Heard It On The X

“Calm down! Hey, look, I read on Twitter that a super-villain’s gonna bomb this loser meet and greet.  So I’m here to save the day, like I do, all the time.” – Movie 43

Before I got Twitter®, I’d just yell what I was thinking on the street.  I did get three followers, but I think two were FBI agents.

Back in the day (a long time ago) a gentleman who was somewhat of a charlatan who used to (I’m not making this up) use goat, um, tissue, surgically inserted in to a man’s, um, location in order to increase sexual potency and fertility.  Even in the 1920s this sounded bonkers.  He lost his FCC® license and decided to build a million Watt transmitter in Mexico to irradiate the United States with his sales-focused radio program.  It was said that you could hear his station in Canada.

These stations operated into the 1980s, and I do recall being able to hear one of them, X-Rock 80 up on Wilder Mountain, at night.  A million Watts is a lot of radio, but it was down to 150,000 by that time (if they weren’t cheating, which they probably were – Mexico, right?).  Since these were in Mexico, they all (there were more than one) had the X prefix.  Thus, ZZ Top’s song, Heard It on the X.

We have a new X in town, now.  Elon Musk is quite colorful, and while I haven’t heard of him thinking about transplanting goat testicle, he has talked about putting electrodes into human brains.

So, there’s that.

Elon drives the Left nuts.  Again, I know Elon is on Elon’s side, but he’s just so amusing to watch.  He makes every Leftist love him by making electric cars, makes every NASA employee envious by making way better rockets than they ever could, along with other things.

The thing that brought the Left to hating him, though, was purchasing Twitter®.  The Leftists had claimed Twitter™ as their own.  It was their property.  Twitter© went from being the Free Speech Wing of the Free Speech Party to being just another, curated Leftist echo chamber.  If there was a story they didn’t like, they could make sure that no one ever heard of it.

When Twitter® had Trump Derangement Syndrome.

My account was detuned to the point where my traffic (I got on Twitter, in part, to advertise this blog) dwindled down to nothing because anyone with a non-Leftist take was either throttled or banned regardless if they broke Twitter’s® rules or not.

When Musk bought it, all bets were off.  In response, the Left (and one of the Left’s biggest mouthpieces, the ADL®) did whatever they could to get advertisers off of Twitter™.

Competing platforms showed up.

  • Truth©, which had greater censorship than Twitter®;
  • Mastodon©, which was so boring that I fell asleep thinking about it;
  • SocialGalactic®, which is behind a paywall;
  • My Fridge, because it has magnets;
  • Gab™, which I’m on but don’t use particularly effectively;
  • and Facebook’s© Threads™ which had every Lefty on X™ claiming that they were going to leave, before slinking back to X© three weeks later.

So, a year and change has passed.

What’s happened?

First, Elon bought Twitter™ for $44 billion, but I don’t think he could sell it for anywhere near that number, though it’s certain that’s not his plan.  Musk has talked about lots of different things he’s planning for X©, which includes a lot – he calls it an “everything” app.  So, music, entertainment, banking, inserting wires in your head so you don’t need a psychologist?  Possibly.

It is certain that X© shadow banning is now less, though months after he bought Twitter©, Musk announced that he had found more bans in the software – aimed at moderating Musk’s reach.

The Left has proven to be very “foot-stampy” with Media Matters®, a far-Left organization, going after Musk by, it is alleged, continually refreshing until they had ads for IBM® next to content that IBM™ would find objectionable, especially since they’d sold a lot of equipment to the Germans in the 1930s.  Guess they didn’t want to be associated with certain clients?

Cycle something long enough, and you can create a hit piece.

Anyway, the Left is really after Musk, but it appears that they can’t really do anything to him.  It looks like Musk completely doesn’t care.

I don’t know what total user numbers are doing for Elon, but I think he’s fine.  I think his vision may take years to put together, and he probably has the time to do it.

