How The Left Is Changing Society, And How To Fight: Part II

“You know, in certain older civilized cultures, when men failed as entirely as you have, they would throw themselves on their swords.” – Serenity

What do you call a two dead parrots?  Pollygons.

This is part two of the series on social structures and control.

Most (stress on “most”) Western Nations adopted a modified version of a new social order between 1776 and 1920.  It looked like this:

  • Absent or Figurehead Monarch: The idea of absolute rule by King melted away, and was essentially done in the first world by 1920.  I mean, we dudes all still dream about it, but it’s gone.
  • Government Bureaucrats: The core of government power now flowed into an unelected bureaucracy that was, more or less, immune to election.  When governed by a Constitution, this was good.  When governed by avarice, not so much.  Thankfully, most of the bureaucrats in the twentieth century were governed by bad eyesight and a to close the window for lunch, if the DMV is any clue.
  • Elected Leadership: The idea that elected leaders subject to the will of the people would be the ones to run the government was a noble one.  Sadly, we started electing at least some dirtbags from the start.
  • Military Leaders: A professional military, generally subservient to the civilian leaders but still with cool uniforms.
  • Clergy: A strong church presence, though unofficial, was still the backbone of the country’s morality.  Some priests even became lawyers, or what we would call a father-in-law.
  • Constitution: At least in the United States, the Constitution was the basis of civic religion for the majority of the people.  In other countries, there were other things, like Great Britain and the King or Queen or Meghan Markle.  It was a basis for the foundation of the nation (or, country).
  • Big Business: In the twentieth century, big business (including big banking) finally grew to the point that it was able to be a primary force in society, providing products and jobs for the voters, donations for the leadership class, and, apparently, lots of fedoras.
  • Middle Class: This was the engine of prosperity – working to build the economy.  For a large part of the twentieth century government policy was focused on increasing this segment, since they were the spark plugs that both worked the line for GM® as well as ran the plants.
  • Lower Class: The big goal of most first world nations was to shrink this class, through education and sometimes direct payments.  Making them productive, it was felt, would be a win for civilization as a whole.

Although not optimum, this version of civilization was built on a solid structure that focused on the atom:  the family.  It tried to take feedback from voters, protect their rights, and create wealth and happiness for most.  It was an example of what happens when the people and the economy and the government more or less agree on virtue as the basis of society.

If honesty is a virtue, why doesn’t anyone want to hear the truth?

Yes, there were flaws.  But compared to today?

The flaws were miniscule.  It actually worked very, very well.  For a while.  But what was happening when the Left was in charge?  Well, you got a very, very different structure.

That’s not the power structure of most modern-day dictatorships.  That power structure assumes a Dear Leader, secret police, no church, a frightened military, and everyone else shoved into the frightened peasant class.  The culture there has nothing to do with any traditions, has nothing to do with religion, has nothing to do with trust (trust no one is the motto in lands with a secret police) and has nothing to do with Truth, Virtue or Beauty, since those are viciously stamped down if they conflict with the will of Dear Leader.

  • Dear Leader: The top was an individual.  Certainly, there were committees, but the basis was an individual.    Lenin.  Mao.  Kim.  The government didn’t revolve around them:  they were the government.
  • Secret Police: Dear Leader can’t be everywhere, all the time, so the next best thing was a hated and feared secret police.  Is it better to be hated or feared?  If you are Dear Leader, you want both.  You want the people to fear the secret police, but you also want the people to hate the secret police so that they could never govern.
  • Scared, Weak Military: Dear Leader needs a military, but they need to be scared of being replaced or killed.
  • Scared, Weak Bureaucrats: If the guys with tanks are scared, what hope do they have?
  • Scared, Weak Everyone Else: If the guys who assign Boris his Commieflat are scared, what hope does Boris have?

What size soda does Kim order?  A supreme liter.

The atom of a dictatorship isn’t a family, it’s an individual.  The goal of a dictatorship is weak families and no middle class.  The goal is to create distrust and to have parents not trust their children, nor spouses trust each other.  One of the first actions of the commie Spanish Republic was to make abortion legal, and eliminate marriages because they wanted to “make women equal”.

The reality was the Spanish commies wanted to destroy family ties so that the state was the unquestioned leader.  This creates a different kind of stability – one based on constant fear and no trust.  I wonder if that sounds familiar to anyone?

