Civil War Weather Report #2, Censorship, Stalin, and a Bunch of Links

“Have you any idea how successful censorship is on TV? Don’t know the answer? Hmm. Successful, isn’t it?” – Max Headroom


11:45pm – fifteen minutes to midnight.  Yes, it’s subjective, and it’s based on the countdown, published last month (Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming).  We’re still at CivCon 6 – People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Censorship Update– John Mark’s Video and Criticism – Updated Civil War II Index – Who Benefits? – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the second issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts will be a bit different than the other posts here at Wilder Wealthy and Wise – they will consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War II.  My intent is to update these on the first Monday of every month.


John Wilkes Paintbooth (Idea via user Miles Long at The Burning Platform)

There has been a pretty significant interest in Civil War II – it has generated more emails to me than any other topic I’ve written about, with a great number of links to relevant information that you’ll see below.  It’s also resulted in about a dozen book suggestions, and I’ve bought or downloaded every one of your suggestions.  I haven’t had time to read even 10% of the books yet, but I can tell the suggestions are rock solid.  Thank you.  Please feel free to contribute more suggestions of links or books either in the comments below or directly to me at – I won’t use your name (from e-mails) unless explicitly given permission, and I won’t directly quote your email unless explicitly given permission, but I may quote my answers in a way that doesn’t violate your privacy.

Censorship Update

Why is censorship an issue in Civil War II?  Censorship is a measure of how those in power (either political or economic) fear an idea and how polarized they have become.  Most censorship in the past had been based on the sexual content of the book or movie.  Now it’s based on ideas that are dangerous.  Which ideas?  Depends on the day.

I know it says “Update” but this is really the first version, so technically the first “update” will be next month.  There has been more censorship in the United States in the past year than at any point in my adult life.  This level of censorship is more frightening than anything I’ve ever seen, except for the latest Democratic presidential debates.

YouTube© is the real star of censorship in June.  Comedian/journalist Steven Crowder has been a long-time YouTube® broadcaster who is generally on the mainstream “Right” side of the political world.  He likes guns.  Doesn’t like abortion.  He is not extreme in any real sense of the word.  But as a comedian, one of the things he does regularly is mock people.  Which people?  Everyone.  I won’t go into the details (you can look it up) but a group of Leftists decided Crowder should be banned from YouTube™ since he made a lispy-Leftist journalist who is an ethnic and sexual minority feel bad.

YouTube© responded to this contrived moral outrage by making it so Crowder couldn’t get money from YouTube® ads – oddly this increased Crowder’s income as thousands of people bought merchandise directly from Crowder’s company.

End of story?  No.


Soon enough, YouTube™ will consist of nothing more than makeup videos, Buzzfeed®, and whatever else the New York Times© says is okay.

Forty other channels were either banned, demonetized, or had videos deleted.  I won’t go so far as to say that these channels are all mainstream like Steven Crowder, they aren’t.  But I am not aware of any content that called for violence or did anything more than spread “dangerous ideas.”  In a crowning bit of irony, YouTube® censored a video where a Google™ (owner of YouTube™) executive talked about how Google© wouldn’t allow another “Trump situation.”  This was presumably via using their ability to manipulate what search results people see when they use Google™.

Twitter® had also purged significant figures on the Right, most prominent among them James Woods, who has since given up on the platform after multiple bans despite having over 2,000,000 followers.

Let’s take Amazon, who in 2010 said that “Amazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.”  This was a fairly absolute position, especially since Amazon was defending selling a pro-pedophilia book.

Not so much now.  Amazon has now banned dozens of books, and created entire categories of products that cannot be sold.   You can’t get a Confederate flag t-shirt from Amazon, but you can certainly get a Stalin shirt.  This is despite the fact that Stalin killed (In the World Murder Olympics, Communists Take Gold and Silver!) more people in one year – 3.9 million – than the total number of slaves in the United States in 1850 – 3 million.  Sure, it sucked to be a slave.  But it was certainly worse to be a slave to communism that was starved to death.



With apologies to Arthur (LINK), whose tagline I mangled for this one.

