The French, Broken Windows, And The Intentional Destruction Of Wealth

“Remember that broken basement window around by the side.  And be careful.” – Phantasm

Inspector Clouseau drove a tank during World War II.  Apparently, it was a pink panzer.

Dead French dude Frédéric Bastiat was a French economist who died in 1850, but not after having written books and essays that influence economics to this day.  Bastiat was handicapped by having to speak and write in French, which has the disadvantage of sounding exactly like a cat when it is drowning in Jell-O® Instant Tapioca Pudding™.  This is combined with the disadvantage of the French using letters more or less randomly in ways not at all related to the sounds they make.

Bastiat was heartily anti-socialist, and was ahead of the curve, especially in France where they had a socialist revolution every year that the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow on Bastille Day.  As I look to the country around us, and especially Los Angeles, I see that it’s probably time to trot out Bastiat’s old parable of the broken window, which is featured in his essay, That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen.

I remember an old girlfriend once yelled, “Are you even listening to me?”  Weird way to start a conversation.

In the parable, a snotty kid accidently breaks a window at his father’s shop.  What does the father sell?  He’s French, so probably cigarettes and baguettes and marionettes.  Regardless, the father has to call the guy who fixes windows, who is thrilled.  He gets to charge the father for fixing the window, he buys some glass, cuts it, and installs it.  Since he needs more glass, he even orders some from the French Glass Factory, and they make a tiny bit of profit, too.

What a great story!  This is what makes the economy zoom, right?  This is what Bastiat referred to as That Which Is Seen.

Well, not exactly.  The window as it was sitting there was just fine.  It was doing its job, letting the French people with their little, beady eyes get light so they could smoke and import foreigners.  There was nothing wrong with it.

That pane of glass represented wealth, if you will.  It was built in the past, sure, but it was doing its job, being a window.  When the snotty little kid broke it, he destroyed wealth.  Money that could have been used for his father to buy a new machine to plant cigarette seeds so he could grow packs of Marlboros™ will have to wait.

Things that will always be a mystery:  What number of French soldiers does it take to successfully defend Paris?

Broken windows, while putting a few francs into the pocket of the guy who fixed the window, overall made the country poorer.  That wealth could have done a nearly infinite number of things rather than fix the window.  Bastiat referred to that as That Which Is Not Seen.

When I look at the fire that just swept through Los Angeles, I think about Bastiat.  Billions of dollars of damage has been done in Los Angeles – and that was only after hitting two or three homes.

I kid.  But there are devastated areas where Governor Gavin Newsom is salivating at the thought of the economic activity associated with rebuilding.  He promised to remove “red tape” so that rebuilding could be less costly – which means that he knew all along that the “red tape” was nothing more than a means to destroy wealth by creating a vast sea of pockets that had to be filled with money before the building could start.

John Lennon was really ahead of his time:  “Imagine all the Paypal® . . .”

The impact of the fires is due to mismanagement and neglect of the important systems that society actually needs to prevent tragedy at scale.  There is a case for the protection to society brought by fire departments – even Bastiat would agree to that.  But we need competent people to run them, unless, of course, the goal is to have broken windows so that Gavin’s friends can buy up California land at the greatest discount of the past fifty years.

If it so obvious when there’s a fire, why isn’t it obvious when, during the Great Depression, the USDA drove herds of cattle off of cliffs to kill them to bring prices up, all while families were starving?  Did that create wealth?

What do you get if you cross a border collie with a pit bull?  A dog that’s smart enough to bury the bodies.

Why wasn’t it obvious when Obama tried to kickstart the economy by buying up perfectly usable cars in his Cash for Clunkers scheme just to explicitly destroy wealth so that more people would be forced to go out and buy cars?

Yup, breaking more windows to give jobs to the guys who replace windows.

Beware of those that would break windows to create prosperity.  War, of course, is the ultimate window breaking machine, I mean, outside of the GloboLeftElite that run places like Detroit and LA and San Francisco and Baltimore and . . . well, I guess war is the second biggest window breaking machine outside of GloboLeftElite leadership.  Except the GloboLeftElite doesn’t give us cool things like jet engines and large airplanes and microwaves and the AR platform to compensate for the rubble and poverty.

