“We’re all Sons of Liberty here.” – John Adams (2008)
What was it that Jefferson said about the Tree of Liberty?
Friday posts originally were about health related topics. I’ve deviated away from “health” as a topic to focus on what might be more important now – mental health, specifically attitude. There’s a reason for this.
The goal of the Left, as amply illustrated by Yuri Bezmenov (Yuri Bezmenov’s 1980’s Prediction of 2020), is to demoralize the West. Demoralization’s goal is to destroy the moral outlook of our nation. The goal of Demoralization is to destroy your moral outlook.
If you’re a Christian, the goal of the Enemy (you know who when I write the big E) is to make you feel despair. If you’re not a Christian, and still on the Right, the goal of the enemy is the same – to make you feel despair. To make you feel you cannot win. To make you feel that there is nothing you can do to stop the inevitable march of history. The Enemy (or enemy) wants you to believe that the victory of the Left is inevitable.
That’s why my Friday posts are, at least recently, focused on the opposite. The victory of the Right is inevitable. And that’s what scares the Left more than anything. They will do absolutely everything they can to make you feel powerless. They will do whatever they can to make you feel that nothing you do matters. You can’t fight them.
That’s smart. But a 17 year old in Kenosha proved it was a lie, and may very well be the Rosa Parks of the Right.
I was wrapping up the writing on Wednesday’s post when the events in Kenosha happened. By events, I mean where Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly killed two people and wounded a third. I say allegedly, because even though I saw it from nearly six different angles, nearly in real time, by saying allegedly that makes me sound official. And my attorney Lazlo says it makes it harder for Leftists to sue me.
What I saw was fairly simple. It was a 17 year old kid who ran from someone who was allegedly going to hurt him. I allegedly saw a muzzle flash, which meant that someone shot at Kyle as he was fleeing. A melee ensued, and several shots can be heard on the video.
Kyle is then seen on video, first looking to provide medical care to the man on the ground, and then talking on his cell phone. The dying man on the ground is 5’3” manlet Joseph Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum was an ex-convict who had spent nearly a decade in jail for sexual misconduct with a minor, who was required to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Clearly, Rosenbaum was a gem of a manlet.
Rosenbaum made the mistake of chasing someone with an AR-15.
Oh, maybe that explains it.
Running from a fight is clear evidence of attempting to de-escalate and avoid bloodshed. When shots were fired by others first? When Rosenbaum caught the pudgy Rittenhouse? Someone shot Rosenbaum in the head. It’s not even clear at this point that it was Rittenhouse, but if it was, he was clearly being attacked.
In another video just after the first, you can see Kyle running toward the police. Kyle falls, since it looks like he has a body made for being the first kid knocked out in dodgeball during PE class. Immediately, Rittenhouse is attacked, kicked in the head. What amazes me is that Kyle rolls into the attacker who is allegedly kicking Kyle in the head, knocking him over. While he’s rolling over, it looks like he’s clearing a jammed round on his AR-15.
Are you sure this isn’t John Wick? Or John Wicksconsin?
Do you think his power comes from the Crocs® or the socks? Or is Crocs™ in Socks a new Seuss© book?
That first attacker moves on, wisely deciding that trying to fight someone with an AR might have fatal consequences.
The second attacker, one Anthony Huber, then slams a skateboard down on Kyle’s head. Anthony Huber was convicted, twice, of domestic abuse. Including strangulation. It’s amazing that out of two BLM® protestors, we have two dirtbags. Hmm. Surely this isn’t a pattern?
Clearly that’s a peaceful use of a skateboard, right? Now who is going to raise that kid his girlfriend had with another dude?
Kyle allegedly brings up his AR-15 and launches one round, center of mass, straight into Huber. Now, where I come from, if someone is attacking you with a fifteen pound piece of wood and steel while you’re lying down on the ground, that just might be considered an attack with a deadly weapon.
Huber staggered a few feet, and then collapsed. He ultimately lost the battle with life, as predicted in the Book of Eugene Stoner, Chapter 5.56. Huber was 25. His pronouns are was/were.
The final person that Kyle allegedly shot was Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. Grosskreutz is a member of the “People’s Revolution Movement of Milwaukee,” and we all know how level headed communist revolutionaries are. But Gaige, good commie that he is, was allegedly (I can’t verify this independently right now) convicted of felony burglary, because hey, private property is theft, right comrade?
