It Came From . . . 1992.

“Schwing!” – Wayne’s World

Here’s advice.  If you see a big mouse, don’t try killing it with a baseball bat.  At least not in Disneyland®.

The cliff is real.  As we move from the 1980s into 1992, we see that the world has really changed.  Movies, for the most part, have much higher production value – perhaps someone could explain that, but even low-budget B movies looked better than they did in the 1980s.  Take, for example, Reservoir Dogs.  It was on a budget of $1.5 million (depending on who you believe) and it looks great.

Movies look better.  But are they better?  There are a few that have passed the test of time, but most are “meh” tier movies at best.  Now, not that there isn’t some good (or at least memorable) acting in some of the films.  “You can’t handle the truth” Nicholson and whatever Pacino was yelling in Scent of a Woman after gargling gravel are memorable, but the movies themselves are flat, and feel a bit defeated.

Of the top four movies in box office for the year, three are sequels, mainly forgettable sequels.  The top movie is Aladdin, from the time that Disney® went from making family entertainment to becoming a strip-miner of popular culture.  Only two movies from the top 10 made the list.

Anyway, in no particular order, here are films from 1992.  Enjoy!

In Wayne’s World, everyone apparently has Wayne’s face.

Wayne’s World – I always had a soft spot for this silly movie.  It’s basically the story of how to stretch a premise for a four minute skit into a 95 minute movie.  It’s silly.  It’s self-referential.  It’s what people were looking for.  It was released in movie “garbage time” (February) and ended up resurrecting Bohemian Rhapsody into a hit for the second time and also resulted in a lot of unnecessary whiplash.

Noises Off – A comedy movie about a play with John Ritter and Carol Burnett and Michael Caine chewing their way through their lines..  A huge box-office bomb.  Probably 10 minutes too long.  Yet, for me, it works.  It’s sort of like if the television show Frasier was a movie.  I liked it  Most people didn’t.

Encino Man – Fat hobbit® Sean Astin and Pauly Shore find a prehistoric caveman (Brendan Fraser) while digging a hole for a swimming pool.  They thaw him out, and pretend to be Bill and Ted with a cavemen.  A bit of advice:  don’t wheeze the juice.

Well, that’s one reason to let her stay.

House Sitter –  Goldie Hawn plays a psychotic stalker and Steve Martin plays an architect that she blackmails and terrorizes.  Oh, wait, that would be the way it would have been written about in 2020 if they made it and the sexes were reversed.  Instead, it’s a charming comedy about Goldie Hawn pretending to be Steve Martin’s wife because . . . reasons.  It was fun, and Martin/Hawn have a pretty good chemistry.

A League of Their Own – Geena Davis carries this movie about a baseball league that was focused on the World War II period when it actually wasn’t controversial to assume a woman was a woman and all the able-bodied men were off killing each other and all of the rest of them were making bombs.  The film is mainly memorable for Tom Hanks’ line, “There’s no crying in baseball,” which was funny before Me, Too and now it is said that he committed feelings rape.  I watched this movie once.  It was enough.

To your house in 30 minutes, or the next murder is free.

Universal Soldier – This movie is based on a documentary about reanimated soldiers from the Vietnam era being used to deliver pizzas for Dominos™ in thirty minutes or less.  No, I kid.  It’s about Dolph Lundgren and Jean Claude Van Damme shooting lots of guns and killing lots of things.  Not sure that you need much more in a movie.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer – If you think 1992 wasn’t far back in time, of the top five billed actors in this movie, four are dead:  Donald Sutherland, Paul Reubens, Rutger Hauer, and Luke Perry.  The one undead main actor is Buffy herself, Kristy Swanson.  The movie isn’t great, but it still had some of the spirit of the late, great 1980s comedies.  Plus, Kristy Swanson regularly likes my comments on X®.  Because she’s based.  And not dead.

Wouldn’t all westerns be better if they rode giant housecats?

Unforgiven – This is the Eastwood movie of a lot of Eastwood fans.  It’s Eastwood shooting things, so I’m on board, but I put this one below many of his other films.  Why?  It’s got good dialogue, plausible action, and great actors.  So what’s missing in this film?  In my mind it’s the fact that essentially every single character is morally bankrupt.  That was the trend of movies in the 1990s that got stronger as the decade went along.  Give me Josey Wales or Dirty Harry any day over this character.

Captain Ron – This is a weird movie because I could see about 593 actors that could have played each of the roles in this film.  In one way, it’s a generic 1980s comedic romp featuring an ex-SCTV comedian.  In another version it could have starred Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren killing people on a boat.  Which, again, what more do you need in a movie?

Second prize is, as always, a set of steak knives.

Glengarry Glen Ross – For me, this movie is really only 8 minutes long.  Alec Baldwin is a tool in real life, but his portrayal of a top salesman is the speech that won him an Oscar™ in the only scene he’s in.  The rest of the movie is okay.  Another dark, gritty movie with no real heroes.