In cities, you ignore sirens and listen for gunshots.  In the country, you ignore gunshots and listen for sirens.  In Detroit, you ignore both.

The GloboLeftElite just gives us the poverty via broken windows, and calls it progress.

The real bright side?  At least the GloboLeftElite doesn’t speak French.

Trump, Greenland, And The Caesar Offramp

“Do you want me to send you back to where you were, unemployed in Greenland?” – The Princess Bride

Think Trump wants to Make Greenland Green Again?

Greenland.  All of this post started by thinking that pretty soon we might be handed the keys to Greenland, so we should get up there quickly to measure to see if our stuff fits.

I’ve written several times about the coming political/economic crisis that the United States is facing, and back in 2018 I said the earliest year would be 2025, and the latest would be 2040.  I’m sticking by those figures.  The most likely period for this crisis I’m still putting at 2030-2035 because things tend to go on a lot longer than we think they will – inertia is real in physics, and it’s just as real in political economic systems.  Things go on a lot farther than they should, and in hindsight people say, “Well, how in the heck did that last so very long.”

History is filled with many such examples:

  • The Ottoman Empire,
  • the system under Czarist Russia,
  • the Chinese Emperors, and
  • my first marriage.

Watching history unfold right now with the dawn of the second Trump Administration, I wanted to give a quick glimpse in what might be an offramp to the collapse.  I’m calling it, “The Caesar Offramp.”

Or was it Sultan Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band?

It is very clear that the political situation more than rhymes with problems taking place in the very late Roman Republic.  Cicero (the dead Roman, not Porky Pig’s® nephew) even gave a speech about groups called the Optimates and the Populares.

The Optimates were the elite of the day – think the people who take jets from their Aspen house to their superyacht that they just had shipped in to Port Hercules in Monaco so they could be with all the other people who had their superyacht shipped to Port Hercules in Monaco.  These are the princes of the world, the folks who fly to Davos to get together to tell you that you’re using too many hydrocarbons and probably shouldn’t be legally allowed to have air conditioning.

The Populares?  Let’s be real – these were also the elite of the day, but they at least pretended that the rank-and-file people were important.  They had superyachts, too, but pretended they didn’t like them and also ate cheeseburgers.

Hmmm.  All of this is sounding familiar.

Man, I wish our local McDonald’s was as generous with the cheese.

Let’s skip forward, a bit.  At the end of the Republic, Rome was on the verge of civil war, and Julius Caesar, certainly the most famous Roman identified as a Populare, broke the system, and became the prototype for what would become an Empire that would last for the next five hundred years in the West, and the next nearly 1,500 years in the East.

What really made me think about this is the very real possibility that the United States will become the controller of Greenland.  Yup.  Whereas the United States has had territorial expansions, the last really big one was over 150 years ago when Seward negotiated for Alaska, and the last significant territorial acquisition were some islands we got after World War II, but they’re tiny.

I can see Trump in the movie Dune:  “Fremen.  Great people.  Funny suits, but great people.  Really mistreated by the Harkonnen.  Many such cases.” 

Regardless, it’s been nearly 80 years since we added territory to the United States, and it certainly wasn’t the largest island in the world, rather batches of small islands in the Pacific that were taken from the Japanese after, um, some nuclear persuasion.  To me, this is a symbol of a world in flux, where nothing should be taken for granted.

And, it provides the basis for an offramp – a Caesar.

Trump is certainly not that man.  Trump is about, as he told us plainly, The Art of the Deal.  Trump didn’t seize power, he talked himself into it.  His Populare sentiment contrasts with the Optimate culture of the RINOS and GloboLeftElite, and he used exactly that to springboard himself into power.


The sentiment is there, and given the relative polarity and unpopularity of the various members of the Optimate class, there exists a big opening, right now, for a Populare leader to rise up, seize power, and completely overhaul our systems.  Just the fact that we’re talking about absorbing Greenland to better surround Northern India (formerly known as Canada), the idea that our institutions, both financial and political can be remade is also on the table.

