Civil War 2.0: A New Hope And The End Of Biden?

“I give hope to men.” – The Lord of the Rings:  The Return of the King

“Hope to see you soon!” isn’t what I want to hear from my doctor.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume V, Issue 4

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – A Sign of Spring – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – The Fall of the House of Biden – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 810 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

A Sign of Spring 

A recent survey came out from the University of Michigan, which did a survey of high school seniors.  The result didn’t particularly surprise me:  high school boys aren’t a little more “conservative” – they’re a lot more to the Right.  It has declined a bit since the high point in 2020, but there was no corresponding uptick in the boys turning Leftie.  High school boys are nearly 2 to 1 on the Right.

It doesn’t surprise me.  Part of the war of the Left has been a war on manhood, and you can see the increase in feelings on the Right corresponded well with politicians, the media, and companies like Gillette® telling young men that they’re awful, trying to convince them to emasculate themselves, and flat out trying to tell them that they’re really girls deep down inside.

This has sparked a backlash, and the Leftists will probably have lost an entire generation of young men.  As an example, a bunch of Leftist researchers from Oregon State tried to get engineering and computer science students to take a survey about Leftist gender gobbledygook.  The (primarily male) STEM students roasted the survey so hard that several of the transgender researchers were made even more mentally unstable having to read the responses that conflicted with their carefully created safe-space of ideas.

Of course, the response to the survey was that there needed to be more “reeducation” for the young men.  That will, of course, just push all of them farther Right.

I will note that girls in high school (who have been Lefties since probably forever) did spike upward with the Supreme Court abortion ruling to their highest level, ever.  I’m not particularly worried about this, because I think most of the high-quality men will be on the Right, and, well nature will take its course.

And bad times?  Bad times bring out the Right in people.  And, those are certainly not here, but they are coming.

Violence and Censorship Update

We’ve had much more violence than censorship lately, so let’s start off with the Mayor of Chicago (who sadly beat the meme-worthy Mayor Beetlejuice) has determined the reason that violence in Chicago is so bad.  Thieves?  Criminals?  No, continuing the logic of the Left, the causes for violence are inanimate objects, like cars, guns, houses with glass that’s too fragile, and people who look like they might have more the $5.

In Stockton California, two 7-Eleven® beat the everloving snot out of a thief who felt that he could take his time while stealing thousands of dollars of cigarettes.  The bigger crime is that the clerks who defended justice in such a wonderful and amusing way were vilified by the California press.  Wonder why there’s crime?  This is why there’s crime.  The Stockton police say the Sikh men who beat on the criminal won’t be charged.  I won’t make this into some sort of Sikh joke.

Antifa members walked after a Leftie jury found them not liable at a civil trial.  The Left can and will continue to be violent as long as there are no repercussions of note, and it is certainly not in the interests of the Left, who hold the reins of power in cities like Portland, to stop them.

Part of our language is having a variety of words for things.  Part of the very worst, most Orwellian type of censorship is removing those words and changing their meaning.  Case in point, the word, “Woman”.  It has existed in every language, ever.  Yet now, we have woke CEOs who now try to police the language of people who aren’t even a real percentage of their actual customers.  Harry’s Razors® will probably not be the new Bud Light®, but you can see it from here.

Ignoring this, of course, will have the real, simple words that have been in our language AS LONG AS WE HAVE BEEN HUMAN eradicated or shifted in meaning to the point of uselessness.  Thus, this attack is censorship.  Just ask Trish:

Lastly, I’m sure Mr. Musk will be in for trouble as he points out one of the biggest advocates for censorship on the Internet:

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again.  I have no idea why that would be, with leadership as smart as this (note, Lathechuck corrected that Harris (probably) never said this, but she’s said so much other stupid crap I didn’t fact check this one):

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is up, slightly – I was expecting more during a long, hot summer.  I’m guessing that people don’t even notice it anymore.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it was nearly dead flat.  Biden is unravelling, so this may increase a bit.


Economic numbers are swinging back down again this month, but I expect October will be a bit more interesting after earnings reports.

Illegal Aliens:

The border numbers are up only slightly, and I think that (shockingly) the government may just be lying or that the Border Patrol is being told to leave the illegals alone.  Why would I think that?

And the result is that anyone trying to do anything to stem the unrelenting tide is called out.

The Fall of the House of Biden

Okay, maybe that title is a bit too much, but we’re deep into election season and there’s no real sense that Biden is doing anything or will do anything.  The first hint is that Kamala is nowhere to be seen, but, then again, that might be part of the campaign because, well, she’s Kamala.

All sorts of other bad news are coming out now for Biden.  There is yet more information showing up that would indicate that the vote was, at the very least, suspect in the only places that were required for him to steal the election.  I think this is intentional, and I think it’s because the Left wants Biden out.  Why?  He’s a horrible, horrible liability every time he opens his mouth.

