Health as a System – Or, Ignore What Keith Richards Does and Treat Your Body Like A New Tesla.

“Think big, think positive, never show any sign of weakness. Always go for the throat. Buy low, sell high. Fear? That’s the other guy’s problem. Nothing you have ever experienced will prepare you for the absolute carnage you are about to witness. Super Bowl, World Series – they don’t know what pressure is. In this building, it’s either kill or be killed. You make no friends in the pits and you take no prisoners. One minute you’re up half a million in soybeans and the next, boom, your kids don’t go to college and they’ve repossessed your Bentley. Are you with me?” – Trading Places


It’s a new martial art – we call it “Slap-foo.”

I’ve been posting on health topics weekly for, well, over a year every Friday, which is well over fifty posts on health (my basic math is still intact, so my senility is at least another week off).  The Friday health posts have examined some important relationships between all sorts of issues, and generally attempt to tie back to things that impact (or will impact) our health, health care, and the future of what technology might do to health care and longevity.  It’s a pretty big topic, and well within the blog’s mission, which was stolen shamelessly from Benjamin Franklin’s “healthy, wealthy, and wise” quote.

But what I haven’t done is look at health from a bigger picture.  Health as a human system.  Let’s examine the human body as if it were a Tesla® Model 3™ or any other engineered system.  That car rolls off the assembly line (or not, if it’s a real Tesla©, they seem to be having trouble making them) in as good a condition as it ever will be.  Every moment, every mile degrades a system in one way or another.  The tires get worn down by the road.  The batteries experience a slow failure as they are charged and discharged.  Your Elon Musk™ bobblehead gets faded by ultraviolet rays.  The paint gets chipped by a rock from the road.  And yet, we can look at the systems that impact the life of the car in a dispassionate way because they’re governed (mostly) by things that we can analyze, failures that we can predict based upon way we use and treat the car.

So how is a human body different?  In many ways it isn’t.  Human longevity depends on many predictable, controllable factors that determine how long and how well a human will function.  It reaches its peak genetic health at birth, its peak physical health between 16 and 30 (depending upon the system) and then ages.  What determines how long this machine lasts?  How much of it do we control?

Quite a lot, really, and it’s simpler than you might imagine (though I didn’t say it was easy):

Diet – if I were to pick my number one choice for something to focus on for longer human life, it would start here. “You are what you eat.”  “Don’t be such a pig, John Wilder, and save some for the rest of us.”  “No, you don’t have to finish off the second plate of fettuccini alfredo.  That’s not the way to stick it to Olive Garden®.”

I’ve discussed this on numerous posts – and it appears that a low carbohydrate diet is demonstrably the best in many respects.  But sugar tastes so good, even high fructose corn syrup.  Obesity is one that more and more people struggle with every year.  It’s a major factor in heart disease and cancer, too – the number one and number two killers.

If you want to live longer, start with diet.  It’s hard, and society is making a frowny face at you if you don’t conform.  But in the end, you (and I) control the fork . . . .

Here are a couple of relevant posts from the past:

Doritos, Obesity, Addiction, and Nic Cage

Diet, then Exercise. Diet first. Atkins and Paleo work.

The Link Between Sugar, Cancer, and the Kardashians

Exercise – this is my number two on the list. Exercise tones and trains the body, so that when you die you will look awesome at your funeral and also helps you lose weight so that you don’t need thirty pallbearers.  I kid.

Exercise is clearly related to a stronger body.   It’s clearly related to a healthier heart (though it’s not a cure all for heart disease).  It’s clearly related to lower incidence of cancer.  And it’s clearly related to smaller pants (which helps with stress, below).

If you’re not exercising and are healthy enough to do so, exercise.  Duh.

Russian Wrestlers, Pylometrics, and You’re Probably Not Trying All That Hard

Sitting? Death. Get up. Neal Stephenson says so.

Stress – third on my list of factors influencing how long you live, stress seems to be a byproduct of modern life. But many of the things that stress us are chosen, and most of those things we choose to stress out about are based on future consequences that will never happen.  Stress is dangerous for nearly every system that you require for operation:  your brain and memory deteriorate under long-term stress.  Your heart and blood pressure are aggravated by stress (and stroke risk increases).  Negative behaviors like eating a whole cake, or living on a diet that consists entirely of pre-made frosting tubs (chocolate sour cream, of course) increase with stress.  Tobacco use increases.  Alcohol/drug consumption increases.

Sure, you say, but what are the negative behaviors?  I kid.  But long term consequences of stress and the behaviors that we engage in to cope with stress kill 4 billion people a year.

Okay, not 4 billion people a year.  But it’s not good.  According to one source, stress-related conditions are responsible for 75% of doctor visits.  Stress is a contributor to the top deadly conditions (heart disease, cancer, accidents, suicide) in the United States.

So what do you do?

Surviving Stress, Still Proudly Caffeinated

Superpowers, Stress, Ben Franklin’s Nails

Relationships and Social Engagement – having friends is key to living longer. While it may be related to stress reduction, I think it’s more than that.  Engagement in something that gives your life meaning and purpose is inherently fulfilling.  And it gives you something to look forward to each morning when it’s time to get up.  Being married is also key.  Having people you can share with – you can confide in – makes you stronger.


Recently, however, people doing more social interaction on places like FaceBlock® or Tweeter©, and these interactions don’t and can’t replace taking a five mile hike with your son or a spirited conversation with your family, just like you can’t fight evil with a macaroni duck.

Lonely? Ditch Facebook, Find Real People. Live Longer.

Friendship and Health – and When Friendships are Made . . .


macaroni duck

Lifestyle – other lifestyle factors can greatly influence your lifespan, especially if you overdo them:

  • Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking – I would say these might void the factory warranty, but Keith Richards is still alive. I also had a relative that smoked several packs of cigarettes a day.  And slipped in the shower and died when she was in her mid-seventies.  Those are outliers – be moderate in your vices.  Ben Franklin and his Thirteen Virtues


  • Sleep – Get enough. Too little will hurt you and make you fatter over time. Sleep Deprivation, Health, Zombies, and B-Movies
  • Be Wealthy – everything is easier if you’re rich, and that’s part of the mission of this blog. So get a lot of money, or change your name to Richard.
  • Personal Safety Habits – I had a dream that my youngest son was using my table saw to turn trees into planks. He kept putting his fingers near the blade.  NOOOOO!  Don’t do that.  Be . . . at least a little
  • Supplements – Might some help? Sure, but you have to have your basics (above) in place.  Vitamins and You

Sure, there are things you can’t control and that are difficult to assess:

  • Bad luck –
    • Accidents,
    • Meteors,
    • Being a skinny marathon runner who has a heart attack
    • Being Job, that guy from the Bible. (Never be the subject of a bet between God and Satan – it’s like being Dan Ackroyd from Trading Places.)
  • Genetics – Ever see a family of fat people? Or skinny people?    Some people just have those genetics.  And if you’re lucky you’ll have the “only allergic to being stabbed and are impervious to cancer” genes.  Heck, I’d settle for Keith Richards’ genes.

Luck aside, if you control your diet, exercise, stress, relationships, and lifestyle, you could live 10 to 20 years longer – you can get a lot more mileage out of your Tesla® if you take care of it.  That is, if you can get one . . .

Again:  I am Not a doctor.  NOT A DOCTOR.  Not a doctorNot a doctorNot a doctorDoctor. 

NOT A DOCTOR.  So see a real one if you think you need to.