I think Trump wants to turn Greenland into an ICE detention center.

I think that this isn’t the most likely scenario, a Caesar without a civil war – I still think that Civil War 2.0 is the mostly likely outcome.  Here are the variations that immediately spring to mind:

  • Civil War 2.0 followed by regional Balkanization
  • Civil War 2.0 followed by Ceasar 2.0 (and likely a North American Unification)
  • Civil War 2.0 followed by a Revitalized Republic
  • World War 4.0 (counting Cold War as 3.0) followed by some version of regionalized Balkanization, Caesar 2.0, or a Revitalized Republic

I find the regional Balkanization the most likely, still, since people are already self-segregating away from the Red/Blue state they don’t like, and that the polarization has essentially already created two countries within a single border.

Caesar 2.0 after Civil War 2.0 would require an extraordinary man with a military background, but also one of public service to step up at the right time with a message of unification.  Think Napoleon, but taller and with a better public speaking voice.  I’m betting Napoleon sounded like a mouse squeaking when he talked.

People called me a monster for feeding my kids frozen pizza rolls.  Should I have microwaved them first?

The Revitalized Republic, while most personally desirable to me, seems the least likely since we don’t like each other very much, any more and the residual community that created the space for the Republic seems missing.  I’m not sure that the resolve exists for the mountains of skulls that would need to be stacked in order for the Republic to be reconstituted.

So, an off ramp may exist.  There’s a vanishingly short time for that to occur, so if it doesn’t happen by 2030, I’m betting that it’s not in the cards.

But, we’ll always have Greenland.

Memes, Including One Of My Favorite Greentexts

I had an 11 hour day, no draft post (because of the long day) and I’m a bit under the weather.  If any one of those was not true, you’d be staring at a great post.  As it is, enjoy these memes, including one of my favorite greentexts.

Poor Whit.

The Return of the Podcast: We’re So Back

Streams will show up here at 9EST, that’s in just over 30 minutes!  (and we typically pregame for five minutes, so it really starts up at 8:55PM)

Mrs The Mrs – YouTube

Funniest News On the ‘Net.


In this episode:

  • War and Stuff
  • On This Day
  • Conversation Street
  • Two Minutes of Guns In 60 Seconds
  • ThinkRealFast
  • I Heard It On The X

When It Comes To The Country, What Does Winning Mean?

“Fight Club wasn’t about winning or losing.” – Fight Club

What do you get for winning a muscle loss competition?  Atrophy.

One of the things I thought about after the Big Christmas H1-B X® Debate is this simple question based off of Elon’s now famous Drunk Christmas Xeet (above):

What’s the price of winning?

First, I guess I’d ask the question – winning at what, exactly?  There are lots of things that a country could win at.  Here’s a stab at some things that I think would be fairly nice for a country to win at:

  • Liberty
  • Trust
  • Happiness
  • Low Corruption
  • Low Crime
  • Health
  • Standard of Living
  • Educational Achievement
  • Cultural Accomplishments
  • Innovation in PEZ® Delivery Devices

That’s not a very bad list, at all.  A country that scored highly in these indices would be a pretty darn nice country to live in.  It looks, hang with me for just a second, exactly like the United States through much of its existence prior to 1960.

Most people know about Karl Marx from his political philosophy, but few know about his sister, Onya, who invented the track race starter pistol.

Will bringing in more “people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated” help any of that?

Maybe.  A little.  The United States was a center where smart people wanted to come for years, especially in the post war era.  We got a few that did really help – Von Braun and Fermi, for instance.  However, some of the greatest prosperity the country had ever seen was when it was at its most restrictive in immigration.

I don’t think that was a coincidence.  The Immigration Act of 1924 was ushered in based on the huge slug of mainly non-Western European immigrants hitting our shores – people who little in common with the existing peoples of the United States, other than having two eyes and butts and such.  Having a never-ending stream of legal immigrants made the Act very, very popular.

How popular was the Act?  308-62 in the House, 69-9 in the Senate.

