Maybe It’s . . . Evil?

“But I just changed my lifetime tune about thirty minutes ago, ‘cause I know that whatever is out there tryin’ to get in is pure Evil straight from Hell.  And if there is a Hell, and those sons of bitches are from it, then there has go to be a heaven, Jacob, there’s gotta be.” – From Dusk ‘til Dawn

My friend gets offended when I tell her fat jokes.  I told her, “Lighten up.”  (Most memes are “as-found”)

I’ve been having a bit of question in my mind about what we’re seeing going on in the world today.  I’ve written quite a bit about the physical trends in the world today, with energy being the number one roadblock I see into the physical future since the complexity of the world’s economy is based on cheap energy for manufacture, transport, and use of goods in our “modern” society.  That might explain why people on unicycles are always so energetic compared to me on my regular bicycle.  I’m two tired.

The second big challenge I see is the virtual world.  By virtual, I include not only cyber-dependence, A.I., but also cash.  Our current economic system uses an entirely made-up set of markers called “dollars” to buy and sell things.  What’s a dollar?  Once upon a time, it was some fraction of an ounce of gold.  Now, a dollar is worth whatever someone will give you for it.  As Biden has adopted the Binge Bucks Better strategy to try to get votes (I mean, besides the ones they print up) the deficit has reached a record.

Hmm, if Brandon is so awesome, why is no one wearing a “Build Back Better” hat?

All this spending?  There’s no end in sight.  So, this is a world that is having its own set of challenges in both the physical and virtual realm.

The third and (in my opinion) most important one is the spiritual realm.

Let me digress a bit – I think it will make sense in the end, but I haven’t written the end yet, so it could just end up with all of the coherence of Kamala Harris talking about quantum mechanics.  Nah, nothing could be that bad.

I was half asleep recently (hypnogogic, to be technical).  I often get a “clearing of the mind” when in that state, when issues that have been perplexing me sort themselves out.  It’s like my mind is running a program in the background, but when I’m half asleep, all the pieces come together.

What was this puzzle?

Let’s talk about the pieces, first:

No one, literally even the GloboLeftists in the Deep Blue cities wants the massive hordes of illegals streaming across the borders.  No one.  It’s so bad that Biden is even attempting to blame the Republicans for not letting him close the border.

Yeah, pull the other one, Joe, and a bell will ring.

Biden 2024!  20 years for Joe, 24 for Hunter.

This is destroying the country.  Quickly.  Why are housing prices going up?  Because we’re not building new houses because no one can afford them but yet we’ve brought in OVER 12 MILLION ILLEGALS in just three years.  If Putin could have gotten that many Russians into the Ukraine, he could have taken it without a shot.


I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon® today.  I’ll let you know.

Ever wonder if Tyson® was a company designed to import illegal aliens so they could make cheap food so people would have heart problems requiring heroic intervention to keep the medical system going?

The second datapoint is the weird fixation of the GloboLeft on literally every freak sexuality that could possibly exist.  Sexually aroused by toasters?  Yeah, I know that naughty bagel-sized girl is a tease, but toaster fixation is . . . deranged.  The current poster child for adding deranged sexuality to avoidance of reality is the transexual movement.

The public has, at every opportunity, rejected this.  Yet, Joseph Robinette Biden decided to issue a proclamation that Easter should be known as Transexual Visibility Day.  To be clear, most of the time that transexuals are visible is because they’ve snapped and tried to kill a dozen people or were engaged in really awful things with children or were parading their female penis inside a woman’s dressing room.  I have seen zero positive things in the news about trans people.  Ever.  Each time it’s some new horror story that would have led all of our ancestors look for kindling so they could have a burning at the stake.

Yet, we have a presidential proclamation on the single holiest day of Christianity promoting this abomination.

This is the Cartoon Network®.  Trust them with the minds of your kid?

I could keep going.  In general, there appears to be a concerted effort put forth to break down and eliminate the impact of Christianity as the basic underlying moral virtue of the West in general, including the United States.