Mr. Baseball – In this movie, Tom Selleck is turned into an actual baseball, but with small arms and legs and is forced into a Japanese prisoner of war camp where he devises nuclear weapons and bombs Hiroshima and wins World War II.  Nah.  Not that at all.  Tom Selleck is a baseball player who goes to Japan and becomes a better person in a romantic comedy centered around baseball.  Everyone else likes Bull Durham better, but I’d easily pick this one over it.  I believe that only Tom Selleck would agree with me.

Steven Seagal after he joined Meal Team Six.

Under Siege – Steven Seagal had exactly one good movie.  It awas this one.

Reservoir Dogs – Speaking of a cheap movie looking good, this is another one.  Tightly filmed on a budget that consisted of Twinkies®, cocaine, and some sort of cheap whiskey, this was the movie that got Tarantino the nod to make Pulp Fiction.  Is it his best?  Maybe.  It’s easily the best movie on this list.  Gritty, yet humanity still managed to seep through.

But what if they were actual dogs?  I suppose this could be the Disney® version, but then they’d all have to be black labs.

Passenger 57 – In another universe, this starred Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude Van Damme killing people on a plane.  Which, again, what more do you need in a movie?

Bad Lieutenant – This was a movie so intent on being gritty that at times it turns into nearly comic parody.  I never saw it at the time, but saw a review of it indicating how good it was and watched it a few years ago.  Whoa.  No.  It’s not good.  It’s just 96 minutes of Harvey Keitel becoming increasingly unhinged.  Critics loved it.

Okay, it’s Paxton and Paxton, and they’re carrying fireman tools from some Lovecraftian alternate universe, but I’ll go with it.

Trespass – I really like this movie.  It’s a tight little treasure run into the heart of a ghetto, and Bill Paxton and William Sadler star as two firefighters who get a tip to where a bunch of gold is.  Complications ensue.  Again, I really liked it, but I have a soft spot for both Paxton and Sadler, who were/are very underrated actors.  Why was it a box office bomb?  It featured white guys fighting black gang members right after the LA riots in ’92.  Yeah, the market wasn’t ready for it.

1992 continued the demise of the anti-hero and the rise of “everyone sucks” that seemed to permeate the 1990s like a bunch of bodies buried under the crawlspace of a nice house.  Sure, it looked great, but something didn’t smell right.  The comedies were mostly generic pale imitations of the Morning in America confidence of the 1980s.

As usual, I deleted a few for length.  What did you like that I missed?

Deflatormaus, Or, Watch The Economy Rise From The Ashes Of The Left

“It’ll do the job of funneling the Persians into the Hot Gates.” – 300

Crime doesn’t pay is outdated.  “Crime doesn’t pay as well as politics” is probably more accurate. (All memes “as found”)

As a kind poster on X® pointed out earlier this month, 20% of America’s “jobs” are essentially a Universal Basic Income for the GloboLeft.  Think of it as welfare for the woke.

This 20% are government jobs, sure, but they’re also the jobs at all of the NGO foundations and organizations that siphon off your tax money to do things that nobody but the GloboLeftElite wants and that they certainly don’t want voters to know about.

Think:  billions of your tax dollars going to induce illegal aliens to move to the United States.  Trump, however, has started cutting the funding and this has already had a dramatic effect:  D.C.’s home prices are already down 10%, and the soy-latte crowd are already feeling the pain.

None of this is new.  As I’ve written in the past, Peter Turchin calls the process of the GloboLeftElite extracting cash from the populace the Wealth Pump.  And, if you control the Wealth Pump, why not pump part of the wealth to the people who vote for you?

How GloboLeft are government workers?  75%?  80%?  I’d imagine at most NGOs the number is nearing 95%, and the other 5% are Green party voters.

When I was young, Ma Wilder would feed me and say, “here comes the choo-choo train”.  If I didn’t eat, she wouldn’t untie me from the tracks.

The NGO cash is especially damaging.  It circulates through a network of intertwined foundations and charities and think-tanks whose boards often are the same cast of characters.  Not all grants fall into this cycle, but plenty of the grants do.

Now the cash is being tracked, and it is being shut down at the source.  It’s also likely that tens to hundreds of thousands of .gov employees will soon not be.  Now, generally I feel compassion.  I like people.  Really.

But when it comes to .gov and NGO jobs, they’re not jobs, many of them are just members of a publicly financed voting bloc.  Just go onto Reddit® and read the unhinged reactions to being asked to write five simple sentences about what they did last week.  Five sentences.  Even at the slothful speed of, say, Health and Human Services, it shouldn’t take more than fifty minutes and a smoke break.

Just work through the tears.

