Victimhood And Guilt: Tools Of The Left

“Guilt was created for what reason? For man to enslave himself?” – Borgia

You can stop saying Amber Heard wasn’t a victim – her acting school clearly failed her.

What’s the easiest way to defeat a people?

You make them do it themselves.

That’s been the motif for quite a while from the Left.  In reality, this is a playbook that has been used for decades by Leftist groups like the Frankfurt School (I’d look it up for you but I’m lazy), and it’s difficult to explain some of the things that we’re seeing in the world right now without thinking through the tactics that they’ve employed.

The first thing Leftist groups tried was to exploit a class difference in America.  That didn’t work very well, since unlike Europe, we’d rather firmly out the King generations ago without letting it turn into a Leftist bloodbath, like in France (memo to self – the French can win a war, but they have to be fighting other French people).  We were self-governed, and there was sufficient freedom so that (if Homer Q. Citizen worked for someone rather than just doing his own thing) Homer could tell them to take this job and shove it.

I hear in France on Halloween the kids go out Trick or Retreating.

So, class was out.  What was the next lever to pry?

The Leftists thought about it quite a bit, since they were doing nothing but being paid for hating America while working at universities like Columbia® and Harvard™ and attending fancy faculty parties while they plotted to destroy the country.  Their big breakthrough was in understanding the American psyche in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

What was the vulnerability of the nation at that time?

Build a world of Guilt® and Victimhood©.

We’ll take Victimhood© first. The Victimhood© was crucial, because if there isn’t a victim then the scam won’t work.  Don’t have a ready victim?  Manufacture one.  All of the social movements in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s were based on attempting to drive a culture into turmoil, and for that, one needed a steady stream of victims.

In the year 2022, what’s more relevant?  Women’s Lib, or Mad Libs®?

I’m not saying that some of the movements didn’t have actual problems and valid concerns at their root.  Regardless of that, there’s no way that I’d ever try to base building the character of one of my kids by telling them, “Oh, Pugsley, you got a bad grade in math (he didn’t) because that teacher had it out for you!”

If I do that, I ruin a kid.  Similarly, when Victimhood™ is assigned to an entire group of people, that group is morally crippled.  Instead of the group taking the issue and working ways to actually solve the issue, those afflicted with Victimhood® simply must perpetuate that Victimhood©.

Microagressions™?  Really?  Cultural Appropriation®?  The length that people have to reach in 2022 to whip up a frenzy is amazing because of the lack of real problems that don’t also involve the behavior of the group.  The war against statues?  Critical Race Theory© is a playbook straight out of the Frankfurt School.

No matter who wins a race in Bangkok, it’s still a Thai.

Similar things happened with the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1970s.  The result of turning a little over 50% of the population in the country into a group of victims was astonishing and horribly negative.  The divorce rate in the United States spiked along with the Women’s Liberation movement, removing social cohesion, and creating yet another victim class, and now it’s waaaay harder for some guys just to get a sandwich.

But creating the victim is only half the equation, and perhaps less powerful than the other weapon:  Guilt®.

Let’s return to the American psyche in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.  The American psyche was long built on openness and fair play.  Why don’t we cut in line?  It’s been shown in study after study that Americans from that time period would go out of their way to not allow free riders – people who don’t contribute to the system.  Line cutters are just one example.

Studies have shown that this level of dislike for free riders and those who treat others unfairly is so ingrained that individual Americans will work to stop that unfairness.  Individuals will work to stop free riders even if it requires them to do something uncomfortable, or if it causes them financial loss.

“What if,” thought the Frankfurt School, “we could convince the American people that they were immoral?  That their system is awful?”

“Well,” I imagine they responded, “now you’ve got something.”

What happened when John Galt took too many sleeping pills?  Atlas Drugged.