The fall of Christianity in the United States (and the West) will have several big, negative impacts.  The concepts that there is centrality of the family, the idea that life has an ultimate purpose, and the belief that all humans can be one in Christ have shaped the world.  Christianity has been the central, governing moral vision at the heart of the West.

As Christianity declines, there is a risk of losing the moral foundation it provided. The decline Christianity in society accompanied by various societal issues, including divorce, cohabitation, drug abuse, abortion, homosexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness, and suicide.  People are born to be religious because it gives them stability and direction.

Yet, there has been a concerted war on Christianity for years, even though it makes society observably better, and observably more stable.

San Francisco is so woke, that even the homeless vaccinate themselves!

If I were an oligarch, all of these changes would be negative for me.  I’d be an oligarch over a less stable society, that produced less wealth for me to leach off of, and, in every measurable way, including the amount of power I could have, I would be worse off.

There is the first answer:  because they’re just sick inside, and want to watch it all burn.  Someone like George Soros may very well be like that – if you look into his eyes it’s not like you’re looking at something healthy and good.  Maybe he just wants to burn it all down because he can.  Because his heart is filled with hate.

That’s a simple answer.  It might even be right.

This is a math teacher, so you can tell she’s plotting something.

The other answer is more profound:  the GloboLeftistElite might just be . . . Evil.  Capital E.  It’s a solution that the modern mind wants to find an alternative to.  It wants to look to cultural factors, or mental illness, or poor parenting.

Oddly, the idea that these people really are Evil is perhaps (to me) more comforting.  Just like William Peter Blatty felt about his book, The Exorcist, that it was a profoundly Christian book, and uplifting, since the end showed that it wasn’t Evil that won, it was God.

Watch this, and tell me that Evil isn’t at work.

We face amazing challenges in the near future – physical, virtual, and spiritual.  I’d prepare for all three.

But that’s just me.

Next up?  Kamala Harris explains the General Theory of Relativity using a banana and two meatballs as props.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

67 thoughts on “Maybe It’s . . . Evil?”

      1. Mankind will be ruled by GOD or ruled by Tyrants,there in no other choice……

  1. Does Moore’s law also apply to tattoos? I’ve noticed that the number of tattoos on most of my kid’s friends seems to double roughly every 1 to 2 years.

  2. Oddly enough the main driver that is breaking down the impact of Christianity in the West is not fruitcakes dressing up like women but the utter surrender by the clerical class to the shifts in culture. Why would the average dude want to go sit in an uncomfortable pew for an hour or two, singing sappy songs and listening to some effeminate twat wax poetic?

    1. The Leftist Fenians infiltrated the monasteries and took over the seminaries in the late 1800s. This worked so well, the Frankfurt School used it as a model for establishing the rot in the university system, as a stepping stone to destroying the public with education.

      1. Seminex did not purge them all, and the ones who go to the conquered seminaries in. Heidelberg are often lost. Cincordia is embattked again. But Fort Wayne Seminary us still sound. Please pray for them.

    2. the clerical class is not Christianity, and being in church makes one no more a Christian than being in a garage makes one a car.

      1. The educational class is not education, and being in school makes one no more educated than being in a garage makes one a car. But it’s where we send our children to learn 180 days a year.

    3. Largely because said effeminate twat does not have the fire of the Holy Spirit within him and does not live a God centered life. So his preaching has no power. Worse are the “churches” that allow gay and lesbian “pastors”. The fires of hell surely burn within them.

    4. There is a smiling gentle Jesus, but there’s also one that used a whip to drive out moneychangers.

        1. Beglander, where have you been? New phone number, or gone “Galt?”
          VoorTrekker. CA also tried to call you.

  3. Always had some hope that things could be resolved peacefully. Now, no more. When the Dow goes retrograde and unleaded hits $10/gallon, TSHTF big time.

    What’s sicko about that scenario is that TPTB want it to happen. It’s part of their morbid plan. And Satan’s.

    1. Which is why they’ll be far more ready for it than we will. Which is why wishing for full collapse is foolish. If we don’t have a base of a few states, we simply aren’t going to last through this.

