“If I owned a company, my employees would love me. They’d have huge pictures of me up on the walls and in their home, like Lenin.” – Seinfeld
And how do we get rid of communists? We Oxycute™ them!
We’ve talked about the bigger picture recently. The bigger picture includes Elite Overproduction and The Wealth Pump. What we haven’t discussed so much is how the Left subverted so many of our institutions. I think we have the why down pretty well, but let’s go to the “how” of the situation.
It starts with Vladimir Lenin: “Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state.”
Yup, Lenin said that. Or at least someone typed that he said that. I mean, someone besides me. And when Lenin said it, it was probably in Russian and I imagine he needed a breath mint, because I always imagined he’d smell like cabbage and B.O.
How does Stalin drink water? GULAG, GULAG, GULAG.
Regardless, Lenin’s idea was to propagandize kids from the start. And, in the Soviet Union, he could get away with that because the Soviets had the secret police and the bravado and the people thought they were at their mercy. I think Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn said it best:
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
If . . . if . . . We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
In the United States we were entirely different – there has yet to be a secret police that could act with impunity against Enemies of the State. Oh, sorry, forgot about Ruby Ridge and Waco and January 6 protestors and the ATF and FBI. I guess we do have one, but ours is on a shorter (for now) leash since they still have to pretend that the Constitution exists.
I’d tell an ATF joke, but I can’t compete with their supervisors.
But to get to where we are now, things had to start to rot. The rot in America really started in academia, specifically colleges. And, the colleges that were targeted were the education departments of the colleges. Why?
Here’s Lenin’s statement again: “Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a socialist state.”
Now, in my experience, teachers generally start teaching when they’re in their early 20s and stop sometime after they become petrified wood. I think my kindergarten teacher was born in the late Triassic, but my first-grade teacher was maybe 22.
If you’re a Lefty in a rural farm school district, you’re not going to get away with much, especially if the other teachers are all married and religious conservatives. But over time, bureaucracies always swim Left. I recall the first really Leftist teacher that showed up at my school. She was fresh out of college, and was a substitute. She went on a long rant about income redistribution and lots of other commie talking points.
Someone said I make too many graphs, but I know where to draw the line.
Since it was middle school and she was a substitute, she got about as much respect from the students as Joe Biden would if he guest-hosted Jeopardy!, which is zero. “You know, you have to answer the question in the form of a question like my dead son, who was in the military did.”
These teachers had to bide their time, move into the administration, and slowly build a majority. Of course, this didn’t happen all at once, it evolved. And once it evolved, it did what Leftists always do: they radicalized themselves more and more until only the most Leftist idea survives. I was blessed to have “conservative” and left-leaning teachers, but no real Leftists.
But in the big cities and in Blue State?
Lenin would be proud.
But that’s only a part of it. Pop culture is important, too. I recall reading once that because Fonzie in Happy Days said, “The Fonz don’t go to sleep without sweet smelling teeth,” that toothbrushing doubled among the 8- to 14-year-old set.
I fell in love with some blood, but it was all in vein.
Propaganda works, and the younger you get the kid, and the more hours that you have with the kid, the deeper the hook sets. That’s where television came in.
Before the big cable invasion, before the Great Fragmentation of the streaming services and multitudes of video sharing services, there was the Big Three. CBS®, NBC™, and ABC©. These three dominated the airwaves, and produced content that was beamed directly into the brains of Americans from when they got up to when Pa Wilder turned off the TV after watching the 10:30 weather.
In between, it was filling brains with Leftist propaganda. Norman Lear (who just died) was one of the biggest proponents of Leftist propaganda on television, and made tens of millions. It really was Lear who made me question if the ideas of freedom and nationalism that I’d had since I can remember could ever be funny, or if the only humor could come from the Leftist perspective.
Of course, I know now that the brainwashing didn’t hold, and that we’re actually a lot funnier than the Left because our humor is based on Truth, and the only way that they’re funny is when they set up a construct. In order to poke fun at the Right, they had to construct an Archie Bunker and use him as their strawman. And Norman Lear created him. And had shows that showed that stronk womens don’t need no man (On Day At A Time).
Why are divorces expensive? They’re worth it.
Those shows weren’t aimed at parents – they were aimed at kids, so Norman could pump his Leftism into their brains when the teachers were off duty.
Norman made millions attempting to destroy everything that made American culture strong, and when Reagan was elected, Norman took is tens (if not hundreds) of millions and tried to continue on building a cultural subversion mechanism, People for the American Way©, which, even now, funnels money to Leftists.
This subversion took decades, of course, and it brought us to where we are.
Thankfully, the tide is turning. Home schooling is great for counteracting Leftism impact on kids and more people are opting for it. Places like Modern Mayberry don’t care much for Leftism in schools. The media chokehold the Left had forever is weakening – they can’t channel our minds on just three channels for 12 hours a day.
Let’s look at the other side:
“Give me your four year olds, and in a generation I will build a state of free men that won’t yield to tyranny.”
Do we want to win? We have to show up. With our children.