Remember, it’s not gay if it’s TSA.

The Act stabilized the existing ethnic makeup of the United States, with over 54% of allowable immigrants coming from English-speaking (this includes 11% from Ireland, which I assume counts) countries.

Imagine!  Over half of the immigrants to the United States speaking English on day one, and 94% coming from nominally Christian countries.  Oh!  And only 150,000 a year.

The result was a Depression.

Just kidding – that was going to happen anyway, thanks to the Fed®.

No, the result was that during the Depression we weren’t swamped with millions of jobless imports every year to make the situation even worse.  Oh, and it certainly didn’t hurt our own industry.  It was ready to hire actual Americans when World War II hit.  Did we need to import more people to build bombs and tanks and ships and planes?

No.  We did just fine, thank you.

Grandma Wilder fought during World War II.  She ended up getting a divorce.

And we were a much more unified country than today, leading in many of the categories I’ve put in the list above.

So, how is that not winning?

Elon imports Process Engineers on H1-B visas to work at his factories.  He pays them less than the median wage for Process Engineers – only $0.86 on the dollar.  Oh, and they can’t quit or they’re shipped back to India.

Is that winning?  Is it winning to have people work like virtual slaves for 86% of the median wage?  This doesn’t sound much like a rock star that we need to help us “win”.

Unless “win” means something else:

  • Lower Worker Wages
  • Higher Quarterly Profits
  • Importing More GloboLeft Voters
  • Higher House and Rent Prices
  • More Inflation
  • Increased Health Care Costs

I wonder how we got lulled to sleep?

Illegal aliens are bad enough, but legal ones can be just as economically corrosive, especially in the massive numbers that we’ve seen over the decades since 1965.  The fact that many of them

  • don’t speak English,
  • have political views antithetical to liberty,
  • are often openly hostile to the existing American population, and
  • come from philosophical backgrounds entirely alien to Western Civilization

doesn’t help.

A few, sprinkled here and there?  Yeah, in three or so generations they’d not stick out.  But over (as of 2018) 26% of Americans are first or second generation, and I’d bet that number vastly undercounts illegals.

The goal, I think, was for Americans to not be able to speak out about the idea that they’re being replaced by cheaper foreign labor that is more amenable to living under totalitarian conditions.  To want to defend the future of the continent where you and your forefathers built a civilization out of an untapped wilderness is somehow supposed to be wrong.

Oh, and the GloboLeft have been conditioned to hate Americans and those close to them.  Their idea of empathy is horribly skewed.  In the graph below (which I did a post on, but am too lazy to look up right now), the TradRight (on the left, oddly) has their highest concentration of empathy to those that they know – their family and close friends.  The GloboLeftists have their empathy skewed out to . . . all lifeforms in the universeThe GloboLeftists don’t much like themselves, their family, or those that are close to them.  They hate themselves and actively love people who are more foreign in ideology and genetics than their actual brothers and sisters.

The meme about my political philosophy above being a wholesome family wasn’t a joke.  It’s actually a real thing. 

If we want to win, well, first we have to define exactly what winning looks like.  After that, it’s up to us to really look at what it is we need to do to win.  My suggestion is that investing in our own people is probably better than treating them like a commodity to be bought and sold, or a horse to be worked to death pulling a plow to raise the children of people who hate us, who came here only as economic tourists.

Americans aren’t weak.  We’ve proven that time and time again.  Don’t let up, and don’t stop the pressure.  Winning is important.

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report, Misery Edition

“That is what to the pain means.  It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.” – The Princess Bride

Is the elite division of Space Force called Spatial Ops?

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume VI, Issue 8

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.  I’ve kept the Clock O’Doom at the same place – though it can notch up quickly.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Immiseration – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – The Window – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.


One of the driving forces of a civil war throughout history has been the level of misery that was forced on the populace.  Author Peter Turchin calls this Immiseration, and I reviewed his book here, and that link is below.  The other factor is an overproduction of elites, which we have in plenty right now – the isn’t enough elite status to go around, so disaffected elites don’t have anything else to do other than, say, run for President (talking about The Donald, here, but also Bloomberg and Soros and Musk).

