All You Will Ever Need To Read About How To Be Happy* (*Most of the Time)

“Happy premise number three:  even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won’t.” – Bowfinger


This is a common phrase when something goes wrong around Stately Wilder Mansion™.  After the cussing is over, I mean.

I’m travelling for business again this week.  The upside to business travel is that it allows me to break my normal routine.  I almost feel guilty.  Almost.  The work this week is light, and my travel has been fun, the food has been great, and the work I am doing has given me a lot of new ideas to think about, and I like that.  My toenails also seem to grow faster when I’m on the road but might be imagination.  Or, maybe it’s my feet shrinking?

The other advantage being on the road is that it breaks routines.  In this case, I found myself eating at the bar at Applechilies®.  Eating at the bar makes sense when you’re travelling alone:  it seems a bit less pathetic, and you can talk to the bartender if it’s not too busy on a Tuesday night by Interstate 3.14 in Upper Midwestia.  This night, the bartender was a young lady of about 22, I’m guessing.  We talked a bit.  As often happens to me when I meet a stranger, (I have no idea why) pretty soon she was pouring out her entire life story.  Seriously.


For the record, as far as you know I only had one drink.

I’ll skip the really wild parts, since the point relevant to this post is that she had dropped out of college.

“That’s fine, and you shouldn’t go to college just to go to college.  What is it that you want to do, though?”  That question seemed to be really tough for her.  And it is a big question, but as I’ve noted again and again, people fail most often because they don’t act on their dreams, not because they can’t achieve them.

After some considerable thought, she answered.  “I guess . . . I guess I just want to be happy.”

“Happy?  Is that all?  Happy is the easiest thing,” I replied.

And it is.  Being happy is so easy to achieve it is almost trivial.  Note:  being happy every minute of every day is impossible.  Bad things happen.  Professors put your computer program up on the screen to show what not to do.  Your pants split at the crotch during a presentation.  You walk into a glass door going to a party with people you just met and you get McDonald’s® Hot Mustard© sauce all over the door in a big yellow blob about chest high.  Oh, did I say you?  Those were all me.  And the computer program did do what I intended it to do, though I was surprised it did bring down a mainframe.  I guess infinite loops are powerful things.


Remember, no matter what they say, failure is an option.

Warning:  this advice probably won’t work for people who are clinically depressed because their brain chemistry is all messed up.  That’s wiring that this advice probably won’t fix – they need to see a doctor.

But I learned to be happy when I was relatively young.  It’s wickedly effective.  As an example, one company I was working for was experiencing huge financial difficulties.  Everyone was working to make sure the business stayed open.  I was, too, but I wasn’t letting it get me down.  I had a new son (The Boy) and was pretty happy at home even though the bank account wasn’t all that full.


Yes, this was on my performance review.  “Employee is too optimistic and believes that the business will ultimately succeed if we work hard and solve our problems.”

In my performance review I was docked for being too happy.  Apparently being angry and pissed off increases profitability?  Spoiler, the company survived.  Bonus points?  It’s at least partially due to some changes I made – while I was in a good mood.  I don’t know if they still have the “don’t be happy at work” policy.

But being happy is simple.  In order (more or less) here’s what works for me.

  • Be close to someone – like physically close. Touching them close.  Or get a pet.  It’s hard for me to have a bad day when I know that someone loves me.  People are herd animals (those that aren’t bears) and physical touch works wonders at making people happy.  No sex with the pets, no matter how much they’re asking for it.
  • Have a friend you can call when something good happens to you. For bonus points, have a friend you can call when something awful happens to you – that’s rough, because only a good friend is willing to share in the bad things that happen.  If you don’t have friends?  Make some.  I know that some people say that Jesus’ biggest miracle was having a dozen close friends after the age of 30, but it is possible.  And these need to be friends in real life.  FaceBook® friends are nice, but it helps to have physically known the friend for the friendship to be solid.
  • Exercise. Do something:  Walk on the treadmill.  Go for a run.  Lift weights.  Run through a cave being chased by a giant stone bowling ball.  I’m fairly fanatical about working out every lunch hour to the point I’m a jerk about not skipping it for (nearly) anything  – it really improves the quality of my day.   There are times I come back from working out and feel awesome and happy for no reason at all.  The harder I worked out, the better I feel.
  • Eat right. Avoid carbs – they screw with your emotions, especially in quantity.  Don’t eat too much.  Yes, I’m still fasting on a weekly basis, and some of my happiest days are while I’m fasting.  Besides vegans, who is sad when they’re eating a steak?  Eat steak.  If you’re a vegan, pretend it’s a bacon, since bacon comes from plants, right?  Meat may be murder, but it’s tasty murder that makes you feel good.  But I have learned if The Mrs. is eating ice cream straight from the carton to NOT ask how she’s doing.
  • If you are sad, don’t drink alcohol. It’s a depressant.  I refuse to drink on those rare days I’m sad.  It helps.  You can’t find happiness at the bottom of a beer bottle, because who’s happy when they run out of beer?
  • Get enough sleep. I advise people to sleep as consistently as possible, especially if they have problems getting to sleep.  If you can’t sleep consistent hours, at least get enough sleep even if it’s not the same sleep every night.  Since I blog after work, and often after everyone at home has gone to bed, this is the rule where I’m the biggest hypocrite.
  • As much as possible, avoid crappy people. Sure, everybody has a bad day and needs to share.  That’s okay.  But if you’re constantly complaining about bad news to your friends?  Expect that they won’t pick up when you call, so try to give more than you take.
  • As much as possible, feel good for other people that have done well. I worked with a guy who put up a bulletin board with stories about how much the CEO of our company made.  He called it the “Wall of Shame” since he didn’t think the CEO was worth that much.  Me?  I want the CEO to make a lot of money, that way my check looks smaller the rent for the place he rents for his mistress.
  • As much as possible, avoid envy. See above.  If something good happens to someone, feel genuine joy for them, even if it didn’t happen to you.  Envy is a wasted emotion.
  • As much as possible, when bad thoughts slip into your brain – sad ones, mean ones, anything Hillary Clinton would think – get them out. Think of something positive, like the fact that you don’t have to drink alone because your cats are alcoholics, or that you can be the person to put the “fun” back in funeral.
  • Keep things in perspective. Most things you do aren’t memorable to other people, and most mistakes you make will be forgotten in a week, unless you were the guy running the test at Chernobyl, then people just won’t shut up about it.


But you could claim that you were late to work because of a flock of wild teacup poodles.

Scott Adams, of Dilbert® fame has a very similar list – I know because after I talked to the bartender and decided to write this post, he did a video on . . . being happy.  He’s in the video below discussing it.  Adams is much more of the “people are sacks of chemicals” and he uses that model to make sure that he’s maximizing the brain chemicals that show up when you’re happy.  It works for him and he does it without ever attempting to control his thoughts.  But if you are someone who drains him of happy because you’re a complete tool?  He’ll cut you out of his life.  Since he’s a multi-millionaire and more-or-less self-employed, he can do it.

Me?  If Ted is a tool at work and I need the job?  I have to deal with Ted.  Though, honestly I’ve only ever worked with one guy named Ted, and he was super to work with and one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.  Unlike Scott, I don’t go for the “sacks of chemicals” theory.  They do make a difference, but mind matters, too, at least for me.  The one time in my life I was profoundly unhappy, I learned to manage my mind first, while finding all the other little tips and tricks of “sacks of chemicals” management more or less independently of Mr. Adams.

breaking bras.jpg

I think this was from the pilot of that new series, Breaking Bras®.  And you can’t make a mask like that without silicone . . . .

And that’s it.  Those are the secrets.  Nothing mystical, nothing difficult.

Again, I’m not happy every second of every day, but when I follow just over half the steps above, I’m happy 95% of the day.  I have it good.  There’s no reason to not enjoy being me.

For 80% of people reading this, happiness is easy.  So, choose happiness if you want it, unless there’s a workplace policy at your office, too.  In that case?  Become a loner, drunk, vegan insomniac that spends your free time at Antifa® meetings.  And have another doughnut.

Scholarships to Avoid, and . . . College Isn’t the Best Idea for Everyone

“Now if Eb needs a diploma, he should go to college so he can become a vegetarian.” – Green Acres


Please, calm down.  Show me where Bernie tried to touch you.

The Mrs. and I were off to Midwestia State (Home of the Fighting Red-Crested Yaks©) on Saturday to move The Boy into the dorms.  The reality is that he had left hours before us and was unpacked by the time we got there and had already managed to flirt with the girl working the dorm desk and lock himself out of his own room for the first time.  I saw the look in the eyes of dorm desk girl – “cute, but still a dorky freshman who locks himself out of his room two hours after getting a key.”

I was actually shocked they still had keys – I was expecting that they’d be subjected to retinal checks to get back in their rooms.  Until I heard that the floor had a shared bathroom.  A co-ed shared bathroom.  Imagine being in the midst of a growler when the girl of your dreams drops on by to leave the kids off at the pool?  I’ve been married forever, and I like to pretend that’s not something The Mrs. does – at all.


I was surprised.  I was unaware that the diet of Deadpool® was entirely comprised of burning tires.

The Mrs. and I were there, really, for The Mrs. and not The Boy at all.

When The Mrs. had talked about The Boy moving away, it had started off with a matter-of-fact statement about “. . . when we drop him off at college.”

I had responded with, “Why would we need to go up there to drop him off?  He seems to be perfectly capable of carrying a few boxes to an elevator.  It’s not like we’re dropping off Stephen Hawking.”  This was, apparently, not the thing to say to a mother getting mentally ready to cope with her eldest son going off to college.  It doesn’t help that The Mrs. is also staring down the added mathematical certainty that her youngest child, Pugsley, will likewise be moving out within a handful of years.

She responded with:  “Of course we’re going.”

If you can put “icy” into a tone, this one was nearly at absolute zero.  I saw the molecules in her exhaled breath stop vibrating as they fell to the carpet and form a nice Ice-9 frost (look it up).  I could see that we’d be driving the hours required to get to Midwestia State (Home of the Whimsical Crotch Goblins®) the day the dorms opened.


When I met Stephen Hawking, he told me that there are an infinite number of universes out there, and maybe even one where I was funny.  I responded, “Here’s a great joke:  Stephen Hawking walked into a bar.”  That one really made him mad.  Now I have to live in this Universe, where Kardashians aren’t fast food workers.

I can understand how The Mrs. felt.  It’s almost always a melancholy time when a child moves out, unless that child is Johnny Depp, in which case his parents were happy to be able to announce to their friends that their house was now aerobics-free as Johnny was now doing Pilates of the Caribbean.  I’m sorry.  I’ll admit that there were uneasy questions floating through my mind.  I thought the questions were about him, but in reality after reflecting, I realized the questions were really about me:

I thought the questions were:  “Is he ready?  Does he have the tools to go out into the world?  Will he make the right judgements?”

It sounds like those questions were about him, but they’re not.  Those questions are really about me.  A more truthful way to write them is:  “Did I prepare him?  Did I teach him enough so that he’ll be competent and safe?  Is he a good man?”


The only thing I’m sad about is that he thinks steak tastes like chicken.

I think college is a good idea for The Boy, and I’ll get back to his specifics a bit later after Morpheus is done with him.