The only reason to resist it?  If the employee added no value.  That’s it.  The only reason.  I refuse to feel sorry for work-from-homers afraid about losing their remote-work herbal-wrap lifestyles.

But this brings out an interesting concept:  deflation.  During the Biden Residency, people on the GloboLeft couldn’t understand why flyover America was angry.  The had no idea, since their lifestyles of Pilates in the morning before going to buy more ill-advised yoga pants wasn’t impacted at all.  They were, as I noted, living the “$90,000 a year for making PowerPoints™ about gender” dream.

If they’re unemployed, their spending dries up.  If government spending dries up as well, or even if the growth of government spending dries up, well, there goes your inflation.  Those who used to tip baristas will fight to become baristas because they don’t have any other quantifiable skills.

First, who voted for Ukrainians to psyop us?  Second, is there even $140,000,000 in cabbage, vodka and despair in all of Ukraine?

In fact, on the higher end, you could see cuts that would amount to 5% to 7% of GDP.  Oh, and Starbucks™ just announced it is laying off 1,100 people right as D.O.G.E. is attacking the heart of the lair.

Tax cuts and regulation cuts, however, will end up increasing real jobs that add to economic wealth.  Welders and truckers and men who build things, and not just the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate market.  Berkshire-Hathaway™ has a record amount of cash sitting in a pile, all ready to pounce on assets as Wall Street reacts because they see this coming.

Tariffs won’t be as bad as anyone thought.  One recent study predicts a whopping 0.3% increase in consumer prices related to tariffs.  In the best case, we see a D.C. and blue city bust, while flyover country booms.

How many people have the Department of Education educated?  How much energy has the Department of Energy added to the grid?

But that’s after the recession.  We’re due one, and we’re due a market correction, and not a small one.  Here’s hoping that we have the good sense to not try to “fix” things like they did during the Great Depression, but instead have a short, sharp recession to clean out the rot that has creeped in over the last 15 years.

The other side of the tunnel is bright, however.


  • 5 million few fed/NGO jobs.
  • 10 regulations hacked out for every new regulation.
  • Productivity jumping and real (not inflated) wages jumping since illegals have been rooted out and sent back to their homes.
  • Free PEZ™, elephant rides, and pantyhose for everyone!

Not everyone is going to win, however.  If D.C. is finally hollowed out, home prices there will crater without the GloboLeft UBI jobs.  Home prices there drop 25%.  50%.

What happens when a middle-aged CIA dude has to find a real job? 

The other downside is that blue urban areas explode with violence.  They lose the NGO cash, they lose the loose GloboLeftPartyGirl spending, and crime will spike, especially if Kennedy makes EBT funding work only for actual food and not pizza rolls.

Is a crime spike of 20% realistic?  40%?

Guess those Soros District Attorneys weren’t a bargain, after all.

But this won’t happen in Texas.  Not in Florida.  Not in Montana.  Those states mostly flourish.  Ranchers don’t need diversity consultants, avocado body balm, or hot stone carbuncle massage.

But let’s not spend a lot of tears on the GloboLeft who no longer are consuming kale smoothies.  They didn’t build anything, they just consumed.

Remember all those transgender Rangers that stormed Pointe du Hoc?  Yeah, me neither.

But, hey, good news!

I’ll bet you can get a place around D.C. pretty cheap nowadays.  Maybe might even have that fresh GloboLeftist tears smell.

I love winning.

Inside The Machine: How The Left Created A Manipulation Machine, And How Musk And Trump Broke It

“He knows too well how to manipulate the mob.” – Gladiator

I did know a 6’6” psychic who manipulated the stock market. He was a tall medium who shorts.

It’s rare that The Mrs. texts me an article, so rare that years go by between texts containing links. In this case, the article The Mrs. texted me was Rapid Onset Political Enlightenment, from Tablet® magazine (LINK). I’d never heard of the author, David Samuels, but it’s likely he’s never heard of me, either, so we were tied on that count.

The piece dives into how the mainstream machine seduced the American electorate and how normie voters finally snapped out of it. It’s looooong, and I’ve got a different spin on what broke the spell. This isn’t a review—it’s my take, sparked by Samuels’ fire.

So here we go – this isn’t so much a review, but rather a self-contained post inspired by Mr. Samuels’ article.

Mankind was once an oral civilization. The stories that we told were handed down from one mouth to another around campfires under the stars. The stories that came down are still spoken of, and remnants of that civilization remain in the names of stars with names so ancient we have no idea where they came from, like Canopus.

Over time, though, we invented writing because we needed to write down tax regulations, and for a time we became a literate civilization, with people moving far away from the preceding oral civilization. This had some pretty significant impacts, the biggest of which was the great increase of words available to the human vocabulary. In an oral civilization, each member of the tribe knows all (or almost all) of the words that exist in the language.

