeah, humans are blank slates.

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