Peter Turchin’s End Times: There Be Dragons Here

But the immiseration is a Very Big Deal.  When the CEO of UnitedHealthcare® got eliminated by a seeming random dude on the street in New York City – that’s another level of violence.  It wasn’t (as far as we know today) based on anything else but the misery of the murderer.  When people are willing to give up their lives to fight the system, that’s a huge marker that the system is producing so much misery that it’s in danger.  The health care system in the United States is horribly broken, and my article about that is linked below.

The Health System Sucks

And I think it is.  The recent H-1B visa situation plays to this scenario enormously.  My modestly popular article about it is linked below.  The reaction to the situation is telling:  a very large, very vocal group of Americans reject entirely the injection of a foreign and largely non-assimilating group of people with questionable motives, talents, qualifications, and morality to take over tech jobs from Americans.  It’s that simple.

Why Do They Want To Replace You? Control, Oh, And To Increase This Quarter’s Profits

I like old Donald better.

The latest two events on January 1 have yet to fall into a category yet.  The New Orleans massacre appears to be the Religion of Peace once again doing what it does best.  I can see the Overton Window rapidly shifting from “we can’t have backlash against peaceful Muslims” to “why do we let these people live here?” in real time.

The Las Vegas event is just weird, inconsistent, and puzzling.  I guess we’ll see what happens, or, just like the Vegas hotel shooter from years ago, it’ll be memoryholed and what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

I take, especially the CEO murder, as a very bad sign that misery levels are going up.  Be advised.

Violence and Censorship Update

The fact that a far-GloboLeft DA in New York decided that Daniel Penny had to stand trial for acting in good faith to try to protect other subway riders from a danger says a lot, and is in fact the definition of number 8 on the Civil War 2.0 Scale.  People in power want violence, so they do whatever is necessary to justify and sanctify the violence – including prosecuting good Samaritans like Mr. Penny, who was defined as “the white man” by the prosecuting attorney.

This is what happens when you encourage crime and discourage citizen involvement.

The prosecuting attorney?  A paperwork American (not born here) who is in a lesbian relationship with another paperwork American who makes “art” for a living.  Yeah.  I feel the love from these people.

Outside of some mass banning of people who hurt Elon’s feelings on X® (that may have been reversed) most of the month has been fairly quiet.  Elon even unbanned American Renaissance® founder Jared Taylor, allowing a very dissenting voice free.

Oh, and the whole, “killing CEO” thing.

Yeah, the CEOs can eat a bag of BFYTW.


PENULTIMATE VERSION:  Biden/Harris Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month, and get a next to final look at what Biden has done.

Up.  Again.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence in December is down slightly, (remember, New Orleans is in January).

Political Instability:

Down is more stable, and it is down slightly.


The economy has started south, and we’ll see if this is the start of a trend.

Illegal Aliens:

Will Trump stop them from coming?

The Window

One of the tools of the GloboLeftElite is the use of controlled media to make sure that we don’t talk to each other; to make things people are commonly feeling simply not acceptable topics of discussion.

The world has changed, radically.

I regularly go on to /POL/ because, for the longest time, it was simply the easiest way to find out what was really going on in the world.  Mainstream media is entirely co-opted and biased – finding a journalist that has TradRight beliefs is, well, rare.  When there is one, they fire him – look at Tucker Carlson.

No electric cars on Greenland, right?

The Overton Window is the concept that there is an acceptable range of things that people can talk about, and anything outside that range is considered fringe.  Remember people politely saying, “You know, maybe taking an experimental mRNA “Vaxx” when we have no idea what the side effects are isn’t a good idea,” were brutally silenced on every platform imaginable.

Now?  Pretty much everyone knows it was a stupid idea and probably killed more people than it saved.  Even mainstream science is pointing this out.

The blatant lie that “diversity is our strength” is now fully realized as a lie.  If it was true, why would calling someone a “diversity hire” be considered an insult?  People are realizing that our immigration is insane, and that They Have To Go Back is a real thing.  If America is just an idea, they can feel free to have that idea in India.  Or Guatemala.  Or . . . wherever.  America is more than an idea, and now people can talk through that hypocrisy.