I tried to come up with a list of censored things, but even the censored things seem to be mainly censored.  Orwell would be proud.

John Mark’s Civil War 2 Video and Criticism

This video was suggested by several of you, including Shinmen Takezo who suggests you listen to all of John Mark’s videos.  I’ve seen this one, and plan to watch the others when I have a spare minute.

I think Mr. Mark is spot on with commentary that Trump is the last Republican president that will be elected.  I wrote about this back in November of 2018(Trump: The Last President?).  It has a click-bait-y title, which might explain why it went viral and got over 120,000 pageviews on Zero Hedge©.

John Mark reviews an article purportedly written by a “Red Team” (bad guy) member of a war game where the Right revolts against the government and the Left.  My response is in italics, or braille if you don’t clean your screen very often.

First Vulnerability:  The electrical grid is dispersed and easy to take down into most cities because it is impossible to guard.  The front won’t be against just the Right, it will also be against their own (Leftist) cities.

I agree.  The United States is built as a free society, and so is all of our infrastructure.  It is devastatingly vulnerable.  In one of the links below, you’ll see how a $0.02 match took down a $20,000,000 bridge.  And that was on accident.

Second Vulnerability:  30% will revolt.  Most on the Right have guns.  There are 400 million guns, 8 trillion bullets in the United States – most in the hand of the Right.  Ten million strongly on the Right.  Tanks and airplanes don’t matter as much as the Left thinks.   There might be 2 million in the United States military, and over 60% voted for the Right.  There are 20 million former military.

Total would be about 2 million available forces for revolutionary suppression (including civilian police), if the active military did not revolt.

I agree.  The people, especially former military, on the Right can do whatever they want.  Tanks and airplanes didn’t win World War II on the Eastern Front – the winning weapon was the mortar and the rifle – anti-personnel weapons.  The Soviets also accomplished it only by throwing millions of bodies into combat.  Bodies that will be tough for the Left to get outside of conscription.


I think there’s an Uber joke in here somewhere.

Third Vulnerability:  The Left lives in consuming cities, the Right lives in the land that produces food and stuff.  The concentrated cities of the Left produce a lot of porn and girls with daddy-issues, but not much food.

I agree.  They are vulnerable, though the porn and Facebook™ drought might be tough on some.

Where do I disagree? 

The Ultra-Violent and Nukes.

Sure, we know the Starbucks® Socialists and Latte Lenins won’t fight.  Why wouldn’t the government take MS-13 and arm them and turn them loose to “make examples” of small downs, one after another?  If they were losing, they would certainly do that.  And they could scrape together a pilot and a nuke or two to take down a rebel capital city.  If they were losing, they would.     

The Right could make a reasonable partisan force, especially when you look that probably 50% to 75% of the military would defect and train people on the Right, bringing along a nice batch of weapons (think grenades, C4, etcetera) to the farm to teach the rest of the football team.  I don’t think Jed would need to teach the boys to shoot, and I think they’d learn to use that mortar and grenade launcher that he “liberated” from the Marines very quickly.  

Logistics and Geography

The Left can be resupplied via air and ship.  “Emergency” supplies would head into coastal cities and sustain them forever, though Denver would fall soon enough.  Would Russia supply the heartland while the Chinese supplied the West Coast?  I have no idea – I think they’d do what.  Regardless, France would soon surrender.

Also, I think there would be a nearly immediate media clamp down.   The media supports the Left, no matter what.  They would parrot the Leftist line until the studios were taken from them by force.

I think that this is far too optimistic, but I also think the odds are lower the more time passes.

Civil War Index:

Here’s the state for this month.

Economic:  +10.42.  Unemployment is the same – interest rates took a huge drop, and the Dow was (slightly) up.  Increasing economic is good.

Political Instability:  -46%.  I think that the start of the debates and the poor poll numbers of “any democratic candidate” against Trump has calmed the Left politically by a lot.  Lower instability is good.

Censorship:  Originally this was going to be a candidate index.  Sadly, there’s no data.  How scary is it that you can’t find good data on censorship?

