France, Hot Mimes, And The Fate Of The West

“We’re from France.” – The Coneheads

I friend at work quit to become a mime.  Haven’t heard from him since.

I’ve written about the Frankfurt School before, but when I did a search on the site it came up with two results.  One in July 2021 (LINK), and another in July 2022 (LINK).  So, since it’s July 2023, it must be time to write about the Frankfurt School again.

The reason I keep coming back to them is that the story of the Frankfurt School is the story of a small group of committed Marxists that created lot of what is wrong in the world.  It’s shocking, right, that a group dedicated to destroying everything good in a nation might be the wrong sorts of people to let in?

I’m becoming convinced that the Frankfurt School created a big part of what’s wrong in France.  And Great Britain.  And Sweden.  And the United States.  And, well, all of Western Civilization.

Save the bees.  Plant the trees.  Deport refugees.

YouTube® recently suggested (a two-year-old video – LINK) about the Frankfurt School that brought me some new information – members of the Frankfort School had been involved in the process of taking postwar Germany and breaking the will of the German people by using the propaganda of Collective Guilt.  It was a surprise to me to learn that many of the main members of the Frankfurt School (at least Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer) worked directly for the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA.  Thankfully, the CIA never engages in schemes that make James Bond villains look sane.


The fact that the OSS hired committed communists who were dedicated to the overthrow of the American Way of Life® can charitably be described as a “failure of background checks”, or less charitably be described as “the cure being worse than the disease”.

Collective Guilt really did a number on the Germans.  Over time and with repeated pressure, people who had done nothing wrong were made to feel guilt for things that they hadn’t done.  Over time, this made children who were born in Germany be ashamed of just being born German.  How bad is it?  Angela Merkel saw an aide holding a German flag after an election victory.  She took the flag from the aide and tossed it off camera.  Sure, Angie was raised in East Germany, but she certainly was aware that her voters wouldn’t have a problem with her hating Germany, since they hated it, too.

How do you get an art major to leave you alone?  Either pay for the pizza or give up the Sudetenland.

The Soviets took an entirely different approach in East Germany than the Frankfurt School did in West Germany:  “Be communist, take your steroids, don’t rock the boat, and we’re watching everything you do.”  Being German was okay, but being anything but a good communist was punishable by getting fewer potatoes for dinner.  The results of this?

The map above shows that in former East Germany, the AfD (Alternatives for Germany) party does very, very well,  The AfD platform includes crazy things like protecting sovereignty, Western identity, and that German culture is okay.  They’re against immigration, and don’t trust the EU.

Since the Germans have been so shamed, AfD, which has values that approximate the values of any functional nation, is continually investigated as an “extremist” group.

I’m certain the Frankfurt School was thrilled with the success of turning Germany into a nation that hates itself.  Why stop there, if your goal is to destroy Western Civilization and replace it with communism?  To a committed communist, every functioning Western nation that isn’t communist is fascist, and so why not target them with powerful psychological warfare?

In previous posts, I’ve covered the attempt to make the people in the United States feel Collective Guilt over slavery (gone nearly 180 years) with the 1619 Project™, a hate filled propaganda fest launched alongside the other efforts to destroy the United States.  All of them are from the same source – Black Lives Matter®, and illegal aliens are just part of the destabilization movement, attempts to create and exploit Collective Guilt.

How well has that worked on white people?  Unlike every healthy civilization, ever, white Lefties in the United States actually have the opposite of an in-group preference.  They actually like people from other groups rather than their own group.  Here’s a graph that shows why Leftists behave like they behave.  As I’ve said again and again, they hate themselves.

The same thing has happened to Great Britain.  They sent their ships around the world, and landed at desolate backwaters whose idea of high technology was a mud hut.  When the British left, they left roads, hospitals, and (at the time) functioning governments, and access to improvements that invariably increased the quality of life for billions.  For this, their Collective Guilt has been being called colonizers, and they’ve been made to feel shame if they don’t allow hordes of people who have no connection to Britain to come into their country and pull their statues down.

23% of the crew on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria were named Juan.  That’s nearly a three to Juan ratio.

France is much the same, with just different groups of aliens there.  The riots in France here in 2023 are about a serial criminal who got shot and died after doing the usual criminal stuff and endangering civilians.  The result is somewhat different than the George Floyd riots – the illegals (many of them are – France doesn’t have birthright citizenship) and “legal” rioters have guns, and have been using them, though to what extent is not clear.