The playbook for the 2024 election is starting to show.  They’ve also let slip that the prosecution of Trump is entirely political.  The rumor is, and I stress rumor, is that the prosecution of Trump is being done in coordination with the Biden White House.  It certainly fits the setup to prosecute Trump, but also bring Sleepy Joe down, too.  His bizarre behavior certainly hasn’t helped:

I mean, really, who would let their child anywhere near a Biden?

But I’m sure the other candidates aren’t fake at all:


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys

Good Guys

One Guy

Body Count

Vote Count

Civil War–assassination–election-lies-with-tucker-carlson-on-debate-night

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

32 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0: A New Hope And The End Of Biden?”

  1. Young men are more “right-wing” than in the past but I also see far too many of them single and determined to stay that way. What is the point of being based and trad if you are living alone in a crappy apartment with no family?

    1. Arthur, while I tend to agree, what’s the point of enslaving yourself with the many phonies and man-eating traps out there?

      I’m happily married, been so for decades. No alimony nor child support payments do I owe. Mainly because my Uncle that raised me taught me harshly about “Party Girls” and such. I had a lot less “Fun” than most but while some had dozens of dixie cups in their lives I have a Chrystal chalet. It’s not all sunshine and laughter but we work it well.

      Work that thing that creates “Luck”.

      Back to “End of Biden” SO WHAT? It’s not that meat puppet that matters. It’s the SYSTEM that created the meat puppet.

      Techo-tyranny with a side order of pure bored sadist leadership. THAT’S What’s for Dinner (aka shit sandwich with a stomping boot on your face for dessert)

      In an article titled “Techno-tyranny: How the US national security state is using coronavirus to fulfil an Orwellian vision,” she wrote: Last year, a government commission called for the US to adopt an AI-driven mass surveillance system far beyond that used in any other country in order to ensure American hegemony in artificial intelligence …

      The savage truth is electronics make it possible, electricity makes most of our lives possible. If you doubt it please turn OFF your main breaker switch, and lock away your credit cards and such. SEE how that affects you in the coming weeks as you don’t get food (unless from your own garden and such) water, unless you have your own well pump and gasoline, etc, etc, etc.

      You cannot shoot your way out of lack of safe water. I have a table over there with a coffee pot for those who really want to discuss that fact.

      Population USA today 335 million plus

      Population 1860 when electricity wasn’t available 31 million. Oil, Gasoline, Diesel and Electricity made it possible for such massive growth in population. What happens when it’s gone?

      Starvation and disease have always been with us. War is pretty effective to encourage those 4 Horsemen to get busy.

      Not a good choice either way, Techno-tyranny and a government intent to reduce “useless eaters aka excess carbon or mass death in a scale of Dresden.

      A EMP seems a blessing, mass death within weeks, see you on the other side vs Civil War forever (at least in our lifetimes).

    2. The point of being based and trad is to please the God that created us by speaking the Hated Truth, and to hew to the order (male authority over females) that He established.

      The point of being based and trad is not Women. Nor to locate a woman to marry . . . in nations long ruled by those same women. Having a family means those men will be powerless before their wives and the feminist institutions under which they live.

      Though I am an advocate of Biblical Marriage, I support fully the men who refuse relationships with the females of their feminist nations, choosing to remain single and childless (those children likewise would not be his anyway, and he knows it).

    3. That’s a primary reason they’re becoming based. They see what feminism and Leftism have done, and want no part of it. The tide rises.

      1. Come hear Uncle John’s Band playing to the tide
        Come on along or go alone
        He’s come to take his children home

        As things continue to slither along in New Amerika and upon Planet Fustercluck, I’ve begun to grok why they named the band Grateful Dead

          1. Right. The new song begins from the beginning, like Bobby Hunter and the Dead said

            The first days are the hardest days
            Don’t you worry any more
            Cause when life looks like easy street
            there is danger at your door

            A song of encouragement and fraternity. To whom? Us. They may not have been prophets but they knew what they were talking about.

  2. The CPUSA (D) will just trot out a Brandon double or hologram.
    The Fundamental Transformation into West Zimbabwe only works one way and the average FUSAan won’t be doing anything, that’s what the bread and circuses are for.
    Feetsball season and muh fantasy league are getting ready to start and you can smell the grease and gristle on the grills for one last go around of muh summer, please shower before pissing in the pool.
    They’ll make noticing the Misery Index or stating anything other than happy talk bravo sierra a crime and a good chunk of the population wants mommygov uber alles.
    There were only 3% with a clue and the stones to do something about it during the original American Revolution.
    My Hope wallpaper shows a Greek hero looking man smashing a giant serpent with a rock as they wrestle in the water, sort of a Frank Frazetta style painting but no colorful.

      1. Scorpions also. He included them too (Luke 10:19) and nothing says ‘Open Season’ like an invitation from the King.

        I’ve taken out a bunch the past few years. Anything’s got blue blood is fair game.

  3. “8,000-10,000 ballots…”

    Well, that’s just one small city. Which works out to 50-60 million nationwide. And it doesn’t matter who the D candidate is. Even Kamela, who won’t be.

    As for VP, I’d hazard the guess that the incompetent Guv Roy Cooper (NC) might be the D’s choice. He has turned a purple state reddish, which would be logical to the Ds.

