Actually Draining The Swamp: The Lamentation Of Their Women

“All that matters is that today, two stood against many.  That is what is important!  Valor pleases you, Crom; so, grant me one request.  Grant me revenge!  And if you do not listen, then to hell with you!” – Conan The Barbarian

A bog, a marsh, and a fen go into a bar.  The bartender:  “Guess I’m swamped.”

He’s doing it.  Or, at least he’s trying to.

The more I see Trump in action in this second term, the more I’m glad he didn’t have a contiguous second term.  This time, he’s focused.  Being shot, I’ve heard, does that to a man.  He knows he has a limited number of days, and he has goals and is surrounded by competent people who share his desire for vengeance.

I’d say his timeframe to get stuff done really consists of the next two years.  Beyond that, the intervening congressional election will have occurred, and he’ll probably lose one or both houses of congress, which is what usually happens, though with Trump, there is no such thing as “usual”.

But let’s outline at least part of the Swamp:

Above, tantum outlines at least part of the contours of the Swamp.  In a bit more detail, only about 2% of the people that work for “the government” work directly for the Federal government.  The rest of that 13.4% are state, county, and local government.  Are all of them productive?  Certainly not.  I’ve met several ROAD warriors when dealing with .gov people.  ROAD?  Retired On Active Duty.  They avoid doing work and find places to hide.

Others, however, are doing the things that people simply couldn’t do without, like building and plowing roads, or making and transporting safe drinking water.  To be clear, places like Flint and Jackson show how DEI can ruin basic functions and allow the system to be filled with parasites:  human parasites.

But even if you neglect those people, the real danger are the 12.8 million non-profit workers that are parasitically leaching off of the government.  They are overwhelmingly members of the GloboLeft, and follow the tune of the GloboLeftElite.  George Soros has a “Center For Things George Soros Likes” which gets funding and grants to hire people George Soros likes to do things like make foreign government more GloboLeftist so George can make more money.

Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol, below, are leaches on the system.  He has his own non-profit foundation, Defending Democracy Together Institute, which got almost $10.5 million in donations.  Yup, Bill Kristol gets money from the Swamp, or Deep State, or whatever.  I’d bet he’s paid for his time.  You can look up nonprofit organizations here (LINK) thanks to datarepublican’s work.  The link will take you to the page where Kristol’s grift is shown.  I’m thinking Ricky will find some very interesting things here.

12.8 million people in the United States, or almost 7.5% of the workforce of the United States is employed by these leaches.  Where do the (Insert Aggrieved Racial Or Sexual Group Here) Women’s Studies or Gender Studies or (Insert Aggrieved Racial Or Sexual Group Here) majors get jobs?  Well, Starbucks®.  But if their daddy is connected, they get on at places like Defending Democracy Together where they have the opportunity to launder funds back to places the GloboLeftistElite want them to go.

If you’re not mad yet, you’re not paying attention.

What kind of coffee is served by a sad barista?  A depresso.

Tens of billions of dollars are given to the major aid groups to make the United States more attractive to illegal and legal aliens.  Those aliens in turn consume (generally, there are exceptions) much, much more in services than they provide.  A strawberry picker working off the books contributes next to nothing, but it costs tens of thousands in welfare to feed his family, and his children consume tens of thousands of dollars in education funding.  I could go on, but they are a net economic and cultural drag.

And we’re paying for it.  What money?  I’d say our tax money, but we all know that’s a joke.  We’re printing money and inflating our dollar to nothing to import people who don’t want to be a part of our country.  Look at the recent shut down of the 101 in Los Angeles to protest ICE raids:  of the hundreds of flags, most were Mexican.  I believe in all the pictures I saw exactly one American flag.

One American flag, among hundreds.

And your currency is being made worthless to import even more people who feel little to no allegiance to this country and culture.

Trump and DOGE appear to be on this, though.  They’ve fired all the top people at the USAID offices.  When DOGE team members appeared wanting to gain access to the offices, they were not admitted.  USAID will soon find that the Executive Branch can shut them down.

I expect a lot of this funding to be exposed.  Trump was unprepared for the Swamp (or Deep State, if you prefer) his first term.  Not now.  He’s gutting them, and soon enough we might see 5% of workforce, the pampered GloboLeft, wondering how they’re going to pay for their next fancy coffee.

Maybe they’ll get an employee discount?

Nah, we probably don’t need that many baristas.  We want, however, to get them out of government, cut their funding, and bathe in the ashes of their lives.

But I want to say:

This.  This is what I voted for.  This is what I’ve always been voting for.

To crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentation of their women!


Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

37 thoughts on “Actually Draining The Swamp: The Lamentation Of Their Women”

  1. It was surprising to see the illegals protesting yesterday waving their Mexican flags and blocking some of the highways. I figured they would be keeping a lower profile given the ICE raids, but either way…. it’s not helping their situation and instead is it’s just reinforcing in people’s minds how bad the immigration problem has really gotten. No one likes seeing hundreds of mexican flags parading down a US street in a hostile manner as it has the symbolism of a conquered society.

    I know ICE can’t jump around at random, but hopefully Homan is putting a plan together to address one of these rallies the next time it happens. Ideally have agents box in the protesters and deport every last one of them.

    1. “Ideally have agents box in the protesters and deport every last one of them.”
      With belt fed and indirect fires on call for backup.

  2. The Left has weaponized our tolerance against us for decades. They laugh at this. They demand concessions even when they know they are wrong – and they get them … yet when they are asked for concessions, there are none. Brinksmanship is their game and they’re good at it – and conservatives suck at it. I hope with Trump that has changed.

    Tolerance and Mercy are only legitimate when you are coming from a position of strength. If you are not coming from a position of strength, it’s not tolerance and mercy, it’s cowardice.

    I’m hoping the days of “good men doing nothing” are over. It’s time to “… spit on our hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting some throats (figuratively speaking, of course 😉

  3. Credit where due, Trump has exposed the rot in the Federal leviathan more in two weeks than the rest of the Republican party has in 50 years (Rand and Ron Paul, Thomas Massie being exceptions). I think your timeframe might be overly optimistic, I have been saying he has six months rather than two years, and I expect the 2026 midterms to be a bloodbath for Republicans. We will see.

    1. The amazing part is that Reagan could have done this, Bush I could have done this, Bush II could have done this . . . but Trump seems to be doing the largest political artillery barrage ever in American politics. Yes!

  4. Well, the newest joke is that if you have to go to the ER, be sure to wear a black ICE cap. 90% of the “people” waiting will leave immediately. Your supposedly hour wait is reduced to 5 minutes.

    A local C-store sells them. At least in our area.

    1. All in all, a good start. Talk about shock and awe, nobody but nobody has any doubt that Trump 2.0 is gonna shake things up.

      But Tulsi. He’s gotta get Tulsi in as DNI because the intelligence backwater of the swamp is the most dangerous corner of all. Elon may be moving in couch beds for 24 hour per day cleanup ops at OPM (people) and USAID (money), but until we know the truth about JFK and UFOs (and a lot of other covert ops), we are still in the dark.

      It sure would be nice if we could avoid nukewar, too, which is still very much on the table if Trump can’t get the EU, NATO and Putin to curb their enthusiasm. You have any idea about how much CO2 a mushroom cloud injects into Greta’s precious atmosphere?

      1. Not to worry about CO2, Homer Simpson has already shown that radioactive waste makes a great soil amendment for gardeners. It allowed him to hybridize tomato plants with tobacco for some good eating….

    2. If so, I predict that will become a very popular accessory, though I did hear some college boys went too far pretending to be la migra.

  5. “The deep state is far preferable to the Trump state.”
    -Bill Kristol (revealing his true colors)

    “You must understand, the former Bolsheviks who took over Conservatism were not Conservatives. They hated Conservatives. They hated Christians. Driven by their eternal hatred they tortured and subverted Conservatism without a shred of human remorse.”
    -Solzhenitsyn (updated For Modern Audienced)

  6. It looks like we’ll need larger prisons. Then again, with some of the crimes, we might need larger gallows.

  7. Get ready for fires, riots, and mayhem..Gramsci has done the damage required, it will be different now

  8. Do what you can to put out this message: “If you self-deport, you can drive your car or truck with as much of your stuff in it as it can hold. If ICE deports you, you get on a plane and leave it all behind.”

  9. How long does anyone think it will be until all the socialists pick up their AK-47’s and become true communists in this country? If you don’t think that will happen, then you don’t know the history of communist take overs.

    1. I’m thinking we have many millions of mind changers lined up in ours safes ready to go. Tyson said everyone has a plan till they get punched in the mouth.

  10. The next time the Left wins an election, they’ll start with mass arrests and disappearances.

  11. Even a strawberry picker working ON the books contributes next to nothing. Low income earners pay very little taxes.

    1. But they suck up tens of thousands of dollars of government-bux in subsidized every-damned-thing, which is why “A Day Without 30M Illegal Mexicans” turns into a $400B/yr savings to the American taxpayer.
      If we deported them all tomorrow, we could balance the entire federal budget next year at 2019 levels of funding.

      Anyone who says you can’t deport 40M people has no idea what a few hundred thousand trebuchets pointed over the border wall could accomplish, purely with volunteer labor, in a few hours.

      1. That’s what I call thinking outside the box, by way of providing ‘free return airfare’… 😉

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