But I don’t think college is for everyone, and I think it’s really a horrible idea for some people.  I learned this from my association with a youth group.  I was discussing the future with one young, bright kid – he was a junior at the time, I think.  I asked him what his plans were.

“I’m going to become an electrical lineman.”  An electrical lineman is the guy who fixes the big wires on the electrical poles so you can charge your iPad© and watch Netflix® – it’s like a superhero who can chew Copenhagen®.  It’s technical work – you have to be smart.  It’s physical.  And most line failures happen during big storms.  So when your power goes out for an hour?  It’s a lineman who’s out fixing it in the rain or snow or ice or thunderstorm or temporal rift.

I stopped.  I was getting ready to give him my “you need to go to college” speech, but hesitated.  This young man had thought about it.  He loved being outside.  He hated paperwork.  He was very smart.  The average hourly wage for an electrical lineman is $30 an hour for a journeyman.  With overtime, he could be making $100,000+ a year in just a few years and live in an area near Modern Mayberry where most of the nicest houses are available for $200,000 or less.

It was a shockingly (intended) good choice.

Being an electrical lineman also offered some other benefits:  it’s not a career that you can do online.  You have to physically be there.  This is nice, so you don’t have to compete with a two billion or so people in China and India like you might if you were being a computer programmer.

This job has another advantage – it requires just enough certification that it shuts down people who would randomly try it, mainly because no matter how crispy the body is electrical companies hate to pay to have them removed.  But the young man in question wouldn’t have to compete with illegal aliens, either.

Being a lineman has a third advantage:  it is a basic service that you can’t outsource.  You can ship a factory nearly completely overseas – I’ve heard of just this happening – but the electrical infrastructure required to run the United States has to be in, well, the United States.

One final advantage:  you can start your own company, buy your own truck, and work the hours you want as a contractor to bigger electrical companies.  It’s a business where if you want to be a contractor or an entrepreneur, you can be without too much difficulty investment.

The nice thing about working with kids is they often teach you things, too.  The standard advice you give a bright kid with good values is go to college.  This is clearly the wrong advice for many kids.

A kid growing up today will face more challenges in employment than any generation in history.   Competition will take place in ways that I never had to consider during my career.  And this is after automation removed thousands of jobs from factories as machines replaced skilled workers.  In this new revolution, expertise from “knowledge workers” will be replaced by algorithms and databases that allow, for instance, computers to diagnose skin cancer at a 95% correct rate, versus an 87% success rate by actual human dermatologists.  I know it sounds bad for the human dermatologists, but I got a 0% correct rate since all I would do is look at the picture and say, “ewww, gross.”  Let’s see a machine beat that.


Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be a doctor.

I’m not sure that there is, in the future, a truly safe job or career to go into, unless we experience Lord Bison’s Deep Fried Econopocalypse® (and if you’re not reading The Bison Prepper, you really should be (LINK)) and then the guy who makes costumes out of leather and football shoulder pads has probably got a good career ahead of him.   Owning a scrapbooking store?  Maybe not so much.


Okay, I was going for Mad Max Mel, but this works.  I hear they worked out their differences and went to Hooters® afterwards.  Man, Jesus can put down the wings and Coors Light©.

What are the attributes of a safe job?  I mean, assuming Mel Gibson doesn’t show up at your house tomorrow?

  • Local – If you can’t do it over the Internet, that cuts out billions of people from getting that job.
  • Certifications Required – A job, like the lineman example, isn’t something that should be done by just anyone – it requires a minimum intellect as well as training and experience. Many medical jobs are similar.  I hate the way that we have, in my opinion, over-certified our world.  But you can use that to your advantage.
  • Other Bars to Entry – It used to be that you could give applicants for jobs an IQ test, weed out those that weren’t smart enough, and be fairly sure that you were getting someone who was at least smart enough (or not too smart) for the job. Now?  You have to use something that works like an IQ test, like a college degree.
  • Hard to For A Machine to Do – Blogging.   That’s hard for machines, right fellow humans?  I have been told that 93.2% of you like to hear that.

But there are ways that even “safe” jobs might be at risk:

  • Carpenter: Carpentry, in many cases, requires no certification – any illegal aliens have taken many of these jobs in certain areas.
  • Teacher: Why do we need all of these teachers?  We can get a YouTube® lecture up, and have a teaching assistant give the standardized test.
  • Store Associate:   Check out the product features on the Internet – seriously stop.  You’re not my supervisor.  Leave me alone!
  • Checkout Clerk: Self-service checkouts are pretty common now.  I refuse to use them, period, but I can see that I’m rapidly becoming a minority.
  • Johnny Depp’s Sinus Cavity Cleaner: Okay, this one is really a safe job.


Okay, I’ll admit, she’d be perfectly acceptable working picking strawberries or in some sort of insect control responsibility. 

But there are other problems.  I maintain that too many people go to college.  In 1959, only about 45% of high school graduates went to college, and only 70% of students graduated from high school.  That’s a little less than a third of the US population.

In 2016, 84% graduated from high school, and 70% of those went to college.  That’s nearly 60%.  If you break down the math, almost twice as many people are going to college as a percentage of people in the United States.  There are only two possible conclusions:  either people have gotten smarter, or college has gotten easier.

Me?  I’m betting that college has gotten easier, since if you poke around a bit you can find that the average grade given to students at Harvard© is an A-.  It might just be my opinion, but the only thing competitive about Harvard® might be how much a parent has to pay to get a student accepted.


See, if you build a new building on campus – not a bribe – call it Skank Hoe Hall.  But having your skank daughters get in because you’ve bribed a coach?  Yeah, that’s a bribe. Allegedly.

I’m pretty sure that the economy has no need of many of these college graduates in any role other than cashiers at Billy Bob’s Wiggle Striptease Hootenanny©.  Many of the degrees granted are not really economically valuable – 5% of degrees, for instance, are in “fine or performing arts.”  Last time I checked, we here in Modern Mayberry had our quota of mimes filled at our historical demand of zero mimes and there was a bounty on any mime caught within 5000 yards (3 meters) of the county courthouse.  There just aren’t very many jobs available in “fine or performing arts” to justify 5% of college students getting a degree in that field.  Thankfully, many of them have experience in their true field, food service.  I hear that Florida will have a degree in Pre-Barista© next year, so there’s hope yet.

One thing I did note in the hour I spent sifting through the data is that many degrees are more helpful, and, potentially more stable.  Health and medical sciences accounted for 10% of graduates, and those jobs are hard to replace with a machine.  You have to have people helping people.  Robots can diagnose, but at least for now, a doctor has to do the cutting, and a nurse the nursing, until Arnold Schwarzendoctor 2000™ arrives.


That’s a realllllllly long thumb.

I would speculate that we have twice as many people going to college as necessary, and we could replace the expense and time wasted at college for many people simply by allowing employers to give IQ tests.  Yes, doctors and nurses need school.  But we have approximately 1,000,000% more anthropology degrees than required to maintain our civilization, and an infinite amount of Women’s Gender Studies degree recipients than required.

I advised The Boy on how he could take what he enjoys doing, and turn it into something useful.  Don’t compete with billions of people – find ways that you can provide higher value services to people in ways that have to be local and are hard to reproduce.  I think he has a pretty good plan.

Given the accelerating pace of change we’ve seen in the last two decades, I imagine that anyone starting a career in 2020 may have to make multiple changes during their life.  From what I’ve seen so far, I think The Boy is well prepared for school and the changes that he’ll see in life.  I think he’ll do fine.  It’s time to let that eagle fly.


Unless it’s Putin’s Eagle.

American Civil War: Four Fates, From Freedom to Soviet Tyranny

“Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  No!” – Animal House


On this blog recently someone commented, “When I was a kid, people used to say that ‘It’s a free country,’ but they don’t say that anymore.”  I tried it out the other day.  The response?  “It hasn’t been a free country in a while.”  I turned him into the FBI for that kind of hate think.

I was driving in the middle of Midwestia in the middle of a quest that you’ll probably hear about on Wednesday.  One of the videos that was in my suggested list was about “America’s Cold Civil War.”  This isn’t a review of the video, but it brought up some interesting points.  The one I want to make clear to every single person that loves freedom in the United States is:  if you’ve ever seen a movie about that rag-tag elements of a group fighting a foe that has nearly utterly defeated them, it’s us.  We are the Wolverines.


I get to be Charlie Sheen, mainly because he’s still alive.  I think.

I don’t mean to say that to create a feeling of defeat – far from it.  But the first step in dealing with a situation is understanding reality.  And reality is very simple today.  At a minimum, the Left has coopted the following elements of culture in the United States – they have been, over time, “converged” into Leftism:

  • The K-12 educational system.
  • Colleges and Universities.
  • Most Protestant religious organizations.
  • Most Catholic organizations.
  • The psychological establishment.
  • The American Medical Association.
  • All mainstream news media.
  • All mainstream entertainment media.
  • Most departments of the Federal government, absent the armed services.
  • The general officer corps of the armed services.
  • The courts.
  • Silicon Valley tech companies.
  • Many (but not all) Fortune® 500™ companies.

This isn’t an accident, it’s entirely by plan.  And not only by plan, it’s by a plan that was entirely shared.  From Verified Communist Traitor® Herbert Marcuse, in his book Counterrevolution and Revolt (bold added):

To extend the base of the student movement, Rudi Dutschke has proposed the strategy of the long march through the institutions:  working against the established institutions while working within them, but not simply by ‘boring from within’, rather by ‘doing the job’, learning (how to program and read computers, how to teach at all levels of education, how to use the mass media, how to organize production, how to recognize and eschew planned obsolescence, how to design, et cetera), and at the same time preserving one’s own consciousness in working with others.

I could prove all of the above Institutions have been converged through the Long March Through the Institutions and will probably discuss a few of these in the future, because I could do a post on each one.  Heck, maybe it would be a great book, but only if I could figure out how to pair hot chicks and communist propaganda.


East German girl swimmers bench pressing 300 pounds in 1976 is completely normal.

But if you doubt me, you have Google® (itself converged) and you can easily verify list above even through the Leftist-bias that’s now on that search engine.  I’ll leave you with one more question:  why else would Fortune© 500® corporations sign a manifesto saying profits were less important than social goals if Leftists weren’t in control?  Because there were extra doughnuts in the breakroom and they were feeling generous?

In almost any context, these organizations reflect the values of the Left, not of the Right.  I specifically don’t use the label conservative here – the conservative movement has utterly failed in the United States (to quote absolutely everyone) to conserve anything.  We live a country where adults telling four year old boys that being a girl is okie-dokie (and vice-versa) aren’t thrown directly in prison for a decade or more (after a trial, of course) for child abuse.  The goals of the above organizations would be cause for mass revolt if they had been publicized in 1990, but now, despite no vote, no public acceptance, each point of the Left has been accepted as the new normal.

And telling a boy that he’s a girl?  Oh, wait, that’s brave.  Sorry.

Despite all of that, this is not a post about giving up.  Screw that.  Each day makes me more independent, not less, more wanting to tell the truth.

And if you’re reading this, no one is done here.  Freedom is always the underdog.  I really wish we’d just stop waiting until 2:00 in the fourth quarter to start playing.

I remember seeing a film in Social Studies in High School about the Korean War.  In the black and white film, almost all of Korea had been lost.  The film ended right at what is known as the Pusan Perimeter, right where the North Korean Army was about to kick freedom off of the Korean peninsula, forever.  It was tough watching that film.