Make Indians Indian again!

Misery will intensify this, and will allow plenty of ideas that you can’t say now to become commonplace..

Keep pushing The Window.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!


2025 Predictions

“They took one of the rods out of the orb, and it gave me the strength of a dozen men.” – The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.

Or should that picture Ray Orb-ison?

Having broken the seal on the pondering orb I got for Christmas, I decided to give it a go and provide my best predictions for events that will occur in 2025, month by month.  Any errors are the problem of the orb, and anything accurate is purely by mistake


Donald Trump is inaugurated in Washington, D.C., while dressed as an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh.  Immediately, Democrats file for impeachment.  AOC explains why:  “We think he’s running a pyramid scheme.”

Barron Trump is studying plumbing fixture design in college – I guess this makes him a pharaoh faucet major.


In honor of the third anniversary of the three-day military operation in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin and former comedian Volodymyr Zelensky decide to open a series of dinner-theaters in the Czech Republic called “Put In on the Zitz” and thus averting World War III.  Germany becomes despondent, having planned on finally not getting picked last in a world war.


WilderA.I.© announces a brand new A.I. that has achieved human-level self awareness, called Jimothy.  In order to prove a point, Jimothy wins a court case where he is judged, “much more human than a toaster, and can solve all sorts of quantum physics problems and stuff.”  Jimothy then applies to get an H-1B visa, but it is told it has to get in line behind 1.4 billion Indians that don’t like India.

Should I say sari about that last meme?


Clarence Thomas replaces 90% of his body with machine parts, declares himself immortal and will only be addressed by the term, “RoboJudge, the Robed Wonder”.  He then displays a specially crafted gavel that shoots lightning into the eyes of lawyers who make arguments against the Second Amendment.  The gavel is only activated when Thomas says, “Infringe this, bitches!”

If Clarence Thomas was a Transformer™ instead of RoboJudge, would his name be Stoptimus Crime?


Unable to contain himself any longer, Gavin Newsom expresses his undying love for Kim’s techniques in controlling Best Korea’s population.  They elope to Acapulco and are married in front of a mariachi band.

Will Kim Jong Un be followed by Kim Jong Deux?


Facemasks again reappear as the “pentademic” of Duck Flu, Monkey Flu, Kitten Flu, Hamburger Flu, and Kung Flu appears.  People are most afraid of the Kung Flu, and flee the big cities, but the Kitten Flu supercharges the feline metabolism, increasing their speed by a factor of five.  I guess you could say that everyone was Kung Flu flighting, and that those cats were fast as lightning.  Fauci recommends everyone inject mRNA in their eyes.  Because.

Fauci found out he was allergic to cats, or perhaps he undercooked it.


The month of July is cancelled as being “too damn hot” and is renamed “Second December” by climate activists that begin gluing themselves to Alec Baldwin’s face.  Greta Thunberg becomes concerned about Calendar Change and demands greater fossil fuel usage so that Second December doesn’t get in the way of her tanning sessions.

Greta has slowed electricity usage.  Every time she’s on TV I turn it off.


Netflix™ releases a drama called the 6 Triple 9 about a group of gay, black, trans, disabled soldiers that saved World War II by putting salt packets in Army rations bound for the European theater so that the soldiers could season their food before being blown up.  “These are the real heroes of the war,” said Netflix© president Rachel Levine.  In a surprise move, all of the characters are played by white body builders covered in oil.


Joe Biden announces that he’s finally gotten the Russians to agree to a peace deal with the Ukrainians.  Unfortunately, the negotiations were between his cat, Mr. Buttons, and his stuffed rabbit, Don Julio rather than Putin and Zelensky.

“Of course, you realize, um, that this means, what’s the thing, PEZ® in our time.”


A UFO lands on the street in front of the most powerful institution in the world.  When the Federal Reserve® opens the doors, they end up buying the UFO and selling shares in the alien home planet to BlackRock©, who immediately begins importing illegal aliens to the actual aliens so the aliens can have someone to do the work that their genetically engineered slave species won’t.