Interest in Violence:  Up 7% this month.  Not horrible, but not good.

Illegal Aliens:  Up 24% last month to 144,000.  144,000 is more than have been deported since Trump got into office.  This shows increasing instability south of the border, or lower fear of deportation.  Both are bad.

Eventually these will be graphs, but a graph with one point is . . . boring.  Maybe in August.


Quote From a Failed Candidate to be The One:  “Is the Red Pill gluten free?  Also, is it vegan?”

One measure I thought was pretty good was from Anonymousse over at The Burning Platform:  “One good metric may be the spread between political poll projections and reality/results. I’m thinking that gauges just how “free” people feel about saying versus what they do. Something I’ve noticed widening over the years.”

I’d like to do this one, but the data points are just too far apart.  This would be useful information over the course of a decade, but won’t be much use monthly.  I think Anonymousse is right – people don’t feel good about sharing if they’re going to vote for an “unpopular” candidate on the Right, severely skewing the polls.

What do I mean by unpopular?

We were on vacation two years ago, and decided to stop at a national monument.  We got out.  The plates on our car are from a very red state – my county went 85% for Trump.  As we got out of the car to stretch our legs and see the monument, we spied a guy birdwatching.  He put his binoculars on our car.  He was about 150 feet away.

Birdwatch Bill, yelling:  “Who’d you vote for?”

John Wilder, being sassy, yelling back:  “Starts with a T!”

Birdwatch Bill, muffled:  “Ashshof.”

John Wilder:  “What?”

Birdwatch Bill, with anger, yelling:  “You heard me, A****le.”  It rhymes with tadpole.

I was stunned, I mean, I don’t deny being a tadpole, but I didn’t think you could see it from 150 feet away.  The Mrs. was in the bathroom, and I’m thankful that she didn’t hear him, since she would have broken him like a twig – she handles my light work.

After saying that, Birdwatch Bill scurried and jumped in his car, and sped off.

After hearing that story, The Mrs. was adamant that we not move to that state, even when I had a job offer there, even though I think she’d like to hear Birdwatch Bill’s yelp as she gave him a nuclear wedgie.

Who Benefits?

Whenever I see something that doesn’t make sense, I try to understand what could possibly be causing it.  When conditions are better for minority racial and ethnic groups than ever in the history of the country, and the agitation increases, I have to ask, who benefits?  When the push for segregation comes from, not the Right but the Left, I ask, who benefits?

When I see us moving on a seemingly certain path towards war, I have to ask, who benefits?  Probably more on this in a future post.

Links From Readers:

Obviously I only stand by 100% of my own writing.  Here is some interesting stuff sent in by readers.  Feel free to take some of the burden off of Ricky, and send me more.  And if you send it in an email, please let me know if I may credit you.


See, a chain link photo in the “Links” page.  I’m witty that way.

Thomas Chittum’s Civil War Two  – I’m not finished with this one yet, but very interesting.  A 178 page .pdf file – this was listed by “Mark” at The Burning Platform.

Photos of Bosnia during and after their civil war from “Mygirl…maybe” over at The Burning Platform.

Update on the State of Jefferson vs. New California from user “Martel’s Hammer” at The Burning Platform.

Who is behind Antifa?, via AC at The Burning Platform.

From Ricky:

Pentagon prepping for civil unrest?

Review of the risk of civil unrest (presentation).

Peter Turchin predicts violence in 2020.

France and Social Unrest – Tied to Loss of Family and Religion

Perhaps my favorite link from Ricky – the Partisan Conflict Index – worth watching. 

Brazos reminds us that there is precedence for using the troops against American civilians. 

User “MN Steel” reminds us that the damage a single match can do.

From my E-mail:

First is a blog I often read, Metallicman on what liberals have in store for conservatives.  Not pretty. 

And more from Ricky!

This one from an Australian perspective.

NY Magazine – wondering if it isn’t time to split up.  My add (from HBO®) was for the series Divorce.  Hmmm.

From the Federalist, again about “divorce” of the United States.

From other emails . . .

