There’s A Mind Virus. And A Cure.

“Exactly. An illusion, placed in our minds by this planet’s inhabitants.” – Star Trek, TOS

Well, tell us how you really feel, Elon.  All photo and meme content “as-found”.

Elon Musk Tweeted® the above on Saturday.

He was replying to another person who was walking down Market Street with a friend.

Her friend said, “I’ve never seen anything like this.”  She continued, “I love SF, but what the city has become is unconscionable.  Several pockets of 20 to 30 people all off their heads.  A number of them with pants barely on.  Zombies.  The walking dead.  Cops observing the proceedings from 100 feet away.”

Elon’s Tweet© was in response to that.  Of course, when I looked it up to make sure that it was real (it was April Fools on Saturday), the media had tried to spin it that Elon was relating it to mass layoffs.  He was not.  He was referring to the disease of Leftism, which he referred to as “this self-destructive mind virus”.

And although I don’t think of Elon as any sort of savior for the Right, he often says things that are so provocative that it drives the Left nuts.  They can’t even drive their Teslas™ with the amount of Smug™ they were promised because Elon has broken their Twitter® echo chamber.

That’s not going to win him friends in San Francisco or Washington, D.C., or with any Leftist, since the things that they want to avoid are the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.

The theme of this is inversion.  Let’s take an example that you’ve probably seen before:

What’s the difference between a Calvin® model and a bakery?  The bakery is supposed to have rolls.

I’m sure that the model on the bottom might be a perfectly nice person.  I don’t know her.  She also might have a great personality and might be an excellent singer, or poet, or writer.  But in any world where beauty is measured objectively (and it can be), well, let’s hope she has that nice personality.

But that’s the nature of inversion, replacing virtue with vice.  And the self-destructive mind virus Elon is speaking of?  It’s Evil.  I don’t know Jack Fell (this is an as-found with no context) but he spells it out nicely in this Tweet® (or Gab®?):

My friend’s family is very racist.  He brought his Asian girlfriend home to meet them, and his wife and kids were very rude to her.

The level of propaganda for Evil has reached “Comically Satanic Villain Plotting To Destroy Society” on the Wilder Scale.  Of particular and topical concern is the LGBTQI+ (it just keeps growing and I’m sure will soon include people sexually attracted to cactus) agendas.  It started with an appeal to emotion – let adults do what they want behind closed doors.  This flew in the face of many facts, but it was sufficiently strong to move public opinion.

No one called me anorexicphobic when I was against teen girls starving themselves, some to death, because they had a mental delusion that they were fat.  I wanted them cured.  But suddenly, because a five-year-old picked up a Barbie®, now he has to wear dresses and be called Nancy and then be jacked up on chemicals that will wreck many of his body’s normal processes and if I don’t agree and want them to be helped instead, I’m transphobic?

Nah.  I’m not.  I’m sympathetic.  These kids need help, not hormones, and society should say so.

Let me give you a taste of how bad it’s going now:

I cut out the pictures of the kids that were pictured on the Drag Camp ad, since I view it to be among the most corrosive and exploitive thing I’ve seen in months.  It is putting the ordinary and boring next to the horrific – summer camp right next to exploited children.

David Foster Wallace called this “Lynchian,” referring to the director David Lynch.  That’s what this is – putting the ordinary and boring, kids growing up and coming of age through the typical drama, and then adding in ghoulish parents and doctors talking about mutilating a child to conform to this peculiar mass hysteria.  And normalizing it.  Oh, and to top it off, anyone who objects to this monstrosity is denounced and cancelled.

I wonder who could be behind this . . . could it be . . .

As I’ve said before, this practice of transforming lust and deviance into a virtue above actual virtues is something old and awful – Evil.

The mind virus continues.  Looking back at COVID, it appears that at every case, the people who were opposed to the crazed response and rules were correct.  Being skeptical of the Vaxx turns out to become more validated daily – today the World Health Organization® came out and noted that kids and teens really shouldn’t be experimented on with a (now verified) gene changing experimental mRNA technique, and that (if the stats are correct) that same Vaxx now is likely behind a 25% increase in mortality and a decrease in fertility of women.

But this is what the Mind Virus made people say:

I bet he’s fun at parties.

They wanted people who disagreed with government mandates crushed.  I guess, inside every little Leftist, is a Stalin wanting to break free.  And nothing makes them madder than Trump.  Nothing.