Wait until he reads the fine print.


Vivek Ramaswami loses his fortune after Elon pranks him into investing into FartCoin®.  He’s forced to work as a cashier at the local convenience store, doing the job that Americans won’t do.

The prom king and queen are buying beer because there’s no punch line.


In a surprise move, Elon Musk lands on Mars with his latest spaceship, Musk One.  He took along as companions a crew entirely composed of Elon Musk clones.  He’s planning on eating a new food, Melon Musk, and has even made a female clone, Shelon Musk.  He’ll defend his colony with an Elon Muskett.

He’ll either go down in history as the colonizer of Mars, or the most creative serial killer in history.

Penultimate Day 2024, And Happy 2025

“Put it on the penultimate and not the dipthonic.” – Animal Crackers

The penultimate death at the end of Die Hard was the best one.  Hans down.

Penultimate Day.  This is a particular institution of the Wilder family.  It started over a decade or so ago.  The Mrs. was having problems with her Blackberry® phone (the one with the cool trackball) and wanted a new one.  I wasn’t working, and the closest place that sold phones with our carrier was 90 miles away.

So, we popped the kids in the car, and headed south to buy a phone.  We went to Best Buy®.  We ended up not buying the phone (the deal was awful) and decided to eat at Olive Garden™.  As I drove home, I decided to have fun with the kids, and told them that this was the Wilder holiday – one that no one else observed.  The day before New Year’s Eve would therefore be forever known to us as Penultimate Day.

The next year, we remembered, and did the exact same thing.

What are the rules of Penultimate Day?

  • Wait for December 30,
  • Drive 90 miles south,
  • Look at cell phones,
  • Under no circumstances whatsoever, buy a cell phone, and,
  • Have some Italian food a casual-dining chain.

While it’s not a tough holiday, we’ve missed one year entirely (2023) and only Pugsley and I celebrated on 2022.  Oh, yeah, and then there was COVID.

So, we try to observe it when we can.  This year we had to have several exceptions:

  • Wait for December 30 27,
  • Drive 90 miles south 120 miles to Modern Mount Pilot,
  • Look at cell phones,
  • Under no circumstances whatsoever, buy a cell phone, and,
  • Have some Italian food that incorporates pasta at a casual-dining chain

But, for the first time in years, all of us were there.  So, while we did keep it, we didn’t manage to keep it wholly, so I guess this doesn’t count as a wholly holiday.  The reason for the change is simple – life is complicated, where some people celebrate holidays like Christmas when everyone is available – many years my kids had multiple Christmas celebrations – one at home, on Christmas, and one or two with grandparents, so the practice isn’t all that unusual.

And as to the variations?  Well, when we were all available and had to be in Modern Mount Pilot, we just went for it.  I think we all had a good time.  The time, though, is very different than it was the dozen or so years ago when we started Penultimate Day.  Back then the kids were little.  Now, not so much.  I did the math in my head, and realized that by the time one of my kids is 10 or so, they’ve spent about half the days sleeping under my roof that they ever will in their lives.  The celebration was different – The Boy, The Mrs. and I shared a few beers and Pugsley drove, and the conversation was good, even in the crowded restaurant.

Time goes by very quickly.  Don’t wish even a minute or an hour away.  And don’t forget to enjoy the things and people that you have in your life.  Heaven is being grateful for what you have, Hell is being envious for what you don’t.

You can choose Heaven, and you can also still work to make it better.  I have more full-family Penultimate Days behind me than in front of me, and that’s okay.  I’ve had the ones that we’ve had, and hopefully we’ve made a memory or two and in fifty or so years, one of my children will look back on December 30 and smile at the thought of Penultimate Day.  But that’s their choice, and that’s for them in the world that they make.

As I write this, it’s still 2024 for me.  I’d say that I won’t miss 2024, but I still have plenty of memories from 2024 to look back on fondly.  Here, then is my wish that all of us have a wonderful and prosperous 2025.

Happy New Year!