But then we learned what happened next:  MacArthur led the naval invasion of Inchon and turned the tide of battle, leading a combined United Nations® force that cut off the North Koreans.  This turned the course of the war, and in the process helped to create the free country of South Korea that is a world leader in technology, bad music videos, and wealth creation today.


Spoiler alert:  we tied.

Our Pusan Perimeter is now.  I had a great boss once upon a time, he would continually remind me, “John, start with the end in mind,” which is #2 of Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  As I look at the state of the Right back in 2016, we were at the Pusan Perimeter.  As we as a nation blindly stumble toward Civil War II, I can’t predict the outcome, but I can see the full range of outcomes.

We’ll go from best case to worst case for people who love freedom.  Although there are variations, I think I’ve captured all of the big picture end games below.


I named operation Aesop after the Raconteur Report’s Aesop.  You can read him here (LINK).

Operation Aesop:  Total victory.

What it is:  The Right wins.  Traditional society is restored.  Mothers and fathers in committed relationships are again honored.  A Constitutional republic of limited government replaces the democracy of unlimited power.  The United States is unified.  Think of it as a return to the 1950’s, but with color TV and microwaves.

What it takes:  Oh, not much more than the bloodiest war in the history of the country.  The only way this results in victory is as Von Clausewitz wrote about in On War:   [Accomplishing . . . ] “three broad objectives, which between them cover everything:  destroying the enemy’s armed forces; occupying his country; and breaking his will to continue the struggle.”

That’s what happened in the first Civil War.  That’s what happened to the Germans and Japanese in World War II.  The concept of continuing was even more horrific than the concept of trying to continue to fight.  It’s total capitulation.  This is actual war until the enemy is not capable of continuing.  Not talking heads on a television show.  Not voting.  Not discussion.  Not a “mission accomplished” after five weeks moving across Iraq where the “will to continue the struggle” is still clearly intact.

Outcomes:  Some freedoms we see now would be curtailed.  Political discourse would be constrained.  But teenagers would be pretty polite, again.  And you wouldn’t really have to worry about the border.


I’m related to Patrick Henry, or so my aunt told me.  I like to imagine Patrick getting a bit tipsy and writing mean letters to Madison about how short Madison was and how Dolly might want to give up on the chew.

Operation Founding Fathers:  50 Independent States. 

What it is:  A return to base principles.  Originally, the United States was conceived as just that, independent free States.  The majority of decisions to be made were to be made at the state, and not the Federal level.  Each state was to be free to make decisions.  Texas could be Texas.  California could be Venezuela.  Vermont could be stoned.  The free decisions of free States was allowed.  The free movement of free peoples was likewise allowed.  This is returning to that state.

What it takes:  Leftist thought is built around the universal adoption of their principles.  Individuals in society cannot be left to make decisions, so this is a hateful outcome to the Left.  I recall discussing politics with a Leftist when I was younger.  The Leftist thought I was on the Right.  That, at least they could deal with.  When I identified as a Libertarian®?  The look of disgust was clear – the Left hated Libertarians™ more than they hated the Right.  The Right was merely amused and not threatened by Libertarians©.  Maybe it was the Star Wars® shirts and poorly trimmed beards?

That taught me one thing:  the thing the Left hates the most is  . . . freedom.  Liberty.  In many ways the Left would rather lose a shooting war and be subjugated to the views of the Right than to be allowed to turn Seattle into the Siberia of the PacNorthwest.

The only way this can take place outside of warfare is a Second Constitutional Convention.  I think that alone would lead to a shooting war from the Left and a complete revolt from all of the Leftist institutions shown above.  But we can dream that the Second Constitutional Convention would turn out well.  If we did it, oh, in the next year.  The clock is ticking on this being a viable outcome.  It’s probably time to do it now.  As in, well, now.  Conservatives (not the Right) seem to feel that everything is going to come out fine, so until the wolf is at the door, I don’t think they’ll move an inch.

The problem is that Conservatives (again, not the Right) seem to think that the Left likes the Constitution.  Since the Left gained the institutions I’ve listed above, the Left doesn’t care about the Constitution – the Left cares about power.  Pure, unadulterated, 18 year old with a 12 pack of Coors Light™ behind the wheel of a 1969 Camero® power.

Outcomes:  In many ways this is the best outcome, but in my opinion the most unlikely.  This is the only outcome where we can still have the full freedom of political discourse and the full Bill of Rights.  I’d love to turn over freedom to choose to a California that can choke itself to death on Leftist feelgoodism while a Rightist Arizona can deny admission to every illegal and return them via a trebuchet if they want to.


I was expecting more girls in bikinis from Bruckheimer, but this is a good start.

Operation Fort Sumter:  Going our separate ways.

What it is:  Secession.  Splitting up.  It’s not you, it’s me Oregon.  The problem is that unlike in 1860, the dividing lines aren’t so clear.  Then there was a line which, if everyone agreed, would have been fine for a split.  The North could be the North, the South could be the South.  Oops.  Now it would be a county by county fight.

What it takes:  Just like a psycho ex-girlfriend, if the Right tried to succeed in Texas, the Left wouldn’t accept it, and would demand tanks on the banks Red River by morning, which would be hilarious because tanks don’t float.  Unless the secession were overwhelming in number of states, numbers of the armed forces, and nearly immediate, I see only a small path to a peaceful secession.  For secession to stick, the Left and Right would have to feel that conquering the other side was more costly than trying to forge a peace.

Outcomes:  If secession happened and was maintained, the United States would be irrevocably broken, unless it was re-stitched by a Caesar sequentially conquering the Balkanized United States.  Maybe Caesar Pugsley Wilder the First?


Think they need a reason to send you to the Gulag?  Sure they do!  It’s Monday – that’s good enough.

Operation Gulag in The Dakotas:

What it is:  This is the darkest timeline not only for our nation but for our world.  And, amazingly, the only timeline (outside of a Second Constitutional Convention) that we can vote ourselves into.  It is the Leftist takeover of everything.  Although it is sold as a Denmark, in reality Denmark is capitalist with stronger social institutions because Denmark is, well, Danish and I think they put mayo on their fries.  In the United States it will look much more like the U.S.S.R. – but not the basketcase 1988 U.S.S.R., but more like the 1932 “starve to death millions of citizens that Stalin doesn’t like” (In the World Murder Olympics, Communists Take Gold and Silver!) U.S.S.R.

What it takes:  Nothing.  We keep going as it is.  In less than 20 years, we will be in complete tyranny.  The erosion of rights we have seen won’t continue in a linear fashion.  It will accelerate.

Outcomes:  1984.

Now we know the stakes.


Big Brother is our friend!  And we’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

Only 3% of Your Decisions Matter, or, Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!

“We’re very lucky in the band in that we have two visionaries, David and Nigel.  They’re like poets, like Shelley and Byron.  They’re two distinct types of visionaries, it’s like fire and ice, basically.  I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water.” – This is Spinal Tap


Oh, I don’t need alcohol to make bad decisions.  But it doesn’t hurt.  Just ask Tiger Woods.

Life is filled with events.  Some of them are predictable, some not.  But I generally break the events that will influence the course of my life into three categories because I’m sitting in a meeting and it kind of looks like I’m actually working when I take blog notes:

  1. Certainties

Certainties are just as shown on the label – things that are certain to happen.  These are one extreme of the spectrum, for instance unless a race of aliens is intent on destroying humanity so that Bono™ doesn’t escape the Earth and infect the galaxy and drops a Moon-size batch of anti-matter into the Sun causing a solar flare that extinguishes life, the Sun will come up tomorrow.  Notice I didn’t say that the race of aliens was evil, in fact it seems entirely logical and rational and a good choice – Bono© as a trade for the rest of humanity.  Other examples of certainty:

  • Death.
  • Taxes.
  • Someone saying “Death and Taxes” when they write about certainties (at least every year since Christopher Bullock first wrote the phrase in 1716 in Ye Olde Bloge Poste on the Worlde Wilde Web).
  • Gravity.  Like Bono®, it also sucks.
  • Celebrities flying in private jets to protest global warming.
  1. Impossibilities

Impossibilities are things that cannot happen in this Universe.  Okay, it’s not a creative title, like calling your dog “dog” and your cat “cat” – and we both know people who have done just that.

The number of things that I thought were impossible were nearly zero when I was under age five or so.  Starships were only 20 years in the future.  I would own a tank.  And I’d marry Miss Roberts, my first grade teacher.  About the time I went to high school, the number of Impossible things started to climb.  I think this happens when you start experiencing disappointments in life, like the Space Shuttle.  I mean, why did humanity spend so much time trying to get to space with a ship that had the glide ratio of a brick?

I think my Impossibles peaked in my thirties.  After a divorce and NOT winning a MacArthur© Grant for my incredible ability to sleep on the couch while the kids watched Saturday morning cartoons, my view of what was possible shrank.  But as I grew older, I kept seeing the same pattern – if people tried things, they often achieved them.  There are, however, things that are really Impossible.  What are some Impossible things?

  • A Beatles® reunion.   A living Beatles™ reunion.
  • The molecules of Leonardo Dicaprio spontaneously rearranging themselves to form something useful, like a ham sandwich or a beer.
  • A good, new Star Wars® movie will be made during my lifetime.


Is it me, or have John and George lost weight?

I think one of the really neat things about being human is the curiosity and creativity that allows us to think of things that could never, ever happen, like Johnny Depp learning to read.  It’s a great day to be alive!


  1. Things That Might Happen

Most things in life are neither Certain nor Impossible.  They fall into that grey area of possibility that makes life interesting.  I find it fascinating that so much of life consists of these contrasts – in between the chaos of fire Venus and the stasis of icy Mars lies, well, us.  The other day I heard an astronomer state if you take average star weight and the weight of an atom, you end up at about 50 kilograms©, whatever that is.  But the average human weighs . . . 62 kilograms®.  It’s almost like this place was made for us.


Anyway, while not everything interesting happens in the middle, most interesting things happen in the middle.  But, in the interest of continuing to subcategorize, I see two types of events in that sweet middle region:

A.  Events You Can’t Influence

Sometimes, whatever’s going to happen is beyond your control.  Despite what you want or any action you might take, the outcome will be the same.  You can’t change a thing.  Call it fate.  It’s not certain that the event will happen, mind you, it’s just that you can’t control it.  Some examples are:

  • How much Oprah will weigh tomorrow morning.
  • Collapse of the global financial system.
  • Whether Ilhan Omar will join the Hair Club for Men.


Baldness – I hear it’s more common if your family interbreeds too often . . . oh.  Sorry. H/T WRSA (LINK).


So, this is a record – my first back-to-back meme.  Is that not MacArthur Grant® worthy?

B.  Things you can influence or control

Here is where it gets interesting.  In my option (and in my experience) most people can control more about their lives than they want to admit.  Personally, it’s scary how many things that I’ve tried to do in my life that I’ve accomplished, which makes me wonder if I haven’t aimed too low.  I’ve recently changed one of my goals to be horribly unrealistic (learn how to make a tasty pizza, or at least buy a tasty pizza) so I’ll keep you updated on the progress on that stretch goal.

But what sorts of things can you control?