Questions that I’m sure that they don’t want you to ask . . .

Because I disagreed with them on a fundamental level on the way that I would manage my own health, they wanted me fired, broke, my children removed, and if I still wouldn’t relent, dead.  And it was a joke to them.

We’re not as far down the road as some countries.  Great Britain appears to be well down the road to utter insanity, and also proving why the 2nd Amendment was a really good idea:

I guess the Brits don’t hire cops with self-awareness in mind.

The “self-destructive mind virus” that Elon says was being spread by Twitter® still is, but now people have the ability to speak out against it on Twitter™.  Would I call Twitter© a force for Good?  Not yet.  I do believe that the arguments for the Good always beat Evil over time, and unmuzzling the Good is a great first step.

But it’s not nearly enough.  The Left has pushed this insane agenda to fundamentally repudiate and destroy the family to the point where normal people are done with it – messing with the kids is always a step too far.  Is this a temporary pullback, so that the Left can consolidate its gains while pretending we should be okay with the present situation, and then push further later?

I’m hoping not, because I see the complete moral capitulation to inversion of the most cherished values that we have being examined and rejected by a good portion of the base of the American people.  We see what happens when the Left has full run, and it is the inversion of a good American life.  Besides, there are things other than the recognition of a failed society we can learn from The Walking Dead:

After a fair trial, of course.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

48 thoughts on “There’s A Mind Virus. And A Cure.”

  1. I wonder who could be behind this . . . could it be . . .

    No, it isn’t your imaginary non-human, who doesn’t exist. Retreating into fantasy is the problem, remember? Nor it is some small minority running and ruining the world. reviews a new book Western Self-Contempt: Oikophobia in the Decline of Civilizations by Benedict Beckeld. This is a historical survey of societies where the external enemies have been vanquished and the society has free intellectual inquiry — whereupon it starts loathing itself. This sounded to me like an autoimmune disease; immune system no longer has an external threat to fight, so it searches harder and harder for something to do, finds the self, and attacks it. Relatedly, I think religion is partially a theory to rationalize feelings of self-loathing already present.

    1. That’s an interesting thought – the autoimmune thing.

      It’s frequently appeared to me that all the youngsters bemoaning capitalism from Starbucks on their iPads in their designer-torn clothing don’t have enough real challenges, so they make them up. I could see that working on a societal level.

      1. Jane Goodall had a ‘noble savage’ theory about her chimps, then they started killing each other in war for no reason apparent to her: Of course humans are primates and do this, too. Human evolution should not be expected to produce instincts which are perfectly tuned for all situations. If chimp or human instincts succeed in the hard times but ruin the good times, those creatures still survive to reproduce.

        My problem with the autoimmune hypothesis is, how is that immune computation organized? Is it distributed and the control flow spans across brains?

      1. Even Captain Kirk recognized that. Forgot what episode(s) espoused this: Humans are not meant for existence without struggle

  2. Please don’t attack me, but I feel sure as well as you write, you realize this could have been better worded. “My friend’s family is very racist. He brought his Asian girlfriend home to meet them, and his wife and kids were very rude to her.” Perhaps something like My friend’s family was very rude to my friend’s girilfriend and her kids. I totally love this blog, but I’ve been more than accused of being a grammar Nazi which as I always say to those, my former AP English teacher would have to be admitted to the hospital for mulitiple hernias from laughing herself silly at the very thought of me and grammar being friends.

    1. …your suggestioned change completely changes the context of the thought, in having nothing at all to do with “girlfriend’s kids”. It is not grammar you should be concerned with, it’s comprehension.

    2. Hahahaha! No problem. The particular way I worded that was to leave the puzzle solution at the end – family was rude, hence, why?

      Oh, the family included a wife! And the family wasn’t racist, the husband was an adulterer. It points the joke at the true vice, and makes fun of the false vice.

  3. Rights only exist when you enforce them. Tools only work when you use them.
    The most powerful word today is “No.” (It’s related to the more verbose “Come over here and try to make me, if you think you’re hard enough.”

  4. I totally agree that there are MANY social elements to whatever is going on with our current madness, fueled by social media on smartphones. Little did Steve Jobs realize what he was unleashing upon us in 2007 with the introduction of the iPhone.