In a literate civilization, these words can be written down, and there is space for new words to be added that are beyond the capacity of the average dude to remember. Language got complex. That let us think bigger, and writing smashed space and time. A Greek could read about Alexander’s exploits in far Persia, and that same account would be available for centuries or even millennia if properly stored.

As a literate people, we produced many of the finest works of art, science, and literature in human history. Don’t forget, the Greeks and the Romans were similarly a literate society in the upper strata, and you can clearly see that when literate society devolved away, so did the culture and art it created.

Reading takes time. The average person’s reading speed is 200 to 250 words per minute, though obviously the complexity of the text and the complexity of the thoughts expressed can speed up or slow down the input rate.

Kim Jong Un is just like Dominos® Pizza – they can both deliver a crispy Hawaiian in less than 30 minutes.

Although watching television takes even more time (about 135 words per minute output) it requires far less effort than reading, so the person is much less engaged on a logical level, but the addition of pictures engages the person at an emotional level. Going further into the future, the Internet introduced the meme to common culture in around the year 2000.

The meme is an emotion laden image with a brief text around it to give context. It’s basically a cave painting along with the story that Uncle Grug wanted to tell.

Yes. 4000 years from cave painting to cave painting.

This really did revolutionize the way that people took in information. Gone were long articles with complex language, and back were literally the shortest bits of coherent thought, emotion and a short message. Guttenberg’s press was no match for iPhone® screens and Grumpy Cat.

I found an old Gutenberg Bible but had to throw it away. Some guy named Martin Luther had scribbled notes all over it.

This is a fundamental change in the way that information is given, and as we transition back from a literary to an oral culture, people actually think less, and think in less complex ways. There is an opening built upon this simplification for manipulation.

Of course, someone would use this change in information as a tool to manipulate public opinion just as the radio was used prior to World War II, as television was used in Vietnam, and as cable news was used by Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II for their manipulations. The Internet was the next iteration, and of course politicians would use it to create and disseminate propaganda on the largest and quickest scale in history. The first real person to use this immense power inherent in the ascendency of the social networks, Samuels maintains, was Obama.

Why Obama? The iPhone® really was the game changer when combined with social media. It made ideas shorter and self-contained, but also made them immediate with the advent of social media that wasn’t quite ripe when Bush II was president.

Obama created a machine that provided information. It pulsed. The idea was simple, and I’ve sketched it out a bit in another post but here it is in much deeper detail.

First – an event occurs. AP® or some other news outlet reports the facts. Now, if the facts don’t support the Narrative, they are brutally suppressed – they’re just not reported on. There was a mass murder where The Mrs. and I lived, and it was reported in the local papers and on the radio. It was horrific. Was it covered nationwide? No. When the family went to go visit my in-laws, they had not heard of this horrific mass murder at all even though they only lived 90 miles from the murders.


The killers were black and the victims were white. They couldn’t cover up the mass murder locally, but nationally? They shut it down. Even regionally all reporting was shut down, because this didn’t fit the erroneous idea that only white people were serial killers.

This event may be a real story, or something manipulated to be a story – it’s here that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) stage events that “make news” or are magnified. Think about the George Floyd death as one such event.

If you found out your wife wanted to dissect people from Southeast Asia, would you cut Thais with her?

Second – that event is interpreted in a way that fits with the Narrative. Events which are at odds with the Narrative are suppressed. The central clearing house is generally the New York Times, which uses experts from various NGOs and “think tanks” to further refine how the event fits the Narrative. The prestige of the experts of the various NGOs are validated because they’re respected by people from . . . other NGOs.

Words like ‘false’ and ‘baseless’ tag stories—‘baseless mRNA vaccine injury claims’ or ‘false vote fraud accusations’—to smother anything off-Narrative. The idea of an impartial news media is dead, and now j-schools are teaching young reporters that they should be activists as well as reporters. I’d bet that the NGOs are part of making those suggestions.

The secret sauce in this step is based on David Axelrod’s strategy of making people change their opinion based upon convincing people to act based on how they wanted to be seen by others. In essence, the entire GloboLeftistElite strategy is based on virtue signaling.

Who does this work most stunningly well on? Unmarried white women, hard-core leftists, and people not paying attention much to politics. These are clearly shown in the exit polls, and a study I read on virtue signaling point out that: women virtue signal because that’s a core part of what they generally do – group membership is absolutely a survival mechanism for women. Hard core leftists are often atheists, and their morality is, shall we say, often fluid. Finally, people not paying attention want to be thought of as having a good reputation, so virtue signaling is a cheap way to maintain that reputation.

Third – media outlets report the interpreted event out – the bigger the event, the harder the push. The Late Night TV Funny Joke Men like Colbert and Kimmel join on. The message is slickly packaged, but the language is the same from everyone. How did the words “Russian Asset” get in everyone’s mouth at the exact same time?