We are watching most of the Western World morphing from their old structure into the structures that Dear Leader would love.

  • Uniparty: Most of the Democrat mainstream and Republican mainstream have the same “values”, with only a variation or two.  The Republicans acted like the neighborhood dog that finally caught the car when the Supreme Court revoked the absolute right of women to kill babies “because it’s Tuesday” and had no real plans.  Abortion was a fundraiser, not a real issue to them.
  • Converged Bureaucrats: Bureaucrats in the FedGov are now out only for themselves and the bureaucracy they serve.  The ATF doesn’t care if you have guns, really.  The ATF just wants to have funding and to be able to shoot the family dog on Tuesdays.
  • Incipient Police State: Don’t think we have a police state that hands out unfair punishments?  Type “January 6” into a search engine sometime . . .
  • A Vanishing Clergy: Church used to be an important touchstone – in the 1950s some banks wouldn’t give a mortgage if the pastor of your church didn’t speak favorably about your character.  Extreme?  Probably not – it kept a place in the community for virtue.  The goal of the Left is that they have the monopoly on defining virtue.  Hey, Live, Laugh, Love, right?
  • A Captive Press: When was the last time anyone in the Mainstream Media actually tried to challenge The Narrative?  Oh, yeah, Tucker Carlson.
  • Twisted Constitution: The Constitution of the United States was written on plain language so the common citizen could understand it.  Now?  Emanations and penumbras and twisting of “thou shalt not” into “thou shalt” has made Constitutional law like a game of limbo – how low can you go?  That the Civil Rights Act is now more important than actual Constitutional protections is all you need to know.
  • Subservient Military: Obama spent a lot of time and effort clearing out high-level officers in the military that weren’t on the Left.  Notice that none of the top brass pushed back against the vaxx mandate?
  • Big Business: Big business has always had inordinate power due to their size and the amount of money they control (this includes big banks).  During the last 40 years big business has dominated and destroyed most profitable small business niches.  This results in a . . .
  • Much Smaller Middle Class: The middle class is smaller and poorer than at any time in my life.  This is getting ready (over the next two years) to get much worse.
  • Everyone else: This is the goal – that 80% plus of the population are stuck, working paycheck to paycheck, unable to accumulate wealth, and having their saved money inflated away.

The values of this brave new world aren’t anchored by any sort of church.  Values in 2023 move around every day at the whim of the Left.  It’s all coordinated, too.  Whatever value that they want is pushed through channels to the public, often with movies and television shows backing it up using emotionally laden content to transmit the message.  Remember those “very special episodes”?  Yup, all of them were propaganda.

But he was such a good boy.  Never hurt anyone.

They had left the Internet and alternative media alone.  Probably, it was left for a safety valve and because most Normies get their news and opinions from Mainstream sources.  In reality, especially in the aftermath of Trump being meme’d into office in 2016, the hammer has started to come down.  Information wants to be free, but the Left has taken the Dear Leader approach to information.

Ever notice that comment segments on news stories went from “nearly every news story has one” to “Comment section?  What’s that?” in a span of just a few years?  The problem was that people in the comment section were making too much sense.  The people in the comment section were exposing the lies in the news stories.  They had to be dealt with.

Websites like mine have been “detuned” from the search algorithms.  This makes it harder for normies to find places that have unapproved ideas.  YouTube® has veered into censorship, having kicked podcasts off the air for simply arguing against the vaxx or agreeing with the very real possibility that the 2020 elections were hijacked.

My computer started to cuss after the processor got too hot.  I had to install a heat censor.

But not all is lost.  Elon Musk has made “Community Notes” a thing.  They’re a way to point out the Lies of the Left and those that hate Truth, Beauty, Steak, Families, and Nations.

This is how they’re targeting us, and how they have targeted us over decades.  The wonderful part is that we have Truth, Beauty, Steak, Families and the power of Nations on our side.  And people are waking up – 30% to 40% of all voters (not just those on the Right) believe the 2020 election was illegitimate.  This is despite widespread censorship of this idea.

Keep spreading the Truth.  Practice virtue and push your church (if you have one) to be more virtuous, rather than another Leftist conquest.  Starve Big Business, when you can.  Buying from local farmers gives them more money and keeps the money away from people who hate you.