      1. zorost –

        We’ll have the Southeast at a minimum. GA outside of Fulton County is hard red, except for some of Savannah. The same applies to NC – do you realize that the Rs have a veto proof majority in both houses? 43 yrs. there until 2019.

        Blacks are deserting MS in droves – 10%+ annually (grew up there). SC (my place now), FL, TN, AL, LA, AR & TX are fine. Consider IL, IN, OH outside of the Metros. Same goes for VA, MD, PA. And who wants to invade WV? The Plains States will follow. The Russkies might nuke most of the Dakota Silos though.

        We would hava an agricultrial bsed currency. If AZ, NM & NV follow, lotsa PMs. The CEO of Freeport-McMoran is a Miss. State Grad, Richard Adkerson.

        1. Speaking of Russia nuking the US…turns out that Putin could nuke the US State of Hawaii without triggering a NATO Article 5 response….

          …so Putin could fire nuclear-tipped Zircon missiles at the uninhabited American soil of Kahoolawe, a WW2 bombing practice island seven miles offshore of Maui…

          …as a final warning to back off from putting NATO troops in Ukraine, and drone bombing Russian oil refineries, and shooting up civilians in Russian shopping malls via black ops.

          And if you think this is some ridiculous “Tom Clancy” scenario, who told CNN and Newsweek to plant this thought in the American public’s mind, and why?

          WW3 draws ever closer…

          1. Closer….we are in it and the only one who doesn’t know it is us.

        2. Georgia and 50 other cities will be desolate ghost towns a year after the collapse.
          Cannibalism is not a permanent solution to zero food coming into a city.
          The trick is to survive that first year (or two).
          Cannibalism always peters out when a new sustainment capacity is reached.
          90% is a good working fraction.

          1. Z- We still have a condo in Charleston but bought out at the end of the world on small acreage. It’s our Zombie Apocalypse redoubt.

        3. “the Rs have a veto proof majority in both houses?”

          So? Rs are just the Ds from 10 years ago. When I say ‘we’ I don’t mean the other side of the uniparty. Things may split apart, very likely in fact, but it won’t be /our/ people in charge anywhere, as things stand now. It will just be different factions of the uniparty fighting each other, with us peasants as the cannon fodder.

  4. John, apparently our hypnogogic states share a single brain, because today’s post was on a similar vein as well.
    It really could be evil. On the other hand, it really just could be human nature, which on the whole tends to the lowest common denominator. People have demonstrated time and time again over the centuries that they will actively act against their own best interest in the pursuit of cardinal sin sorts of things, especially anything that expands their own power and ability to gratify themselves.
    Christian history is certainly gripped by the flaws of the Christians that lived in it. But let us not pretend that somehow pre and non-Christian societies were somehow better.
    History also demonstrates that most of the people that get a civilization to this point do not survive under the new regime. Having accomplished their purpose, they are simply sloughed off.

  5. Peons can’t be allowed prosperity. If they achieve it, then those in power will find their heirs won’t be so thrilled by inbreeding, and boring opulence, if wealth has less meaning.

  6. It’s being reported by White House reporters that Biden himself has denied that he declared TDOR.

    Along the line of logic that if there’s evil creatures from hell then there’s gotta be a heaven, here’s the scoop on tying together two topics of interest this week : Easter and solar eclipses. The Gospels say there was an eclipse (or at least a sky darkening) during the Crucifixion….

    …and whaddayknow, annular solar eclipses of the Sun did indeed occur over Golgotha in both 33 and 34 AD…

    1. “annular solar eclipses of the Sun did indeed occur over Golgotha in both 33 and 34 AD…”

      In September of both those years, and a totality in November of 0029, if I’m reading those plates correctly. Not a good match. (Passover shifts around, but it’s always in the spring.) There’s just the edge of one in April 0032 though.

