“By this axe, I rule!” – Kull the Conqueror
My email password has been hacked. This is the third time I had to rename my cat.
Last week I talked about the relative economic effects of the Great Government Purge of 2025-2026. Unlike Stalin’s Purge, the winners don’t get a bullet, instead they get a severance check and unemployment. Regardless, that’s not fun for the people involved, especially good people who are doing useful work for the Republic.
But it might be necessary.
There are two ways to combat waste and ideological rot. Trump tried using a scalpel during in his first term, cutting carefully, and here and there.
The impact of his efforts was minimal. Slightly fewer regulations that would later be made by the same bureaucrats that voted for Her® and the dotard Biden was the sum of all of his efforts. He was stopped at every turn by internal bureaucratic resistance, asking for clarifications and just ignoring Trump as if he were the terms and conditions on a piece of software.
If a Gnome is a pimp, does he manage the garden hoes?
Once Biden showed up, however, the bureaucracy reacted like a Ferrari™, purring along as whoever was actually running the government instead of Biden made requests that were instantly carried out. Also, like a Ferrari©, it spilled fluids everywhere, but enough of “Rachel” Levine.
Then they shot at Trump after trying six different ways to put him in prison or impoverish him.
That changes a guy.
Coming in to this administration, he threw the scalpel away and picked up an axe. During the first 40 days, he’s put out 68 executive orders. The axe has been aimed squarely at GloboLeftist and sex-fetishist activist enclaves, secret slush funds for GloboLeftist causes, and regulatory fortresses.
The rot is deep: it’s been growing for more than a century and excision’s the only shot left.
The rot started where most bad things in the United States start, around the time of the creation of the Federal Reserve™ and the income tax. The income tax was promised to only impact the very wealthy, but that was, to put it charitably, a big fat lie.
Allergies around here are so bad in springtime that the tweakers turn their meth back into Sudafed™.
The income tax was used first to fund a war, then a growing bureaucracy, then another war. Along the way, sometime in the 1930s, the obsession with secrecy began. Our war against Germany and Japan really did require a strong secrecy culture – having the Germans know when we were going to invade Normandy, or even that Normandy was a target would have led to failure.
And, yeah, we didn’t really want everyone to know how to make nukes, though the Rosenbergs felt differently. Before they fried differently.
But post-WWII, the state swelled to win a war, then never shrank because it had to fight a Cold War. The New Deal also bled seamlessly into the Great Society, birthing a permanent caste of deskbound overlords who could define the future of a business through a stroke of a pen or the press of a typewriter key.
By the ’70s, agencies like NSA and CIA ballooned under “national security”. Secrecy became a shield, while accountability a ghost. MKUltra? It’s a real thing that happened, and our tax dollars were spent on this top secret program. Why are the JFK files still redacted sixty years later?
Why does the CIA maintain that the formula for invisible ink (lemon juice) is still a national secret?
Is a line of people waiting to buy that doll for girls a Barbiqueue ?
Yes, I can see the reason to have secrets. But we should have about 12 of them. Which 12? I don’t know, but the never-ending, overlapping security state needs something to function: an enemy. The rest of the secrets? We put them where no one would look: in the middle of a Disney® movie.
I can’t see that we have one. Russia? Putin asked to join NATO in 2000. Are the Russians a bit skeevy? Sure they are. Are they a threat to us? Only in a nuclear fashion. After the end of the Cold War, there was no reason not to welcome Russia warmly into the host of nations. We didn’t.
The national security state needed an enemy, and it couldn’t be China because Clinton was too busy giving them all of our missile tech and hiring Chinese nationals into the security state so they could take hard drives of all of our secrets back to China.
The GloboLeft has also hijacked the security state. Ideologues wormed in—trans-activists at NSA, DEI czars at DoD —while “secret” programs metastasized, cloaking rot in classified ink. Secrecy’s a double-edged blade: it really is vital for real threats (SIGINT), but a dark wet rotting swamp where sunlight never shines for that is more wedded to itself than the people it swore to serve.
“Let me tell you: you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at (sic) getting back at you,” said Chuck Schumer. Why is it that politicians should fear the intelligence community?
Guess that makes me the pot.
The purge redraws the map: the bureaucratic blob shrinks. Keep in mind it’s not just the wages paid, it’s also all of those regulators writing regulations that lower competition and increase costs. When the initial pollution regulations hit, they got rid of 90% plus of the pollution very quickly and cost effectively.
Getting the last 0.1% of the pollution? Often this is crazy expensive and provides no real benefit. Remember how many jobs were lost because of the . . . snail darter, the spotted owl, and that time Oprah went on a diet.
Redefine carbon dioxide as a pollutant, and now regulators get even more power, and everything you consume increases in price. The people who have all of the climate “solutions”? They are the GloboLeftElite.
The axe is required.
Most of the curtains on our “secret” nation should lift. What survives has to earn the right to stay in the shadows. GloboLeft ideologues in federal service that don’t serve the people should be rooted out and given the opportunity to find a way to add value to the world.
Yet there’s a goal in here: a leaner state, loyal to the people, not its own girth or Dear Leader.
You can understand now why the cat is angry.
A century of rot, non-American ideologues and secrets are being sliced away. There will be chaos, as we find that, “Oh, no, we really needed to have air traffic controllers” and as this necessarily blunt instrument hacks through some good things to save the whole.
It’s ugly. It’s necessary. And it might just be enough.
All without building a single GULAG. Besides, that wouldn’t work on GloboLeftists. They need REEEEEEEEE-education.