No Way To Go, But Forward

“It’s a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.” – The Blues Brothers

I’ve seen this meme a dozen times, but this is the first time I noticed that Keanu was talking to Sponge Bob and Patrick Starfish.  Now I can’t unsee it.  (All memes today are as-found.)

Today was . . . busy.  On the average day, I manage to manage stuff so that I get my normal life done and then have time to post or do other creative shenanigans.  Not today.  I could give a much longer explanation, such as:  “I ran out of gas. I . . . I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare.  My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners.  An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! It wasn’t my fault, I swear to God!”

But I won’t.  I half expected this, but there was still the outside chance I’d come back in time.

I wasn’t out doing this, but it looks like fun.

So, a very short post on a Friday, and I’ll leave just one thought – there’s no use looking into the rearview mirror of your life.  You can’t go back there.  The only path that you and I have (provided you don’t have a time machine) is forward.

Me?  I look around, and take stock.  The mistakes I’ve made?  I don’t dwell on them, because I can’t change them.  I can only look at what I have, the talents I have, the support of the people who love or believe in me, and go forward.

There is no way out, but through.  Unless you live in Canada, where the “easy way out” is now a prescribed medical treatment.

I always thought we’d see another Pol Pot, just didn’t think he would be as much of a pansy as Trudeau.

So, remember, there is one direction, forward.  There is one attitude, determination.  And there is one moment:  now.

What you do with all of that, is up to you.

As for me?  I’m going to go hit the hay.  I’ll comment on comments from the previous post tomorrow.

I’m sleepy.

Your move, Mr. Bond.  Do you really think those Space Marines® can hold out?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

24 thoughts on “No Way To Go, But Forward”

  1. What if River’s Edge is a good movie!
    Keanu is at the park with a hottie learning about the birds and the bees while the others are up to no good.
    The brothers/shemales stole the first Matrix which is why the other three are crap.
    Saw a meme of the mask formation psychosis true believers lining up to watch the Matrix part IV turd with Pfizer (IG Farben) is my pimp papers in hand, at least Johnny Mememonic got paid.
    Chickenshit Conformists just like their parents (h/t-Dead Kennedys).
    The scarecrow on the beach should have had a balloon full of classified documents! (hecho en China)
    Go forward and enjoy because comrade lefty will never rest until hell is for breakfast every day while prattling on about some egalitarian utopia.

  2. Yep. I keep going foreword because there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the trip is much shorter than when I started. That, and the worst of events led to knowledge, such as learning you pee out the back of the train.

  3. Yep, always gotta go forward – unless you are Russian natural gas headed for Germany in Nordstream. In that case…

    In case you’ve never heard of him, 85 year old Seymour Hersch is a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative icon from a distant time when there was such a thing as American journalism. He’s the guy that brought both My Lai and Abu Ghraib into the public spotlight…

    You’d think there would be a flood of follow-up coverage on such a revelation. Nope. Crickets.

    Ya know, Executive Orders for sanctions and cutting off energy supplies have a history of taking America into World Wars….

    No way to go, but forward, indeed. Into the malstrom.

    1. Poland and GCHQ, the latter’s boy pushing Russia Collusion along, are off the hook with Sy’s months late circumstantial evidence story spoon fed to him by “anonymous”. Great stuff, don’t bother verifying just believe.

  4. John, I just finished up a book on Celtic Christianity. One of the really good points the author made is that from the literature that we have from the early Celtic Christian church, they saw time very much as thing to be existed in and moved through, not something to be saved and spent and lived back on (It is not as if we can do any of those things anyway). The only way, truly, is forward.

    Totally non-sequitur about the James Bond meme, but I take great enjoyment on a You Tuber named Luetin09 and his videos on Warhammer 40K. He does videos on lore of the game that are some of the best things on the InterWeb. I know virtually nothing about the game and have never played it, but his videos about background and history and lore are enjoyable and as good as anything one might find on real history these days.

  5. As for me, I am clearly already on the hill that I’m going to die on, one way or the other. All that remains to be seen is whether I “fell or was pushed”. Excelsior!

    1. Excelsior, indeed! Yup, I’ve done what I can for my kids (values, etc.) and the world that is being born belongs to them, but I’ll do my best to influence it as I move along. Because this isn’t over, and I’m not done.

  6. “It’s a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.”

    Hit it.

  7. The feds are coming!
    They have infiltrated your keyboard!
    The glowy worms are spawning and multiplying!
    Fear the think holes in a boilerplate MENSA intellect!
    They tremble in fear of your memes, when they can figure out what they mean.
    Only the one “true” church that facilitates the invasion can save us now.
    So pass the collection plate, the well is dry.

    1. I’ve often wondered what it’s like to work in one of those places where the Feds monitor this stuff. Wonder how many we convert?

  8. After the Satan worship at the Oscars last week, I am interested to see IF that theme is in the Superbowl Half time show.

    I am hoping NOT, but if they are feeling that BOLD to shit on the hometown people that watch the Superbowl, it’s not a good sign.

      1. You’d be fun to share a pot of coffee with John.

        Bet our wives would also enjoy a chat.

        What trouble would we be in then, eh? LOL

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