  • Your weight.
  • If you shower.
  • If you smoke.
  • Your psychic power to make Taylor Swift love you using only your mind.
  • If you go broke.

Now, I didn’t say you have total control of your life, but some actions you take (not decisions you make, mind you, but actions that you take) can influence most things about your life, including how you die and when you die.

But even as beautifully written as the preceding was, it’s not the where the post is going to end up.  The point I’m getting to is, how many events that occur in your life, choices that you make, should you really worry about.

I’m thinking about 3% or less.

From my vantage point, most things don’t matter.  Examples?

  • Yellow or blue Post-It™ notes?
  • Romaine or iceberg lettuce?
  • Tom Brady’s 2015 clone or Tom Brady’s 2018 clone.

Most decisions that you make simply do not matter at all.  My personal difficulty is that I sometimes don’t process a decision like that.  I want to make the right decision so I’ll spend time researching and learning online about a purchase I’m going to make . . . of something I’ll use exactly once and then toss into a closet.  Heck, as an example tonight I’ve spent about half an hour trying to decide between one type of laptop and another.  Does it matter?

Probably not.


What I did with the flowchart was just start with a random decision or event.  Does it matter?  I pulled out Pareto’s rule, and off the bat, 80% of decisions in your life . . . don’t matter at all.  Paper or plastic.  .556 or .762.  Drilling a hole in your head or spending time with five year old children.

That means that 20% of the events matter.  Cool.  How many can your actions influence?  I’m betting 80% of that 20%.  That’s a huge number and from my experience it seems about right.  You’re rarely a complete victim.  That’s 16% left.

Is it the effort worth it.  I came up with . . . 80% of the time, no.  The time and effort to manage every event, even just 16% of them, is a lot.  You have to let some things go, since even if it matters, it’s not worth your time to influence everything around you.

The math is simple.  97% of decisions in life you should make with either no care or minor care.  They just don’t matter.  The good news is that means if you manage and select the decision you make, you can live, more or less, the life you want by only dealing with 3%.

Why?  I find that things we think are important, that society tells us are important decisions or important actions are not.  Here’s what I’ve found:

  • We bought Stately Wilder Manor© about a decade ago. The Mrs. was living in Houston, and the house that we’d fallen in love with had cheated on us and was purchased by two doctors.  I was working outside of Houston, but we still needed a place to live, because we were going to move.  I kept looking.  I found a house.  Given that (then) the market was hot, I put in an offer.  The Mrs. had never even seen the house until the day we moved in.


How do you get the dead hooker smell out of carpet?  Asking for a friend.

  • The last care I bought was a replacement for The Mrs.’ MUV (Mrs. Utility Vehicle). I was passing through a large city in Midwestia, stopped off at a car lot, and bought a car.  They delivered it to Modern Mayberry the next day.  Again, The Mrs. hadn’t driven or seen the new car.


Okay, it’s not that bad.  But while The Boy was driving it some woodland critter ran straight into the side of it.  The dent does not look hooker related.

Within relatively broad parameters, most decisions, even decisions that society says are “big” decisions, don’t matter.  Which house we got didn’t matter all that much, we just needed a house.  Admittedly we are horrible neighbors, so it’s best if there are no pesky homeowner associations.

And I wasn’t like that on the first house I bought.  We must have seen dozens of houses over months until we found . . . the one.  The first car I bought, I agonized over the decision.  Until I found . . . the one.

Strangely, I didn’t spend nearly enough time selecting my first wife she who will not be named and that had a much larger impact than any house or car ever could to my life.  There’s a joke in here about test driving and rentals, but I’m just gonna skip it.


It’s all the aftermarket add-ons that get you.

The point is not that I was young and stupid, although I really was young and stupid.

The point is:  Don’t worry.  Plan?  Sure.  Prepare?  Absolutely.  But like Pop Wilder always said, “Don’t pay interest on money you haven’t borrowed yet, son.”

97% of actions you take . . . don’t matter.  Don’t sweat them.  And don’t spend a second worrying about things you can’t change or influence.

But on those things you can?  Strike hard, like the fist of an angry god.  Never give up.  You can move mountains that way.  Feel motivated?  Good!

Now go out and get it done!  Oh, it’s Friday?

Kick back and get it done Monday.


Okay, I did once upon a time pretend my toy Thompson submachine gun was a phaser®.  Once.

Financial Advisers, Christianity, and Elon Musk’s Hair

“It’s getting exciting now, two and one-half.  Think of everything we’ve accomplished, man.  Out these windows, we will view the collapse of financial history.  One step closer to economic equilibrium.” – Fight Club


My financial adviser checked my balance – she didn’t manage to push me over. I’m sturdy and built low to the ground, The Mrs. says.

One of my biggest joys of having children is giving them unsolicited advice.  For example, my daughter, Alia S. Wilder texted me the other day:

The Unsuspecting Alia S. Wilder:  “ . . . also, Lars Úmlåüt (her boyfriend) and I met with a financial adviser about retirement and investment portfolios.”

The Evil John Wilder: (I Swear This Was My Actual Text Answer) “That’s like talking to a mechanic about your Gulfstream® jet.  You don’t have any money.  And this will be in next week’s blog.”

Yes, I really said that to her.  The idea of needing a financial adviser when you don’t have any money is like buying flowers when you don’t have a girlfriend, at least until the restraining order expires.  And The Mrs. was the one that christened Lars.  After he cuts his hair, we’ll have to think of another name.  Although if they get married, Alia S. Úmlåüt does have a ring to it.


It’s rare that a picture describes a concept so completely.

But the financial conversation continued.

The Still Hasn’t Seen It Coming Alia S. Wilder:  “We have very little (money) but the financial adviser will help get us going in the right direction.  Life is going to suck financially, but you gotta live like no one else wants to, so you can have the future everyone dreams of.

The part that I’ve italicized above is the part that scared me when I read it in her text message.  That’s nothing but pure sales pitch.  It’s a good sales pitch, too.  It sells the virtue of sacrifice now for future rewards.  And it is a philosophy I fundamentally agree with.  Deferred gratification is the key to most success – work hard now, and the benefits accrue over time.  I wrote about that here (“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”-Steve Martin Plus? A sniper joke.).  Steve Martin spent a decade learning and four years refining before he ended up in wild success.

To be great, you have to put in the time.  You have to work.  But the very best sales pitch will be like a virus – it will work into your brain.  When you have your potential client quoting you?  You have an effective sales pitch.  Back to the texting.

The Sage of Wisdom John Wilder:  “Get a 401k.  Invest in stocks.  Don’t mess with it.  Ten words.  It’s all you need to know right now.”

Alia and I had already talked about other investments – having a month’s worth of food around the house.  Being prepared for emergencies.  Having a set of jumper cables in the car.  These are small things, but they can do everything from making your life more convenient when you accidentally leave the lights on, to saving your life when that first aid kit pays off.

The Probably Getting Irritated Daughter Alia:  “We have a 401k.  We are starting the stocks.  And we’re treating investments like an expense.”

Investments like an expense?  Where did I hear that before?  Just from every financial adviser that tried to convince a Young John Wilder Who Had No Money to sign up for some sort of financial product.  Strong the sales force is in this one.  His sales technique was so good he’d managed to get a second slogan injected into Alia’s mind.


The force commissions are strong in this one.

Not Going to Let it Drop John Wilder:  “No.  Just the 401K.  No other stocks.  Pay off your debt first.”

As someone in the “Alia owes money to” category, I think I’d be a bit irritated if my loan wasn’t being paid back while Alia was investing in Elon Musk’s latest venture, a time machine that only Elon Musk’s hairline uses.  But investing in stocks when you owe money (outside of a mortgage) is, well, silly.


Or was it the future?  Musk’s mane mangles moments in the multiverse.

A 401k is different.

Why?  Many employers match some percentage of what you put in one.  The most common amount I’ve seen is a 50% match up to 6% of your wages.  Said differently, if you put in 6%, the company will put in 3%.  This is a good investment – you make an immediate 50% return.

Irritated As A Yak That Just Got Called A Weasel Noggin Alia S. Wilder:  “That’s what (Financial Adviser) is there for.  He works for (Company Name).”

Cool Voice of Experience John Wilder:  “No.  Don’t trust him.  No individual stocks.  Just 401k, and pay down your debt, until the debt is gone.  Then add more to your 401k.  Financial advisers are salesmen.  And this company (After Looking It Up)?  Whole Life Insurance?  STAY AWAY.”

Whole life insurance has two components – life insurance and some sort of investment.  It costs a LOT more than regular “term” life, but has the benefit of paying you back if you don’t use it.  How can I tell that whole life is a bad deal?  The salesmen get huge commissions.


For the record, he’s also sad he got caught.

The Feeling Like Napoleon Retreating from Moscow Alia S. Wilder:  “No.  They do more than investments.  They look at the whole picture.  He said he was going for more investments if we moved forward.”

The Not Needing to be a Psychic John Wilder:  “No.  Stay away.  I’m sure he’s a nice guy, good sales patter, but you will regret dealing with people like that.”

Now As Defensive as the Maginot Line Alia S. Wilder:  “It doesn’t hurt to get information and a direction on our future.  (Company) is a Christian company for Christians to help with money management on all fronts.”

Rolling Like a Panzer Through The Ardennes John Wilder:  “Sure.  Just don’t give them any money or sign anything.  He’s not doing this for his own health or because he’s a Christian.  He’s doing it so you can help make his car payment.”


Enough of this Nonsense Now, Has to Go Back to Work Alia S. Wilder:  “I appreciate your advice, Dad.  I love you lots.”

Won’t Let It Rest Because Apparently She Kept Thinking About It During Lunch Alia S. Wilder:  “So why are you so against investments?  If you don’t mind me asking.”

Sweaty Back from the Treadmill And Smelling Like Teen Spirit John Wilder:  “A 401k is an investment.  I’m in favor.  Paying off debts.  Also an investment.  Investments are smart, but individual stocks aren’t an investment, they’re speculation.  Stock funds before your debt is gone?  Stupid.  Using Christianity to sell a service?  Awful.”

What is an investment?  When you’re young and paying off debt, pay off the debt.  You need a financial adviser like you need a staff for your private lair underneath the volcano in the South Pacific.  And for most people, buying individual stocks is similar to gambling.  I heard one person make the comment – “I only invest in individual stocks if I can change the outcome.”  As I recall, he was on the board of several companies, so he yes, he really could change the outcomes.

The overall market is different.  It has had up years, and down years.  If I’m going to invest in stocks, I’m going to invest in aggregated stocks, like an index fund or a targeted fund, which is what I have in my 401k.  Yes, I have bought individual stocks.  And, yes, I’ve lost money on them – not enough to change my life, but enough to change my philosophy.


There’s an eternity of good deals!

I’m not against Christian businesses – not at all.  I’m not even against Christian financial advisers – Dave Ramsey (at least on radio) talks about his faith, but doesn’t use it to sell his products.  Heck, the guy gives away his ideas on the radio daily.  Does he make money?  Absolutely.

What about Chick-fil-A©?  I love Chick-fil-A®.  The chicken sandwich is the best I’ve ever tasted, and it amuses me how people get bent out of shape that they give up a day’s worth of revenue every week because of their principles.  When I’m in a big city do I go to Chick-fil-A™ because they’re Christian?  No.  I go there because the food is great.  I go there because the employees are uniformly polite and neat.  I go there because the stores are spotless.