Sleep Apnea, CPAP, and how the Medical Mafia is Killing You

“Did I never tell you? I suffer from sleep apnea.  That’s why I had to bring this guy with me. My CPAP machine.”

“Oh, my God.  Did you just rent that so you could have your own bed?” – The League


So, to demonstrate how sleep apnea occurs, I cut a cartoon cadaver in half.  It’s messier than it sounds – ink went everywhere.    Fortunately I had lots of ACME towels to sop it up.  But then the towels exploded.

It looks like this cadaver died from being shot in the mouth with blue arrows.

Recently, The Mrs. sat me down and said that she was worried that I might be snoring . . . a bit too hard.  I disagree – I assured her that I had never heard myself snore, so she must certainly be in error.  Especially when she indicated that the snoring had, on several occasions, triggered tsunami alerts in Hawaii, and we live firmly in flyover central northern Upper South Midwestia.

I started doing some research.  Snoring’s not dangerous, right?

No.  Snoring can be deadly.  Very deadly.  Like 40,000 deaths a year in the United States (at least).  That’s more people than Rosie O’Donnell drives to suicide monthly.  Wow!

How does snoring kill you?

Cardiovascular disease.  Car accidents.  High blood pressure.


Turns out that snoring, especially loud snoring, is a sign of sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea is where the “sleeper” periodically stops breathing for 10-60 seconds, up to 80 times per hour.  This, in turn (simply, neither of us are going to med school) causes a plethora of piñatas problems.  Increased carbon dioxide causes parts of your brain to die.  It also causes your heart to freak out, and beat harder and faster to get more blood moving.  It may even lead to shots of adrenaline that keep you from sleeping soundly.

The end result is you’re tired, all the time.

Your heart is getting stressed out, every night.

You are getting (subconsciously) stressed each night as you periodically are suffocated.  By yourself.

The causes of sleep apnea are fairly common.  Be an aging dude, be overweight.  Have allergies.  Have a thick, football player neck.  In turn, this leads to more weight gain, daytime sleepiness, heart attacks, strokes, and car accidents from drowsy drivers.

So, you’re saying, “John Wilder, you’ve convince me that this can kill me.  What on earth can I do about it?”

I’m so glad you’ve asked.

Give up drinking, smoking.  Lose weight.  Sleep on your side.

See the problem?  Drinking is certainly possible to give up, but why would you want to?  (I mean besides all the documented health benefits).  Losing weight is hard enough, but sleep apnea actually changes your body chemistry so it’s harder to lose weight.

What’s the solution?

CPAP.  (I’ve most often heard people pronounce this as “see-pap” as in “See Pap’s eyes as he has another heart attack???”)  The symptoms (including snoring) that you might need CPAP are being drowsy during the daytime, drowsy driving during the daytime, nodding off after Thanksgiving Dinner, and generally being able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat.  I thought I had a skill – I could fall asleep anywhere, anytime, generally in thirty seconds or so.  It turns out that it might just have been sleep apnea, curable by CPAP.

CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Air Pressure, and not Constant Peer Alcohol Provision, as one might think.  Uncharacteristically, it is one of the three things invented by Australians that don’t involve alcohol, marsupials, or Australian Rules Football.


Back when ESPN® was good, it would show Australian Rules Football at 1AM.  All the guys on my high school football team watched it, mainly because the referees were so . . . amazing. 

As I was saying, Dr. Colin Sullivan, AC/DC fan and uncle of Angus Young (I made that up to make him more interesting) was a guy who treated people with sleep apnea.  At that time, the prevailing treatment method was a tracheotomy.  Yes.  They would cut a hole in your throat to stop the apnea.

So, Dr. Sullivan figured that there had to be a better way, even if it was less cool than slitting the throats of his patients.  He experimented with dogs (dingoes, maybe?) and must have found a group that snored but that didn’t drag off babies.  Here was the first CPAP.

After he got it to work with a patient whose throat he was going to cut open.  He put that first CPAP on the patient, and the patient had seven great hours of sleep in the first time since forever.  Unlike throat slitting, this was a medical procedure with no significant adverse side effects.  None.  Sadly, Dr. Sullivan deprived thousands of doctors of the joy of cutting open patients as the first commercial CPAP machines went on the market in 1985.

Now the crazy facts:

  • 22 million Americans are probably suffering from some degree of sleep apnea.
  • Machines are relatively inexpensive, with many costing less than $350.
  • Only 10% or so of sleep apnea sufferers have machines.
  • Sleep studies (required for the prescription of this harmless but helpful machine) cost between $600 and $5,000.
  • 40,000 Americans a year die from sleep apnea.
  • John Candy died from complications related to sleep apnea.
  • William Shatner has sleep apnea.

The facts speak for themselves.  Lifesaving technology is being kept hostage to gatekeepers that could be replaced by software or a cellphone app at very low cost?  Where have we seen this before?  If we let Silicon Valley “disrupt” sleep apnea treatments we’d probably have machines costing less than a $100, since your cell phone would become the machine brain and the data would be uploaded to some cloud site and analyzed and tweaked in real time to provide even better performance and better apnea control (hint: as a business idea).  Heck, it could even provide a real-time alarm if it saw actual life threatening patterns developing.

Oh, yeah, when I wrote about optometrists (LINK).  There’s a low-cost way to get a very accurate (I can attest) prescription.  But they want to scare you.  As would anyone who saw a lucrative meal ticket floating away.  Such as anyone who does sleep studies.  These are gatekeepers that server a very limited role in society today – their skills can be replaced inexpensively by technology.

I talked to someone I know from work (he doesn’t work at the same place as I do, but we talk frequently.  I asked him if he had ever used a CPAP.

“Man, that’s the best thing ever.  I love it.  I have been using it for years.  If you travel you will forget your toothbrush, your underwear, your deodorant, but you will never forget your CPAP.”

John Wilder:  “How was the sleep study?”

Him:  “Sleep study?  Didn’t get one.  Just ordered one off of my dad’s prescription.”

He described a fairly tough few days getting adjusted to the machine.

“But the first day you sleep through the night?  Oh, man.  You feel like you’re sixteen again.  Energy!  I woke up after four hours – more refreshed than I’d been in years.  I love it.”

As for me?  I think this system where you have to pay an artificial gatekeeper for proven, safe technology is immoral and strangles market competition and innovation.  And, as the facts would say, also fattening.  Quite literally, this market manipulation to serve a few medical professionals kills thousands of people a year, but since they have nice jobs and serve on the PTA nobody recognizes them for the killers they are – more efficient than organized crime.  More deadly than gun violence.

And the people in Hawaii are probably getting tired of the tsunami warnings, what with the volcano, they have enough on their hands.  They should take up a collection for a sleep study for me . . . or in a sane world, I’d just walk down to the store and buy a CPAP.

But the Sleep Mafia won’t let me . . . .

Repeat to yourself:  John Wilder is NOT a doctor.  Do NOT take medical advice from humor bloggers on the Internet.

Ben Franklin and his Thirteen Virtues

“Only one man in the colonies has a printing press fine enough to make these.  Our good friend Ben Franklin!”

“Uh-oh. Isn’t Franklin in Philadelphia?

“When he’s not in Charlotte or Marybelle or Louisa.” – Futurama


My friend sent me this picture of Prince and Princess PEZ®.  Because when this Royal® Wedding© is long forgotten?  My precious PEZ™ will still be strong!

(I tried to come up with a picture of a Benjamin Franklin PEZ™ dispenser.  No results.  But if you do a search on “Benjamin Franklin PEZ©” an embarrassing number of the images from this blog show up.)