A great article from Mary Christine over at The Burning Platform, looking at Kansas and Missouri during the Civil War and how partisans will form – will Civil War Two look more like the personal fights along the Kansas and Missouri borders?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

52 thoughts on “Civil War Weather Report #2, Censorship, Stalin, and a Bunch of Links”

  1. I think what ticks off the Left is that when Trump leaves office, people will expect his successors to be just as if not more successful in their efforts. More jobs – more evil prevented. Trump has shown that standing up to dictators has better results than sending pallets of $$$ to bribe them.

    Not that Trump is perfect, but wait until the next election ramps up and the Trump rallys really crank up. Plenty of material waiting in the wings – he is just waiting for them to make their promises before he responds.

    1. I think there will be, sadly, even more violence this cycle. It is currently a winning strategy for the left.

  2. At this point, war is inevitable. There are too many millions of non-Americans living in America, with no intent whatsoever to become Americans. And the Left supports them in this, and opposes any and all attempts to slow down the invasion. The Progressives have made mighty progress in destroying the culture of a once confident yet humble and devout nation. The public schools no longer educate, but enforce propaganda. We are being replaced physically and mentally.

    Not only is war inevitable, it is now the best possible option for traditional Americans. We either fight and win, or wait passively to be loaded onto the train cars for our final trip to camp.

    Demography is destiny. The future belongs to those who show up.

  3. The John Mark CWII video is an Amateur Hour joke.

    Don’t take my word for it; watch it fisked by a professional:
    and then a YouTube follow-up:

    Foward Observer’s sites, both blog and YouTube should be in rotational reading/viewing for anyone who’s serious.
    While they last.

    The original video is junior high D&D-level prognosticating, from the “Amateurs Talk Tactics” School of Politico-Military Wisdom.

    It’s useful only as a How-Not-To Guide, in the same way the Florida International University pedestrian bridge is a good lesson in engineering, mainly by ignoring everything they did and refusing to follow that example.

    1. Excellent! I look forward to watching once I get out of my “have to drive 15 miles for weak internet” paradise.

  4. I chuckled at a quote in the ‘Australian perspective’ link:
    American citizens have “…a terrifying…” amount of personal weapons. (And ammunition. And rural folks skilled at stealth hunting. And a long successful history of not taking pucky from anybody.)

    So, back atcha, Australia MainStreamMedia:
    I think Australian subjects have “…a terrifying…” lack of personal weapons.

    Good grief. Australian folks named one area “Queen’s land”. Well, I probably ought to confess my bias… I admit I am disgusted by ‘queens’ (fellows dressed as really ugly gals) reading to children in government schools and government libraries. So there is that.

    1. I own 7 firearms and have plenty of ammo for each of them.

      Now regarding Queensland. Before Federation, Australia was a British Colony named New South Wales. The colonialists in the south weren’t getting much in the way of services from the government (but had to pay taxes of course). So they petitioned the Queen to become their own colony. Named the Colony, Victoria, after her so she leapt at the chance.

      Fast forward a few years and the government in the colony of New South Wales were ignoring the needs of the colonialists to the north. These colonialists said they wanted to rule for themselves. The gov in NSW thought that the last thing the Queen wanted was another colony (colonialism being on the wane) so they said go for it. When the delegation was speaking with the Queen she asked them, more to humour them than anything else, what they’d name this colony. “Why after yourself of course. Queensland” and the Great State of Queensland was created (well at Federation it became a state).

      Now I’ll add extra information. The government in NSW was very displeased at this and did their utmost to ensure the British Colony of Queensland failed. Enmity between the states exist to this very day. Usually it’s put down as friendly rivalry but TBH, screw those guys. Also at Federation Queensland had no say in the constitution because of this rivalry. New Zealand and Fiji had more input. New Zealand, also a colony at the time, is actually a state of Australia in our constitution. It’s why goods are imported into NZ then exported to Australia, because NZ doesn’t pay import duties to Australia, so they charge less import duties to other countries.

      Lastly – so far only 700 rifles have been handed in NZ wide. So the elites that are planning on bugging out there better know the locals are still armed to the teeth.