  7. (Even) as a life-long Christian, I have a hard time seeing “traditional family values” in the Christian gospels. Jesus never married, and called his disciples to leave their parents and siblings behind (and not start families of their own). Of course, we still have heartwarming stories from the Old Testament, about “Eve being made for Adam”, “honoring your mother and father”, “cheating your brother out of your father’s blessing”, and “feeling bad about stealing another man’s wife for your own pleasure (and getting him killed in battle to avoid awkwardness around the dinner table at holidays)”. But, a lot has changed since those days.

    1. For some reason, this keeps being auto-moderated. I think my response will make it stay.

      We do have issues, but that’s what redemption is for . . .

  8. I look at it as God wanting an outcome, rather than being process-oriented. In Jesus’ time, perhaps things were so evil that trying to create a normal family would simply continue the evil. Instead Jesus tried to create the situation that would allow for trad family values to once again be able to flourish.

    1. Jesus needed a few men dedicated to spreading the Word above all else. They needed to be fearless and resolute. A man with a family to care and provide for cannot act in such a manner.

      1. Consider the Holy Family

        Consider His words in the cross “Mother, behold thy Son”

        Consider how the children loved him, and how the Centurian’s daughter was brought back from the dead.

        Consider how men, like Frodo, are called to great and terrible adventures so that the Sam Gamgees of this world can raise their families.

        Guys, you’ve got this. And He has your back.

        Jesus Christ is risen!

  9. Video> She gets more attention this way, doesn’t she? Go ahead and give her more clicks, it encourages her.

  10. it’s about redemption, and God loving people even in their fallen state. Not incidents.

  11. As Counrty Joe said woooppee we’re all gonna die, probably the only true thing he ever muttered, however what you believe has an eternal up or downside. Roll them dice !

  12. The Bolsheviks were evil. Mao and his gang were evil. The mad dogs in Cambodia were evil. The Stasi were evil.

    This lot are also evil. They hate us and they want us dead. The simplest explanations are usually the best.

  13. The drinking meme at front makes me think of my favorite saying: Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.

    1. Brilliant observations, even above your normal excellence.
      I have thought this about Soros and his ilk for many years.
      They not only want to see it all burn down, they want CREDIT.
      They want their faces on the Immortal Mount Rushmore of Evil.

  14. Since Europe has an eight year head start on invasion sponsored by the globalists, let’s look at what is happening there today: there are several Muslim majority cities in France today, including the 4th largest, the port city of Marseille. There are no-go zones where native French are only allowed to live if they submit to dijinn status.
    Like you, I thought for some time that what is taking place around us was because of equal parts stupidity and evil. Now it is apparent that we are in the aggressive presence of Evil. Deus Vindice.

  15. We now have several states with laws that make reciting many Bible verses or stating: “Christ is King” illegal. This ultimately ends with Christianity being banned. Note it is the so called “conservative” states with these laws. The United States, much of Europe and Israel are no longer civilized societies.

    Plan accordingly.

  16. re — CHARLIE’S ANGELS 2019
    I like the Woman Of Capitalization with the toothpick arms.
    Strong and independent, all in one non-slumpotomus package!
    An aside:
    Apparently, I can overlook the part about ‘she needs help to open a jar of capabilities’.

  17. The Lord built His Kingdom on and through His perfect Son, Jesus. And that work is finished in the spiritual universe, while still working it’s way out in the physical universe.

    Satan builds his kingdom on, and through, fallen men. Secret societies are not conspiracy theory, but fact. They are the vessels that pass off the building of the satanicglobalguv’ment inter-generationally. These societies birth and nurture the nation’s movers and shakers and the oligarch class itself.

    It is spiritual. It IS Evil. It is evil because it is Satanic. They are rebuilding Babylon, and are out of necessity destroying civilization, to build the Antichrist system on it’s ashes.

    And they will have a fair level of success as is explained in Daniel and Revelation. They will not, however, obtain their desired hell on earth (as depicted by the toes of iron mixed with clay in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision).

    Keep your chins up. The Lord told us this would all happen, and it means Jesus is returning soon. And I’ve read the end of the Book – we win!!

  18. Someone stole my stove today. I called the cops, and two of them showed up at my house. They both said I was deranged.

    It takes more than toaster fixation to get there.

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