The Economic Fate Of The United States: Two Choices

“No, you’ve already made the choice. Now you have to understand it.” – The Matrix Reloaded

I spent hundreds to rent a limo, but there was no driver.  All that cash on a limo, and nothing to chauffeur it.

I did posts about inflation before inflation hit, but I’m not a psychic.  It’s not like I work for ESPN or something.  No.  This inflation was absolutely predictable, and in fact, has been absolutely predictable since 2008.  Ben Bernanke’s Fed© Approved™ solution to the Great Liquidity Crisis during the Great Recession was simple:  print a lot of money.

Make no mistake, the economic problem was big back then in 2008.  I personally saw an entire segment of the economy reach a full dead stop.  Rail cars piled up at the sidings on my drive to work near Modern Mayberry because the railroads had no place to put them – miles of them.  I mean, without rail cars how could new railroad employees train?

Why did this happen?  Nobody knew which banks had money and which ones didn’t.  The trust that underlies the system had been blown up by a series of banks defaulting, with stocks crashing, and bonds plummeting.  Heck, even physicists stopped trusting atoms – they make up everything.  The Fed’s® solution to this lack of trust?  Like I said, print money.

They were sneaky about how they did it – they printed money and gave it to the banks by buying up the awful assets they had on the books.  The money vacuumed up the bad debt like Charlie Sheen on the set of Two and a Half Grams.

Something tells me he’d be a more thoughtful Fed® chairman than the one we have now.

The printing also kicked the can down the road.  We could spend all day about the causes, but the reality is that we are the can that was kicked down the road.  Our current inflation is the result of keeping the party going even when the system should have cleared out the bad debts, cleared out the dead companies, and cleared out the waste that caused the crisis.

Would it have been tough?  Sure, especially on elevator repairmen – but their business is always up and down anyway.

So, now what?

The reality is simple.  As a nation, we face only two choices.

The first choice we could make is to keep doing what we’re doing.  We can keep printing money, and keep pretending that the economic problems are created by the sanctions we put in place over a regional border conflict that we helped create and certainly encouraged.

The result of the decision to keep printing will first be higher prices.  Higher fuel prices mean less driving, but they also mean that the cost of nearly everything you buy costs more:  food, trash service, beer, PEZ®, posters of Elvis (especially posters of the The King after he discovered carbohydrates), everything physical will cost more.

Why can’t Elvis drive his Cadillac™ in reverse?  He’s dead.

Oh, sure, hyperinflation seems like fun at first.  Rising prices, rising wages . . . but the wages never keep up with the prices.  And businesses can’t keep up with the rising costs, so long-term contracts that had been great are now unprofitable.  Bare shelves show up.  People rush to ditch cash to buy stuff because they know that Kraft© Mac n’ Cheese™ is going to be 20% more next week, so canned goods have a better rate of return than the stock market.  Some people don’t like canned food, but for me it’s ate out of tin.

But then banks have finally gotten wise, and we’ll see higher interest rates on car loans, home loans, and student debt.  Higher costs on cars plus higher interest costs mean lower new car sales, especially when people are struggling to find change in their couches to buy Pizza Rolls® and Twinkies™.

Lower new car sales mean fewer new cars made.  Which requires fewer workers.  Which increases unemployment.  Eventually, there’s a recession or depression as economic activity ceases to be meaningful – weird things happen as people resort to a manic level of activity.

The banks finally get wise and loans don’t come with an interest rate, they come with a scheme to create a way that the bank doesn’t go bankrupt as the currency value plummets.  The values are pegged to a commodity (like gold) or an inflation index.  Bankers have been through this before in country after country and know every trick to keep themselves whole.  I assure you, inflation has their interest.

I saw a homeless man talking to his shadow.  That means six more weeks of inflation.

Ultimately, the orgy of printing results in destitution, unemployment, and a political and moral crisis.  How bad is it?  Reminders of the hyperinflation caused by worthless money during the Revolutionary War are still in the Constitution – “No state shall coin money, emit bills of credit, or make anything but gold and silver tender in payment of debts.”  I even keep a copy of the Constitution on the wall – The Mrs. calls it the Decoration of Independence.

