The Wilder Cure For Illegal Aliens

“Prime Minister Tojo, Senator Edwards, my fellow Americans and our millions of illegal aliens.  It seems like only yesterday l was strafing your homes.  Here l am today, begging you not to make such good cars.” – Hot Shots!  Part Deux

What’s the difference between an illegal alien and E.T.?  E.T. learned English and went home.

I remember in high school thinking about the Roman Empire.  I chuckled to myself that the United States (clearly an empire even then) might fail but wouldn’t face the same challenges as the Roman Empire.  Where, I wondered, would the barbarians even come from?

James O’Keefe is a national treasure.  He’s amazing at pushing buttons on the Left to get them to react.  His latest piece of journalism is below.  WTWT.  In this, Mr. O’Keefe begins to pull the curtain back on a huge infection and begins to make public things that were thought to be “fringe” conspiracies.  Again.

In this particular case, Mr. O’Keefe went down to Arizona and followed illegal aliens (they’re not immigrants, they’re invaders) as they are housed at a shut-down school.  The school, Ann Ott Elementary School, 1211 E. Apache St, Phoenix, is surrounded by chain link.  From the looks of Mr. O’Keefe’s video, hundreds of illegal invaders are bussed every hour.


To the airport, so that the illegals can be forcibly injected into our society.

From the Google® Streetview™ capture in December, 2020, you can see the secrecy is already in place.  Fabric covers the gates so passersby (you and I!) can’t see in to see what’s going on.

2020.  This facility was in place during Trump’s administration. 

If I leased a building to help people do illegal things, how long before I was in jail?

The rot is very, very deep.

Who is a part of this corruption and ongoing subversion of our country and its laws?

The International Rescue Committee©.  Yeah, a shadowy NGO formerly linked with the CIA and headed by a member of England’s elite, and, oddly, has mostly been headed second generation immigrants throughout its existence in the United States.  For many decades, the IRC™ was mostly fixated on people of Eastern European extraction.  And that’s from their Wikipedia™ entry and their own page.

Why I don’t trust the second generation.

The IRC® gets (according to O’Keefe’s latest numbers) over $1.4 billion a year.  That’s enough to provide $600 to every illegal caught and released in the United States in the last year.  O’Keefe even found the receipts:

Wow, sooner or later that will start to add up! (from O’Keefe’s video)

This money, mainly, came from you.  Places like the State Department and the Department of Health and Human Services pour hundreds of millions of freshly printed dollars into IRC© so they can do exactly what they’re doing.  None of this is a mistake.

The IRC™ is just one group.  There are others.

Follow the money.

But the funding isn’t just a secretive organization being run in the background by foreigners – nope.  The American Red Cross™ had a project manager there, too, and the place was filthy with Red Cross™ blankets.  The American Red Cross® normally does a lot of stuff with blood, which is the main income.  Over the years, it has also trotted to Congress to request funds to pay for disaster aid after events like Katrina.

Fair enough.

Silly to put your name on something proving you’re involved in human trafficking.

Want to bet that every bit of their aid in helping illegals break the law and transporting them across the country to transform us into a country that doesn’t resemble in the slightest the country we were born into?  I’ve not done the research, but I’m betting the Red Cross© is neck deep in this, too.

Both of these organizations are working as fast as they can to inject as many illegal invaders into the United States as quickly as possible to the tune of tens of millions.  AOC even said in her “big brain way” that the problem with undocumented illegal aliens is that they’re undocumented.  It’s the same sort of 12 year old girl logic that led her to previously respond to a question on how the United States could pay for a neverending stream of socialist benefits:  “You just pay for it.”

Real genius.

What AOC imagines when she things about illegal aliens.  How did Elvis® get in there?

Why are there housing shortages?  Illegals.  Why are we printing billions and billions of dollars so that these people can live free while you and I work and scrimp to get along?  And while we’re peppered first with advice to not have children, and then propaganda that we need hordes of illiterate people who don’t speak our language so that we can survive economically.

Because people like AOC and Black Rock® (Larry Fink is on the IRC© advisor list) like uneducated, often illiterate and criminal illegal aliens better than they like you and me.  They like them better than they like homegrown Leftists, too, since the illegals are a group of compliant second-tier serfs that feed their businesses with cheap labor and, soon enough, will vote reliably for the Democratic Leftist Global Elite candidates.  To top it off, these invaders are a net economic negative, costing far more than they produce in revenue.

Trying to import low-skilled, low-education labor to improve the economy is like trying to lose weight on an ice cream and beer diet.  But, hey, it helps people like Larry Fink buy your house and make you homeless, plus they get the fun of watching you get evicted.

Okay, this isn’t what Larry looks like, but I think they caught his smile watching you suffer.