I’m not even against financial advisers in general – but when a financial adviser is attempting to “help” people who don’t have money invest?  I’m not a fan.  I’d prefer they charged a fee like other professionals – that’s upfront, and I think those people really are on your side.

I later called up Alia.  “Did you sign anything?”


I relaxed.  The world isn’t short of people who want your money.  In some cases, they work really hard for it, like Chick-fil-A©.  In other cases, well, commissions are powerful motivators.

I’ll stick with the chicken sandwiches, they’re better with mayo.

Dang.  Now I’m hungry.

John Wilder is not a licensed professional adviser and you should probably think twice about taking his advice and consult with a competent adviser.  Unless you’re his kid, which you’re probably not.

Book Review: Civil War Two, Part II

“Without law, Commander, there is no civilization.” – Bridge on the River Kwai


You’d be surprised at the number of Civil War battles that were fought on National Parks.

We’re at part II of the review of Thomas W. Chittum’s book, Civil War Two:  The Coming Breakup of America.  You can find part I here (Book Review: Civil War Two, Part I).

I’m happy to report that I was wrong – you can buy Civil War Two:  The Coming Breakup of America on Amazon© on their Kindle® store.  Doing a normal search will take you only to the used hard copies, and those hard copies are still only available from resellers.

I encourage you to buy a copy of the Kindle® edition if you’ve downloaded the book on .pdf.  I bought one – because it puts money in the author’s pocket.  I’ve left a link below, and, as usual, I don’t make a dime if you buy anything linked here.  I’ve been thinking about it, but not right now.  Anyway, buy it.  As of this writing it’s only three bucks.  It’s a bargain at that price, so, pony up.

How did I find out that Mr. Chittum’s book was still available on Amazon?  Mr. Chittum emailed me and told me so.  I’m glad, and I’ve already revised my previous post, as well.

Last week we left off at the end of Phase I, the Foundational phase.  This week, we start off at Phase II – The Terrorist Phase.  Chittum felt that this phase would last between five and twenty years.  It’s been over twenty since it was written.  What did Chittum predict?


And we can prevent Civil War II if we just hold hands, because then no one will have hands to hold guns.

  1. More of Phase I.
  2. More riots, driven by ethnic conflict, some of multiple day duration, involving barricades and heavy weapons. This is spot on from Ferguson to Baltimore and beyond, with the exception of heavy weapons, which to my knowledge have not been employed.
  3. Ethnic militias, cults, gangs. I’ve certainly seen the gangs, but if “militias” and cults have been increasing, I’ve missed them.
  4. Increasing talk of secession and civil war. I read once that couples that use the word “divorce” are more likely to have one, so I’ve forbidden the use inside the house.  People talk about what they want, and these terms on the tips of tongues from Ticonderoga to Tallahassee to Tacoma to Toluca Lake.  Oh, yeah.
  5. Increasing bombing and sabotage against the government. This is another item that seems to be missing – people are mad at each other, not at the government.
  6. Increasing small group attacks.
  7. Small scale ethnic cleansing. I’ve read multiple articles about displacement of one ethnic group by another.  The one that comes immediately to mind are blacks being driven out of traditionally black areas in Los Angeles by Hispanics.
  8. Demographic and political Reconquista of the Southwest. In progress, as I keep hearing that schools find the American flag . . . racist?
  9. Food riots as government attempts to shut of welfare.   Welfare is in full swing.
  10. Racial factions and politicizing of the military. I have no idea if the military is racially fragmenting.  I’m willing to bet this will light up the comment section.  But the officer corps seems to be broadly moving left, based on the rumors I’ve heard about elimination of upper ranks due to political reasons.   West Point appears to be corrupted to the point a communist graduated.  Although they kicked him out, it would appear that Congress has a place waiting for him.
  11. Splitting American institutions based on ethnic or political lines. In progress.  When a the FBI® has groups attempting to overthrow the government, and the Boy Scouts™ are admitting girls, the institutions of the country are splitting apart.  A little.
  12. Abandonment of certain city areas by the police.
  13. Gangs will have political goals and militarize. Outside of the cartels, if this is happening, it’s not happening publically.
  14. White people begin to wonder if the establishment is working for them. The white vote appears to be polarizing, although I personally doubt we’ll ever see the 90/10 split seen in many minority voting blocs.
  15. An armored car will be destroyed. A child is shown in the media foraging for food in a dump.  Neither of these have come true, to my knowledge, but photos of the homeless camps in California are common.

Phase II is where we are now – but it keeps getting worse, seemingly on a monthly basis.

The next phase Chittum outlines is Phase III:  Guerrilla Warfare.  By inspection, we’re not there.  The skirmishes that Antifa© provokes aren’t it – imagine if Antifa™ has weapons and secures an area, killing people in the process – that’s the level of violence expected.  This is actual warfare, but limited in time and location.  Areas will be lost to the guerrillas.  Chittum expects this to be shorter than the current phase, and this lower-scale warfare will last ten to twenty years.

The final phase is Phase IV:  All-Out, Continuous Warfare.  It’s just as on the label – actual armies moving in the field.  This is civil war – and the outcome cannot be predicted, especially if it takes place ten or twenty years from today.  Massive forces will be unleased, like never before in the country, and (this is me, not Chittum) we won’t have the structure that provided cohesion after the first Civil War.

Chittum spends some time analyzing the United States and safer places to be, but this is tied back to 1997 demographics and I don’t live in the places he talks about, so, those are interesting primarily due to his analytical methods and I’d suggest you give that a read to see how your mileage may vary.  I’d suggest spending time doing your own research on what you feel is a “safe” location.  Although finding a safe location might be hard, it’s probably easy to find places that won’t be safe, so you could probably start just by avoiding places that you know will turn into a post-apocalyptic hell-hole in five minutes if the microwave at the 7-11® breaks.

It’s easy to predict places where you’re not safe – you know, the places with bars over the windows and the local priest carries an AR.  Think those neighborhoods will be better after the world caves in?  Well, I’m pretty sure real estate prices will be down, but that’s primarily due to the wailing coming from the direct pit to hell that will open up after things get bad.


Birthday at Casa Wilder is always exciting!

But how do they go from normal to “pit to hell”, anyway?  One particular line from Chittum in a later chapter breaking down stability by using Europe as a model had this sentence in it:  “With each and every passing day, more and more Americans of all ethnic groups are perceiving their tribal affiliation as more self-definitive and more important that their common American nationality.”

This is the key to the unravelling we’re seeing in the country right now.  The United States transformed from a nation that had little diversity (in 1960, the country was 85% non-Hispanic white) to today, where the country is 60% non-Hispanic white.  In 1960, by and large the identity of all the citizens in the country was:  American.  Americans were of all ethnicities.  Were there groups that were excluded?  Certainly – Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights movement gained popularity by pointing out unfairness in treatment of blacks in America.  And America responded – we wanted to believe that being an American could transcend racial differences that seem to rip apart countries across the world.  We did our best.

Problem fixed, right?

No.  Not as long as each ethnic group defines itself through identity.


Also, the Egyptians should have seen that pyramid scheme from the start.

Chittum hints at the possibility that complete Imperial Conversion might be one way to avoid Civil War, and lists several requirements to complete the transformation of the United States from it’s former form to an Empire.  In the end, Chittum feels that Civil War at least provides hope, whereas Empire doesn’t.  Chittum even provides (23 years ago) a direct time and place where the Civil War will start – 5/5/2020, in a city park in Los Angeles.  For reasons that I’ll get into below, I think this is a little soon.

Chittum’s advice on preparation is pretty common in the prepper world, at least in 2019.  Locations near borders along ethnic faultlines are out.  Locations that have logistical dependencies (think water) on other locations . . . out.  Military bases?  Out.  Large cities?  Out.  Near the border of the “new nations”?  Out.

Also, have some food and don’t tell other people that you have food.  At least enough for your family for a year.  Also, a gun and at least 5,000 rounds of ammo.  Chittum speaks about gun caliber in general, but I’ve seen the fights that gun caliber selection sets off in the comments section, so I’ll leave that for later when I want to make sure you’re reading.  He suggests caching your food and ammo and gun away from the house, and, although I understand his reasons, it’s not something I do, at least currently.  As I get older, it’s even less likely.  If I make it to a retirement home, I’ll probably hide bullets in my walker.

Finally, Mr. Chittum has a checklist (in no particular order) of things that will be there before Civil War II hits.  I’ve put the ones I think have already occurred in bold:


Always remember item 6 – “Wear Pants”

  1. Ethnic classifications become more prominent.
  2. Illegal aliens allowed to vote, even locally.
  3. Attack on the Second Amendment.
  4. Juries that split on racial lines – shows that justice isn’t justice anymore.
  5. Military taking police duties.
  6. Internal (for use in the United States) elite military force.
  7. Mobs in Washington D.C.
  8. Blacks demanding facilities without whites (dorms, etc.).
  9. Replacement of individual rights with group rights – health care, for instance.
  10. Non-governmental organizations acquiring military power.
  11. Real political power shifting to the courts.
  12. Political power shifting to international bodies.
  13. Leftists and minority control spreads of basic institutions.
  14. Secessionist movements and groups seeking autonomy.
  15. Race-based political parties.
  16. No-go areas left to gangs.
  17. Reparations.
  18. Court voting manipulation (against gerrymandering).
  19. Unrest in other multiethnic empires in the world at the time.
  20. “Gated” communities for the wealthy.
  21. Increased media hoaxes.
  22. Increased minorities in the military.
  23. Out of court settlements in cases of racial discrimination (method to transfer money to radical groups).
  24. More restrictions on freedom of speech, including getting speakers fired or SWATed.
  25. Police abandon traditional uniforms for military-style uniforms.
  26. Groups of cops that form to oppose unconstitutional actions. Chittum thought they would be clandestine and ethnic, but the Oath Keepers are neither.
  27. An affirmative action agency (EEOC for instance) to have armed agents.
  28. Dollar collapse.
  29. Geographic segregation and mention of it in the press.
  30. Signs American military dominance challenged in a serious way.
  31. Breakup of Canada.
  32. More Americans moving to Canada than vice versa.
  33. Parallel ethnic political and legal organizations have more power than base organizations.
  34. More help wanted ads requiring bilingual applicants.
  35. Greater role for UN in the world.
  36. Photo of burned out American tank on US soil.

So, of this list, by my count about 18 (your mileage may vary) of Chittum’s 36 item checklist have happened.  Some of the above are more important than others.

As noted, I recommend the book.  It’s good, and not everything is covered in the 4,000-odd words that are in this review.  It’s also a pretty quick read with decent flow.

How has the prediction held out?  Certainly, better than any prediction that I did in 1997.  I think the biggest missing piece is Leftist ideology.  The Leftists have done a really good job of keeping together a rickety coalition of communists, Islamists, racial agitators, and ideologists without ideas.  This has led to increased stability that would have been hard for Mr. Chittum to foresee from 1997.

Additionally, the work on prepping has moved on in twenty years.  The basics remain the same, but the general philosophy has had 20 years of thought, refinement, and improvement.  But we haven’t had 20 years of thought on what will cause a civil war and how likely that is.

But, oddly, the Leftist coalition is keeping the country from splitting into dozens of pieces – right now it’s just two pieces.  I think this increased stability has extended the time until Civil War II breaks out.  What brings stability down?  Economic hardship.  The 2020 election.