Mr. Grosskreutz allegedly held both hands up to Kyle, who was sitting on the ground. One of the hands held a pistol. Kyle didn’t shoot. But when Grosskreutz moved to draw down on Kyle? Kyle reacted with the reflexes of a cat and allegedly blasted away Grosskreutz’s right bicep.
Grosskreutz’s pronouns are now Lefty the Leftist and Ow, I Found Out. Oh, and alleged felon in possession of a handgun? I’m sure that will go over well.
Yup, that’s a gun. But certainly a peaceful member of the “People’s Revolution Movement of Milwaukee” wouldn’t want to hurt Kyle, right? Re-education is what commies do best. Right?
Ooops. Forgot. Commies want one thing, I mean, besides food.
When reviewing the footage I was astonished at the discipline of Kyle Rittenhouse. Each person he allegedly shot was clearly attacking him. He held back the second each threat passed. If I had been shooting, I’m not sure that I wouldn’t have kept shooting at the targets commies until the magazine ran dry, especially with Grosskreutz. It’s also astonishing how quickly it happened. The elapsed time from when he was attacked by Huber and when he allegedly shot Grosskreutz? Less than five seconds.
Life comes at you very, very fast.
The Leftist press has lied, again and again and again about what happened. “Shooting into a crowd” was a headline I saw. Didn’t happen. This was from Reuters® tonight:
“The charges against Rittenhouse in Kenosha County include first degree intentional homicide in the death of Anthony Huber, who was carrying a skateboard when he was gunned down.”
Well, technically Huber was “carrying a skateboard.” But Reuters™ failed to mention that Huber was using that skateboard as a weapon to smash in Kyle’s head right before Kyle allegedly shot Huber. This is clearly shown in the picture above. Sadly, Huber’s string of domestic abuse convictions will have to end at two, and the world will be deprived of his skateboarding. It’s like saying that JFK was not able to comment after a mostly peaceful ride through Dallas. Technically true, but still a lie.
The reaction from the Leftist-controlled media is proof – if you’re not taking flak, you’re not over the target. The Kyle Rittenhouse story scares them to death. A young man, with a gun, saves his own life while trying to do the right thing. The biggest irony is that every bit of information about the people he allegedly killed or wounded shows that these people, like George Floyd, like Jacob Blake (allegedly shot seven times while allegedly going for a weapon after allegedly resisting arrest in Kenosha) appear to be failed human beings. Drug addicts. Violent. Pedophiles. Wow, the Left sure chooses heroes from the wrong side of the track. I’m sure they’ll show a heart of gold by the end of the movie.
The person in opposition? A 17 year old kid who wanted to be a cop who was seen scrubbing graffiti off walls earlier in the day. This scares the Left more than anything. They want every city to be as lost and broken as Portland. But the lesson here is that cities fight for themselves. Why would people from Montana come to the rescue of Portland? The people in Portland made the mess.
Kenosha means, in Potawatomi, “the place of the pike.” Wonder what the Potawatomi translation is for “the place of the AR”?
One 17 year old has pulled the underwear tightly up the butt of the Leftists in America. One. That’s why they are frightened of him. This is the same way that society was afraid of Rosa Parks. Here was one man, standing up for his rights. He stood up, even though he was 17, to fire and chaos.
Can a black woman sit in the front of the bus? Sure. Can a 17 year old defend himself from people trying to kill him? Sure. And all of the virtue signaling in the world won’t save you from the Left. They have proven that, again and again.
Well, honestly, it’s not like Unitarian Universalists believe in anything, anyway.
Kyle Rittenhouse has just been notified that the same attorney that atomic-wedgied the Washington Post® for Nick Sandmann is now on his side. And, I hear, he has a funding site from this news article (LINK).
If real justice is done, Kyle Rittenhouse will be out of custody within a week. I’m not holding my breath. But now the Right has a face. A story. And the real truth about what it takes to fight and beat the Left. Honesty.
And a 17 year old boy. Remember, the victory of the Right is inevitable. Not necessarily today. Or this week. Or this year. Or this decade.
Remember, we are stronger than the Enemy, or enemy, ever will be.
And smile.
For the last several years, most of my memes have been forged in my underground meme foundry. These are all “as found” on the Internet – thanks, /pol/. Comments are mine.