Wonder why the German bankers are so crazy about not letting the euro hyperinflate?  They’ve been through that before.  And German bankers are generally pessimists, which is why they study Russian.

Sadly, we’re seeing these impacts even though many of the trillions in printing haven’t even hit the economy yet.  Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill hasn’t even hit the economy yet.  Think construction is expensive now?  Wait until there are a trillion more dollar in construction contracts that hit the economy in the next six months.  That will lead to millions of guys standing around trying to look busy.

I wanted to build highways, but I decided not to go down that road.

So, that’s path one – keep going and wait for everything to blow up like slobber from a pasty dingo with a bag of decade-old beef jerky, which seems like an oddly specific analogy, but I have my reasons.  What will be on the other side?  No one can say – often, hyperinflation destroys the entire fabric of the country, making the people desperate, willing to do anything, even watch another Marvel® movie.

There is, of course, a second choice:

Quit printing money.

Stop entirely.

Have the Fed® increase the interest rate to slow down the economy and re-value the currency.  Stop the shenanigans.

The result of that is, of course, also a major recession – probably worse than the Great Recession of 2008.  Possibly as bad as the Great Depression.

There will be plummeting home values as interest rates increase.  There will be unemployment.    But once the debt clears, in a decade or so, what will be left will be an economy that is based, perhaps, on a more fundamentally sound currency, or even one that won’t inflate until it is worthless.  I can dream, can’t I?

It’s not a pleasant idea, going through that pain.  But in the end, it provides a chance for economic prosperity.

That’s it.  Those are really the only choices I see in the economy.  We’ll have to pick one.

I have no faith that the second path will be taken.  Why?  This graph, for one.  Looks like people who like free stuff, vote for people who give them . . . free stuff.

Romney supporters signed their checks on the front, Obama voters signed theirs on the back.

It requires making a hard choice, a knowing difficulty.  It’s like having the discipline to eat the broccoli and skip the ice cream before they wheel you out to read things off the teleprompter.  I have seen no sign of the political class of the United States being willing to make any difficult decision.  I have seen only a little appetite in the general populace to take the tough road.

No, I think we’ll make the first choice.  When inflation gets worse?  My bet is that the reaction of the political leadership will be to send checks to everyone.  Wait and see.

No, I’m not a psychic.  But I wish I was a remote viewer.  I’m still looking for the one from the stereo.

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: The Fall Of Biden?

“Get a new president.” – Escape from New York

Biden was in three states today:  confusion, disorientation, and bewilderment.

  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

I’ve kept Clock O’Doom at the same location.  For now.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – In Soviet Russia, Sanctions Work On You – Violence And Censorship Update – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Joe Has Lost His Support – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 680 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

In Soviet Russia, Sanctions Work On You

I’m sure the sanctions sounded good on paper.  After all, when the Russians took Crimea in 2014, the sanctions worked.  Russia was as vulnerable as a chocolate cake locked in a room with Amy Schumer.

Since the Russians cut off the natural gas to Europe, the Germans can now really Netflix™ and chill.

This time, however, the sanctions aren’t working quite as expected.  Certainly, there are shortages of things in Russia, but Russia’s single biggest import is cell phones, and none of those are coming from the United States.  Some of the things that the Russians don’t have access to are:

  • Netflix®
  • ApplePay™
  • PornHub©
  • Coca-Cola® and
  • Facebook©.

Frankly, if all of those things disappeared forever in my life, I wouldn’t notice them at all.  If they disappeared forever?  Absolutely none of those things are required for life.  Heck, I could make the point that none of them are even required for happiness, but then again I get enjoyment out of camping.

Now we know why we don’t have flying cars:  Facebook®.

There are certainly impacts on the people in Russia, but remember, the summary of Russian history, “and then things got worse.”  People in Russia already have low expectations, so nobody is surprised when they go to the store and find that the only thing to eat is yet more cabbage.

In the United States, however, the sanctions have already had a significant impact.  Prices for things are going up, in some cases 20%.  Per week.  The local restaurants all took the time to print new menus (in one case for the first time in five years) due to all of the price increases.  Gasoline is becoming so expensive that I think people are thinking about straining their teenager’s combs so they can use all of that oil.