And there is a price to be paid.  Can the Left control the forces of discontent and hate that it has unleased?  Can the Right control the forces that are a reaction to the demographic change in society?

Tough questions.  (Shakes Magic 8 Ball®)



Permanent Records, Mel Gibson, and Freedom

“As you know, Bart, one day your permanent record will disqualify you from all but the hottest and noisiest jobs.” – The Simpsons


I have to remember that every time I talk to my wife, my conversation is being recorded for “training and quality” purposes.

In my younger days at school I actually heard teachers say, with great regularity, “That’s going to go on your permanent record.”

The teachers didn’t say that to me, of course.  I spent spare time in the classroom quietly reading the Bible.  Okay, that’s not true.  I was actually that kid in class that got away with everything.  But even though I wasn’t getting in trouble for things like taking blood samples in fifth grade for use in making slides for the class microscope (I got samples from about a dozen kids that all used the same needle).  And in kindergarten I think I spent more time in the principal’s office than in the classroom.


I actually deserved every minute I spent in the principal’s office.  Today?  I think they’d have tried to pump me so full of medications that my street value would have been about $6 million.

Nowadays they’d say I had ADD, but in reality I had a serious case of JAAD.  As in John’s An A____e Disorder.  Feel free to fill in the blank.  No points if you’re my ex-wife since she would claim she discovered this syndrome.

Even when I was fifth grade I knew that the “permanent records” threat was nonsense.  One thing that America used to be great at was losing records.  When I asked Pa Wilder how he did in high school, he just smiled and chuckled and said, “the school burned down, so those records are gone.”  He didn’t smell like gasoline, so I’m hoping he wasn’t the one who helped that fire along.


“Nice school you’ve got there.  Be a shame if my Permanent Record didn’t show all A’s.”

But even the courthouse in the county burned down while I was in elementary school.  I’m sure that they had some of the records stored elsewhere, because they were still able to charge property taxes.  But I assure you that some records were lost – this was a poor county, and if they were lucky they had microfilm stored offsite for property tax purposes.

The really, really nice thing about records was this:  they weren’t permanent.  Sure, we have cuneiform tablets from the time of the Sumerian emperor Sargon the Great dealing with taxes from Umalahook selling a goat to Brandon for a fraternity prank.  However, the great part about history is that most of it is forgotten.


Really, do you think that gouging the eyes out of a chocolate Easter bunny is grounds for a restraining order?  I’ll admit doing it with an ice pick was a little excessive.

There are gaps in history, where we don’t know the motivation of people, not popes, not kings, not Elon Musk.  The records for some years are so sparse that there’s actually one theory that 297 years were entirely made up and we’re actually living in the year 1722 (LINK).  And, no, I wouldn’t trade in your t-shirts and cargo pants for hose and a tricornered hat, yo.  The theory is that history was such a mess that, at some point, people just made up a bunch of years (between 614 A.D. and 911 A.D.).  I can see that all of Europe could have decided that it’s a much better idea to skip 300 some-odd years and go straight from lice and wooden mugs of grog to iPods™ and Pringles®.


“Early to bed, early to rise, is no way to get a blog post out on time, Wilder.” – Ben Franklin

Oh, sure, there are examples of records that are nearly permanent.  The Secret Vatican Archives (yes, they really call them that but it’s in Italian so it sounds fancier) have documents that date back to the 8th century, although the 8th century document is actually just a Post-It® note that Pope John VII (no relation) doodled pictures of cats on during a really long meeting when he was bored and ready for lunch and stupid Cardinal Vincenzo would not shut up about the lack of clean towels in the sauna.


Oh, my, what a difference one typo can make.

Forgetting is even, thankfully, enshrined in law.  The first time (that I can find) that the idea of statutes of limitations showed up was during, drumroll, the Roman era.  Statutes of limitations started out as simply the idea that, after a prescribed period of time, people can’t sue you for damages in civil court.  Added in English law in the 17th century was the idea that even criminal cases couldn’t be brought after a certain time.

Why?  The logic was that after a certain time, evidence of the civil case or crimes couldn’t be reliably produced. This is a good thing.  The crime that you committed when you were 18 can’t hang over your head when you’re 48.  It’s done.  For most crimes, the statute of limitations has a lot of different durations based on the type of crime.  Most Federal felonies (in the United States) expire after five years, unless the crime is murder, terrorism resulting in murder, or anything Jeff Epstein ever did in which case there is no statute of limitations.  Which is also a good thing.  As an aside, I’m really shocked to hear that the jailers watching Epstein both committed suicide tomorrow.

But digital media has changed all of that – the courthouse or school burning down won’t destroy the D you got in high school algebra or the record of the DUI Mel Gibson was arrested for.  They’re backed up on multiple servers in California and Ohio.  Unless there’s an EMP, those records will last a long time in the United States.


“They can feel us up at the airport, but they will never take our freedom!  Oh, wait, I guess that’s totally taking away our freedom.”

Europe has put in place a law in 1995 establishing a “right to be forgotten.”  This law, more or less, says that if the information is no longer relevant, it should be removed from search engines.  Of course, publishing the truth is a zillion percent protected by the First Amendment, which is why people publishing books like the Anarchist Cookbook are legal.  They’re facts.  If you don’t commit a crime using those facts, you’ve done nothing wrong.

Likewise, if people in the United States get Google® results that show someone in Britain did something naughty in 1977, well, that person can’t complain since we seem to have written that pesky First Amendment as a direct result of people telling us what we can and cannot say.  Like a kindergarten-age John Wilder attempting to see how sharp a knife was on a classmate’s forearm, we Americans just don’t take direction very well.

I guess we’ll just have to live with that on our Permanent Record.


I guess I’ll just leave this here.

Black Swans, Cute Girls from Poland, and Sexy Bill Gates

“All I want is peace – a little piece of Poland, a little piece of France . . .” – To Be or Not To Be


These are Polish sports fans.  They were photographed at . . . oh, I’ve lost you already.

I went to seventh grade in a very small school district, I think there were, perhaps, 40 or 50 kids in my grade.  We were fairly remote, and the area wasn’t particularly well off economically so looking back, this was the end of the road for the teachers that weren’t locals.  When I was in seventh grade, I saw that my science teacher was reading a book.  Since I had ample time to read on the bus going to school every day, (Pa Wilder picked me up after football practice) and I was a pretty voracious reader.  I was always looking for a good book after I’d rolled through the science fiction section in the school library.

Young John Wilder:  “What’s that book?”

Teacher:  “Oh, this?  It’s called The Shining.  It’s pretty good.  Want to borrow it after I’m done?”

I’m sure he’d get fired today for allowing a seventh grader to borrow a book that only included cis-gendered characters in a heteronormative patriarchal un-handicapable-positive environment.  But it did start me reading Stephen King, and I read everything he wrote until he stopped snorting whiskey and drinking cocaine.  After that?  King’s nosebleeds decreased, as did the quality of his writing.  It’s probably in bad taste to suggest we start a “Get Stephen Stoned Again” movement, but if it gets him away from Twitter® I’m all for it.

Given all that, today I was amused when I got this in a text from my friend:  “The reason your writing is scarier than Stephen King is that your writing is more likely to come true.”

But reality is scary.  The future is scary.  And even though we can’t predict exactly what will happen, it’s fairly clear that we live in a vastly more interrelated society that exhibits technological wonders while it faces the challenges of a huge planetary population.  The paradox is, although humanity is more connected than ever before in history, that connection seems to have sharpened the divisions between peoples and ideology.  The dream was that communication would unite humanity.  The reality is that we don’t seem to like each other all that much.  Apparently the ultimate conclusion as we communicate in a superhuman fashion at the speed of light across the planet is that “those other guys are hooter-weasels.”  Hooter weasel wasn’t my first choice, but turd-yak© and rump-stooge© were already copyrighted by Disney™.

But back to scary:

The other day I was working out, and listening to a YouTube® video on the Polish Resistance during World War II.  Why?  I like history, and in some ways you can learn a lot about today from looking at the past, it seems that just like Albanian strippers attempting to fix a copier at an all-night hardware store, we just never learn.  I haven’t quite finished watching this video (since I ran out of treadmill) but will probably finish it tomorrow.  But one question struck me as I was listening:  what sort of change had the Polish people endured?

Warning, this video is over an hour long.  I enjoy watching stuff like this on the treadmill at lunch, because it makes me think and ignore the pain weakness escaping my body and how the English have no idea how to pronounce certain words.  Your mileage may vary.

The economy of Poland before invasion in 1939 was growing.  Like the rest of the world, the Polish income had dropped during the depression, but by 1939 it was higher than it had been in 1929.  Beyond that, between World War I and World War II Poland had greatly increased the number and quality of schools and had started flossing regularly.  Poland was doing okay.

Of course, being stuck between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia is a really, really bad place to be.  Both countries invaded in Poland in 1939, and it was split up like a Hollywood couple’s kids, except Hitler and Stalin were mom and dad.  Yeah.

Immediately, the Poles buried rifles.  They didn’t plan for this, and didn’t have much time to prepare, so when they went to dig the rifles up later, they found that they had rusted and were useless.  As the economy of Poland was absorbed first by the Germans and the Soviets, and then by the Germans alone, Poland’s economy was shattered.  Poland’s labor was taken to make armaments, and Poland’s food was taken in large part to feed Germany and German troops.  Food became scarce.  What could be worse?  Oh, yeah, the war passing right over your country again.  When the Soviets invaded Poland the food situation eventually got better, but, let’s face it:  the communists have never really figured out the whole “feeding your people” thing.


This is a real picture of a store in Poland during the communist years.  They actually told the people that they didn’t produce too much food, so that they wouldn’t be wasteful like the Westerners.

This post isn’t about Poland or Stephen King’s coke-filled sinus cavities.  This post is about change.  The Polish people were doing well, but then this big steam roller then proceeded to crush them, eliminate 20% of the population, and then oppress them over the next fifty years.

Did anyone in Poland predict that change?  Nope.

Massive, unexpected catastrophic change regularly occurs.  In society, the stock market, companies, and even personal reputations are built slowly, but lost in a flash.  This phenomenon is called Seneca’s Cliff, and I wrote about it here (Seneca’s Cliff and You) a long time ago.

Are there other examples of extreme catastrophic change beyond Poland in 1939?  Sure.

  • The Russian Revolution, which led directly to the Holodomor (In the World Murder Olympics, Communists Take Gold and Silver!).
  • The Depression and Housing Bubble were both examples of market crashes.
  • Myspace®. Not the company, that was bad.  But my page was just awful.
  • I could start on reputations of people, but, really, where would I end?


Funny how times have changed.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote about this phenomenon in his (quite excellent) book The Black Swan.  The really short version of his book is humans lived for tens of thousands of years in a linear world.  You could look around, and see that the height distribution in the tribe was a bell curve.  So was running speed.  Yeah, everyone who runs the 100M (3.2 miles) dash at the Olympics® can run it faster than I could when I was young.  But I could run a 40 yard dash in 4.9 seconds.  So, let’s say I could run 100 meters in 11 or 12 seconds at my peak being while pretending to be chased by a rabid Albanian stripper.  11 or 12 seconds is probably average for a high school athlete while not being chased by an Albanian.