It’s simple. They read the memo.

Fourth – repeat and grow the Narrative to make sure it remains an accepted fact to the targets being manipulated. Note, that the Narrative doesn’t have to be internally consistent. For instance, we must utterly cater to racial differences. But there are no races. We must also respect the rights of women. Oh, and a woman is absolutely anyone who says they’re a woman.

What comprises the Narrative is less important than that it serve the purpose of the moment. The Narrative changes over time: free speech was the stated goal of the GloboLeftElite in the early 1970s, but now free speech must be controlled.

That control of speech? That’s the last part of the process.

Fifth – deplatform anyone who tries to tell any story that is counter to the Narrative.

Silicon Valley was, at least in its early days, a libertarian enterprise. The entire industry was about conquering a space where there weren’t any rules. To the extent that libertarians identify with a major political party, it’s generally the Right since the Right typically wants fewer rules.

In 2012, however, the maturing industry was taken in by the GloboLeft and bought into the Narrative. When Trump was elected, they became part of the machine.

The Narrative is a very fragile thing, and since it’s fragile, the one thing it can’t stand is scrutiny. One of the wonderful things that the Internet allowed early on were comments sections. Comment sections are wonderful because they often add more information to a news story, and give a direct voice to the readers impacted by the news.

That’s intolerable. So, comment sections have to go.

Do sardines think submarines are just cans of people?

It then moved into Twitter™. Anyone not expressing opinions against the Narrative or any component thereof would be banned. Question the safety of mRNA? Banned. Question the official story of the origin of COVID? Banned. Question the 2020 election results? Banned. Show information from Hunter Biden’s laptop? Banned.

On the laptop, they even got 51 former U.S. intelligence officials to say that Russia did it.

Then, Twitter© even banned the sitting president of the United States. Reddit© is still (in 2025!) banning communities where badthink takes place.

To quote the Tablet article, this “structure is neither modern nor conservative,” but . . .

“Rather it is totalitarian in its essence, a device for getting people to act against their beliefs by substituting new and better beliefs through the top-down controlled and leveraged application of social pressure, which among other things eliminates the position of the spectator. The integrity of the individual is violated in order to further the superior interests of the superego of humanity, the party, which knows which beliefs are right and which are wrong.”

Elon broke the machine by allowing actual free speech on X®, and cleared the way for Trump’s landslide.

Why did he do it? Was it power? Was it the best way to get to Mars? Regardless, the illusion of the machine is toast.

How? The machine made people believe things that were silly. The machine fed people silly crap —‘men in dresses are women’—and now they’re pretending they never bought it. Memes laid it bare: short, sharp, and too raw for the Narrative’s lies. Once fooled, at least some normies question everything now. That’s good.

A large part of the machine being broken now is that Trump is moving too fast for the machine to cope with his initiatives, and he’s throwing in ragebait to drive the GloboLeft conformity persuasion machine crazy. On offensive, Trump is moving so fast that they can’t initiate the second phase listed above to drive people to conformity.

Maybe next year Trump will rename it to Sea Seῆor.

Besides, X® is now close to indistinguishable from /pol/ in the ability to share almost any opinion again. I don’t know if it’s entirely the algorithm, but when I see a GloboLeftist try to advance the Narrative on X©, the responses with Narrative-breaking comments is immediate and utterly complete. Spin no longer works and the conformity persuasion machine is stuck because it’s clogged with Greenland Redwhiteandblueland and the Gulf of America, both of which are perfectly tuned to drive GloboLeftists nuts.

The conformity persuasion machine is broken, not destroyed. Destroying it entirely would require destroying the government/think tank/NGO complex, which Trump is working on. Likewise, the media is sick and since the Internet has destroyed a lot of its revenue, and X™ really is the biggest news aggregator on the planet. When an event happens, I go to X® now to find out what’s going on.

Unless The Mrs. texts me about it. And, I wonder if people in the distant future will look from the City of Musk on Mars into the night sky and wonder why one of the moons of Mars is named Trump?

Movies, Foreigners, Blazing Saddles, And The Fight For Your Mind

“Come on, Mick, it’s network propaganda.  We wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t helped us.” – The Running Man

Come to mention it, I ordered a book called “How to Scam People Online” a month ago and it still hasn’t shown up.

The monthly movie retrospective that I do the last week of the month has been a fairly popular part of the blog and has really given me some time to think about the content of the movies that we’ve seen in the past, and what it really means.

Before the 1970s, sequels weren’t the norm.  Gradually sequels became popular.  A large part of that is failure – the sequels usually made money, though in almost every case less money than the original.  But they would make money, even if they were crappy.

Making sequels lowered the perceived risk a studio was taking.

The other factor in play is that the revenue streams changed.  How many Chinese people in Mao’s China lined up to see Jaws?  None.  Zero.  I’d imagine the same was true of Star Wars.  Revenues from China in the 1970s.  From what mud hut theater?  Paid in what?  Chickens?