From today on, I will do the best in my power to boycott every company and charity that I can that supports this invasion.  The Red Cross®?  I’m done bleeding for them, even though I’ve given plenty of gallons of red stuff over time.  As we find more of the groups that are doing that, well, I’m done with them, too.  And if there’s a business that employs illegal aliens?  Nope.  Not doing business with them.

Oh, Red Cross®, you don’t deserve to be immortalized in a PEZ® dispenser.

I’ve written before that the solutions to nearly every problem are simple, we just have to get to the point that we are prepared to do them.  They have to go home to their countries.  Again, self-deportation is preferable, and can be accomplished with sensible regulations in about a month.  Under the Wilder Plan© the main limitation on getting them out will be transport capacity, because, I assure you, they’ll want to leave, having no jobs, no benefits, no housing, the inability to buy at any store, and the threat of losing their children to orphanages if they don’t leave will provide quite a bit of incentive.

We’ll even offer free Pfizer™ vaxx on the way out, if they want it.

Hey, at least at that point they’ll really be refugees, rather than refugees that GO HOME FOR CHRISTMAS AND THEN FLY BACK HERE.

The result of the “everyone is an American” policy is a wrecked economy, political instability, and destruction of a country that formerly was one of the greatest the world had ever seen.  Even people in Leftist strongholds are now aware of this problem, so I expect they’ll start to try to stash them in places like Modern Mayberry.

The barbarians are now here.

The solution is simple.  While we’re at it?  Arrest and jail every single person involved in this pipeline of misery for treason.  After a fair trial.  Then deport them to the country of their choice with the illegal aliens they so love.

We do this, or we Balkanize.

And I’ve heard the advice, “Never go full Balkans.”

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

50 thoughts on “The Wilder Cure For Illegal Aliens”

  1. I’m pretty sure the American population is in the process of being replaced. Schools stopped teaching government courses because they want the student ignorant of their rights. Because government does not want educated people who know their rights. They want people who comply. COMPLY – no arguing, just yes to whatever you say. Foreigners are used to their governments muscling them around. They did not have any rights so anything in U.S.A. would be the same but with sanitary water and a lot of government largesse.

    Not their fault they want to improve their lives. Its OUR fault that unrestricted immigration is occurring. Where they going to a) live. b) work. c) pay their bills (hah – trick question – its all free to them, the bill is to the U.S. tax payer.

    We didn’t restrict immigration, we controlled it with interviewing them and processing them. Not any more.

    1. The current US Dept of Education is just finally perfecting Dewey’s vision public education by a creating a docile compliant workforce. Unfortunately, the most successful examples are also the most ignorant. Hmmm. Almost makes one think that intelligence and education (as opposed to indoctrination) makes for a troublesome worker because they keep doing that ‘thinking/questioning’ thing. Can’t have that now, eh? For all the claims that he was a pragmatist – he either wasn’t forward thinking enough to understand the results of wide scale implementation of his theories – or he knew, and didn’t care. The alternative that he knew and was OK with it is a fair description of evil.

      Per this 2018 article on the Institute of World Politics website:
      The Tragedy of American Education – The Role of John Dewey.

      A short excerpt:
      Some critics believed and still believe that under Dewey’s educational system students would fail to acquire basic academic skills and knowledge. Others were fearful that classroom order and the teacher’s authority would disappear.

      Hmmm. Sound familiar at all?

      1. Sorry – I tried to use an ‘a’ tag to embed a direct link to the article, but apparently the comment processor strips those. You should be able to find a link to the article by searching for the excerpt text, or the article’s title – if you’d like to RTWT. The author of the article is: Alberto M. Piedra

  2. While “souring the milk” by making it illegal to work, get benefits and all that would work…

    The Powers that BE will not allow that. Future “Voters” for THE PARTY.

    That and replacements for those pesky constitutionalist Americans.


  3. Well, there’s no way to ship them back, as they’re dispersed or, worse, forming terrorist cells.

    Perhaps the “Josey Wales” scenario would work. Set up .50 CAL machine guns and open fire at the border. That’ll stop them dead in their tracks.

    Pun intended.

    1. I’d have clicked ‘Like’, but that would garner too much of the wrong kind of attention (I’m on far too many lists already!). Unfortunately, either the .50cal solution (by the folks that are SUPPOSED to be defending our border from illegal immigration), or letting existing citizens use deadly force to do it. As ugly as that suggestion may sound – I’d wager there’d be no shortage of volunteers, even if they had to supply their own equipment and ammo.

      1. The first time I went to Arizona, the ranchers near the southern border were quietly hunting the narcos. Then the border patrol found out, and started actively protecting the invaders.

        Half of Fort Huachuca is off limits to Soldiers so that the invaders can use it as a free corridor to Tucson. There are entire national parks and monuments than are off limits to citizens, so the invaders can freely use them to invade.

