Apologies – A Busy Weekend

Got quite busy around here in Stately Wilder Mansion this weekend.  Hospitals, antibiotics, etc.  All is well, and all the Wilders are home and healthy, but I need some sleep, so you’ll have to wait for Wednesday for the next post.


Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

17 thoughts on “Apologies – A Busy Weekend”

    1. Oh, I’m fine. But when you get back from the hospital, even if everyone is fine, you get *tired*.

  1. As the sign in a bawdyhouse says:


  2. The Ukies are accepting volunteers to join their new Foreign Legion and Job Corps. So any and all combat junkies, psychos and antifas that want to earn some sweet massacre cred plus all can steal are welcome in the Ukraine. Really wonder how many of these keyboard warriors will take the Comedian-in-Chief up on the offer. All they have to do is to go to their local Ukie embassy or website and get the ball rolling!

    Kind of like a roach motel for leftists.

      1. Been slow continually. The feed locations sometimes change. Khakova is the port town where the russians bombed the airport infrastructure. Lviv is western Ukraine.

  3. I know I already asked once, but Big Country is still down when I try to open it. Last week I was getting redirected ti the Disney site (honest). This week it is just unreachable. Is that maybe only from Europe?

    1. As of just a few moments ago (7:54pm EST) the site loads for me (east coast USA), using the following URL: https://bigcountryexpatoriginal.blogspot.com/?m=0

      Try clearing your browser cashe, and/or rebooting your PC to reset your network card/connection. I know that’s probably overkill – but it’s the easiest method (as in – anyone who can touch the power button can do it).

      He has a secondary blog (effectively a ‘content mirror’) that he’s using mostly to account for the fact that his blogspot blog is only up as long as Google allows it. There are *occasional* differences in content (rare), but the comments are completely separate and not mirrored. If you need the second blogs address, I’ll try to dig it up.

    2. He’s working fine here . . . maybe he didn’t turn on the European tracking on blogspot???

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