Ben Franklin, at the age of 20, put together a list of 13 virtues.  He decided that he’d try to live up to them daily.  He failed.  As would we all – we’re not angels.  But, over time, he improved.  The results?  In today’s world, he’d be one of the most acclaimed physicists (electricity was a big thing back then), richest businessmen ($10-$15 billion, yes billion in today’s dollars), popular authors (his books were bestsellers), statesmen (he brought France into the Revolution on our side, and negotiated the peace treaty that ended the war), and he was an inventor – refrigeration theory, bifocals, lightning rods, swim fins, and a much improved stove.

Yeah.  Pretty much everyone on Earth today isn’t fit to butter his pancakes.  Sure, that sounds tame today, but in 1760 that meant something scandalous!  His accomplishments outshine almost everyone today.  With the exception of Brian May, guitarist from Queen®, who also holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics.

Anyway, Franklin put the lists of virtues down in his biography.  Here’s a sample page:


Notice he didn’t include Chastity in places where he’d violated his virtues??  Hmm?

I’ve decided that old me can always learn from Young Franklin, so I’ll (maybe) update you on my progress as I attempt to become more virtuous.  Why?  Because it’s never too late to get better.

So, here are the 13 Virtues of Ben Franklin (sounds like a romance novel, doesn’t it?):

  1. Temperance.

Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

Ben put this one first.  If you listen to later stories, it’s obvious that Mr. Franklin really did like to drink.  And did drink.

But he understood it well:

’Tis an old Remark, that Vice always endeavours to assume the Appearance of Virtue: Thus Covetousness calls itself Prudence; Prodigality would be thought Generosity; and so of others. This perhaps arises hence, that, Mankind naturally and universally approve Virtue in their Hearts, and detest Vice; and therefore, whenever thro’ Temptation they fall into a Practice of the latter, they would if possible conceal it from themselves as well as others, under some other Name than that which properly belongs to it.

But Drunkenness is a very unfortunate Vice in this respect. It bears no kind of Similitude with any sort of Virtue, from which it might possibly borrow a Name; and is therefore reduc’d to the wretched Necessity of being express’d by distant round-about Phrases, and of perpetually varying those Phrases, as often as they come to be well understood to signify plainly that a Man is drunk.

Tho’ every one may possibly recollect a Dozen at least of the Expressions us’d on this Occasion, yet I think no one who has not much frequented Taverns would imagine the number of them so great as it really is. It may therefore surprize as well as divert the sober Reader, to have the Sight of a new Piece, lately communicated to me, entitled The Drinker’s Dictionary.

In The Drinker’s Dictionary (LINK) Franklin listed 228 phrases to say that someone was  . . . drunk.  It amuses me (and pleases me) that the government has this on its servers.

Here’s a sample from the letter “C”:

  • He’s Cat,
  • Cagrin’d,
  • Capable,
  • Cramp’d,
  • Cherubimical,
  • Cherry Merry,
  • Wamble Crop’d,
  • Crack’d,
  • Concern’d,
  • Half Way to Concord,
  • Has taken a Chirriping-Glass,
  • Got Corns in his Head,
  • A Cup too much,
  • Coguy,
  • Copey,
  • He’s heat his Copper,
  • He’s Crocus,
  • Catch’d,
  • He cuts his Capers,
  • He’s been in the Cellar,
  • He’s in his Cups,
  • Non Compos,
  • Cock’d,
  • Curv’d,
  • Cut,
  • Chipper,
  • Chickery,
  • Loaded his Cart,
  • He’s been too free with the Creature,
  • Sir Richard has taken off his Considering Cap,
  • He’s Chap-fallen.

And that’s just drinking.  Franklin also had a pretty good appetite.  Around here we call drunk “too many Gorns for his cannon.”  Stupid Gorns.

By the time he was in France in 1883, he required four dudes to carry him around.

But the fact is that he did try to control himself.  And did, at least long enough to make your accomplishments (and mine, too) look like a four-year-old’s drawing of a car.

franklin snake

Franklin drew this.  Oh, yeah, he was a noted political cartoonist, whose legacy lives in our national symbols.

  1. Silence.

Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation. 

As anyone who knew him would tell you – Franklin was a talker, and a leader.  But he learned . . . that he didn’t learn anything when he was talking.  He learned when he was listening.  He even formed a club that he called a “junto” dedicated to self-improvement.  By its nature, Franklin had to listen.  And learn.

This probably didn’t include chatting up the ladies, but did include not being an idiot, as quoted by him in Poor Richard’s Almanack:

“Silence is not always a sign of wisdom, but babbling is ever a mark of folly.”

But also from Poor Richard’s Almanack, you could see that Franklin had a hard time holding it back:

“Sloth and Silence are a Fool’s Virtues.”

Again, Franklin put his biggest vices at the top.

  1. Order.

Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.

Yeah, this one nearly toasted Franklin:

“Strangers who came to see him were amazed to behold papers of the greatest importance scattered in the most careless way over the table and floor.” (LINK)

Franklin had a lot of trouble with this virtue.  By all accounts he failed – and throughout his life he was a messy, messy guy.  Which was cool because he was a billionaire scientist.  Me?  I’d have hired people to fix up my stuff.  But . . . Ben probably wouldn’t have found that virtuous.

  1. Resolution.

Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

Franklin was pretty good about this one.  He managed to accomplish almost everything he set his mind to, which might have been his downfall for practicing the first three perfectly.

  1. Frugality.

Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.

Franklin wrote a lot about frugality.  A lot.  Volumes.  “A stitch in time saves nine.”  “Close the door, you’re letting all the heat out – what are we, the Rockefellers?”

franklin hat

Franklin was so concerned about frugality that he regularly wore his cats as a hat, rather than spend money on buying a real hat. 

And his points were simple.  Be happy with what you have and you’re happy.  Don’t spend your money on worthless crap – save it or use it for your business instead.  But to get wealth you had to pair it with the next virtue:

  1. Industry.

Lose no time; be always employ’d in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

He coupled frugality with industry.  Work hard, save your money, and you will be wealthy.

In 1760 this might have worked, but I’ve seen a zillion people that work hard and don’t spend much money.  You have to have industry about things that matter.  Franklin was cheap, sure.  But Franklin also served thousands and thousands of people from the colonies.  He made his fortune not by spending less, not by working hard, but by spending less on crap and working hard on things that provided value to people.

And that’s still the road to fortune today.  Make people happy?  You make yourself rich.

  1. Sincerity.

Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

It’s certain that Franklin had to shade the truth a bit in his role as a diplomat in France.  He most certainly had to say things that aren’t true.  And, it’s certain that he had . . . mistresses.  So, there was an older part of him that wasn’t quite so innocent.  Still – as advice goes – this one is golden.  Tell the truth.

  1. Justice.

Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

This version of justice is one I can get behind – you do justice by not hurting people, or, by not withholding what is your duty.  On a dark and stormy night, I will help someone.  By calling 911.  I’m totally not letting them into my secluded lakeside cottage so we have to fight after I figure out they’re evil killers.

  1. Moderation.

Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

John Adams and Ben Franklin were travelling with the Continental Congress and there were two rooms left for three travelers.  No this isn’t a joke – there were no priests or rabbis involved.  The Continental Congress could easily overwhelm a small colonial town’s hotel infrastructure, like Russell Crowe and his ego showing up at the same place and time.