The Frankfurt School was collectivist, and believed in collective, not individual punishment.  They hated the individual ideas and nature of Western Civilization, and the United States in particular.  To put this in perspective, it is exactly the burning hatred for these ideas that spurred the Frankfurt School on.  These ideas live on in exactly the hatred that every Leftist (and many “conservatives”) hold for the “flyover” states and the “red states”.

And those Leftists that have bought into the Guilt™ portion of the Victimhood© and Guilt®?

They are the Americans who say things like, “I’ll never have a child,” and “I hate America,” and “I can’t stand the sight of the American flag,” and pick any and every opportunity that they can to tear down the country.  Sadly, people who say that are at the heads of infotainment companies, the executive and legislative portions of government, the military, and are all over in the academic world.

They hate those that they are supposed to lead and govern.

To put it simply, this Guilt® has turned a large portion of the people who are at the levers of power into people that hate America.  And these people suffering from Guilt, are people that also hate you because you are getting in the way of their planned suicide of our country.

So, if one way to defeat a people is to have them defeat themselves, then that must mean that the Left is very, very afraid.  They’re afraid of you and the power that Americans inherently possess.  That’s why they hate you, and that’s why they want to tear down everything that you love and leave a smoking crater.

I feel like we should talk about the aliens.

The great news is that in the midst of the economic and social crisis that has been engineered to create more control, people are waking up.  The Guilt® is lessening as people push back against the vilification of people like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington while granting sainthood to the designated felon high on lethal amounts of fentanyl victim of George Floyd.  The Guilt© will, I think, begin to fall apart as the crisis continues.

Will we be the same America as in the past?  No.  But I do believe we will win, because independence and truth usually triumph over Victimhood® and Guilt™.

Plus, you know, it’s not like they’re fighting the French.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

24 thoughts on “Victimhood And Guilt: Tools Of The Left”

    1. I’ve seen another version of that story on Jefferson, that’s why I tossed him in . . . and I feel zero guilt.

  1. We can also call it the “I didn’t do that” Society. Like the sheepish looking dawg amid a torn pillow with feathers scattered everywhere. or “It’s not my fault” Society. The Left has one word they can’t define – “Responsibility”.

    Oh, sorry, two. “Woman”.

    1. Hahaha! At least some Supreme Court Justices can’t. Would you have expected a Congressman would be attacked for saying, “You’ve used a phrase I want to make sure I understand what you mean by it. You’ve referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy, would that be women?”

  2. The easiest and most sure way to lose is to never fight at all.
    The Left realized long ago that they couldn’t win this fight, so they worked instead on demoralizing future generations into giving up.

    1. Yup, and I’m not playing that game. And I’ll do everything I can to help others not fall for it, either.

  3. It’s the conundrum of the pendulum. Sure for several decades it’s been swinging one way. But it has reached its zenith in that direction and now it’s swinging back the other way. Just think how far it swung and now having reached that zenith, the speed and momentum it will have as it swings back the other way.

    Obviously it would be good if the return swing could be tamped down as it returns to the moderate, center position, but that’s probably not going to happen.

    1. Not to give them too much credit, but the French had a few good ones under that guy Napoleon if he just hadn’t broken the first rule of warfare in Europe – Don’t invade Russia. And when William left France to conquer Britain, oh, and the Gauls and Franks gave the Romans hell too. I think they just took literally the “War to end all wars”

    2. Sadly, I think it’s too late for that. If the left would have said, “Okay, the 1990s or 1980s aren’t so bad,” we could have been done with it. I’m seeing signs that the reaction is happening, and happening hard.

      There will be tears.

  4. Uncanny watched a great video about Cultural Marxism or Frankfurt School and the comrades want demoralization that Yuri Bezmenov spoke of.
    The CPUSA is brilliant to divide everything down to atomization while trying to implement the hippie dippy communal what’s mine is yours comrade commie horseshit.
    If it is so popular and works so well then why does it always take a bloody burn it all down revolution or state gun barrel in order to implement the New Man workers utopia?
    Also saw the Baylor doctor Baker saying that we’ll just have to get rid of all the whites in the US regarding the not-a-vax and mandates.
    In the same mouth diarrhea egesta she says the replacements just love to get vaxxed and luckily for the Long March to burn down the USA comrades, the imports aren’t all that bright and will never figure out that they will be tossed overboard when they are no longer politically useful.
    To make a comrades head explode or to plant seeds just say stop being a victim.