Now, the goal is to create a product for the world stage.  and to go through the Marvel Cinematic Universe™ you could spend sixty or more hours on the thirty-five MCU® movies alone, even skipping their television spinoffs.  But the audience was different.  Avengers:  Infinity Wars made $680 million in the United States and the 51st state, Canada, but made nearly $1.4 billion overseas.  Contrast that with Star Wars, where about 70% of the revenue came from the 51 United States.

I guess that was a wookie mistake.

Some movies are utter failures in the United States but achieve profitability only when international revenues are included.  The very odd Matt Damon movie The Great Wall (2017) made only $45 million of its $289 million total in the United States, but made $171 million in China, who now had movie theaters and no longer paid in chickens.

Movies have changed, dramatically, because they’re no longer made just for American audiences.  Sequels help here, because they allow foreign people to see the same characters again and again.  So, movies have changed because the audience has changed.  And, if you’ll note, the international audience is almost always much more leftist (though not necessarily GloboLeft) than Americans.

Making movies for foreign audiences automatically moves them into a more socialist frame since foreigners are more socialist.

The one time they selected me for jury duty they gave us snacks.  Trial mix.

But subversion in the American cinema goes way back, because the GloboLeftElite have had their fingers in propaganda forever.  One example is 1957’s 12 Angry Men, starring GloboLeftist subversive Henry Fonda.

I had never seen 12 Angry Men, so when it showed up on my “Up Next For You” list on the television while writing.  By the time I was done, I was amazingly angry.  12 Angry Men was subversive, highlighting how awful Americans were casting us as stereotypes filled with bias, prejudice, or disinterest.  Keep in mind this was made at the time that McCarthy (who was right, by the way) was being lampooned for being biased and prejudiced against communists.  The disinterested were an indictment of capitalism.

This was a movie where the circumstances were so contrived in order to play on emotion, not facts.  How bad is this movie?  During the movie, Henry Fonda’s character absolutely breaks the law by introducing new evidence into the jury room.  This is illegal, precisely because it now takes the process of introducing evidence into open court for all to see and puts it behind closed doors.  Sounds like everything that GloboLeftElites love.

When I watched it, I got pretty angry, and wanted to see if anyone else had the same reaction.  Here’s Proper Horrorshow with a discussion about just what I saw:

To be clear, if I watched 12 Angry Men 20 years ago, I probably would have missed the anti-Americanism that the movie is drenched in.  But after years of having woke slammed into my face?  My antenna were up, and I couldn’t have missed it.

The bad part of German navigation systems is that whenever you want to go to France, you have to go through Belgium.

Blazing Saddles was similarly subversive.  Don’t get me wrong, I thought it was a hoot the half-dozen times I’ve watched it, but it is at its core a GloboLeftist exercise.  One of my friends recently said, “They couldn’t make this movie today.”

My response was rather pointed, “Why not?  Exactly what part of the movie would reflect a value that the people who run Hollywood wouldn’t love?  Is it the normalization of gays?  Is it the race-swapping of the sheriff?  Is it the interracial romance?  Is it the “make fun of white guys as much as you want, but don’t mock a single minority”?  Was it shooting a hole in a Bible?  ”

No.  It’s racial slurs.  But those racial slurs were used to make . . . a white guy look racist, so even those might make the cut.

Please, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have such a stick up my backside as to be unable to laugh at jokes aimed at me, especially funny jokes.  But I recognize it.  Turn the sheriff white and everyone else be black.  Would the jokes about all the black townsfolk being stupid still be funny?

Now that is a movie one couldn’t make today.

What font is on Wyatt Earp’s tombstone?  Sans Sheriff.

The last one I’ll bring up for now is Pleasantville.  This 1998 movie set the stage for the Woke revolution and is a ideal bookend to the vile 12 Angry Men.

I really hate this movie.  It is the worst sort of subversion.  The plot is that 1990s kids (Brother and Sister) get sucked into a Leave it to Beaver-type television show set in the 1950s.  Their lives are in black and white.  Literally.  That’s not the only thing that gets sucked, since after Sister has sex with a guy, instead of being in black and white, he goes into color.  When Sister tells a high school girl how to pleasure herself, she goes into color.  A malt shop owner paints a nude on the window of his malt shop.

The result?


The message is clear.  Living in a society like the 1950s where people practiced restraint is so boring.  Live your life.  Remember, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” is from Aleister Crowley’s, not the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.

The Mrs. asked me if she had any bad habits, but then had the nerve to get offended by the PowerPoint® presentation.

Pleasantville is anything but.  Obviously, critics loved it.  Thankfully, audiences hated it, turning Pleasantville into a big failure.