Loans to buy pizza, loans to fill a truck with gasoline.  How kind – I don’t think I can ever repay you!

The sanctions are already having an immediate impact in the United States.  Economic difficulty will lead to social difficulty.  We are used to going to the store and expecting to see products lined up and waiting for us.  What happens when we have to line up and wait for the products?

I’m thinking that a few scathing Facebook™ posts won’t really help.

Violence And Censorship Update


One item that I missed talking about last month was YouTube®.  One of the things that the people who curate The Narrative hate is that there are ways for “little people” to get the Truth out.  When people find that outlet, and when people start sharing that news, what can YouTube© do?

They even censored Dracula – a Count suspended.

Well, they can enact a new policy.  In this case, they limit views of accounts with less than 1,000 subscribers.  They actively suppress citizen-journalists.  Why?  So they can control the news.  The days of a viral YouTube™ video are dead.  Unless, of course, it’s approved content.


DuckDuckGo™ had a reputation of not suppressing politically incorrect websites.  I even ran a check and DuckDuckGo© suppressed this website less than Google™.  Yay!  I converted all of my search bars to DuckDuckGo®.  Looks like they finally caved, and now will suppress search results to hide places that just don’t fit with their approval.

This meme has been approved by DuckDuckGo™.

Russian News

RT™ is a Russian news service that has been kicked off of YouTube® and the app to watch it on your cell phone is now no longer available on Apple™ or whatever the Google™ app store is called.  Why?  It’s being censored.  Now, I do understand that RT© is absolutely Russian propaganda, but that still means it likely has more truth to it the average CNN™ broadcast.  So, what are the Russians saying that is so dangerous that billionaire corporations and European governments will do whatever they can so you can’t hear it?

I guess they’re worried they’ll be Putin us on?

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is flat.  March isn’t (usually) a big month for violence, so that’s to be expected.  I would expect the next little bit to remain calm as well, perhaps turning back up in May or June.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, but instability was flat in March.  I don’t expect a big change this next month, but the Dems will be desperate to do something before November.  Perhaps dumping Biden (see below).


The drop in economic confidence was, as predicted, short-term.  It dropped like a rock this month, and will (my bet) be even worse next month.

Illegal Aliens:

This data was at record levels for this time of year.  All-time record levels.  Again.

Joe Has Lost His Support

And those were the good things they had to say about him.

It has always puzzled me how someone so disliked, so uncharismatic as Biden could have gotten the Democratic nomination.  Certainly, the election was stolen, but why install Biden?  Perhaps the idea is that he was a puppet and could be controlled?  Perhaps he was thought to be so weak that he could be ignored?

Thankfully, it’s a picture book.

I don’t have a really good idea.  And his choice of Kamala Harris was mystifying:  he chose someone who personally attacked him during the primaries.  Additionally, she had such weak support that she was one of the first Democrats to drop out.

But now, the official newspaper of the CIA and Amazon™, the Washington Post©, has confirmed what everyone on the Right knew back in October of 2020.  The Hunter Biden laptop is real.  Despite the FBI “losing” the original laptop, the data remains.  And, now the major newspapers are all over the story.

Why?  There is only one reason – Joe has reached his expiration date.

You know it’s bad when the crack-smoking and underage hookers are the least damaging part of the hard drive contents.

Thus, the gaffes.  They’re letting him speak, and reporting on the nonsense that comes out of his mouth, finally.  The amazingly low I.Q. of Kamala Harris has likewise been put on display.  The Powers That Be have decided that Joe has no more value to them than an empty McDonald’s© Hot Mustard Sauce™ packet.  The revelations on the Biden laptop are being brought out in a slow drip, so it does the most damage.

They are going to abandon Biden.

I’d imagine whatever videotape they have of Kamala Harris will be shared with her and she’ll quietly decline the opportunity to become Kneepads-in-Chief.

You know that when you’ve lost the Late Night Funny Joke Men, they’re coming for you.

Who they’re clearing the deck for is to me at least, a mystery.  The Left knows it will get pasted at the mid-term elections if current conditions continue.