France may very well be the end of the road for the Frankfurt School’s plans.  As the violence of the rioters makes a lie of the years of propaganda about the true nature of France and the true nature of the illegals, perhaps the conditioning will wear off.


Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

49 thoughts on “France, Hot Mimes, And The Fate Of The West”

  1. Lions instinctively politically organize themselves in prides, and wolves in packs. Humans instinctively politically organize in monkey troops, which is communism. No small group of semi-outsider humans invented communism; Darwinism invented communism a bazillion years ago. The claim that humans instinctively prefer individual liberty is complete fiction. Humans might prefer a fantasy that they are individually powerful, which is satisfied by a fantasy about individual liberty, but that’s not real. Remember Jack Nicholson’s speech from Easy Rider:

    George Hanson: They’re not scared of you. They’re scared of what you represent to ’em.
    Billy: Hey, man. All we represent to them, man, is somebody who needs a haircut.
    George Hanson: Oh, no. What you represent to them is freedom.
    Billy: What the hell is wrong with freedom? That’s what it’s all about.
    George Hanson: Oh, yeah, that’s right. That’s what’s it’s all about, all right. But talkin’ about it and bein’ it, that’s two different thangs. I mean, it’s real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace. Of course, don’t ever tell anybody that they’re not free, ’cause then they’re gonna get real busy killin’ and maimin’ to prove to you that they are. Oh, yeah, they’re gonna talk to you, and talk to you, and talk to you about individual freedom. But they see a free individual, it’s gonna scare ’em.


    1. Interesting quote, though I think that the “freedom” the 1960s Leftist was put there by the Frankfurt School.

    2. ‘Since femaleness suffuses the created world, the pure male is cast out. He has no right to life’ – – Hurricane Camille Paglia

      That is the truth about this planet. Anybody doesn’t think so, ask Christ, the apostles, or the prophets. We lie amidst a grand lie.

  2. Esau’s descendants in France are doing what they do best. You get what you vote for.

    1. I fear you are too optimistic. At this point, the French Elites will NEVER permit the average Frenchman to have any say in what his country has become.

    2. Esau’s descendants…that’s a good one. I’ve looked for links between the Idumeans and the Khazars. I’ve not found any definitive link though. Doesn’t mean it’s not true though. Just unverified.
      While my savior is a Jew, (and the Creator and God Almighty…and coming back some day to open a can), I am no zionist. Israel will be the head nation someday though. But what’s going on over there right now…God isn’t in in. And I too doubt many of them genetically are Jacob’s descendants.
      And since I recognize the dispensational (oikonomia) nature of how God deals with mankind in different ways during different periods of time, I don’t get too worked up about what’s coming. But it’s not good. But I’m not going to be here for the fireworks show.

      With that said, here is another queer little group I’d never heard of before.

      Somehow I backdoored into that group when looking up Salinger, then I saw Church, then Rockefeller. Strange times we live in…

  3. Those without a sense of history will believe the riots in France are spontaneous. The truth is the seeds were planted long ago. The same people are seeking the same thing in the U.S. and They all have something in common….

    1. Would that be Jews? Does bringing in swarms of Jew haters into a place they live make any sense? Or do they not have to live someplace?

      For ruling the world it seems like their little island has some problems. One has to be aware that Satan and muslims hate Jews, join the crowd.

  4. A lot of them will be French citizens. “If one parent is French citizen or born in France. Or upon 18th birthday if you’ve lived in France at least 5 years since age 11.”

    1. Simon, yup, looked it up. They need to have a trebuchet ready for a lot of 17 year olds.

  5. How it started for Germany in 2015:

    How it’s going for Germany in 2023:

    Never forget this huge refugee crisis in Europe is due to American intervention abroad, starting with W and his neocons knocking over Iraq to go after the WMDs, er, oil; continuing with O going after Syria to fight ISIS, er, prevent an oil pipeline to the Med from Iran; and Joe pivoting from Afghanistan to Ukraine because that’s where the payoffs, er, Russian cannon fodder is.

    Wasn’t there a US President in there someplace that had some crazy immigrant policy that involved a wall or something?

    1. The Europeans, and the Americans, could have said, “no”. But yeah, the meddling in the Middle East has been a net negative. I’d much rather have Iran and Iraq fighting than us fighting any of them.

  6. John – – When I was stationed in West Germany during my Army daze, I went by the Frankfurter School.

    It was packed with weenies…

    1. Agreed! I always thought that the Frankfurt School was like Hamburger U, being a place where you learned to prepare hot dogs.

