“Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but it sounds damn saucy, you lucky thing! I know some fairly liberal-minded girls, but I’ve never penultimated any of them in a solar sojourn, or for that matter, been given any Norman tongue.” – Blackadder The Third

If we have a boogaloo, let’s hope it’s a short one. I’ve got a dentist appointment next Thursday.
If you’re reading this on Monday, December 30, congratulations! It’s Penultimate Day! This is the holiday that the Wilder’s celebrate every December 30. Why Penultimate Day? Back on December 30, 2012, The Mrs. wanted a new cell phone. We drove an hour and a half south to a Best Buy® (the nearest place that sold cell phones) and then didn’t buy a cell phone. After that, we ate at Olive Garden® and drove home.
I think this was, perhaps, the disaster foretold by the Mayans that ended their calendar in 2012. As is inscribed in ancient Mayan on the calendar: “When the pale people from the north can communicate no more, and instead decided to eat a tasty pasta dish, perhaps with fresh-grated Parmesan cheese (say when!), that shall be the end of time.”
Or my translation may be off. Regardless, we are now celebrating our seventh straight Penultimate Day, and as you read this I might be not buying a cell phone, or perhaps having some sort of bottomless salad and breadstick combination at Olive Garden©. Olive Garden’s™ motto is “when you’re here, you’re family©,” so I borrowed $50 and decided I’d never pick up when they call and insult them behind their back.

Remember, when you’re here, you’re part of the Olivegarchy.
You can join in on Penultimate Day, too. Simply go to a place that cells cell phones that is south of your house. Then, don’t buy one. Finally: eat Italian food. Sure, that’s not the purist version and you might be burned at the stake later for heresy, but, you know, Italian food.
My Penultimate Day post is also the post that I use to look back on the year to talk about the biggest story of the year. In 2017, it was the verified UFO video from the military (Penultimate Day and The Biggest Story of 2017), in 2018, it was the loss of trust in our society (Happy Penultimate Day 2018, and the Biggest Story of 2018: Societal Trust). The 2017 link comes with a (very) short story that I wrote in a Marriott® bar.
In 2019, the main story is the unravelling of society.
The main stories in all of the news is about that unravelling this year. And it’s not just in the United States:
- Brexit/Boris Johnson in Great Britain.
- Yellow Vest Protests in France.
- Hong Kong Protests in Cleveland.
- Impeachment.
- Left and Right Polarity.
- Your family at Thanksgiving.
- AntiFa® violence in mom’s basement.
- Popularity of Stories About Impending Civil War in the United States.
We know trouble is coming. The topic I’ve written about that’s gotten more views than any other this year has been Civil War 2. How divisive is society today? In an example of whistling past the graveyard, a hypothetical future conflict has been referred to as Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. This has shortened over time to just Boogaloo. This is, of course, is a tribute to that classic of Western cinema Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, a 1984 film about breakdancing that I’m sure you all have seen.
Deciding that they’d like to prove my point about the unravelling of society and the Left being a bitter, humorless bunch of that make the people at the DMV look like a jovial group of partygoers, members of the Left have decided that even the term “Boogaloo” is nearly hate speech. Yeah, I’m not surprised, either.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
William Butler Yeats wrote the above as the opening of a song for the band Iron Maiden®. Sadly Bruce Dickenson rejected it on the grounds that all of the members of Iron Maiden© took a vote and decided that they would all be born sometime in the future when guitars were just a bit more electric but yet not too boogaloo.

Yes, Iron Maiden did an 18 minute metal song about a poem written in 1798. And it was glorious.
Instead, Yeats settled for using those lines for the opening of his poem The Second Coming a hundred years ago in 1919, and during this time he was writing about what he saw as an unravelling: an unravelling of science, an unravelling of governmental structures, and an unravelling of heterogeneous communities. He looked back at the deaths caused by the pointless World War I and its deformed stepchild – the Russian Revolution, and saw an ending of one world, and the birth of the next.
These destroyed structures were built on speed and modernity. What did Yeats see replacing the modern world?

Kardashians are planning on acknowledging their Wookie heritage in a new reality show.
Yeats continued with a vision as ugly as a Kardashian in a swimsuit:
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
What did Yeats see replacing the modern world? Mysticism. Power. Blood. He was right. 1919 was crappy, but the 20th Century was about to get a whole lot worse. He concluded:
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Yup. Creepy. And Iron Maiden definitely should have recorded this, whether they were born or not.
Yeats’ vision is what we are living through again right now – the ending of one age, and the beginning of another. This crisis cannot be driven by food shortages. There is more food now than at any time in history. It cannot be wealth – there is more individual wealth in the nations experiencing tumult than at any point in their histories. It cannot be my hair. My shiny scalp? Sure. Not my hair.
Certainly there are problems – I think that the people the Z-Man (LINK) calls the Dirt People (which almost certainly includes every reader of this blog as well as your constant writer, me) are experiencing an economy driven by and for the Cloud People (the Deep State, the Financial Elite). Regardless of who you voted for in 2012, you knew that Mittens Romney and Barry Obama were on the same team, and it wasn’t your team.

This might be where the Z-Man got that meme – at least it was the first thing I thought of. And it explains sky-high real estate costs . . . .
In the end the reactions we’re seeing in society in 2019 (Trump and Brexit) are just that – reactions to a society that has gone too far Left, too fast. Leftists never realize that all they have to do to enact their Socialist Utopia® is wait. Instead, they smell the blood of the Right in the water and decide that it’s time to end the waiting. Right now! Because after making the conscious decision to borrow $375,000 for a degree in cooking, they now know that college (and those vacations to Europe on spring break!) is a right and should be free.
What do Leftist want? Complete control. When do they want it? Now. Impeachment is a technique for power and control, not enforcing the law, since at no point has anyone been able to articulate a law broken by Trump. Nixon? Conspiracy to commit a break-in. Clinton? Perjury. Trump? I still haven’t heard about a law that he broke that isn’t some sort of fashion or etiquette rule.
Trump is not a savior. Trump is a symptom. The Leftist reaction to Trump is yet another symptom. And the inability to wait for an election that is less than a year out is yet another.
The Right is never the instigator of issues like this – there is a reason the Right is called reactionary – it reacts to the Left. The Right just wants history to stop. The Left wants change, and will look for any time to work for it – especially when society is functioning well. The Left is like a wife who sees a fully functioning family, home mortgage nearly paid off, 20 years until retirement and says, “You know what? Things are going well. Let’s burn it all down.”

As long as Stella gets her groove back, that’s all that’s important, am I right?
And the change the Left wants is never gradual – it is Revolution™. The Left wants to destroy the existing social orders and replace them with Leftism. As we’ve seen in the past (Robespierre, Stalin, Mao, Mangos and A Future That Must Not Be), Leftism always ends in a bloodbath, either as those on the Left kill everyone to the Right of them, or a cagey leader like Stalin kills all of the people to the Left of him.
This is the context we see ourselves in today. All time high on the stock market, and all time high (excepting 1859) on the polarity seen in the United States. We are splitting apart.
How does this end? I think, if past trends for America have been true, there will be freedom. America may not look like it does today – I think I’d actually bet money that it won’t. There will be significant changes, and I think it will be very difficult for Washington D.C. to impose its will on Michigan, Montana, or Missouri if the peoples of those states are unwilling.
This is the last post of the ‘teens – my next post will be in the Tumultuous, Turbulent Twenties. Remember folks, you heard that here first. But you won’t hear it here last – I’m pretty sure the centre cannot hold . . . but neither will my belt, not after all of those free breadsticks.