  4. ‘Arrest and jail every single person involved in this pipeline of misery for treason. After a fair trial. Then deport them to the country of their choice with the illegal aliens they so love.’

    Sounds good. But no deportations for U.S. citizens complicit in destroying the nation via mass ‘immigration’. They’d just start right in at it again, from a foreign land. With fellow-travelers already present.

    Trials? Not. Waste no resources on these thuglings. Try their treacherous asses collectively, seeing as how they loves them their precious bolshevism so much. A double portion is their wage.

    Then they go to jail or, preferably, work farms. Where for the first time in their lives they can do something productive and patriotic.

    Want your nation back? Being nice won’t do it.

  5. One way or the other, this is what triggers the shooting.

    The only question up for grabs is which side starts first.

    1. Oh, the collectivists have been using their pawns to kill Americans for decades.
      The individualists have failed to organize in self defense.

  6. Let’s just face reality here: those criminaliens are here to stay, and the Democrat insurgents will use our tax dollars to support them.

  7. A little respite from the troubles listed above.
    Where do the Shriners get those funny hats?
    From a Pfez dispenser.

    1. Ditto for CC (full disclosure, I’m Catholic). CC has been at this way longer than the RC. It’s one of the reasons I’ll give to my local parish but not once in my life to a Diocesan office or any other organization. They are all anti-White and anti-American.

      Unlike the good mister Wilder, I would not bother with a trial.

    2. I’m a Catholic, and it’s one of those things that has me donating to other charities. I know some of the people involved in the importation of aliens; some of them are nuns. I smile and grit my teeth when we meet, and resolve to support anyone who is willingto shut off the money flow for the process.

      1. Same here, Linda. It’s quite the conundrum. I also take Clayton’s approach and only donate to my parish directly. Unfortunately, part of that $ still goes back to the diocese offices – and hence to things we can’t control – but shy of directly paying for things my parish needs, I don’t know how to get around this. :-/

        1. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
          The true church is wherever the Christians are.

        2. Donate directly to people who aid Christ and national sovereignty. Don’t donate to large orgs.

  8. Spot on about the American Red Cross. That rot started at the top back during the Obama administration. The “boots on the ground” troops stuck to their guns as long as they could, but the rot was spreading to the roots, last I saw. I can’t even list all the organizations with which I am familiar that were/are/will be ruined by corporatism. Unless.

  9. I don’t cooment often, but when I do, it’s to say, “Excellent column, John Wilder!”

    Also, missed not having B&B tonight. Hope the Mrs (and you) are well.

    Tim Turner

  10. There are many shallow graves about the world care of organized religion and especially the roc…regardless of best local intentions..

  11. As others have said, nothing in this situation is going to change. The immigrants here will stay, and the ones who are coming in will continue to come it. The reason is that no one, not the bureaucrats, nor any members of the political class will do a thing to stop them. The reason is that they don’t want to.
    So that leaves us with what? I came to this conclusion a few years ago: This national ship is going down and there aren’t enough lifeboats. Like the Titanic, you aren’t getting a seat on a lifeboat unless you are a first class passenger. All you can do at this point is put on your life jacket.

    1. Agreed. At this point there is no federal solution, only local and state. Organize with neighbors, and higher up if you are able to. Fending off federal overreach by having the moral and physical capability to say ‘NO!’ is all we have left.

  12. “I’ve written before that the solutions to nearly every problem are simple”

    Amendment 0: “Only Whites can be citizens. Only citizens have rights, including the right to life.”

    Darky population would be effectively zero within a month, no government spending or program required. Such ‘deportation in place’ would greatly incentivize self-deportation, as well.


    “Trying to import low-skilled, low-education labor to improve the economy is like trying to lose weight on an ice cream and beer diet.”

    It’s not about money, it’s about power. Money is part of power, but max money would be made by leaving these people in their shit holes where they could work as virtual slaves. The real play here is chaos.

    Never let a crisis go to waste; if there is no crisis, create one.

    Even normie right wingers will be crying out for the government to “just do something!” when Chicago levels of violence are common even in small towns. That ‘something’ will make the Patriot Act look like the Sermon on the Mount.

    1. Yes, it is about power, but it’s also about education. You and I know the equation, but there are tens of thousands of people who are just waking up – and I want to be No-Doz.

  13. The solution to this all will be bloody, long, and costly in ways we don’t even know about now. It is to everyone’s benefit to prepare and train now, and keep on doing it in the future. It won’t be declared or formal, but it will be war.

  14. I think this is your best piece in quite a while. Definitely hit a lot of stuff that needs to be out there.

    I could go on with a page of related comments and proposals, but I’ll probably bore myself to sleep since it’s stuff I say all the time.

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