  5. It should have been Verboten for the Frankfurt School Burghers to proceed beyond sauerkraut and bun-size sausages!

  6. I have this song going through my head…

    Everything is rayciss
    Everything’s a cis-het HEGemONy
    Everything is rayciss
    When you’re an NPC

    Nothing’s ever better,
    When we Victimhood together…

    I could probably keep Filking, but I’m probably too far off the reservation as it is with this one.

  7. [Q] What’s the easiest way to defeat a people?

    You make them do it themselves. [/Q]

    That is EXACTLY what leftoxenomorphs are doing to humanity.

    This is the leftoxenomorph plan against humanity:

    (1) Learn their foibles – then exploit them.

    (2) Learn their virtues – then weaponize them against them.

    (3) Learn their philosophy / religion – then make them live up to it and grind them with their guilt when they fail.

    They won’t be able to live up to their own standards and you’ll morally defeat them with that cudgel.

    Morally defeated they’ll walk all by themselves meekly into your pen of slavery.

    An armed individualist sure of himself, manly, assertive, productive, accustomed to using his virtues and to learn and to triumph . . . that’s not an easy to defeat enemy and to go against him is dangerous indeed.

    How do you approach the task if you are a leftoxenomorph weakling incapable of lifting a sword much less wield it?

    You drive a wedge between the individualist and his self-assuredness.
    You attack and destroy his manliness.
    You counter his assertiveness by instilling cowardice to replace it.
    You reduce his productiveness by corrupting his currency and a thousand and one irrational regulations and criminal laws and useless impediments and tricks.
    You weaponize his virtues against him.
    You demean learning and make it impossible and replace it with indoctrination and brainwashing.
    You deride his triumphs and turn them around on him and blame him for non-existent sins and turn actual triumph to perceived defeat.
    Turn man to woman. A failed woman, at that.
    Call him “toxic”
    Call him “abuser”
    Call him “rapist”
    Tell him to “get in touch with his emotions” and “his feminine side”
    Don’t worry it’s all bullshit.
    You are a scammer. Think only of gaslighting and deceiving.
    Tell him he’s “hurting” others.
    He isn’t? Who cares?!! Make him believe you.
    It doesn’t matter it is not true.
    You are not after truth.
    You don’t deal in truth.
    You don’t care about reality.
    You are a gaslighter, a con-artist, a scammer.
    Deception is your tool.
    Doubt is your ally.
    Tell him that by his very existence he’s putting others in danger and hurting them.
    Tell him his very presence, wherever he is, is a danger to society.
    Feign fear in his presence.
    Cuddle the children away from him when he comes in.
    Perform the charade for him and he’ll eventually doubt himself and start to believe you.
    Deride his manhood as (a) not enough, (b) bad for himself and others, (c) a fraud and really not even existent.
    Make him a joke.
    Tell him whatever his triumphs that he’s trying to “compensate”
    For what?!
    For not being “man enough” and for being “toxic” and “hurtful”
    Leave no place where he can feel a man again.
    Tell him that BECAUSE he is a man, there’s no possibility for him to be any good no matter what he does.
    Don’t let him think of HIS performance.
    Tell his part of a “kind of beings” that is bad and harmful and that there’s nothing he can do about it.
    Make him into a soiled wet rag of defeated shame.
    It doesn’t matter that it’s all a scam.
    You only need to make him doubt himself a tiny bit and that’s the hook.
    You keep pulling and soon you’ll have your fish ready for your pan.
    Leave him no choice but to submit.
    His longing for being right and good made into a weapon against him.
    His manhood into an enemy of himself.
    His very essence turned into the poison to kill his spirit.
    A man is big on fair play. Leave not a chance in hell for fair play to have any input on anything he does.
    Make him play with his hands and feet tied by chains of bullshit guilt and bullshit shame and, no matter his performance, pile more bullshit guilt and bullshit shame and bullshit negativity on him.
    Cover him with the manure of your bullshit and lies so that there is nothing for him to smell but your bullshit.
    Don’t worry if some men don’t bite.
    There are always outliers too good to bite.
    Many will bite.
    Make the outliers into laughing stock and give the biters the candy of the lying hint of a chance at forgiveness for being “GOOOOOOD BOOOOOYS!!”
    If enough do bite, you win.
    And you’ve got your farm-animals ready to serve you.
    And then you’ll be able to send the “GOOOOOOD BOOOOOYS!!” to kill the outliers that didn’t bite.