The wise choice would be to move toward the Center.  I’m betting they move toward the radical side of the Left.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys


San Fran:

Beverly Hills:


On the Track:


Near Laredo TX:


Good Guys

Chinatown NYC:

Alameda CA:

On the Road:

Pawn Shop:



One Guy


Body Count







Vote Count

















Civil War




The Coming American Dictatorship, Part III

“No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power tyrants and dictators cannot stand. The Centauri learned that lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free.” – Babylon 5

I like the electronics DIY store – The Ohm Depot.

Part I of this series can be found here (LINK), and Part II can be found here (LINK).

Thinking about dictatorship is difficult.  I was raised in a system that considered dictatorship more or less impossible.  We didn’t even have any jokes about dictators because we didn’t speak Spanish, German, Italian, Russian or Chinese.  I was raised in the wilds where you could be certain that every house contained more firearms than people, usually many more.  And safe?  Doors were rarely locked.

They taught us how to use rifles effectively in school.  I even won the prize for marksmanship in eighth grade, which was a personally autographed photo of Andrew Jackson.  Every boy took the test and got his Hunter Safety card, except me.  I’d had my card since second grade.

The girls?  Who knows what they did while we were shooting rifles, making models, and talking about football.  This class was for boys only, and strangely we didn’t have difficulty identifying what a girl was.  We didn’t even have advanced biology degrees to tell the boys from the girls back then, though I will admit to have been an avid amateur biologist while I was in high school.  And even I could tell the difference.

So, back to the point, dictatorship was something that I didn’t think a lot of.  And there’s no way that it’s a certainty since Civil War 2.0 is still a very real possibility.  That being said, I started to research a bit deeper.  What are the signposts that a dictatorship is near?

A truck carrying Vicks Vap-O-Rub® overturned yesterday.  Thankfully, there was no congestion.

Most of the articles were written by Leftist journalists who wanted to reee! that Trump was the worst tyrant since Stalin’s more evil brother.  One of them was even in a magazine for young adolescent females, whatever those are.

I found one article (Trump era, pre-George Floyd, pre-‘Rona) that had the following conditions (LINK).  I didn’t think the article was great.  But, being written by a writer from India, it was refreshingly free of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Here is (more or less the list, with some minor edits from me):

  • Control of the Media: CNN®?  Leftist think CNN™ is centrist.  Outside of dissident media on the Internet and (sometimes) Fox©, I think we can firmly check this box.  The denial of Hunter Biden’s laptop, anyone?
  • Rigging of the Electoral System: That is more than self-evident from the strange and obviously fraudulent results of the 2020 election, but it is also 100% admitted by the Left, in Time Magazine, no less.  It’s here (LINK), though it’s now behind a wall.
  • Control of the Judicial System: This is only mostly, since Trump managed to put several justices on the Supreme Court.  All in all, though, the court system has skewed Left for ages.
  • Spying on the Population: This box has been checked since 2001 and the Patriot Act.  Snowden, anyone?
  • Harassing Dissidents: Compare the reaction to people literally burning down cities and staging insurrection in the streets to truckers peacefully protesting.  Also:  say something that is against The Narrative on YouTube®, see how long your account lasts.  As a website operator, I certainly know when I’m over the target because the site catches flak.
  • Suppression of Dissidents – Dissident Protest is Terrorism: January 6th.  End of story.
  • Promotion of Civil Unrest: George Floyd protests were going to happen, regardless of the person.  It just needed an appropriate victim and the video spread far and wide, even though drugs killed St. George of Our Lady of Fentanyl and not a police officer’s knee.  Riots were going to happen – it was part of the plan.


By my count, that’s seven out of seven, and that’s just since December of 2019.  It’s interesting just how much Donald Trump, despite not really achieving much of lasting note, upset the system.  Trump didn’t restore law and order.  Heck, he couldn’t even restore Firefly.  But yet, they were willing to take off the mask just to get him out.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Or maybe that was the point?