Pleasantville failed because it was too big of an ask to audiences in 1998.  It asked them to fully give in to whatever deviant thought they had in the moment and, in fact, to embrace that deviance.  Be proud of that deviance.

Hmm.  Proud.  Pride month.  Got it.

In 2025?  It’s not a challenge at all to find subversion in almost any movie.  The rot has come more to the top, and it has killed the industry, since no one wants the crap anymore and people are done with watching the 37th Marvel™ Cinematic Universe© movie.

Some might say that entertainment is downstream from culture, but how much, really, of our culture is driven by propaganda as entertainment?

Bad Luck, Diversity, And Bank Robbers

“Isn’t it supposed to be bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony?” – Kill Bill Volume 2

I got mugged by six dwarves.  Not Happy.

There is such a thing as bad luck.  A neighbor of mine told me a story of when he was a kid.  He and his friends were throwing dirt clods at another group of kids.  Now, I remember doing exactly that.  Dirt clods were perfect for throwing because when they hit the ground, they exploded in a puff of dirt that I pretended was a grenade.

Pretending I was blowing up my friends.  Huh, sounds like a Unabomber childhood when I put it that way, doesn’t it?

Regardless, my neighbor said that one of the other kids got a dirt clod in the eye.  Why threw it?  I don’t think they ever figured that out, but my friend was the only one sued.  Why?

Every cloud has a silver lining.  Except a mushroom cloud.  That’s probably cobalt or strontium.

His dad owned a bank.  As I recall from the story, his dad’s insurance company ended up settling the claim.  No one said, “Oh, bad luck.”  There certainly doesn’t seem to be a place for bad luck in our world, but sometimes bad luck really does happen.  I mean, once upon a time a fortune teller that I would have to suffer with eight years of bad luck.

“And then things get better?”

“No, you stop suffering because you get used to it.”

To me, this seems unfair, but remember Law School Lesson 101:  never sue poor people.  It’s a variation of the Willie Sutton school of law, when he responded to the question of why he robbed banks with the answer of “Because that’s where the money is.”

I want to own a bakery just so when someone walks in and points at a cake and asks, “Is this gluten free?” I can respond, “No, that’s $16.50.”

That’s one part of the equation, but the second part makes it really rough:  massive damage awards.  Ask Alex Jones about the nonsensical $1 billion jury award against him.  Why not a trillion?  It’s not like Alex Jones has a billion dollars, and it’s not like they can strip being “Alex Jones” from Alex Jones, so if they take Infowars™, well, he’ll be in business the next day with a new company.  And if they take that, yet a new company.

Poor people are lawsuit-proof because they don’t have money.  Alex Jones is lawsuit-proof because (like James O’Keefe) his company is him.

Since most companies can’t hide behind the idea of being Alex Jones, they have to have a defense.  The defense?


David Hogg has personally sold more AR-15s than Palmetto State Armory®.

If a company does the same thing the same way all of the time, and if every other company does that exact same thing the same way every time, it’s now a Standard.  While a company can certainly be sued if they screw up, it’s a pretty good defense to say what Ma Wilder described as a weak excuse, “Well, everybody else is doing it.”

So, if you ask Proctor and Gamble™ if they would jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it, the answer is probably something like:  “If that would help us actualize projected profits in the near term and help build organic growth in the sector, that would be a strategy we would engage with.”  Or, in human terms, yes, yes they would jump off a cliff if everyone does it.  Sadly, this throttles innovative products.

This also leads to a herd mentality in large companies.  “Does Disney™ have DEI?  Well, looks like we need DEI, too.”  These companies realize that there is safety in numbers.  Sure, they want to be different, but they all want to be different in the exact same legally non-actionable way.

If being a diversity hire is a good thing, why don’t we publicly name them so they can celebrate it?

This (in part) has led to the extreme pliability of the companies to Woke propaganda, and their quick rebound once Trump was elected.  Was Google© all in for Kamala?  You bet.  Has Google™ swapped their maps to “Gulf of America” at the same time removing Black History Month©, Pride Month™ and scrapped targets to not hire white guys?

Yes, yes they have.

This surprised me.  I was expecting these companies to keep being part of the ResISTanCe since they actively opposed Trump during his first term.  Either they were neutered during and by the pandemic, or they’re horribly afraid of Trump and Elon.  Or they’re worried about the inevitable wrath of Barron when he reaches his full height of 65 feet (1 kiloliter).

In the end, there really is “bad luck”.  Now, I don’t think that everything is bad luck, I mean, when that double amputee tried to rob a bank?  That wasn’t bad luck.

After all, he wasn’t even armed.

Charity, Corruption, And Bad Jokes About Iron

“Get out your pocketbooks and remember it’s all for charity.” – Groundhog Day

I told that joke to my blind friend and he didn’t see the humor in it.