The world record in the 100 meter dash is 9.58 seconds.

Yeah, my best time sucks compared to the world record, but the world record isn’t that far away from what I could run.  Now let’s take a look at wealth.

The average (which is pulled up by wealthy people) net worth of a family in the United States is about $700,000.  But the median (half the families above, half below) is $100,000.  But let’s use the higher figure for grins.

The best sprinter is about 25% faster than me.  Bill Gates is 14,285,000% wealthier than the average family.

To get the same percentage in a sprint as Bill Gates has in the pocketbook would require that I finish the 100 meter sprint that the world’s fastest person finished in 9.58 seconds in . . . 15.9 days.  (That’s 15.9 in metric days.)  People are simply not equipped to think about life like that, although Pugsley (my youngest spawn) does move that slow when I tell him to take out the trash.  Huge numbers and exponential quantities are not what we spent tens of thousands of years thinking about.


What does it take to make Bill Gates the richest man in the world?  Jeff Bezos dating a floozy.  Sexy Bill Gates is for James at Bison Prepper (LINK).

How did Taleb define his Black Swans?

  • The odds would say that they’re extremely rare. Stock markets don’t collapse all at once when investors are rational, right?  Well, the odds are wrong.  Nonlinearity happens.  Investors panic in a herd.
  • Black Swans have huge consequences. The Great Depression likely led to World War II.  That’s a huge consequence.  These consequences are huge mainly due to overlapping failures – one part of the economy shuts down which pulls another with it.  And the longer a system has been forced into “stability” and not allowed to fail?  The greater the consequence.  An avalanche isn’t a single snowball – it’s a massive wave of snow.  It’s funny, but it used to be a joke that someone just making a big noise could cause an avalanche . . . and yet . . . at some point that individual snowflake is just enough weight to bring the whole mountain of snow down.
  • In hindsight, people believe it was obvious the Black Swan would happen. Why didn’t evil terrorists pilot a plane into a building sooner?

The Polish being invaded was a Black Swan.  Sure, it looks obvious now, but Britain and France guaranteed that they’d go to war if Poland was invaded.  Britain and France were completely unprepared for war.  But in hindsight . . . oh, that was the point.


Javelin jokes?  Please spear me.

We have to live in this world of Black Swans.  Well, Bill Gates doesn’t, but you and I do.  How do we cope?

  1. Be awake. The world wants to lull you to sleep with Doritos® and Johnny Depp movies and food delivery boxes.  Don’t fall for it.  Look at the world through clear eyes.  See beyond your surroundings.
  2. Be honest. You can’t cheat an honest man.  Be honest with others.  Build real relationships. Be honest with yourself.  If you don’t understand that 40 year old you couldn’t beat 18 year old you in a 100 meter dash, you’re not being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.  Plan accordingly.
  3. Plan for what?  Don’t know.  Everything.  Anything.  Start small.  Three days.  Then Three months.  Then?  Three years.  But start.  The basics of financial survival and the basics of physical survival overlap.  Plan.  Think about what could happen.  You won’t be right, but you’ll be ready to react when the unthinkable really does happen.
  4. Remember, higher consequences are less likely. A fistfight is more likely than a gunfight which is more likely than global thermonuclear war.  Hurricanes are more common than civilizational collapse.  But the odds of civilizational collapse might be much higher than you think.
  5. Understand that the inevitable is . . . inevitable. You’re going to die.  The sun will come up tomorrow.  The Cubs® will never win the World Series™.  Oh, they did?  2016?  I must have been sleeping.
  6. Have a rainy day fund. The rainy day fund isn’t always in dollars, though dollars are super nice.  It can be a pantry full of food you eat.  It can be a massive safe filled with rare PEZ® dispensers.  It can be gasoline in gas cans in your garage, propane in your propane tanks.  Pop Wilder always said, “It doesn’t cost anymore to run off the top half of your gas tank.”  Build slack in your life, in your time, in your supplies.

Even in the darkest days, there is hope.  For Poland, it was an electrician who wanted workers to be treated well, and who also didn’t like communism.  Lech Walesa founded the labor union “Solidarity” in Gdansk, on September 17, 1980.  A year later over 30% of the Polish workforce belonged to Solidarity.  In the end, Solidarity forced the Polish government in 1989 to allow the first free elections since the 1930’s.


Never underestimate the power of the ‘stache.

Shortly afterward and absolutely related to Walesa’s work?  Another Black Swan, the collapse of the Soviet Union brought about in part by Lech.  A Polish electrician helped bring down a superpower.  Okay, let’s be honest, a Polish electrician and $10 million in covert funding from the CIA.

Thankfully the CIA got that $10 million – the Pentagon would probably have bought, what, 16 hammers with that?  The Pentagon spending wisely?  Now that’s a real Black Swan.

Book Review: Civil War Two, Part I

“I’ll give you a winter prediction:  it’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be grey, and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life.” – Groundhog Day


There was a dwarf fortune teller that was wanted by police.  The news headline was “Small medium at large.”

One of the comments on the very first issue of the Civil War Two Weather Report (You can find all three Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming, Civil War Weather Report #2, Censorship, Stalin, and a Bunch of Links, Civil War Weather Report #3: Violence, China, and Lots of Links) was a link to Thomas W. Chittum’s 1997 book Civil War Two:  The Coming Breakup of AmericaIt is available as a .pdf here.  Ordinarily I’d point you towards Amazon® so you could buy the book and put money in the author’s pocket, but it looks like the book has been out of print for some time.

Update:  it’s here, Mr. Chittum pointed me in this direction.  Please give this one a purchase – it’s good for Mr. Chittum, and I promise I don’t make a dime off of it.

Chittum had an interesting past before writing this book – he fought in Vietnam for the United States.  Apparently that wasn’t enough and the United States was all peaceful for the next twenty years, so he fought in Rhodesia and Croatia as a mercenary rifleman.  Oh, and he was a computer programmer for most of his life.

The book is now 22 years old, and it makes predictions.  How did it do?  I won’t spoil the plot too much, but Chittum has probably been better at predicting 2019 while writing about it in 1996 than a lot of people have done living in 2016 and predicting 2019.  It was pretty chilling to me to read how much Chittum had gotten right, so I thought I’d review the book.

As the notecards I use for blocking out posts went to three times the number I use for a typical post, I realized that the review would be take (at least) two posts, if not three.  So, here’s part one.  You’ll see part two next Monday.

Early on, Chittum notes that the United States has moved from the status of a nation to that of an empire.  Some might date the beginning of empire to the end of the first Civil War, but I’d say that the United States was, more or less, a single nation up until the 1970’s.  Sure there were regional differences, but the idea of kneeling when the national anthem was played wouldn’t have occurred to anyone but revolutionary Leftists.


Make the Empire Great Again™!

The United States had a homogeneous culture for 90% plus of citizens in the 1970’s.  The dreams of the civic nationalist were realized in that era that resulted from very low immigration:  all that matters was that people were committed to being the idea of integrating and assimilating into being an American, and it would work out fine.  As long as we were one group that could sit and watch Cheers® or M*A*S*H™ or baseball, and cheer for our favorite teams, we’d be fine.

In the civic nationalist world it didn’t matter that your great-grandparents were Italian immigrants in 1900.  Your grandpa might have been named Enzio, but he went by Ernie and married an Irish gal named Mary.  Your dad played baseball.  Your name is Robert and your sister’s name is Nancy and the only thing really Italian about you is you like pizza.

I’d guess I’d use the participation in youth soccer as a proxy for demographic change.  We all know that soccer was originally invented in Europe so the Germans would have something to do besides invade France and conquer it in an afternoon.  It’s not a traditional game that Americans play.  Oh, sure, the United States women won the World Cup®.  But to be fair, we needed something for our women to do so they didn’t invade France, either.


Let’s face it, our choice is either World Cup® soccer, or panzers streaking through Paris.  Is it just me, or do the panzers sound more interesting?

But Chittum points out that stability comes from a single group identity.  People being all on the same team makes us stronger, where as many groups make us weaker.  In this light, diversity isn’t Our Greatest Strength™, it’s really a weakness.

And his point is clear – ask a Leftist what it means to be an American, and you’ll likely get a vague statement about all you have to do to be an American is want to be one.  Asking them to learn English and assimilate and fit into American culture is for some reason now considered racist.  From the vantage point of 2019, it’s clear, diversity is our greatest weakness if we want a safe and stable nation.

This is observable in the real world.  Chittum fought in the breakup of the Balkans, and witnessed the breakdown of the Soviet Union.  When the Soviet Union fell, Chittum notes it was about 50% ethnic Russian.  The resulting nation that emerged was about 80% ethnic Russian and is much more stable.  It’s certainly more Russian.

The trends of a nation in peril are observable.  Our police departments don’t look like policemen, they’re now military.  Remember, to a cop, the citizens look like citizens.  To the military, everyone is a potential enemy.

  • SWAT teams raided Amish farms because they were selling unpasteurized milk.
  • Cops get armored personnel carriers like they’re patrolling Syria and not San Francisco.
  • Even local cops in Modern Mayberry wear gloves with hard plastic knuckles during normal patrols.


When she pulled me over I rolled down the window and said, “What’s wrong?”  Her response?  “Nothing.”

Chittum spends a lot of time on the American Southwest – he figures it will be the trigger to the Civil War.

The original Reconquista took place in Spain as the Spanish expelled the Muslims who had conquered it over the course of six hundred years.  It was slow, but it finished up in 1492.  In the same way, Chittum notes that, although Mexico is a failed state, Mexicans are “retaking” the Southwest in a modern Reconquista that has taken place over decades since 1965, but with 1000% less Muslims.


Nothing says practical like that hat!

Likewise, Chittum writes that the only solution is to close the border.  Of course he was writing this in 1997 so 22 years have passed.  Right now, at least 40% of the population of Los Angeles is foreign born.  In no way could Los Angeles be considered to be an American city today.  It might even be considered Mexican, as rival Mexican gangs have recently infiltrated the LA County Sheriff’s office (LINK).

Who loves this?  Leftists who wish to topple the United States:  Leftists need the votes.  Ethnic groups like La Raza:  La Raza is the intellectual part of the movement that actively wishes to retake the Southwest.  Multinational corporations:  they like the lower wages.


Worst, though, are the hipster cops who will only arrest you ironically.

Let’s be clear:  Mexicans are patriots about Mexico.  They love their country – that’s why they proudly carry their flag during protests. Even in 1997, Chittum noted that crime was rampant in Mexico and the border was a mess and it’s even worse in Latin America south of Mexico.  Who can blame them for wanting to come to the United States, especially when some groups spin a fable of an ethnic empire, Aztlan, which is theirs for the taking?

The South and Northeast aren’t much better, and Chittum mentions that the Northeast will experience massive, open violence, which will be unorganized, and savage.  Some of the urban areas might survive as city-states.

California is his odds-on favorite to be ground zero.  Street gangs, as mentioned above, are numerous and founded on ethnicity.  They’ve infiltrated public organizations and the police and even allegedly corrupted members of the Marine Corps (LINK).  It’s this particular “enemy inside” that is troubling.  An external enemy is that can be fought, but when the enemy of the country becomes an internal enemy, it’s much worse – there’s a reason that treason is mentioned in the Constitution.