Taking a step back, civilizations have a lifespan.  The following cycle is attributed to Alexander Tytler, a dead Scottish guy.  There are two problems with this:

  • There is no evidence Tytler ever said anything like this.
  • The name Tytler makes me think of an Austrian politician who moved to Germany and was popular in the 1930s and early 1940s and then decided to get breast enhancement.

Okay, deep down, I have the sense of humor of a twelve-year-old.

The real author of the Tytler Cycle is probably Henning Prentiss, an executive, who is also dead and whose name is not nearly as funny.  The 1943 speech it’s from is here (LINK).

So, here is what Tytler Prentiss had to say:

“The historical cycle seems to be:

  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • from spiritual faith to courage;
  • from courage to liberty;
  • from liberty to abundance,
  • from abundance to selfishness;
  • from selfishness to apathy,
  • from apathy to dependency; and
  • from dependency back to bondage once more.

At the stage between apathy and dependency, men always turn in fear to economic and political panaceas. New conditions, it is claimed, require new remedies.”

The end state is what we’re really interested in – the failure of government, the loss of hope, and the dependence on someone, anyone, to save them.  All they have to surrender is control.  And, in the United States that doesn’t necessarily mean the same party – in many ways the GOP is just the “for God’s sake, don’t put me in charge, they’ll expect me to do something” wing of the Democratic Party.

How did the Roman Senate choose a new dictator?  They played rock, paper, Caesars.

The Strong Man himself is certainly out there right now.  He might be unknown to us, but he is building, biding his time.  It’s almost certainly not AOC, since she’s not anyone’s idea of a problem solver unless your problem is needing a Margarita, no salt.  It’s not someone too old like Bernie Sanders who will turn to dust if Sunlight ever hits him – which is why he has coffins in the basement of the multiple mansions he owns.

It’s certainly not the Ad Libber in Chief, since he (like his pants) is in the process of being dumped (you don’t think those releases about Hunter’s laptop are coincidental, do you?).  No, someone young, vigorous, yet already sold to The Narrative.  Dan Crenshaw (World Economic Forum™ Young Leader®), my eye is on you.

But it doesn’t have to be Dan.  Any man who has The Plan, charisma, and reasonable personal hygiene (including regular showers) might become the Strong Man.  It won’t be a woman:  the masculinity of the “tough” solutions will be a part of the sales pitch, along with the ever so regretful admission that temporary controls are needed to restore the abundance of the past.

So, control is surrendered.  Rights are conditional –rights will be honored as long as it is convenient, ignored, or suppressed when not.  The budding Kommissars of Australia provided the poster child for the sudden evaporation of rights when inconvenient for government.  In a continent where every insect is an inexhaustible vat of poison, every animal has fangs and can disembowel a man with a kick, and the nectar of half the plants does things that would make H.P. Lovecraft shudder, who knew that the most dangerous creatures were . . . government employees?

I went to Australia and they asked me if I had a criminal record.  I said, “I didn’t know that was still required.”

Keep this in mind, as well:  The United States government is fine with taking $300 billion of Russia’s funds.  Think the Strong Man would hesitate to confiscate all the funds of a dissident?  Most dissidents I know don’t even have half the nuclear weapons Russia does.

What does the dictator, the Strong Man want to control, then?

Well, all of us.

How does he do it?

Well, the Strong Man can control other things that allow him to control his people:

  • Food
  • Money
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Media
  • Politics
  • Culture
  • Technology
  • Communications
  • Family Structure
  • Energy
  • Immigration
  • Fertility

If the Strong Man doesn’t like me, he can kill me and replace me with a compliant citizen and use my money to buy himself something nice, like a new watch.  All for the greater good, of course.  Orwell described the real goal of every Strong Man best:  “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

Wow – this part got darker and emptier than the space between Kamala’s ears between ideas.  I’ll close with this happy thought:  Bondage leads to faith, faith to courage, and courage to liberty.  And remember, there are large parts of the United States where guns still far outnumber people.  Regardless of the detours we take into darkness, there will always be a light for mankind.

I mean, unless the light is the comet that’s going to hit us.  Oh, wait, I wasn’t supposed to give spoilers for 2023 yet!

Not my original.

Next:  (There will be a delay in this one, perhaps next week, perhaps the week after) Mechanisms of Control