Bad Luck, Diversity, And Bank Robbers

“Isn’t it supposed to be bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony?” – Kill Bill Volume 2

I got mugged by six dwarves.  Not Happy.

There is such a thing as bad luck.  A neighbor of mine told me a story of when he was a kid.  He and his friends were throwing dirt clods at another group of kids.  Now, I remember doing exactly that.  Dirt clods were perfect for throwing because when they hit the ground, they exploded in a puff of dirt that I pretended was a grenade.

Pretending I was blowing up my friends.  Huh, sounds like a Unabomber childhood when I put it that way, doesn’t it?

Regardless, my neighbor said that one of the other kids got a dirt clod in the eye.  Why threw it?  I don’t think they ever figured that out, but my friend was the only one sued.  Why?

Every cloud has a silver lining.  Except a mushroom cloud.  That’s probably cobalt or strontium.

His dad owned a bank.  As I recall from the story, his dad’s insurance company ended up settling the claim.  No one said, “Oh, bad luck.”  There certainly doesn’t seem to be a place for bad luck in our world, but sometimes bad luck really does happen.  I mean, once upon a time a fortune teller that I would have to suffer with eight years of bad luck.

“And then things get better?”

“No, you stop suffering because you get used to it.”

To me, this seems unfair, but remember Law School Lesson 101:  never sue poor people.  It’s a variation of the Willie Sutton school of law, when he responded to the question of why he robbed banks with the answer of “Because that’s where the money is.”

I want to own a bakery just so when someone walks in and points at a cake and asks, “Is this gluten free?” I can respond, “No, that’s $16.50.”

That’s one part of the equation, but the second part makes it really rough:  massive damage awards.  Ask Alex Jones about the nonsensical $1 billion jury award against him.  Why not a trillion?  It’s not like Alex Jones has a billion dollars, and it’s not like they can strip being “Alex Jones” from Alex Jones, so if they take Infowars™, well, he’ll be in business the next day with a new company.  And if they take that, yet a new company.

Poor people are lawsuit-proof because they don’t have money.  Alex Jones is lawsuit-proof because (like James O’Keefe) his company is him.

Since most companies can’t hide behind the idea of being Alex Jones, they have to have a defense.  The defense?


David Hogg has personally sold more AR-15s than Palmetto State Armory®.

If a company does the same thing the same way all of the time, and if every other company does that exact same thing the same way every time, it’s now a Standard.  While a company can certainly be sued if they screw up, it’s a pretty good defense to say what Ma Wilder described as a weak excuse, “Well, everybody else is doing it.”

So, if you ask Proctor and Gamble™ if they would jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it, the answer is probably something like:  “If that would help us actualize projected profits in the near term and help build organic growth in the sector, that would be a strategy we would engage with.”  Or, in human terms, yes, yes they would jump off a cliff if everyone does it.  Sadly, this throttles innovative products.

This also leads to a herd mentality in large companies.  “Does Disney™ have DEI?  Well, looks like we need DEI, too.”  These companies realize that there is safety in numbers.  Sure, they want to be different, but they all want to be different in the exact same legally non-actionable way.

If being a diversity hire is a good thing, why don’t we publicly name them so they can celebrate it?

This (in part) has led to the extreme pliability of the companies to Woke propaganda, and their quick rebound once Trump was elected.  Was Google© all in for Kamala?  You bet.  Has Google™ swapped their maps to “Gulf of America” at the same time removing Black History Month©, Pride Month™ and scrapped targets to not hire white guys?

Yes, yes they have.

This surprised me.  I was expecting these companies to keep being part of the ResISTanCe since they actively opposed Trump during his first term.  Either they were neutered during and by the pandemic, or they’re horribly afraid of Trump and Elon.  Or they’re worried about the inevitable wrath of Barron when he reaches his full height of 65 feet (1 kiloliter).

In the end, there really is “bad luck”.  Now, I don’t think that everything is bad luck, I mean, when that double amputee tried to rob a bank?  That wasn’t bad luck.

After all, he wasn’t even armed.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

20 thoughts on “Bad Luck, Diversity, And Bank Robbers”

  1. I recently read the Unabomber Manifesto. Kaczynski was pretty much on-point for a lot of things. You can disagree with his methods, but he wasn’t wrong.