Somehow (again, this sounds like a joke) Ben Franklin and John Adams got stuck with the same bed.  This is the same Ben Franklin that was a billionaire by today’s standards, stuck sharing a bed with a hayseed lawyer.  In a room slightly (slightly) larger than the bed.  With a window.  And no heating.  Adams walked into the room, and closed the window, sure he’d catch his death of cold.  Franklin walked over to the window and opened it wide, explaining how the cold air was much better for the body and health than being stuck in a suffocating room (with Adams).  Here is a description of the night from Adams:

“The Doctor then began an harrangue, upon Air and cold and Respiration and Perspiration, with which I was so much amused that I soon fell asleep, and left him and his Philosophy together.”

Adams and Franklin never really got along well together.  But if I were to guess – Ben regularly broke Rule Nine.  You can’t throw yourself into industry without avoiding moderation.

ben franklin electricity

Franklin flying a kite in the rainstorm is not a great example of moderation.  It might be closer to a mental problem?  Thankfully he has all of that underage labor to help him . . . .

  1. Cleanliness.

Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.

As you can see from the previous virtue, Order, this didn’t mean that everything was put away – it meant that everything was clean.  And Franklin was big on being clean.  He regularly took baths.  Air baths.  He’d stand completely naked with the window open so he could get clean with the cold Philadelphia air.  It’s reasonable to think that Ben smelled better that most of his contemporaries.  And was cleaner.

But you don’t want to look in his window during his air bath . . . ewww.

  1. Tranquility.

Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

Ben picked this, because this wasn’t him.  At all.  He was a person who went for the jugular vein in any argument.  As noted above, he would lecture your for hours on his theories just to have the window the way he wanted it.  As a virtue – it’s an awesome one – stoic.  And we can see why Ben tried to make himself better.

  1. Chastity.

Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.

Ben earned a solid F on this virtue throughout his life.  There are some historians that count up to fifteen (15!) illegitimate children of Ben Franklin.  Fifteen!  He had more kids than an NFL® cornerback!

But he didn’t have a kid with every woman he had sex with.  He favored women past the age of menopause, so that translates to him having amorous adventures with LOTS of ladies.

  1. Humility.

Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

Franklin added this because, when speaking of pride he said:  “for even if could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility.”

Jesus he picked clearly because of his attitude of service to humanity.  And Socrates?  Socrates felt he knew nothing.  Now Socrates also felt that, even though he knew nothing, the rest of Athens knew even less.  So, there’s humility, but the kind of humility that gets you some nice hemlock.

Despite his failures, Franklin’s pursuit of virtue made him better.  Had he not done that, perhaps he would have been known differently to history . . . .



Mood – It’s Your Choice. Mostly.

“Oh, dear!  Her mood swings are getting wilder.  She’s becoming a slave to her emotions, just like all women!” – Futurama


What kind of mood does this make you think of?  If you said “salty” – you win!

Mood is mostly a choice.  When I said that to The Mrs., she said, “You know NOTHING about women.  Men can compartmentalize.  With women, everything is all connected.”

This video makes her point, and it’s long-ish, but fun:

But I’ll stick by my original assertion – mood is mostly a choice.  You get to choose how you feel (again, mostly – some significant outside events can drive your mood, but on a day to day basis, you get to choose.  And yet . . . some people will intentionally seek out content (websites, radio stations, television shows, books) knowing that the content will make them mad.  You see these same people at protests and counter-protests.  They seem to seek and maybe even enjoy feeling angry and feeling like they’re a victim.

It happened to me, and I wasn’t even looking to get angry.  I listened to a radio station on my drive to and from work that had a basic political position that I don’t agree with.  And that was the reason that I listened to the station – I wanted to be exposed to different opinions.  Mine aren’t always right, and I’m more than willing to debate from an honest, open position my fundamental beliefs.  From time to time I even change them, but that can’t happen unless I review my beliefs and examine them.

But that wasn’t what was happening.  Instead of new ideas to kick around in my mind, I found that the arguments coming from the radio weren’t ideas – they were essentially mindless, direct partisanship.  And it made me mad.  So started listening to music – but there are only so many times you can hear the same thirty songs from the rock music station.  And the morning talk on the music stations was . . . embarrassingly idiotic.  I got tired of my CDs, too.  So I shut it all down, and now I drive to and from work in silence.

Silence was hard at first.  I think that in today’s society we are accustomed to a constant sensory overload from waking until sleep.  Confronting eighty minutes of silence a day was a new challenge.  And it felt pretty good after a few days.

Outside of our moods, what else do we sacrifice when we get angry about things we can’t control or change?

Our health.  Longer term anger increases anxiety levels, and blood pressure.

Anger also crowds out creativity – it kills unique thoughts, kills concentration, and sets a single mood – a bad one – which will keep producing the same thoughts.

And you can choose your mood.  And I choose . . . a slight itch under my watchband.  That’s a fine mood for a Friday morning!

So you’ve hit bottom? Great news!

“Hitting bottom isn’t a weekend retreat.  It’s not a damn seminar.  Stop trying to control everything.” – Fight Club

American Dog Gothic

One of the oldest digital pictures on my computer.  I think these folks are from my mother’s side of the family . . . she said they were farmers.

There was a moment in time when it was almost . . . just too much.  My moment was at 10pm one night in March in the (now) distant past.  I had been up since 6am, and at 10pm was the first minute I had that was for me that day.

The day started early – I had to get my daughters up and ready for school – and then drop them off at the day care right as it opened at 7am (I’d made their lunches the night before).  Then, off to work.  Work lasted until 5:45pm, which was the last time I could leave and not miss the day care closing time, which was 6pm.  I was a manager, so work meant long hours.

I’d take my daughters shopping for groceries once a week.  The three of us ate for (generally) about $25 a week – which involved no eating out and quite a lot of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese® or Hamburger Helper™.  Lunches for the girls were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Pretty much daily.

After shopping?  Back to home to cook dinner, do dishes, and work on homework with the girls.  Then make sure they bathed and toss ‘em into bed while I did a load of laundry.

Then it was 10pm.  Me time.  On Saturdays I’d get up with the girls and make breakfast (either cereal or pancakes) and then fall asleep, exhausted, while they watched cartoons.

Financially, I was in debt – the most of my life.  I had a home payment, a car payment, a student loan payment, and a lot of credit card debt.  A lot.  Divorces are expensive.  Why are they expensive?  They’re worth it.  I mentioned the $100 food budget, but every dollar was spoken for.  I wanted to play rugby for the local team, but couldn’t.  There wasn’t enough money for both rugby club dues ($45?) and eating.  So, eating took priority.

I remember distinctly being flat on my back in bed – arms outstretched, staring at the ceiling fan.

I was at the bottom.  No money.  No time for anything.  And an endless stretch of days just to start digging myself out of the mess.

Again – I was at the bottom.  And I gave up.  How stupid was I to get in this situation.  I prayed.  “I can’t do this.  I need help.”

The next day, a check for exactly the amount required arrived in the mailbox – it was a rebate from AT&T – I was in some sort of long distance plan that gave me a rebate after so long.  And here it was.  I could play rugby.

But who would watch the girls?  Good friends (who I still owe!) would.

Every day after I hit bottom got better.  Every day.  It seems that when you’re at the bottom, every step, in any direction, is a way up and out.  Eventually I got enough money so we weren’t living close to the edge.

I got promoted at work.

I got raises.

I got in shape.

I met The Mrs. – at the exact time and place where I was a better guy, and the world was headed my way.