    That . . . is pure and unmitigated leftoxenomorphism.

    And remember that the way to get rid of manhood to destroy humanity is to start working against it in kindergarten.
    Dress boys as girls.
    Take away any toys they are attracted to and replace them with girly bullshit.
    Punish them for no good reason.
    Instill shame in them.
    Make them fearful.
    Convince them from day one that A is non-A.
    Convince them from day one that their brains are useful and all that counts is (a) obedience and (b) fee-feez and (c) boo-booz.
    They are children. What are they going to do?
    Accuse them of misbehavior.
    Put them on brain destroying drugs.
    Even if they do everything right, tell them they are wrong and punish them.
    Leave them no way to be good and / or right and / or acceptable.
    Tell them all lies and turn reality upside down on them so they can’t develop normally.
    Ruin human children.
    Ruin most especially the boys.
    Ruin, confuse and impede the normal development of young humans and humanity will be rendered harmless to you.

    Then you can conquer humans and enslave them to serve you and you can do it all with impunity.

    You have to defang humanity to destroy it.
    Otherwise you’ll run the risk of humans, that normally are dangerous enough, seeing the real you and killing you and all your kind.
    You know they should.
    But if you play your cards well, they won’t.

  8. Unearned guilt and self-loathing wasn’t invented by the Puritans. Religion is an attempt to invent a rational reason for previously exiting feelings of self-loathing. The feelings of self-loathing came first, they are a mental illness.

    Similarly, communism wasn’t invented in 1850, it was merely popularized. Communism came first, it is the instinctual human social organization, genetically inherited from great ape ancestors.

    Man isn’t fallen, because he was never raised to begin with. Man is an ape with a larger brain.

    1. Communism can work, but with a max size of 150 (or so) people. My family is certainly not a democracy.

      We probably disagree on religion, but I’m thinking we’re still in the same foxhole.

      1. Communism can work, but with a max size of 150 (or so) people. My family is certainly not a democracy.

        There is hardware support for that number: I recall you’re adopted, but still families benefit from instinct that says help your family members because you help copies of your genes. But increase the group size by a factor of 2 million from 150 to 300 million, and the tunings on the instinctual software no longer work.

        We probably disagree on religion, but I’m thinking we’re still in the same foxhole.

        Yes; I am an atheist in that foxhole, and don’t hold any specific beliefs about what happened prior to the big bang. What created the creator? We don’t have an answer to that question yet.

  9. It was fun to wax nostalgic on the former republic for a few weeks but the dictatorship of the apparatchiks and the replacement have no use for that model.
    The Honkler meme about destroying everything is a feature and not a bug.
    The founding documents are not meant for the Chiquitastan as it puts limits on the administrative deep state that doesn’t exist, you know the one that fellow traveler comrades FDR and Obama cemented.
    It also reminds the replacements of their inferiority as Joseph Sobran so eloquently worded.
    Will arresting Emmanuel Trumpstein along with his groupie washer swabs and bringing back the not-a-vax depopulation jab mandates begin the sporky showtime?

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