  2. Speaking of being unarmed….

    She’s got a GoFundMe page because apparently Canadian socialized medicine doesn’t cover everything. Huh. Who knew.

    I’m wondering if this shark attack in Turks and Caicos is because Elon has riled them up…

    Or maybe Dr, Fauci has moved on from beagles….

    …to sharks….

    1. “I’m wondering if this shark attack in Turks and Caicos is because Elon has riled them up…”

      Probably not, but we’ll know if Elon has been there if a Turks and Caicos baby mama shows up next year with Elon’s latest love child in tow. You think that someone that smart would know how to use protection (or better yet, get a vasectomy). Of course, there’s an awful lot about all of this that just screams intelligence asset.

      John, Do you think PEZ will ever introduce a commemorative set that includes all of Elon’s baby mamas? Or better yet the DOGE staff members (I’m guessing the Big Balls PEZ dispenser would quickly become a collector’s item)? I’ve got some liberal in-laws who are hard to shop for and it would make a great Christmas present.

  3. The pic of the two pilots is Bad Luck personified. Especially if you’re on a 737.

    Bad Luck (maybe) was last Friday, when I sped up to pass a semi, and it “spit” a pebble right into my windshield. So, tied up all afternoon at Safelight today, instead of being at Palmetto State Armory out in nearby Mt. Pleasant taking target practice.

    Never worked in Corp America, but stuck in a cubicle from 9-5 and having to put up with idiot DEI hires at meetings would be my personal hell. Much less having to take orders from a DEIdiot.

  4. “…keep being part of the ResISTanCe…”

    “Resistance”, my arse. All of those “brave, stunning” proclamations by corporations (including hyoooge Warlabs, Inc., where I ply my trade) were the result of nothing more than some spineless jellyfish from the C-suite stepping outside and pulling his finger out of his nose to gauge which way the wind is blowing. For a mercifully brief moment a couple of years ago, we were greeted at every remote login with a splashy banner insisting that “Warlabs, Inc. stands with the Black [sic] Community [double sic] against racism!”

    A more truthful disclaimer would have been, “Warlabs, Inc. folds like a lawn chair out of crippling fear of lawsuits by underachieving diversity hires.”

    As a result, I’ve been quiet quitting since it used to be called Goofing Off. Solitaire, anyone?

    1. Roy, Grandpa Jones, Archie Campbell & ?????

      We were at a Carroll Co., MS county line joint on US 82 in April 1974, warm Friday night around 1030 or so. Senior at State, graduating in May. Drinking with Orman Gee III, among others. Orman was a legend. Dead now, too much CocaCola.

      Looked at the jukebox, saw a song by Johnny Paycheck on it. Sorta laughed to myself. Next day on “Hee-Haw” the special guest was Johnny Paycheck singing “Take This Job & Shove It”. Whatta hoot.

    2. I have many fond memories of watching Hee-Haw at my grandparent’s house, and have sung that song a million times. Along with “Where, oh where, are you tonight…”

      Um, back in the day I had quite a young teen TV fan crush on Cathy Baker. She was sweet.

      1. We all did. Except my thoughts were more explicit. And unlikely to happen. Never did. Asked my old compadre Ham Wallace (Belle Meade/Bama SAE) about her. No comment.

    3. Can you imagine if Hollywood remade Hee-Haw today?

      At least 2/3 of the cast would be black with Buck Owens/Roy Clark being replaced by Beyonce and Jay-Z. LuLu’s character would be replaced by one of the cast of RuPaul’s Drag Show and the Hager brothers slot would be filled by the Olsen twins. Cathy Baker would be recast as Selena Gomez while the roll of Grandpa would be played by Ellen DeGeneres.

  5. The DEI thing started out as mostly just a form of protection money. You paid it by hiring a bunch of black women and then Jesse Jackson and his ilk wouldn’t make a stink. Along the way people started to take it seriously. Even now you won’t find anyone in corporate HR that wouldn’t affirm that “diversity” makes their company better despite the lack of a shred of evidence this is true.

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