Eventually, I clawed my way out of debt.  And the lessons I learned walking out of the bottom of the pit, however slowly, are with me today.

When you’re at the bottom – the only way is up.  What can you pick up down there and bring back up with you?

Doritos, Obesity, Addiction, and Nic Cage

“Good evening, sir. My name is Steve.  I come from a rough area.  I used to be addicted to crack but now I’m off and trying to stay clean.  That is why I’m selling magazine subscriptions.” – Office Space

nic cage rage

Now I’m gonna hum that song all day long.

What if . . . your food is actually an addiction, like heroin, tobacco, the metric system, or Lady Gaga songs?

I heard just a little bit of a radio talk show where the guest made that comment.  Well, kinda made that comment.  I embellished just a bit.

How on Earth could your food be addictive?

Humans have been eating food for as long as there have been humans.  Before that, they ate rocks.  Small ones, better for the digestion.  But humans were stupid, so our ancestor’s brains encoded subtle signals that made them think that sweet things were amazingly good.  That meat tasted wonderful.  That eating enough fat should make you feel full.

These signals directly from the food, sometimes.  Cheese contains casein.  I know that “casein” sounds like what you do to a bank before robbing it, but in this case it’s a protein found in milk.  And casein is found in dairy products, like cheese.   When you eat it, your body begins the process of digesting it.  And in digesting it, it turns it into opiates called casomorphins.  Yes.  Your body turns cheese into drugs that make you want to eat cheese.

When I eat sugar, I can feel it.  There’s a reason that parents think that kids are hyperactive, and that’s because they are.  Sugar hits the bloodstream very quickly, and stimulates an insulin response that plays hell with the endocrine (“Endo” is from the Latin for “Stupid name that George Lucas would use to name an Ewok® or something” and “crine” comes from being sad, as in “it’s a crine shame”) system.  We certainly didn’t have sugar in quantities 5,000 years ago, so our bodies developed a strong, positive response to this extremely energy-dense and reactive group of molecules.

It’s my guess that we’ve changed (via breeding) the nutrition that we get from our plants.  The corn (maize) of today doesn’t look much at all like the grass-looking plant that humans started breeding thousands of years ago to turn into the massive ears of corn.  It’s certain that the protein balance and other aspects of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrate content have changed as we made corn what it is today.

So far, we’ve only touched on foods that were at least related to stuff we ate 5,000 years ago.  A native American from 1500 B.C. would recognize corn, kinda.  He’d recognize meat.  But he’d have no clue about what to think about a Ding Dong®, Twinkie™, or Nachos BellGrande®.

Bold John Wilder Assertion:  Modern foods have led us to a place far enough and fast enough that our digestive systems, brains, and hormonal system can’t even remotely begin to cope.

What evidence is there for this assertion?

Doritos® have more than 40 ingredients.

Wonder Breadâ„¢ has over 14.

The bread the Amish make has five.  Remove sugar, and you’ve got four.  And that makes yummy French bread.

Let’s think of the processed food that we buy in the supermarket (or convenience store) differently.  These foods aren’t the same as they were forty years ago.  They’ve been faced with the ultimate evolutionary system that the modern world has to offer:  the free market.

Markets are amoral.  They provide the product that people purchase, not the product that people need.  Markets are ruthless.  If no one buys a product, the product will cease to exist, quickly.

And what do we buy?  We buy things that we like.  Things that taste good.  Things that we crave.  What could be a better seller than food that has been taste and market tested to be something that is . . . addictive?

If you look at the data, you can see plainly that obesity had accelerated greatly in the United States.  If you were planning on hurting the place, you couldn’t have done a better job.  Sadly, there are too many changes that have happened during the time period to be absolutely certain about what happened.  The Internet hit.  Smart phones were invented.  High fructose corn syrup replaced sugar in lots of things (and it is different than sugar in how it is metabolized).  Air conditioning became more common.  Nicolas Cage started doing movies.


This isn’t good.


It isn’t getting any better.

It’s entirely possible that our changing food consumption has nothing to do at all with our changing obesity rates.  It’s probably all due to Nic Cage.


Maybe the food sticks to your ribs?

As I’ve pointed out before, there are many, many mysteries about being human.  It doesn’t make it easier to track down what’s going on in this experiment when the world is changing so very fast.  My take?  Our parents were skinny (mostly).  Why?  They ate food with mostly few ingredients.  Steak.  Eggs.  Broccoli.  Potatoes.  Lettuce.  Butter.  Milk they just got from a cow.  And they also expended more calories without washing machines or dishwashing machines.  And they were colder in winter and hotter in summer.

So, of the things that have changed, I’d bet that food is at least a part of it.  Heck, they had Coke®, but they served it in 8 ounce glass bottles, not 2 liter plastic jugs.  Mass quantities, like maybe an addict might want.

Or maybe (ounces to liters?) . . . it’s the metric system that’s making us fat?

Smoking, Health, and the (Very Small) Risk of Spontaneous Combustion

“Someone is either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There’s no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are, and be that. If you’re a nonsmoker, you’ll know.” – Dead Again


I sense a contradiction in these signs . . . can anyone help me figure this brain teaser out?

One of the more notable downsides to being a human is that there are numerous activities that you can do that (apparently) have no significantly bad effect on you.  Smoke?  Sure. You might cough some tomorrow, and your mouth might taste pretty ugly for a day or two, but everyone knows that smoking’s not bad for you, right?

Smoking even has some pretty good immediate impacts – smokers weigh less than non-smokers.  And a smoker who quits – gains weight, so there’s a direct negative effect tied to giving up smoking.  Plus, when you have a smoker who quits smoking, their brain has to rewire itself.  Huh?

If you’ve been using nicotine regularly for any length of time your brain changes.  Nicotine has an impact on almost everything you love by increasing the level of serotonin in your brain.  What does serotonin do?  Not much:  serotonin helps to regulate mood and social behavior, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and sexual desire and function.  Oh, and it increases your mental acuity and speed of thought processing.  And (early on in using it) it gives you a nice buzzy feeling of peace.

I’m not sure about you, but if you add in football and beer, well, that’s most of life.  Just “quitting” nicotine means impacting . . . everything about your life that you like.  I’ve heard it said that nicotine is tougher to quit than Wonder Woman®.  Oh!  That’s heroin, not heroine.  My bad.

Yes.  Your brain has to rewire itself.  Full disclosure:  I’m a former tobacco user (not a smoker) so I know about this personally.  I takes three days for the immediate nicotine to drop to nearly zero in the bloodstream.  It takes three weeks for the brain to not be foggy every day, and three months for the brain to (more or less) completely rewire.

Second full disclosure:  I really like nicotine.  When I turn 65 or when the doctor gives me a short timespan on the Earth?  I’m going to take in all of the tobacco.  Get a tobacco suit.  Bathe in tobacco water.  Use it as toothpaste and underarm deodorant.

Nicotine is easy to start, easy to love, and has some great short-term properties.  What’s not to like?

Well, there might be some longer term problems – not so much with nicotine (which might mess with your heart after decades – but probably isn’t much more of a risk factor than being fat) but with the delivery system.  Inhaling buckets of smoke daily for thousands of days in a row might be bad for you.  Who knew?  And chewing tobacco and vaping appears to have (some relatively minor) increase in risk of several cancers plus some heart stuff.

But when you’re feeling that wonderful feel from tobacco, 23 year-old-you doesn’t care a bit if 65 year-old-you gets lung cancer, because 23 year-old-you is pretty sure that aging is what happens to other people, and not to 23 year-old-you.

