“But the dream is collapsing!” – Inception
When I was in high school I tried to bungie jump from the school flag pole. I failed, and ended up being suspended.
We are witnesses at the biggest collapse of a political movement since the fall of the Soviet Union. As then, it was a GloboLeftist organization bent on world domination. In this case, it’s the infestation of the GloboLeft mind virus in Western Civilization
The collapse is not yet complete – the liberation of Europe and Australia/New Zealand is still in the future, but I have hopes that will happen for reasons I’ll outline below, as well as the hope that was rekindled in me when I heard Rosie O’Donnell had moved to Ireland.
First, why is the GloboLeft collapsing? They were winning and on the cusp of winning in a “forever” way. They had the institutions: colleges, the educational establishment, the foundations, congress, the military leadership, big business, and most of the court system.
And yet it is all unravelling at a rapid pace.
Again, why?
First and foremost, it’s because the GloboLeft want to lose. They have always placed themselves in the role of the “plucky resistance” to power. Note that when the latest Star Wars™ trilogy came out, the GloboLeftists at Disney© wrote it as if The Return of the Jedi never existed.
If there’s one thing that GloboLeftists love to do, it’s use either Star Wars® or Marvel™ movies as a metaphor. How many times did you see the GloboLeft flocking around some strained X® metaphor where Donald Trump was Thanos™?
Yeah, a lot.
GloboLeftists should become Buddhist monks. The more “ohms” they have, the more resistance. (meme as found)
But while the behavior of the GloboLeft is based on pure hatred, however, that hatred is mainly a hatred of themselves. This hatred has made the GloboLeft the champions of everything that a Death Cult would want.
Want proof? Their actions speak more loudly than the reeeeeee of a feminist on a slut walk:
- Throwing themselves in front of traffic as a form of protest, daring drivers to run over them. This is not something that a person who has any desire for self-preservation does.
- Treating abortion as the highest of sacraments. Women have aborted more children since 1972 than every death ever in every war, and people march for it. Yay death!
- Wanting to have Zero Population Growth©, at least in white populations living in traditionally white countries.
- Wanting to destroy all of society so that it can be decarbonized. You know, because wanting to burn it all down is a healthy emotion.
- Welcoming invaders from the cultures in the world that are the most different and share the least with their own culture as if this is normal and good. This is because people who live in Somalian Sharia states and Colombian Cartel communities are just the same as the people from Modern Mayberry.
I guess a Vietnamese equivalent to “John Doe” is “Hu Dat”?
This is because GloboLeftists blame those people and things closest to themselves, first. This happens in roughly this order:
- Themselves, which is why nearly half of GloboLeftist women have a diagnosed mental disorder.
- Their family, which is why they so often have gone no-contact over the smallest of slights.
- Tradition, which makes them welcome anything alien and degenerate, and reject principles that have worked for humanity for thousands of years.
- Their country, which they want to watch be either destroyed or burned to the ground.
- Their race – how many white girls Xeet© “I hate all white people” or some variant phrase? By definition, does this mean that white girls hate white girls the most?
- Their species. Why else do they want to destroy us so the world can heal? What would solving Global Warming Climate Change matter if humanity wasn’t there to enjoy it?
Trump made this visible to the Normies. The silly positions of the GloboLeft are now on display for everyone to see. Men are women? Truth is a lie? Strength is weakness? Perhaps one of the most telling moments for the GloboLeft was a single line in Trump’s recent address to a joint session of congress:
“We didn’t need new laws [to stop illegal aliens], all we just needed was a new president.”
What happens when the normies realize that the GloboLeft are Agent Smith?
The GloboLeft hasn’t figured this one out yet, either. They’re currently working on “messaging”. What is messaging? It’s an attempt to effectively package their positions so that they can be communicated to the voters, but it’s as useful to them as lipstick is useful to Rosie O’Donnell.
I’ll give them this bit of political advice, for free:
It’s not the message that’s wrong, it’s the ideas that are wrong. The people have rejected them, and are overwhelmingly rejecting them. The pretty little lies they tried to peddle:
- Men are no different than women,
- Chinese are no different than Indians who are no different than the French,
- Being a woman is something anyone can be,
- Spending ourselves to prosperity is a reality, and
- The United States should be the one paying to stop AIDS in Africa, rather than letting Africans figure what causes it.
This comes with change. One of those changes has and will be in economics. I believe that Trump is, right now, working to create a very selective recession, and that recession is among the GloboLeft.
Will it ensnare folks on the TradRight? Certainly, it will. But I’d imagine that 96% plus of the employees at USAID™ were so GloboLeftist that they woke up in the morning mad that the communist famines haven’t started yet.
How is a punchline like a starving communist? If you spend too much time explaining it, it dies.
The cuts in the Education Department won’t actually impact education in the United States, but it will end up with thousands of people who were committed to getting that LGBT+ message out to the kindergartener set losing jobs and having to consider how they can positively impact society. Ha! Just kidding. They’ll try to figure out a new grift.
This recession will end up, I believe, breaking the back of inflation while gutting those jobs that the GloboLeft death cult infested. DEI is disappearing, and I, for one, can’t wait until I’m driving in a major city and see some blue-haired beast holding a sign that says, “Will make you hate the white race for food”.
I also know that she hates being without Cheetos®.
Hmmm, who will pick those crops after the illegal aliens are sent to the El Salvadoran prisons?
I can only guess, but I think there is a chance that we’ll have a much brighter economic future with GloboLeft defanged.
Is there a long, long way to go in the long hike toward our inevitable victory?
There is. And it’s not time to set up camp just yet.
I, for one, don’t want to stop until the very ideas that were at the heart of the GloboLeft have been so reviled that children cry when they hear about their excesses.
Oh, and Ireland? You can keep Rosie O’Donnell as our gift.
Unrelated: the last witch burning in Ireland was on March 15, 1895.
Still better than when my deck is covered with waterfowl from Lisbon. No one likes the Porch-o-geese.