    But I also believe there is something beyond social factors with transgenderism, too, and we do not have a handle at all on the totality of what is going on. Of particular interest is a doctor in Spain, Antonio Guillamon, who has published landmark brain scan studies and an eventual book on transgenderism as a medical phenomenon. To cut to the chase in one picture:


    Of particular interest from the Guillamon interview above:

    “Q. There are remarkable data presented in the book, such as the difference between trans men in Europe, who are 2.6 per 100,000, and trans women, who are 6.8 per 100,000.

    A. We have seen these variations in different countries at different times. The truth is that we don’t know what is happening right now. Speculating, on one hand there are social changes, because after all identity is determined by a biological matter, but we also adapt to the models that society offers us, and there is more flexibility today. But, also, I believe that industrial activity has altered our environment in this sense too. We have many polluting substances that affect the estrogen receptors, the androgen receptors, the metabolism of sex steroids.”

    Like this:

    From another angle, transgenders are six times more likely than average to be autistic…

    And autism is rising, for unknown reasons…

    And the number of transgenders is rising as well…

    So bottom line, there is a demographic revolution underway, it is indeed undeniably based in the brain, and we have no real understanding of the web of cause-and-effect relationships at play. Fun times. Sometimes all you can do is just sit back, crack open a cold beer, and wonder just what the heck is going on.

    1. Autism is selection criteria – colleges are the reason. More later, likely.

      Dopamine. Dopamine shapes the brain. iPhones? Steve Jobs might be the creator of the trans phenomenon.

    2. “…..and we do not have a handle at all on the totality of what is going on.” Historians know as we’ve seen this movie before in the Weimar Republic of 1920s Berlin. Same playbook but this time the corruption is so deep that there isn’t a human that can turn it around. God help us.

  5. can’t find a wife who behaves wifely
    can’t afford to buy a house
    can’t afford to have children
    schools turn children into monsters
    can’t have a career that isn’t sucking up to monsters
    can’t afford to save for retirement
    everything government and media says and does is monstrous
    churches nearly as bad as government

    Normal middle class success has been banned, so it’s not surprising that a higher percentage of people break under the stress, especially young people who’ve never lived a life of normality to form their personality in.

    1. A woman should be modest, good natured and supportive. The opposite track of the ‘See what I got ‘ approach learned in school. A man should have a skill set that allows mobility. If you grow up in California, for example, and can’t afford a 800k starter home, then take those skills developed in an apprentice program, community college or a professional program at University and move to affordability. Unfortunately, the White Princess will not likely follow, so settle for a girl that appreciates what you have . See farm girl, rural girl, or working class type. Attractive women that are more. Than happy to marry a working man. Suburban Karens are a pox on humanity

    2. Kids today have it rough (and I made that point on an earlier post). This cannot, and will not stand.

  6. Call it the Evolution of Karen (or, perhaps, Educating REEEEEE-ta).

    Back in the 80s, it was “How dare you! I have children in this car!” with a self-righteous glare from every mother in a mini-van and a Baby on Board sticker in the window, if you rolled through a stop sign in her vicinity while she barreled down the road, late for daycare.

    Today’s Karen wants to shield her gender-bent darling’s eyes from the hateful sight of your toxic White maleness while ferrying the little bundle of confused privilege to drag queen story hour at the public library.

    I swear, parents (and liberal, suburban mothers in particular) are the worst thing that ever happened to children.

    1. Don’t forget the minor point that Karen has three black and brown babies by different fathers.

    2. Yup. I had a “Child In Trunk” sign on my car. Still makes me chuckle. And single moms are the worst . . . .

  7. Short of exorcism, we will not change the agenda of the demon possessed.
    Then again, maybe it will take a stake to the heart, or a silver bullet, to rid us
    of the destruction the Sodom and Gomorrah crowd is after. Wanton harm
    of children is a cardinal sin.

    1. Your points are well taken. In my studies of the Left, even after the Red Brigades were vanquished in Italy, the individual members didn’t repent.

    1. Aesop, I love your martial style, and I often read your blog, but I can’t shake the feeling that if I met you in person, you’d be a pimply-faced nerd with toothpick arms, and a Mountain Dew addiction while living in someone’s basement. Oh! And possibly a fed. These days it’s my policy to discount anyone calling for violence while hiding behind a pseudonym. (NOTE: I’m sigmadog here, that photo is me, and I’m completely open about who I am on my blog).

      At some point, it becomes important to step out of the shadows, no matter the cost (see Founding Fathers).