That’s the other thing about the brain – it prioritizes things that are happening to you, right now, today over things that might happen to you in the future.  And each of us values that future differently.

The “different value” of the future is apparent when we look at different deals.  Would you prefer $50 today from me, or $50 from me three months from now?  Everyone (except three-year-olds) will pick “now”.  Tons of things can happened in 90 days.  You might spontaneously combust.  You might get hit by a tiny asteroid while out walking your pet penguins, poodles, and parakeets.

Okay, what if I offered you $100 in three months?  That sounds like a deal many people will take.  You realize that spontaneous combustion and tiny asteroids aren’t all that common.  You decide that a risk is worth it to double your money.  But even this deal is situationally dependent.  You might really need that $50 to buy more trashbags so you can throw away all of your Star Wars® dolls action figures after that horrible last movie.

This is what economists call a “discount rate” – it’s literally how much you discount the probability of a future event versus your present needs.  Most often it’s used with money and a specific percentage is used, but in the end, it’s all about how different people value the future.

Why do we value the future differently?  Beats me.  And, I think it beats everyone.  And it’s certainly not the whole story (LINK):


The first study examines health-related variables associated with making tradeoffs between the present and future, including body mass index (BMI), exercise frequency, dieting, and smoking. The authors find that the discount rate is a significant determinant of BMI, exercise, and smoking and that it can explain 15 to 20 percent of the variation (or differences in these variables across people) in each of these measures. Interestingly, no other variable explains as much of the variation as the discount rate. When the authors create an index of these four health variables, the results are even more striking – the discount rate explains one-quarter of the variation in the index, while no other variable explains more than one-tenth.

Thankfully, our tax dollars went to study the correlation between how people do deals involving money and whether or not they exercise.  In the end, the answers appear to be pretty messy.  People smoke, because . . . maybe . . . they like it?

Some people might even need it.

80% of schizophrenics smoke versus 20% of the population.  The one (actual, diagnosed) schizophrenic that I knew smoked constantly.  It turns out that the nicotine from the cigarettes regulates the dopamine thingys in their head/brain thing, and is a pretty substantial benefit.  Schizophrenics smoke a lot, and are (from everything I’ve heard – from real doctors) actually amazing good at self-dosing with cigarettes to provide themselves meaningful benefits, and, well, not be as crazy.

Humans are complicated in their behavior, even when not schizophrenic.

What is the impact of a choice today versus an outcome in the future?  Does the first bite of cake care about the second?  Not really, but your discount rate may tell you how much you eat.

Oh, and back to tobacco:

So why did I quit?  Three reasons:  to (1) see if I could, to (2) lower future health risks (self-diagnosed) and to (3) stick it to the man.  Tobacco products are heavily taxed.  If I can voluntarily lower tax payments and then live longer so I can drain Social Security?

Yeah, count me in!

(John Wilder is NOT a doctor, except in an amateur, Civil War doctor sort of way when extracting splinters from Pugsley and The Boy, so please don’t consider this medical advice.)

Russian Wrestlers, Pylometrics, and You’re Probably Not Trying All That Hard

“When the game is on the line, a winner wants the ball in his hands.” – The Replacements


A miniature version of The Boy prepares for a match . . . he now weighs 200 pounds.

The other day I was on Amazon.  Yes, I know.  The fact that I cannot walk into my living room because of all the little boxes shows I might spend too much time there.  Anyway, I was looking for hair regrowth tonic that actually works and carbohydrate free sugar cookies options for fitness equipment for Pugsley and The Boy.  One of the things that I saw was . . . a box.  You can buy it here (LINK).


I don’t get any money if you buy a box.  But you do get a box.  One box.

The idea of the box is that you . . . jump on it.  That’s it.

What led me to the box I was watching a video of Александр Александрович Карелин.  Oh, sorry, you don’t speak Russian – that’s Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Karelin spelled out in the strange chickenscratch that Russians use as a secret code that Putin and Trump devised so we can’t decipher their messages.  Karelin was an internationally ranked wrestler for a while.  Like for five Olympics.  In fact, his career record is 887 wins and two losses.  His nickname is “The Experiment.”  Because he could do 42 pullups.  And he weighed 285 pounds.  His signature move?  Lifting 285 pound people off the mat and tossing them up into the air so they landed on their shoulders.

The Experiment.


A quote from Aleksandr: “They call me The Experiment because they cannot conceive that every day I train harder than they have ever trained in their lives.”  He might be just a bit intense.

Aleksandr was being interviewed in the YouTube® video I saw, and they showed the obligatory clip of him working out.  One of the exercises he was doing was repeatedly jumping on a box that was 24” or 30” high.  I was impressed.  285 pound guy jumping that high?  Wow.


Here’s a picture of Aleksandr.  Yeah, that’s a 285 pound human he’s going to toss into the air like a ragdoll.  Not sure why they need tanks if the Russians have more guys like this around.  Oh, and he’s buddies with Putin and has both a doctorate and a law degree.  Don’t you feel like an underachiever now?

It turns out that “jumping on boxes” is known by the $250 per hour consultant word, “pylometrics.”  From the Latin root Pylo for “pile of” and the ancient Greek word “metron” which means “communist measurement system.”  Pylometrics came to world attention when the Soviet track and field teams of the 1970’s were turning in absolutely amazing performances.  One trainer thought, “hey, it must be all of the jumping on boxes stuff that they’re doing,” and completely disregarding the simpler theory of, “win Olympic medals or we’ll shoot your family.”

Regardless, as noted above, he renamed it pylometrics so he could charge $250 per hour to talk about it.

Well, if one of the best wrestlers ever to live thought that pylometrics should be a part of his routine, well, why not?  (Previous post:  Pugsley decided he wanted to be an NCAA champion in wrestling.  (LINK))  If you’re going to try to be the best, you emulate everything you can about the very best people you can find.  Everything.  Pugsley even has a poster of Putin up on his wall now.

So, I was on Amazon, totally not looking for hair tonic when I found the boxes shown above.  Did I say boxes?  Yeah.  I saw the picture and expected three.  Turns out that a cube exists in three dimensions, so they delivered just one box with three heights – 16 inches, 20 inches, and 24 inches.  It turns out if you rotate the box . . . well, you get the picture now.

The Boy put it together when it arrived, but then he had to leave, so that left Pugsley and I in the wrestling room with the cube.  To be frank, I was concerned that Pugsley wouldn’t be able to jump up on the 16” side and we’d have to get something smaller.  I was hoping that it wouldn’t hurt his confidence to have to jump on the “short box.”

He set it with the 16” side facing up.  He jumped, and stuck the landing on top of the box like an Olympic® gymnast.

John Wilder:  “That was awesome.  Okay, try 20 inches!”

He tried once, twice, and was up on top on the third side.

John Wilder:  “That was amazing!!  Try 24 inches!

Pugsley:  “No, I can’t do that.”

John Wilder:  “Try.”

He jumped up.  Not quite.

Again.  A miss.

Third time?  He stuck to the top of the box like there were magnets in his feet.

Also this month, friend was doing Crossfit®.

Things you never need to guess about a person:  if they are vegan, if they drive a Prius®, or if they are in Crossfit©.  Now if you find an actual human that does all three of these things, you might have found a smug singularity – beware or you might get sucked into the smug . . . . (my friend isn’t smug, just often sore after working out).

Anyhow . . . when working up to a max in the deadlift (the king of all lifts) my friend tried to stop at 100 pounds.  She thought that was enough.  Too hard.