      OK very last – There are only two states to be in. Queensland and pissed. In Queensland you can do both. In fact it’s mandatory to do so to pass your drivers licence

  5. I second Concerened American’s recommendation of Matt Bracken. Met Matt online in 2002. He is the real deal.
    Secondly, concerning the I85 bridge burning and collapsing in Atlanta a few years ago; I live here in Atlanta and have most of my life. Some bigwig Bubba in the state DOT claims he had no idea PVC glue and pipe were so flammable. Who knew? The homeless crackheads trying to start a fire knew. Bwaaaahahahaha

  6. Thanks for the mention above.

    As for John Mark versus this guy from Forward Observer.
    The FO guy is using militard’ reasoning… old, out dated shit.
    This is they type of reasoning they used in Iraq and Afganistan… and see where this got us.
    Nowhere and trillions of dollars in debt.
    And his comments about the stock market crashing–who gives a flying fuck about that.
    Like its more important than your freedoms?!

    Give me a fucking breaks.

    John Marks reasoning and analysis is spot of–although generalized.
    The main winning points are completely correct and not good news for Blue-Team ‘tards.
    This is all you need to know.

    If you want more detail–go to the Army War College and learn how to lose or be a militard’.
    On the main points–John Mark is completely spot on.
    Red-Team cooks Blue-Team in land mass, numbers, choke-points, production and so forth down the line.
    The militard’ from FO cannot get off the “Battle of Kursk” mentality and paradigm.

    What you have to picture are organic swarm tactics.
    If you think someone guy is going to stand up like George Patton and lead columns you’re nuts.

  7. Don’t be too hard on Birdwatch Bill, he may have some good reasons for hating on Trump. Maybe Trump grabbed him by the ‘P’ ? :^)

    I’m waiting for a Tranny to claim Trump touched him inappropriately . . .

  8. Practice , patience , and prayer . Wait until you see Goliath mocking the army of G-d . Read all about King David and the Mighty Men . This isn’t Boznia and and the Samson Option will take us to victory . You do have a Samson Option don’t you ? How many can you take with you ? That is the only option . It will not surprise us . We have been on hand to hand analog for two years here in the Appalachians . Our intelligence has been properly trained by the mil and has recorded and documented for the trials . Their silly attempts at infiltration have all failed miserably and those intimates of Baal are also documented and awaiting justice . Caution and paranoia are not the same . They have plotted to snare our children in their perverseness and that will be their downfall . No mercy shall be given nor is it deserved . Can you ask for more than going in the saddle and taking a great number of infidels with you ? I think not ! Remember Lavoy Finnicum Day observed every January 26th . On that day we repent for a great patriot going alone to protect those under his charge .

  9. Several points, if you please. In no particular order:

    The ChiComs can’t feed their own people. They’ve been net importers of food for over a decade. It’s the only thing they import from the US, if you don’t count military secrets and stolen patents.

    Absent US agricultural exports–and the export economy is going to be the very first thing that shuts down in the event of societal collapse or civil war in the US–the supply goes way down and the price of Canadian, Australian, and Argentine hard red winter wheat goes up, up, up, up, up. Almost 14% of the wheat currently on the world market is exported from the US. China imports a bushel of US soybeans per year per each two Chinese citizens and that figure keeps going up. One third of the soybeans exported to the global marketplace are cultivated in the US and the Chinese buy American soybeans by the megaton. Without the food they import from us, the ChiComs are going to be in a bad way very quickly. Without the US export market for their cheaply manufactured consumer goods the Chinese lack the hard currency to buy that food. Maybe they’ll get into a bidding war with India to buy soybeans from Brazil–or maybe they won’t once they no longer can sell cheap plastic toys to Wal-Mart.

    The total population of the US East Coast states is over 110 million. Russia’s population is only 150 million. Russia exports a lot of wheat too–slightly more than the US Do they export enough to feed 110 million people? What if there are people who want that wheat more? What if they’re right next door in China? How badly do the Russians want to prop up a far-left North American rump state that openly hates them and won’t shut up about regarding Russia as “the enemy?” What does Russia gain here?