  7. My dad brought back the papers and other effects from a German soldier he killed in the Normandy hedgerows. (The German got the first shot, but hit the stock of the rifle my Dad was holding. I think the papers were totemic for my dad.) Decades later (’80s), it occurred to me that the soldier’s family might appreciate having the memorabilia, so I contacted the German government to see if they could help me get them to the family members. They politely but stiffly informed me that such things were not done — nor were they even discussed in German society. I guess the poor guy’s family got slipped the old frankfurter by their government. Again.

  8. Those a part of the Frankfurt School may share some other similarities, like genetics. Might share them with a large portion of the biden cabinet, and the ADL, and other beloved groups.
    As for the shit in france, I anticipate it growing worse for White french if they don’t do something soon, and not just about the invaders but the cops who have been teargassing them for even thinking of getting together to protect their neighborhoods. There are vids of whites being gassed for that in the last couple of days as well as vids of nonwhites being the violent animals they are.
    The actual french have multiple enemies in this.

    1. White French?

      That you would use such a term signifies that the Frankfurt school have already won in your head.

      1. The others, the french govt. claims are french citizens. They are not french and never will be.

  9. Anyway, enjoy your holiday tomorrow. Thought it was better to send you good wishes today where you might read them.

    1. Thank you! I hope all is well with you. I almost used epicaricy in the next post, but didn’t.

  10. Max Horkheimer came up with the term Nazi as a slur, he was a Frankfurter.
    The former OSS Criminals In Action didn’t fail any background checks they are in on al of it.
    Just look at how soft weak and susceptible to childish propaganda Western man is, the demoralization is complete.
    Der Adolf’s paintings aren’t that bad, I have some as desktop and don’t say a word when people say…that is a nice artwork.
    Vienna was a zone of small hats with the precursor to Weimar decadence and Herr Wolf was a White Guy with no chance of admission to the art or architecture school.

    1. That’s the scary part – that the OSS (later the CIA) was infested by people who hate the United States.

  11. The Frankfurt School (1923 – hell) came along late in the NWO proceedings. The British Royal Society (founded 1660) initiated the modern Techno-Globalist Order.

    The Royal Society very consciously put Francis Bacon’s (‘The New Atlantis’) ideas into scientific and globalist practice. Bacon was a leading Rosicrucian. One author notes —

    ‘Established in 1660 the Royal Society sought to realise Bacon’s vision of experimental science as a collective activity undertaken for the good of the state.’

    Folks in the Royal Society eventually came to CALL THEMSELVES ‘illuminists’ (wasn’t ‘conspiracy theorists’), as they were convinced that they had the correct blueprint for the future world.

    A Society not for the praising of God, but for the Good of the STATE . . . and back then the Royal Society techno-lords WERE the State. Just like those dweebs Gates and Bezos.

    Not that the British Royal Society was the genesis of the luciferian/tech takeover. That soup has been cooking for thousands of years, and the BRS was just another vector and booster.

    1. I really hate the “men with a plan” – I think you’re on target with Gates, not sure that Bezos is interested in this much.

      1. BTW the BRS did not consist of (((small hatted))) people but of Germanic and Anglo stock.

        Sigh. Everybody’s a teddie beale clone now.

        1. Didn’t see that. Probably the same as the others – rules for him, rules for you and I.

  12. “perhaps the conditioning will wear off”

    Or maybe not. After all, Salvation comes from the Frankfurt School.

  13. While in rehab, in a small town in Germany, the AfD’s party program was being handed out. Boredom, curiousity, I read it carefully. I can’t disagree with any of their ideas. It can be read, in English, under, “AfD Manifesto for Germany”.

  14. Little blonde chick with the #LoveRefugees poster says it all. Big, bleeding hearts, mostly female, who fall for sob stories told of poor, disadvantaged ‘dreamers’ who only want a chance for a better life. They nag, berate, bully and shame those who should know better into opening Pandora’s box. Next thing you know, Notre Dame is on fire, Minneapolis becomes Mogadishu and we have grooming gangs operating out in the open in the heart of what was once the mightiest empire on the planet.

    Life ain’t a Hallmark special, honey. And now that they are here, it will be hell’s own fix getting them back out.

    Didn’t the bible contain some cautionary tale along these lines? Something about a beautiful garden and an apple?

    1. Same problem’s gonna recur until men grow some gonies and fix it. God will not wave His hand and make female rebellion and male simpness disappear from the world.

      Far as New Amerika goes, I’d throw out the women and keep the men, including the sons of Ham and Canaan. At least you’ve got a chance with them.

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