Her coach encouraged her – and she maxed out at 180 pounds.

Most days we have no idea of the things that we are capable of, if only we try.  The thing that generally limits your life is . . . you.  If you want to be the best, you have to start by working like the best.  And believing in yourself.

You might not get there, but you’ll know that you didn’t hold back.  You’ve put the game in your hands.

I know where you could go to buy a box . . .

Mental Illness, Dunbar’s Number, and the Divine Right of Kings

“I thought I alone considered your boyfriend a narcissistic moron, but the whole galaxy does.” – Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


The Tribe begins its annual war, an ancient rite known as “dodge ball.” 

What if we’ve been looking at mental health . . . all wrong?  This may be the most interesting thing you read all month, maybe all year.  But that’s just what a narcissist would say . . .

I was thinking the other day (a dangerous thing to do, I know, thinking is something to be left to those that work at universities and in congress) and had an idea.  Maybe (some) mental illness has a purpose.  I’ll explain, but first I have to explain Dunbar’s Number, which, of course, is named after Kim Kardashian.  I’m kidding.  Dunbar’s Number is named after Caitlyn Jenner.

Robin Dunbar, British Psychologist, looked over the size of the human neocortex (not Neo-Cortez, who would take over the Neo-Aztec) and after playing with a particularly plump and pleasant neocortex, decided that brains just might have something to do with how humans relate to each other.  The neocortex is actually the newest (in a biological sense) portion of the brain, and allows humans to do complex things, like talking, snorkeling, and making microwave ramen.

Dunbar looked at primate group brain sizes, and compared to the size of the neocortex to the size of the primate “group” or tribe.  After running the math, he predicted that humans should have a group size of around 150 – it’s related to the size of working memory that you have about other people.  The commonly accepted maximum stable group size (average) is 100-250, which explains why I need to have my children program the streaming box hooked up to my television – my working memory is full of details like the shoe preferences of the administrative assistant at work from six jobs ago.

Dunbar further theorized that larger groups could only stick together under strong survival pressures – you’d have to be pressed to work together by a fate as tough as death.  Why?  Because people are tough to deal with.  And it takes time to deal with people, rather than strangle them.

One potential reason that the “Dunbar” number for people could be higher than predicted is language.  Whereas other primates have to use non-verbal cues like body-slamming them, people, after the advent of language, can talk to each other so they can explain why they are body-slamming you.  For that reason, especially when dealing with modern (the last 12,000 years or so) humans, I favor a Dunbar number in the 250 range.

There is some validity to the number.  Anecdotally, I’ve been involved with a company that had two divisions in the same area.  One had 120 or so employees.  The other?  It had far greater than 500 employees.  I observed that the smaller division operated as a single unit.  Every employee knew every other employee – and they knew about their families, their hobbies, and their history.  Did that consume time?  Sure.  You couldn’t just go over to talk with one of them – the entire social greeting took at least 10 minutes.  You had to catch up.  And that’s the way that close relationships work – you can’t just say “hi” and walk on, you have to catch up with each other.  That explains why when I come home, The Mrs. wants to talk and stuff.  We’re engaging in a practice that’s at least thousands of years old.

The larger division had broken up into various factions based on job functions.  These factions looked like little tribes – each had a leader, an agenda, and they fought against each other regularly, often over nothing.  And each of these fights ended up hurting the company.  Gore-Tex® found the same thing – they built buildings for 150 people.  When the building filled up?  They built a new one.  They tried to keep the trust, the positive aspects of the tribes predicted by Dunbar from spilling over into intertribal warfare that happens at larger group sizes.

But ancient tribes didn’t have kid’s soccer, and FaceBorg®, and the myriad of connections that occur outside of work.  So, the Gore-Tex™ number is smaller than the “actual” tribe size.  Again, 250 seems about right.

So what does this have to do with mental illness?

Well, for a tribe to survive over time, while most members would be able to act as general “tribal” members most of the time (i.e., hunting, gathering) there would also be the need for specialist skills and attributes.  Situations the tribe might encounter (and overall group cohesiveness) require different talents.

Let’s take schizophrenia.  It’s prevalent in about 0.4% of the population.  It often manifests with being able to hear things that aren’t there, see things that don’t exist, and believe in a reality that others can’t see.

Sounds like a Shaman to me.  Every good tribe needs one, right?  Well, 0.4% is 1 person out of 250.  I got goosebumps when I did that calculation – the number seemed like a nice fit for the theory right off the bat.

Okay, what about another common mental condition?  Anxiety.  Anxiety is found in about 10.6% of the population.  So, in our tribe of about 250 we’d have about 26 planners.  26 people worrying on a daily basis about how the whole tribe would die.  These people are a pain in the butt, but this ability to dream up a constant set of disasters that the tribe could anticipate and avoid has huge survival value.  In today’s world, not so much.  Back 8,000 years ago?  This was an amazingly important skill.

About 6 of our 250 tribe would be obsessive-compulsive.  Mainly older folks.  I can see the meticulousness compulsion of the older, wiser tribal member being infectious – and leading to greater spread of learning throughout the tribe.  There are certain things you have to do right, you have to double check (think food poisoning) or else the tribe will die.  Having these super process-driven people might have been quite a help.

About 6 would of the tribe would be paranoid.  Again, like planning, it serves a purpose – but in this case the paranoia is about what other groups are doing and thinking.  Very helpful to have someone looking for the hints that the tribe will be attacked from outside.  Or, from inside.  Are you threatening me?

Narcissism?   About 1%.  Only so much room for leaders.  This would have about 2 of them in the tribe.

Psychopath/Sociopath?  About 1.2%.  So, 3 bold, direct, mean leaders of raiding parties/war parties.  It takes a village to kill another village.

kermit direction

Pictured:  Psychopath.  I like the cut of his jib! 

Outside of oral history, our hypothetical tribe had only one way to pass on information about required roles and how to do them – genetics.  Genetics matter – many of these conditions are at least partially inherited, making it more likely that the leader was . . . the son of the leader.  The shaman was . . . the son or daughter of the last shaman.

This genetic tendency to replace the leader with the leader is (likely) the source of the concept of hereditary royalty and hereditary nobility.  And, genetically, those people were likely the best leaders around at that time, and they kept breeding . . . so, there was (at least for a while) some good reason to think that the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs might be pretty good choices for kings.  They were bred to be kings.  Now:  perhaps a bit too much cousin-lovin’ (LINK)?

So, yeah, all of the roles required for a self-sufficient band are built within our genetic profiles – but some of them aren’t valued so much in our current society – we don’t need a half-dozen war-band leaders in every high school.  And, as far as I know, this is an idea I developed (more or less) independently.    Which is also something a narcissist would say . . . hmmm.

Time Goes By Too Fast? Blue Öyster Cult, Pascal, and Ben Affleck May Save Us Yet

“All Rome rejoices in your return, Caesar.  There are many matters that require your attention.” – Gladiator

eated it

Memes – a tool of attention control?  Or cats with eated cookies?

One curse of modern life is . . . always being in a rush.  A hurry.  Where is the time?  How do you expect to do that?  It’ll take hours to do that?

And it’s a constant refrain now – we end up at midnight wondering . . . where did the day go?  The rush?  It adds to stress, and stress clearly causes health problems over time.

Yeah, that time we don’t have enough of.  Where did all of our time go, anyway?