    Keep in mind that the Russians stretched all their resources to the limit to prop up their pet dictator Assad, who is just off their doorstep and who represents far fewer hungry mouths. In the event of a US collapse, China invading Russia for agricultural Lebensraum is more plausible to me than China and Russia propping up the former US coasts and helping them put down a rebellion in “flyover country.”

    Speaking hypothetically, in the event of a US civil war, as an observer of history, I anticipate that the big cities on the North American coasts go up in flames a few hours after the EBT cards stop working. Even if you attribute to Russia and China the magical ability to fill a hundred thousand RO-RO ships (that they don’t really have) with trucks (that they don’t really have) full of food and POL (that they can’t really spare) to prop up New York and San Francisco, once rebels did the obvious things like cutting off those regions from electricity, from fresh water, from air travel, even from the ability to move significant amounts of goods or people in or out via the freeway or rail systems (imagiine stock footage from WWII of blown-up bridges falling into rivers and thousands of snipers in the hills picking off anything that tried to move by road), the Russians and Chinese wouldn’t be able to move those ships across the oceans to US ports before “vibrant diversities” burned those cities down. The miracle of “just-in-time inventory” means supermarkets don’t have meaningful inventory for more than a few days worth of food, and by the time the Russian/Chinese rescue fleet arrived, they’d find burnt-out shells of cities inhabited by cannibals dying of typhus.

    If all that was too much to read in one sitting, if you are saying “tl;dr” like the kids at 4chan, the short-short version is: Russia and China couldn’t help meaningfully if they wanted to, and it’s more likely they’d go to war with one another than want to try to project force halfway around the planet for the benefit of left-wing college professors who won’t shut up about hating them.

    1. Some great points. I’ll work through ’em in a post soon – I’ve already started on the math.

  10. If you are thinking about bugging out when the SHTF here is a drill for you. Drive your route to your bug out destination. If you know its SHTF time so does everyone on your route. Take as an article of faith that every inch of that route will be shut down. No gas, food or pee stops and if you try to stop you are likely met with a warning to move on and the visible means to make you move on. All of the people along your route will be in emergency mode to set up to save themselves.
    So for you the question becomes can you do it in one effort with no support for your trek. If you pull over and sleep you will be jumped and that will be a disaster for you. If you get on the interstate the traffic will be so heavy you will not make it having run out of gas or water so off to the camps with you. Those of you who have been in a natural disaster know what I mean. Even the government says that you will be on your own for a period of time. Two days, two weeks, two years ; who knows.

    Separation unless already put together will take some time to organize and define so in the beginning it will be your close group that matters. If you do not know who will be in that group you need to get that set up now if you do not you are beyond help. Most people you query softly will think you a wack job, prepper idiot. Let their delusions lead them on and move on, do not waste your time trying to convince anyone.

    If like me who is going to stay the prep is very different, but I know I will not be leaving so what I do is different than you and the why is also different. So good luck and we are at step 6 and 2020 could see the acceleration thru the rest so the pot will come to a full rolling boil. Could be sooner if hemorrhagic fever of one sort or another blesses us or the global economy blows a gasket.

    An additional word to the thinkers. The cities are full of gangs. Gangs have lots of knifes and guns. Gangs have no restraint. Gangs already know how to use (abuse) people to their ends. Remember the stalking horse and how it was used. Think about the scenarios and how you would respond.

    1. A lot of wisdom in this. As I am currently hundreds of miles from Stately Wilder Manor, I know my chances of getting back are zero in a real breakdown.

  11. A few observations:

    It is not reported on so much in the news, but the Chinese can’t feed themselves. Historically they never have been. The Communist government propaganda used to say that China was self-sufficient in terms of food, but they don’t even bother making that claim any more. They import huge quantities of wheat and soybeans from the US, among other things. A bushel of US soybeans per every second Chinaman per year is a good approximation. Without trade with the US the ChiComs are in a very bad way. They are only just barely able to keep the lid on as it is. If they can’t sell cheap bicycles and plastic toys to Wal-Mart, they have no hard currency with which to buy food.