Ahh, California, the meth laboratory of democracy.

Chittum mentions militias.  They seemed to have their peak in the 1990’s, and quickly declined after Oklahoma City.  He also mentions “Committees of Correspondence” which were a mechanism for people to communicate with each other because they didn’t have the Internet in the 1760’s to begin to organize against the British, LOL.  The Internet serves this purpose now, with large groups getting information from unapproved sources, and even managing to “privately*” share information.

*Don’t bet your life or liberty on it.

Chittum writes that Civil War Two will be vicious, atrocity filled, and genocidal.  Civilian casualties are to be expected, and many will be on purpose.  Looting will be common.  This is not the usual scenario our military faces in any fashion, so the analyses performed by John Mark (see Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming) or Forward Observer (Civil War Weather Report #3: Violence, China, and Lots of Links) aren’t valid.  Civil War Two has the potential to be far worse than any conflict seen in history, as it combines both ethnic division along with ideological division – it’s like the Russian Revolution times Rwanda to the power of Somalia.


I’ve been stuck in the same phase for . . . oh . . . twenty years now.  Maybe one day I’ll grow out of being a 12 year old.  I’m not telling you how long it took me to get to that phase!

There are four phases according to Chittum.  The first phase of the problem is what he refers to as Foundational.  He said in 1997 the Foundational phase was already complete.

  1. Tribalization of society – have different rules for different ethnic groups, push people to identify as something other than “American.”
  2. Power shift to unelected administrators, judges, board, commissions, and public servants.
  3. Since 1972, wages been stagnant, or, when compared to medical care or education, dramatically falling.
  4. The core of many large cities has been abandoned – think Baltimore or Detroit.
  5. Massive and sustained immigration, falling of standards and conditions in some locations to those similar to undeveloped countries.
  6. Racial organizations in police – militarization of police, which are both covered above.
  7. Treaties are more important that state sovereignty.
  8. A consistent and strong drive for gun control.
  9. From Antifa© to MS-13 to the Crips, these are in place.
  10. Mass media participation in the polarization. The mass media has already picked a side – Left.

We can see what Chittum says is behind us.  Next Monday we’ll look (from his vantage point in 1997 and ours in 2019) to see what else he’s predicted, and how far along we are.

Sweet dreams!

Red Flag Laws, or, How To Repeal The Second Amendment Soviet-Style Without A Pesky Vote

“Now, you see all these red flags?  Trouble spots.  Southeastern Asia.  The Caribbean.  The Congo.  I’ll give you one guess as to who’s responsible.” – Doctor Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine


I look much better after I’ve had a cup of coffee.  And after I’ve found my axe.

I know that you, gentle reader, have thoughts about guns that are probably pretty similar to mine, so I’d like to take you on a short walk through history, specifically the history of politics and psychiatry.  I promise, it will make more sense than the lyrics to the Manfred Mann song Blinded by the Light.  What the hell is a go-cart Mozart, and why is he checking out the weather chart, anyway?

(Related:  Civil War Weather Reports – Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming, Civil War Weather Report #2, Censorship, Stalin, and a Bunch of Links, and Civil War Weather Report #3: Violence, China, and Lots of Links)

The history of psychiatry is tied directly to the political.

I have seen a person suffering from schizophrenia to such a degree that they were sure that MTV® video stars were stealing songs directly from their brain and that they were also a surgeon who regularly performed operations on world leaders and stored their organs in the freezer for safe keeping.

If no one has ever told you that there are human organs belonging to world leaders in their fridge in a completely matter-of-fact “would you like a glass of water” voice, well, all I can tell you is that my first thought was one of complete disbelief that I had heard them right.  Yes, I asked for them to repeat that statement.  Twice.

I walked over and checked their freezer.   Thankfully the only things in it were some frozen pizzas and ancient ice cubes.  I assure you I was talking to their shrink that afternoon and they were involuntarily committed by 5PM.  They were helped, and after being put on some appropriately industrial levels of anti-psychotic medication, did okay enough to be released back into the wild.  As long as they stayed on their meds.

I know that there are actually crazy people that really need help.

But I also know this:  psychiatry is still the most politically abused medical profession.


Okay, if Depp isn’t crazy, why does he keep starring in movies like this? 

Examples of political abuse of psychiatry?  There are many.  When I mentioned this topic to The Mrs., she immediately said, “the Soviet Union.”  And that’s the example I thought of first, too.  The Soviets systematically used diagnosis of psychological disorders such as “philosophical intoxication” and “sluggish schizophrenia” to put people who didn’t like Marxism into mental institutions.  And, no, those diagnoses aren’t lame jokes – those were really Soviet-era diagnoses.

How many were caught up in the psychological gulags?

We really don’t know since those records are still secret, but in 1978 at least 4.5 million Soviet citizens were listed as having mental health problems.  In 1988, perhaps thinking that they might face their own version of Soviet Nuremburg Trials for Crimes Against Humanity, Soviet leaders had over 800,000 thousand patients removed from the list of the mentally ill.  Paperwork error, surely?


Okay, with all those red flags, how did they not see the collapse of communism coming?

Did the Soviets condemn thousands with false diagnosis?  Nearly certainly.  Hundreds of thousands?  Very likely.


Probably.  Think of it, millions of people falsely diagnosed with a mental illness due to political beliefs and sent to asylums and work camps.  Certainly some were executed.


The Soviets allowed ownership of smoothbore weapons for hunting.  Except when they didn’t.  Which was most of the time.  Oh, and the definition of sweet summer child is:  a person who doesn’t know the hardships of winter, often used when someone has no experience with a particular (stressful) thing, which may describe a generation that rhymes with perennial.

Okay, it was just the Soviet Union, right?

No.  Cuba did the same thing.  There is evidence that China is still doing it, and likely on scale similar to that of the Soviet Union.  Thankfully the World Psychiatric Association took the lead in investigations.  Oh, they didn’t?  The World Psychiatric Association pretty much ignored it and said that people associated with Falun Gong are nuts and that putting them in asylums run by the state security apparatus (not the medical directorate) was perfectly normal?


One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest . . . and if you haven’t see the movie, you should, it’s a lighthearted comedy and perfect for a first date.

Okay, that’s just China.  Thankfully this would never happen in the United States.

Oh, it did?

Sure.  In the 1920’s dissidents (like one who protested the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti) were put into asylums.  In the 1960’s members of the American Psychological Association smeared presidential candidate Barry Goldwater in the press by diagnosing him.  But that wasn’t political, right?

Thankfully it isn’t happening now.

Oh, in 2012 a whistleblower with the NYPD was railroaded on mental health?  Ouch.  But New York is corrupt.

It would never happen based on political motives, right?

Dinesh D’Souza, author and filmmaker on the Right was convicted of a crime based on giving too much money to a political campaign.  He admitted he was wrong.  The Federal Judge involved in the case sentenced D’Souza not only to prison, he sentenced D’Souza to years of mental health counselling despite a licensed psychologist saying that D’Souza was just fine mentally.

So, yes.  Psychiatry is a political weapon.  It’s not like the Left has sentenced political opponents to chemotherapy, but I hear that they’re working on it.


Yes, this is a common sense way to use psychiatry!

This corrupt branch of medicine is the background of the Red Flag Laws.

The idea is that we’ll create laws to remove rights from people without due process, with the presumption that individuals should lose a right guaranteed by the Constitution®.  A single accuser, with no evidence can result in gun confiscation to a law-abiding citizen.  Sadly this already happens – people with contested domestic restraining orders (a standard tactic in divorces nowadays) lose their rights, although I’ve heard of people fighting these orders and winning – at least there is a pretense at due process.

The claim that the ability to strip people of rights won’t be abused is laughable.  In every country that’s been infected by psychiatry, it has been twisted to meet political ends.  Yes, there are crazy people.  I’ve seen one as I related above.  And, if you did a brain scan, there is a physical basis for schizophrenia.  It’s real.  It is a medical condition.  But remember, these are the same psychiatrists that would diagnose me as nuts if I believed I was be five years older than I really am, but are perfectly fine with children younger than the age of five claiming they are a different sex than their genetics have made them.

Po-tay-to, Po-gender reassignment surgery for children is normal-to.

Furthermore, the medical profession as a whole is maybe a bit, well, mental*.  In one study it was claimed that 50% of female doctors could be diagnosed with a mental disease.  I wonder again why my ex didn’t take up medicine?  (*Aesop LINK excluded, unless pimp-slapping in the comments section is classified as a mental disorder.)

Oh, and psychologists have nearly the highest rates of suicide of any profession.  Yes, any profession, including the people who make balloon animals in Mauschwitz Disneyland® for chubby children with hands sticky from chocolate ice cream.  Perfectly stable.  And this is also the same profession whose international governing body (WPA) was just fine with political repression in the name of psychiatry.

Besides being oppressive, the Red Flag laws would not have helped in latest shootings – these people lawfully and legally got their rifles.  But they will form the basis for taking away guns for . . .

  • Conspiracy Theories – Believing anything other than the Official Narrative® will become a basis for exclusion of lawful firearms ownership, despite the fact that throughout history, many conspiracy theories have been proven true. Google® MKULTRA.    That happened.  But the FBI® is now warning that you are a danger if you don’t believe the Official Narrative©.
  • Antisocial Behavior – Ever not want to hang around people? You’re antisocial, and that’s dangerous, citizen.  No AR for you!
  • Websites Visited – Going to unapproved sites? Thinking unapproved thoughts?  Glockblock™!
  • Comments Made When You Were 16 – Wow, did you really say that maybe the Crusades weren’t all bad? No pew-pew for you, hater.
  • Not Believing in the Easter Bunny Socialism – Well, I think I covered that above.

The irony is this will have the impact of keeping people away from mental health professionals.  This will keep people from seeking help when they’re a little depressed, because the consequences of having a “health record” might prevent them from future opportunity – the only safe way to live life would be to stay away from health professionals – and not answer certain questions your M.D. might have for you with a polite BFYTW when asked why you’re not answering.  Oh, but that probably puts you on the antisocial list.


Texas may or may not be your cup of tea, but they certainly got some things right once upon a time.

Psychiatry is on pretty iffy ground in many cases already.  As an experiment, a group of doctors sent people to a psychiatrist with one symptom – they heard a voice.  No other symptom.  They were perfectly normal, mentally healthy people.  In one case, the person was committed to a mental health facility (as I recall) for several weeks with zero symptoms.  I tried to look it up, but, surprise, most Google® searches right now link commitment to . . . violence.  Even that’s not a comfortable thought.


Soviet mental health nurse.  Not shown:  tenth guard, who is now an inmate.

The single scariest thing to me is watching a human mind erode – what was once a rational human disappears.  It’s what makes (to me) zombies scary.  They look like humans.  They used to be a normal human.  But that rational human being is now gone, replaced by someone who has no real tie to reality while the external form remains.

I realize that there is a time and a place for psychiatric care.

But psychiatrists are already owned by the Left.  The Left sees you as crazy already.  The Left views your dissent from their agenda as a mental disorder, one punishable by death, if need be.


I’ll leave the last word to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who is really pictured above while in the gulag:  “I’ll take Solzhenitsyn on Gun Control for $1000, Alex.  Oh, look – the Daily Double®!”

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking:  what would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?  Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?  [They] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!  If . . . if . . . we didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation . . . .  We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”