Regardless, it’s back to being fun on X®.  I’ll have to admit, it does make me smile when I post a meme and get a rabid response from (this weekend) dozens and dozens of Lefties, and then get to live rent-free in their heads for the weekend while they seethe about what I said.  My offense?  This Xeet®:

This actually flew over the heads of several Leftists. 

When they got lippy?  My response:

The funniest thing was that some of them didn’t get it.  Explains a lot.

Where we are now is better than a year ago – there’s an actual location where anyone can go out and trigger all the Lefties they want in a free-range situation fully compliant with vegan standards.

Does it make the world a better place?  Possibly not.  But it’s always nice to be able to send out a message over a million Watts of broadcast power, regardless if goat testicles are involved or not.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

27 thoughts on “Heard It On The X”

    1. Oh, no. I’d been blocked for a while. To be fair, I probably deserved it. I’ve trolled him more than once.

  1. It looks like you’re in the zoo, poking at the squirrel monkeys with a stick, and enjoying their reaction, except squirrel monkeys are more civilized than too many of the progressives. That, and they can only crap in their own cage.


  2. On twatter for entertainment purposes only but in the last 12 months it’s gone to shit. Rarely on there now waiting for a good idea that will get me booted.

    1. I got permanently suspended (account turned into a seriously throttled ‘read only’ account) by suggesting that perhaps the best and highest use of a pedophile is to fertilize my back 40. (not exactly, but that was the gist of it…).

      1. Nope. It was all my own. But, since I consider that kind of harming children to be a capital offense (regardless of what the court system says), my phrasing was probably perceived as a bit ‘harsh’. 😉

  3. John, I have never really been a Twitter/X follower, but the reaction that Elon has provoked has demonstrated that in point of fact he is directly over the target (to your point, Elon is there for Elon, not for any one side).

    Wow. Blocked by Harry Turtledove? You have arrived.

  4. “The funniest thing is that some of them didn’t get it…”

    That’s the norm for “them”. Trying really hard to think of a leftie that has a sense of humor. But, an article Sweetie sent me today was purty funny. An educated idiot suggested that eliminating garnishes on mixed drinks would help stop Climate Change. No, it wasn’t from “The Babylon Bee”.

    1. The most amazing thing I heard yesterday was a college professor of “religion, science, and ethics” exulting over the fact that The Pope is about to take ACTION against climate change. How? He’s going to the COP conference in Dubai. (The climate impact of the mode of travel to be employed by His Holiness and His Holy Entourage was not discussed. In fact, they didn’t explain how he was going to get there at all. Charter flight, or His Holy-owned Gulfstream?)
      If the Pope wanted to make an impact on climate change, he’d encourage Catholics use birth control of any sort, to reduce the population of climate changers. The Ideal Catholic Family would have one or two children, not six or eight.

  5. Good on you for getting blocked by Turduldove. That guy is a psycho. Great alternate history writer, though.
    I wanted Brin to be one of my favorites, too, but instead of writing, he lectures about leftists causes. Check out ‘The Practice Effect’ if you like SF but find science too difficult.

    1. Hey, I can count on one hand fantasies using the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

      It’s good value.

  6. I prefer tormenting the ‘conservatives’ at Breitbart and Gateway Pundit. Figger conversion/persuasion percentages run much higher than tormenting Lefties. Not that tormenting Lefties isn’t good. It is good.

    The ‘conservatives’ are stubborn of course and desperately cucked. GP dood has some fine reportage, but daaayum whatta simp and closet fembot. Like most of ’em. Hard for God to look at. Anyway, I’ve found if I insult their manhood consistently enough over the years, some can be budged.

    Movin’ movin’ movin’
    tho they’re disapprovin’
    keep them doggies movin’

    Don’t try to understand ’em
    just rope and throw and brand ’em
    soon we’ll be living high and wide

    My favorite part is the branding. :O)

    1. My favorite is when they get to the part where the normicon instincts are pushed and they can’t accept it. Good times.

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