    14% of the exported wheat in the global marketplace comes from the US. A third of the exported soybeans in the global marketplace come from the US. Assuming that we get, speaking hypothetically, a President Swalwell who makes good on his threats to nuke Flyover Country, all of that gets cut off instantly. What happens in the marketplace when demand for a commodity remains the same but the supply decreases?

    Over 110 million people live on the East Coast of the US. Russia only has a population of 150 million themselves. The Russians export slightly more wheat than we do, currently. I don’t think they have enough of a surplus to feed New York and Boston and Miami and Philadelphia for long, nor the means with which to get it there soon enough to make a difference. The Russians are straining every fiber of their society and bankrupting themselves to prop up their pet dictator Assad, who is right on their doorstep.

    In the event of large-scale civil disturbance/economic collapse/societal collapse/civil war in the US, as an observer of history I speculate that the large coastal cities would go up in flames within a few days of the EBT systems ceasing to work. And even if that did not happen immediately, they are dependent upon too many unguarded and unguardable road bridges, rail bridges, electrical generation and transmission facilities, and aqueducts that would be obvious and juicy targets for millions of angry people who survived Swalwell’s initial use of nuclear weapons. I would expect militarily significant numbers of the survivors to be heavily armed, have nothing to lose, and be not terribly inclined to mercy for those who tried to cram mandatory weekly “Drag Queen Story Time” for their children down their throats, and then nuked them for objecting.

    1. Yup. Things become chaotic when all of the rules change. Only prediction is it won’t be pretty.

  12. The bridge fire in ATL my have been started with a single match, but it was the several thousand pounds of polyethylene pipes stored under the bridge by the DoT which caused the intensity and size of the fire.

  13. “The Right could make a reasonable partisan force, especially when you look that probably 50% to 75% of the military would defect and train people on the Right, bringing along a nice batch of weapons (think grenades, C4, etcetera) to the farm to teach the rest of the football team.”

    “The Right” will not be a united force. Which may be good or bad. I know many “leaders” I would not follow.

    A few Venezuelan military have defected, most remain loyal. Still, Venezuela is not the US. If you know, show me the study.

    IF … sufficient military defect, and this is not guaranteed, in this scenario they would need to raid ammo storage points/bunkers. Not much more than rifles are stored with the units. I have guarded 2 storage areas in CONUS and 1 in West Germany. Don’t think that Command will willingly let these weapons/ammo get out. It would be a big firefight on base between Loyalists and Rebels.

    IF the Rebel soldiers have the weapons, it is human nature to retain them. First because of “this is my stuff, if you want it you have to pay for it” and because “I trained on this stuff and I’m the one that’s going to use it, I don’t care what your MOS was, you’re not my boss”.

    1. Wow – part 4 already – I’ll listen to it tomorrow on the way to work. Yup, Aesop and WRSA recommend him.

  14. This whole business about civil war gets me thinking about the 1992 Rodney King riots. How we watched on KTLA from an LA metro apartment as the fires got closer and closer, and then when the fires reached a shopping center on Pico and La Cienega I believe, that was close enough and we hauled out of our apartment, eventually driving around 100 miles an hour north on the 405 while emergency vehicle after emergency vehicle streamed south. Likely unnecessary to be that rattled, but in the moment it seemed reasonable. Then for some dumb reason, likely money and confused commitment, I went into work the following day in the south western section of the LA basin and then the riots picked up again. I took off before they excused everybody early. This time from the 405 north it looked like several Scud missiles hit the city. It took me 4 hours to reach NE Los Angeles. The Emergency Broadcast System turned out to be a big joke and I remember it was sweltering hot outside. I don’t know how much prepping would have helped me with the exception that I learned perhaps it’s not a great idea to be in a large metropolitan area when a riot breaks out whatever the cause. So now we don’t reside in one even though I still enjoy the city when times are calm which is now most of the time. Perhaps it would have turned out differently if a sympathetic President or a Governor had not bothered to send in the military and the National Guard. I don’t know.

    1. That’s the rub – violence can be like a wildfire – at what point do you abandon it all? My thoughts are “well before the fire . . . .”

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