As we pass through this next week, I’d like to remind everyone that Trump hasn’t been in office even a single month (seventeen years for GloboLeftists) at this point.  One argument that I’ve seen the GloboLeft chattering class attempt to make is that USAID® is “too small to worry about, it’s less than 1% of the budget”.

This is a continual talking point, so you know that the GloboLeftElite is coordinating them to make this point.

So, we are presented with the Paradox of Federal Spending as presented by the GloboLeftElite:  “Every small budget cut is too small to matter, and every large budget cut is impossible to make.”  I supposed I should call it Schrödinger’s Budget.

But in context, USAID™ funding is fifty billion dollars.  Doing the math, that’s $600 for a family of four.  .

Every year.

So, too small to matter?

No, $600 would matter to a lot of folks.  I mean, that’s a dozen eggs nowadays.

That seemed really funny in 2003.

But there is a much, much bigger picture here.

If the family of four had that extra $600, would they donate it?

  • Would they donate it to an AIDS clinic in South Africa so that African prostitutes could get AIDS treatments?
  • Would they donate it to Peruvian comic books to propagandize LGBT politics to Peruvian children?
  • Would they give it to a luxury hotel in New York City to house illegal aliens with the nightly bed turndown service and the little mint on the pillow that they so rightly deserve?
  • Would they donate it to a charity with several hundred million in the bank that pays their CEO $10 million a year so the charity could pay for oxygen for a 71-year-old with emphysema from smoking in Malaysia?

These are all real examples.  Nothing I made up.  This is where your tax dollars are going.

So, what would that family do?  Would it give it so they could see how monkeys act when they’re on cocaine?  Or would they use it for their own, selfish purposes, things like buying food for the family?

A guy I know quit coke.  He said it was the end of the line.

Well, they don’t get to decide, because unelected (and, to listen to the GloboLeftElite) entirely independent bureaucrats whose decisions are unreviewable by anyone get to decide how to spend that money.  Not the American public.  Not the State Department.  Not Donald Trump.

And certainly not you.

Back before Pa Wilder passed on, I’d go visit him when I could, and go to church with him.  On one Sunday we went to church, and the pastor prayed, “Oh, and I pray that the president and congress don’t pass welfare reform.  In the spirit of charity, those people need help.”

I’m sorry if you don’t like that meme.  Welfare jokes hardly ever work.

I got very, very angry.  I rarely get angry in church, except for those times I got burned with holy water, but that’s another story.  In this particular case, though, what made me mad was the idea that charity comes from the government.

No, charity doesn’t come from the government.  Charity is a conscious choice.  If the government gives someone money, it took it from someone else.  It wasn’t voluntarily given.  And if you think taxes are voluntary, I encourage you to stop paying them and send me the result of that experiment.

No, welfare from the United States government is a cruel parody of the idea of charity.  It is money taken by force from people who may not want to give it.  That’s bad enough, but it gets worse.  Since it’s given not by an individual or church but rather the government, the welfare is often resented by those that get it.

Yes.  Resented.  Because the act of welfare creates a system where the recipient is unconnected from the donor.  Not only that, it is money given without any obligation on the part of the person receiving it, so they experience no growth.  Additionally, there is no gateway to limit the recipient to people who are worthy.

I say it’s a parody of charity because real charity provides benefits to the giver as well as the receiver.  It is a virtue, but when force is applied it is stripped of meaning to both.

Would Ferrous Bueller’s Day Off be considered an Iron Man prequel?

This, perhaps, is the greatest tragedy of USAID.  It was taken over by GloboLeftElite bureaucrats.  The most charitable interpretation is that the agency was then taken over by people that Jerry Pournelle wrote about in his Iron Law of Bureaucracy:

Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people”:

“First, there will be those who are devoted to the goals of the organization. Examples are dedicated classroom teachers in an educational bureaucracy, many of the engineers and launch technicians and scientists at NASA, even some agricultural scientists and advisors in the former Soviet Union collective farming administration.

“Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers (sic) union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.

“The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.”

But “iron woman” isn’t a superhero, it’s a command.

This is the very kindest way I could describe the situation.

In my opinion, the more likely reality of what happened at USAID is somewhat different.  I think that $50 billion in funds dispersed on bureaucratic whims attracted corruption, and that corruption spread until nearly the entire organization was corrupt, top to bottom and fully in the hands of the GloboLeftElite to spend on themselves and to spend to increase their power.

But I’m betting they’d say my viewpoint is less than charitable.

Here’s Johnny: The Inevitable Return Of The Podcast

Streams will show up at 9EST (click the link below), that’s in less than an hour!  (and we typically pregame for five minutes, so it really starts up at 8:55PM)

Mrs The Mrs – YouTube

Funniest News On the ‘Net.


In this episode:

  • Conversation Street
  • Jackass of the Week
  • Thinkrealfast
  • I Heard It On The X