    1. The pandemic provided a great way for them to steal votes – I’m sure they’ll go back to the same playbook. Mail-in equals massive fraud.

  4. The violence metric looks like it’s missing the unaccounted children from the Maui attack…

  5. Funny, I see no mention of the FBI death-squads with their three confirmed kills of cripples and veterans (and sometimes both at once) that Fed-poasted about Joe Biden like most Boomers are wont to do.

    Seems that might be called an escalation of violence, but at this late stage it is just called Justice.

    1. You’re right, I’ve had several IRL conversations about those. Looks like they’re trying to take dissident speech off the table.

  6. I hope you all know that that meme of VP Harris commenting on gas prices is just a meme. She may be dumb and unfit for office, but that’s not one of the dumb things that she actually said.

    1. Lathechuck, thanks! I’m going to leave it up, but make the note that’s a fake quote. For me, she’s said so many equally stupid things I took it for granted that she had said that, too.

      Again, thanks for the correction.

  7. I saw the famed “Medora Musical” last night, the “biggest tourist attraction in North Dakota” where my wife and I are visiting her family scattered around the State. Medora is a truly special tourist town in the Badlands area, with Teddy R crediting his time here in the 1880s as crucial to his maturing into Prez.

    You wanna be in a place that oozes the romance of the frontier, Medora is it. I have very fond memories of visiting a decade and a half ago. As I recall, the Musical was at that time a very inspiring and patriotic spectacle sporting gigantic movable sets on railroad rails with its plot recreating the buildup of a frontier town and its various cooperating people as they built a nation together. The highlight of the show was a rider galloping to the top of the natural amphitheater with an American flag in a swell of music and fireworks.

    How thing change. My spider sense has been tingling ever since I got here. Instead of ND high school summer students, the service workers are all H1B visa holders with gold name tags declaring name, country…and either XX or XY. Weird. We go to eat at a live music saloon and the patrons getting up to dance are pairs of females. Huh. My wife buys some Black Hills Gold jewelry, and the store owner I present my credit card to is a very masculine trans woman. I’m starting to see a pattern here…

    We go to the Musical. Not inspiring or patriotic at all. The gigantic town sets are now immobile and have neon trimmed cardboard cutouts in the windows instead of lively singing townsfolk. A dance troupe on the stage call the kids up and tell them their dreams can come true, followed by 3 or 4 boy-girl songs about “the things cowgirls do” and such. A young Teddy R shows up but his opening number is about his love of “40 cups of coffee” with the saloon literally handing him a paper cup o’ joe like it’s a Starbucks. He’s got an idea for organizing a citizens calvary, stay tuned for where that’s headed after intermission.

    After the break we get a stand up comic routine whose opening theme is that somebody weird who says they’re not a stalker is harmless. Huh, where’s the Musical? Oh, here it is, singing the gospel song I Saw The Light. The cast is wearing robes with the Musical cowboy logo instead of a cross. For the first time I realize the traditional “Cowboy Kneeling at the Cross” metal statue from last time is missing from the hillside…

    Everybody puts on uniforms and joins up to storm San Juan Hill with TR. They do so in a weird smoky rendition of The Final Countdown with guitarists as infantry. TRs citizen infantry idea works to win the battle…but three plodding horses suddenly appear at the top of the amphitheater hill by the MEDORA sign, casualties we are solemnly reminded to thank for their service and remember by inscribing their names on memorials. The cast come out with the gals in red and white striped dresses and the guys in blue starred shirts to celebrate the joy of victory, or TR now being ready to take DC by storm, or something. I don’t remember hearing the word America in there. The Musical icon of a horserider carrying an American flag finally showed up for a brief moment at the end way over on one side of the stage, but she certainly didn’t ride triumphantly up the hill…finis!!!

    The lights come up and the announcer chants to please remain seated until an usher says it is time for our row to depart. I’m at the top row on the aisle, I look over and sure enough a guy in a staff shirt has appeared by my side. He’s wearing a rainbow button, extremely green eye makeup, and his name tag says XYX.

    “You’re free to go”, he says to me, so we head out as he starts down the stairs to the next row. Walking by gift shop cashiers and parking lot traffic directors, I suddenly get the deal with the name tags. At this theatrical production, everywhere I look now I see XYX.

    I’d like to think that every single person in the amphitheater having to see a rainbow button and green eye makeup on a guy telling them they’re free to go is just happenstance and not a deliberate planned finale. But my spider sense seems to think otherwise.

    Medora, of all places, has gone woke. TR may win the Battle of San Juan Hill on that stage from now on to weirdly glorify war, but that horseback rider may never again gallop an American flag triumphantly to the top of that amphitheater hill.

    1. Appreciate the report.

      Your instincts are correct about the ‘you can go free now’ Homo Comandantes. Whatever row I was in, I expect I would have started walking out and dared the Eyeliner Gestapo to stop me. They wouldn’t have.

  8. The links are great, but my eyes cross trying to pick out the subject. It’s not worth it.

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