If your misery is caused by paranoia, I can tell you you’re not alone.

We can’t wait until plate tectonics splits California off into an island, and the good news is that we won’t have to.  As I’ve said before, we will win.

We are inevitable.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

20 thoughts on “How The Left Is Changing Society, And How To Fight: Part II”

    1. You’re going to have to be a bit more than just a passenger.
      “Pray, but eventually you’re going to have to pick up a rock.”
      David before meeting Goliath.

  1. You’ve worked around *Another Protest*, shuffled through the process of shopping over less selection and downright lacks, you complain about the prices at the self-checkout (because the store cannot find employees) and you return home to a flaming house and shattered family crying about crazies screaming about “Freedom for Palestine”.

    Do you unload your groceries in the flaming kitchen or start recovery and rebuilding?

  2. After watching young family members, their struggles, their children, and what they seek, I’m seeing a longing for the stability of a family and the stability it brings. Also, I’m seeing how those so willing to be dangerously different are not finding those willing to embrace the difference. Maybe my observations are of only in the small section of the U.S. where I reside, but after traveling to other areas, I’ve found most people are similar to who I find locally, and as a group, their influence is more than enough to shape future society.

    Jess – who finds the new format seeks to make me a member of something I don’t desire.

  3. Not to mince hairs but I think that picture is Springfield Illinois. Please don’t ever go there, it’s a complete loss.

    1. John, excellent series (as always).

      In point of fact, the one thing that perhaps undermines much of the Current World is the fact that it is effectively a world without a future. The desires and social mores are ultimately self defeating in that the end with the life of the individual; there is no “ever after” if your concern is only and completely with yourself.

      The other point, of course, is that the whole thing is built on the back of an increasingly wheezing system of financing and supply chains. The Plague indicated how fragile it was; little has been done to truly address the problem.

    2. Thank you! Yeah, it came up on a search. I’ve been to the Missouri version, but it’s been a long time ago. Looks like Illinois has Missouri, too!

  4. ‘The idea of absolute rule by King melted away, and was essentially done in the first world by 1920. I mean, we dudes all still dream about it, but it’s gone.’

    Just hibernating. Hmm 1920, first year of female political equality. Exactly one century until Vax Lockdown.

    Democracy was always an Enlightenment (masonic) scam. God and authentic Christians held off its inevitable failure temporarily.

    There will be two more major kings — first one false, next one the real thing. All things in heaven and on Earth are ordered into hierarchy via Father’s Creation. Equality, humanism, liberation and democracy are attractive fruits of the devil. Look and sound good but ain’t.

    Make that witch give it up!

  5. Honestly, I’m pretty worn-out from the constant and rapid destruction of history, Orwellian re-writing of the past, and the bleak outlook for the future. So much so that I rarely even talk about it anymore because what’s the point?

    I don’t have the required skills of persuasion, the energy, or the platform to change people’s minds. And being more than two-thirds of my way through life, most already view me as a cranky old fart anyway. I’ve found it’s better for my mental health to focus on art, dogs, The Missus, and my tiny slice of paradise in the woods. There’s more joy to be found these days getting lost in the woods with my dog for a few hours than there ever was or ever will be in crafting sick burns on social media.

    Not that the fight ain’t worth it. It’s more that, in the words of Dirty Harry, “a man’s got to know his limitations”.

    1. My friend, you have more left and more than you can do than you imagine. What if your biggest day is ahead of you?

  6. Check out “The Brehon Laws” written in 1894 (free download – regarding the social structure of ancient Ireland. The king or clan chief was held to account for protecting the tribe members. This position did not automatically pass to the eldest son but to the most qualified person. It’s an elegant system from top to bottom- the bottom being the thief that was given the opportunity to work his way back up the ladder. The bard was the diplomat tasked to entertain visitors from other tribes and was paid in livestock. Other classes were magistrates and lawyers for the legal system, merchants and tradespeople. Peasants could move up the ranks by forming a guild with the smartest among them as representative. They were given acres of super crappy land and 10 years to make it productive. Local trade expanded with the monthly fairs for selling one’s wares.
    There’s a lot of Celtic history in the book which may not be of interest if you’re not Scots-Irish but the Laws are solid and superior to the feudal system as there’s no proliferation of Earls that need to be killed off.

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