I seem to remember that Blue Öyster Cult (in the song Burning for You) promised me . . . “Time everlasting, time to play B-sides . . . “

So, where is my time to play B-sides?  (Historical note:  In order to hear a stupid song you liked, it was required to buy either a full album, or to buy a “single.”  The “single” cost less, and had the song you really wanted to hear.  On the other side of the popular song was the “b-side” – generally a song that wasn’t very popular, and never would be very popular.  Thus, if you had time to play b-sides, you were wealthy with time.  Now you can just go to the Internet and have any song ever recorded played for you instantaneously.)


The real issue now is that every moment of every day can be filled with media:  YouTube®, Netflix©, Amazon Prime Video™, Hulu©, HBOGO®.  Those are just the video services, which doesn’t include the television your television has recorded for you to watch later.

But if it were just videos, we’d be okay.  Virtually every time I type this, either YouTube® is providing background music, or one of the movies that I watch as background noise (The Accountant® is one that I like a lot, and Batman vs. Superman™ is another – don’t judge me for my Affleck Affection Affliction – my doctors says it might be curable).

Now, however, we can watch an entire television season (via binge watching) in several days – creating an immersive event that can be disorienting.

When The Mrs. and I first started watching “Lost” on DVD, well, there were several 3AM nights because we couldn’t stop watching.  “Just one more episode . . .”

Social Media

Then we add in interactive online experiences – FaceBorg®, Twitttttterrrr©, SnapGram™.  These are experiences engineered to grab your attention.  Twitter shows you a notification when it wants you to see the notification to maximize your engagement.  There’s nothing random about these web services.  And you’ve probably heard this before, but if they’re not charging you to do it, you’re the product.  With these social media services, you are completely the product.  FaceBird© expected to make $27 from the data it harvested . . . from each user.  Who paid?  Who knows?  Let’s just say your late night searches have drawn . . . some attention)


Not pictured:  Cambridge or Stanford.

Cambridge and Stanford (the universities, not the two dudes named Cambridge and Stanford that were Muppets®) did a study, and found that with 10 likes FaceBlog© knows you better than a work colleague.  150 likes?  They know you better than your parents know you.  300 likes?  They can beat the Persians at Thermopylae.  Just kidding.  They do, however, know you better than your spouse.  And everyone knows the Persians are still on MySpace®.


Only this many likes and then FaceBlock® says . . . THIS IS SPARTA!

And if they know you better than your spouse?  They can certainly figure out your moods, the things that will get and keep your attention.  Why?  Their income depends on your attention.

The News

The news is becoming ever less based in truth and more and more polarized.  So, the news isn’t only fake, it’s biased.  Examples?  After Trump was nominated for President, a news reporter did a straight news story that Trump had asked a woman with a crying baby to leave a campaign rally.  Did he do it?  Yes.  Was he kidding?  Well, yes.  Humor is a powerful way to connect with a crowd – watching video of the event later, it was pretty obvious that it was a joke.

Both sides do it.  It was reported that a “doctor” had reviewed Hillary Clinton and found that she had some form of cerebral palsy.  Clearly, that would be devastating for her bid for the presidency.  Clearly, there’s no evidence of the palsy post-election.

So, the news becomes polarized like a 120 volt outlet, all charged up to make you care passionately about things you’ve never heard about before.


All of the above are available to you everywhere and anytime.  I can watch a movie on a tablet in bed while I check my phone to see how many people liked my last Tweeet®.  It used to be (in the long-before time) that this level of immersive and up to date media was available only in limited locations.  Now?  Anywhere.  Work.  Working out.  Driving to work.  Driving home.  At dinner.  And throw your work e-mail on top of that so you can read the thought your boss had at 2am when he woke up to let the dog out.


  • You feel rushed – you have eliminated downtime. Back during the Revolutionary War, learning about the results of a battle might take weeks.  Now?  When ISIS was attacking in Iran halfway around the world from here, there were nearly-live videos uploaded to YouTube®.  And we can watch the Kardashians doing . . . well, whatever parasitical thing they’re doing today.  (I’m not saying that they’re exactly like human tapeworms, but there are a lot of unsettling coincidences . . . .)
  • Your ideas never have time to develop? How could they?  They’re always being trampled by the ideas and opinions of others, couched in the most emotional manner possible to elicit the largest surge of anger or fear they can muster.
  • You lose the ability to focus and concentrate – there’s always some media begging for your attention at the periphery of your consciousness. Check that email – it might be important!  (Hint:  it might be important once a month.)
  • Shopping – for anything, anytime. Your commercial desires can be met instantly.  Need to order ammunition for an AK at 8AM?  Sure!  Need to order posters for a protest parade at a podium?  Sure!
  • Boredom with the mundane. Mundane literally means “Earthly.”  I can co-pilot a TIE® fighter with Darth Vader©.  I can grab a YouTube© video showing Russian teens at the top of the tallest building in Moscow.  Live view a rocket launch?    What can awe and inspire a generation that has experienced so many events virtually?  Oh, wait, you search for ever more esoteric adventures.  And you’ll find them – but none of them will occur around your location.
  • Video games, where you can expend hours achieving great goals, saving civilizations, destroying enemy fleets, founding empires. Great, pre-programmed goals.  Other people’s goals.  Goals that aren’t yours, and, when accomplished, aren’t at all real.
  • Preoccupation with news that has no impact on you, and that you have no control over, yet about which you are made to feel deeply that you’re willing to fight the other side to the death.   Seems legit.

Why do we do this to ourselves?


This is Blaise Pascal – who had a nose larger than any ship in the current Canadian Navy, but wasn’t quite as smart as Newton.  This irritates the French.  Note the Blue Öyster Cult symbol in the background . . . Pascal was a rocker!

  • Mindset that our activity is our accomplishment.   Our accomplishment is our accomplishment.
  • The mathematician Blaise Pascal said (roughly, this is my translation of what I remember he said in French because I’m too lazy to go to my library to look it up – heck, I even marked this passage when I first read it and am too lazy to go and check, but I’ll get close enough because, well, I’m John Wilder) “Activity distracts us, which removes our attention from how wretched we are.”
  • We’re being manipulated (not in a tinfoil hat way, but in a shareholder value way). FaceBrick® makes money off of you.  Off of your eyes.  Off of your attention.  Off of your habits.  It’s not a conspiracy that businesses will do whatever they can to make more money from you, even if the long term consequences aren’t in your best interest.  But it is in their best interest to put in front of you the stimulus that they figure will give them the proper response.

Coping – How do I deal with it?

  • I don’t listen to the radio during my daily commute. That leaves over an hour without any media – any static.  It took about a week to get used to it, but now I use that time to think – to plan for the day or night ahead.  To think about the next post.  To think about . . . anything.  But the thoughts are my own.
  • When we go out to eat as a family, phones in a pile on the table. We’re there and discuss what each other think.
  • At work, I’ll sometimes take e-mail breaks – where I won’t review them for hours at a time.
  • Sitting without distraction to focus on a single problem or task. I find that, for me, music helps with the focus.
  • Writing daily the list of things that I really have to do. This will probably be its own post in the future.  But I use and actual pen and pencil, and put it on actual paper.  It makes a difference.

The trends are clear – barring a global war, great depression, currency collapse, or regional war near here, our attention span will be fought over on a daily basis.  If you want to accomplish anything real in your life, if you want to avoid the stress that comes with the constant emotional treadmill, you have to come up with a strategy.

Thankfully?  I have my willpower.  That, and Ben Affleck movies.  I can mostly ignore them.  Hey – is Ben Affleck . . . my B-side?

If so, that makes me wealthy, indeed!