      1. And yet, who shall bell the cat?
        I’ve been supporting the obvious and only solution for two decades. None of our politicians have the intestinal fortitude to withstand cries of “racist!” long enough to do the right thing to save our society. And by save, I mean provide at least a chance of survival. We’re quickly reaching a tipping point. (Most children in the USA now are neither white nor American.)

      2. Words mean things.
        If you misinterpret that as a “call to violence”, you’re not nearly as sharp a communicator as you imagine yourself.
        Feel free to show your work and explain your interpretation.
        Here’s a booster step to show you where you have to get:

        As to your misimpressions of me personally, when you were learning to play with paint, I was at MCRD. No toothpick arms there.
        When you were spinning your color wheel, I was on the DMZ in Korea. Foxholes, not somebody’s basement.
        When you were sweating getting a better graphics job, I was sweating on an amphibious ship headed past Cuba to Central America. Mountain Dew? Luxury!
        And thirty years later, when you were thinking about retirement, I had a pack on my back and a rifle in my hands, miles from electricity or indoor plumbing, intercepting cartel smugglers at gunpoint on ranches at the Mexican border. For years. While your work was probably selling designer jeans, appliances, and laundry detergent.
        I can’t help thinking that if we ever met in person, you’d live up to most every Boomer stereotype on the ‘net.
        So now we’re even in sharing our impressions.
        And one of us is clearly right, and the other clearly has no idea what they’re talking about.

        So maybe abandon amateur psychoanalysis, and instead try sharpening your claws on a more worthwhile target. Put your graphics experience and keyboard to more pointed use than tail-spewing at nominal allies. The limit of your resolve seems to be equal to the Christians thrown to the lions in the Colosseum, who endeavored to taste very bad. You make memes on your blog; try being a far bigger PITA to The Regime than you already are. Up your game. Sabo needs the competition. And when you hit a nerve, other blogs will pick you up, and TPTB feel the hotfoot. Ask me how I know.

        But remember that some of us out here in the electronic ether have actually hunted people, and liked it. (And we’re not talking paintball or airsoft cosplay.) And probably will (and worse, will have to) again. But not for catch-and-release. Hemingway was right about that.
        It’s a free country. You do you.

  8. Years ago, an ex girlfriend told me she didn’t wear Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans. She called them Gloria Peterbilts. Gotta love a fat bottom girl with a sense of humor.

  9. One of the nice things about satellite TV is I now have access to some quality programming from the fifties and sixties. It’s been a few months since I stumbled onto INSP channel and the great thing is there’s never a question of who’s a boy and who’s a girl on Gunsmoke, Tales of Wells Fargo, or Wagon Train. What a breath of fresh air!

  10. Two thoughts from CS Lewis:

    1. Evil cannot create; only warp, pervert, destroy.
    2. When I read his book “Perelandra,” it was a shock to me that Evil cannot be reckoned with or bargained out of what they are. Up to and including physical violence to the point of death.

    Or, as they used to say in the Old West: “some folks just need killin’.”

    This isn’t fedposting. This is fact-stating.

      1. If you’re going to do that, you should probably do the whole trilogy:
        Out Of The Silent Planet
        That Hideous Strength

        1. Second the recommendation – outstanding prose and story from an educated man with a deep spritual foundation. The implacability of the Enemy is never to be underestimated.

          1. Again, if I wasn’t lazy I would have gotten the mail today . . . I think it’s there. Thanks!!!

  11. Read 2TIM3:1-9. It’s all been foretold. As far as the entry above which asked: “Who will bell the cat?”, all I can say is the shoe is not pinching hard enough for a large enough segment of the population. What will it take? Maybe when more and more of the jabbed drop dead in the streets. Or, Mordor-On-The-Potomac declares a bank holiday because Operation Sandman is in full force and Amerika goes full Weimar.
    Nothing I see right now shows me anything different. The Sheeple, Normalcy Bias fools, and conservative cucks still have plenty of product at Costco, and plenty of bread and circuses diversions. I do not know when or how any big change will come about. Orange Man had another fifteen minutes of fame and the beat goes on. Stay vigilant and prepped. I believe it will all fall down when we least expect it. Bleib ubrig.

    1. Agreed. Perfect quotation for where we are.

      Yes, was talking about “when and why” with friends tonight. It may have started already . . . .

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