Changing The Game

“You were looking for a way to change your life.  You could not do this on your own.” – Fight Club

I hear he got a job offer at an origami factory, but before he could start, it folded.

In a past job, I had to travel, a lot.  In a typical year, there were times when I spent 180 or more days on the road.  I was young, and it was fun.  It only cost me a marriage, but that’s okay, that marriage wasn’t worth a whole lot.

One time while traveling with a co-worker, I said, “Well, I’ve been on this flight before.  I bet we reach O’Hare at 10:42AM.”

The wheels touched down at 10:44AM.

“See, I was nearly exactly right.

Sadly, the co-worker that I was travelling with knew my game.  “Oh, John Wilder, you just picked ‘wheels down’ because it made your prediction correct.  You could have also picked, ‘at the gate’ or ‘getting the rental car’.”

I laughed.  She was on to my game.  In a system where I change the rules, I always win.  Unlike our Redditor®:

Because that’s the definition of a bureaucrat, Joe.

Right now, we have some of the greatest changes in the history of our country taking place – this week.  Trump has gone into a frenzy, signing Executive Orders faster than an Only Fans™ girl collects tips.  The hilarity of this situation is that Trump distracts people with small, mostly inconsequential things (immigration reform and repatriation), while attempting to remake the very fabric of the world (changing the name to the Gulf of America).

This makes the GloboLeft® his meat puppets as he emotionally manipulates them and drives them into overload mode.  See a big backlash?  No.  They’re shellshocked and traumatized:  they have no idea what to react to, and can’t even catch their collective breath since every ten minutes there’s something new to “Reeeeeeee” about.

It’s amusing to watch him, Trump out one Truth® and cut the legs out from under the president of Columbia and remove an insignificant obstacle.  Oh, sure, you say that it’s supposed to be spelled Colombia, but let’s be sure that if we stop taking their coffee and flowers they can shove that “o” up their demand curve. . . oh, sorry.

Channeling Trump for a second.

But Columbia is not alone in wanting to build a wall so that their citizens can’t return, Mexico doesn’t seem to want Mexicans back, either.

Looks like Trump feels about FEDGOV employees the same way he feels about illegals.

Let’s take a look at several big themes we’ve seen so far.  They’re gonna leave a mark:

  • Less food will be picked, so some farmers will have to pay a market wage to harvest their crops, like grapes, pumpkins, lettuce, peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, cherries, tomatoes, broccoli, and carrots among others. The prices of these are going up.  Farmers might have to charge a dime more an orange to pay a wage to pull Americans to do the work.

Looks like Shea is sad he’s losing his below-market labor. 

  • But demand will be down since there will be fewer people to feed.
  • Oh, speaking of demand going down, housing demand will be down since the illegals won’t be needing them. That frees up a house or two in Modern Mayberry, but what about Los Angeles?
  • But home construction costs will go up as market wages for construction workers go up in illegal-heavy areas.
  • There’s a hiring freeze by the federal government and Trump wants employees to go back to work at actual desks rather than hanging out at home. Again, good and bad things will happen:  fewer employees means fewer employees to harass you.  Yay!  But it also means fewer employees to spend time erasing stupid regulations.  Maybe we could assign the ATF to Greenland patrol.

Or, we could put the ATF to productive use picking fruit.

  • Forget new windmills and solar farms, but drilling will become a new national pastime. Will oil prices go up?  Depends on whether or not the Biden Recession hits in 2025, but Trump is all-in for domestic energy production.  Sweet, sweet oil and coal and natural gas so we can release carbon dioxide back into the loving embrace of the atmosphere.
  • Tariffs will increase prices of imported things, but also give incentives for companies to keep manufacturing in the United States. Longer term, jobs and technical know-how are better than cheap plastic things from China.
  • There might also be deregulation impacts to make decent cars more available – when can I buy a 2025 Toyota® IMV 0 for $10,000 like everybody else in the world? We can certainly make them in the United States and avoid the tariffs if only the regulation would allow these inexpensive reliable vehicles on the road.
  • The tangling array of Non-Governmental Organizations, you know, those people who think it’s charity to leach off of our taxes to send gimmies to foreign countries? Yeah, he’s cutting their funding off.  More importantly, I think he’s cutting off the funding to the groups (like Catholic Charities™, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service©, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society®, and the Red Cross®.  The United States even funds the National Immigration Law Center™ so they can fight to keep illegal aliens from being deported.    We fund people who are enemies of our laws.

Wow, the Democrats and RINOS had a great idea – use the FEDGOV to fund enemies of the average American citizen.

Yeah, it’s a mixed bag as to what the immediate impacts of this will be.  I’m more than happy to pay more for strawberries and coffee if it will lead to the United States ending this catastrophic importation of people who wave the flags of other countries, refuse to learn our language, and, well, hate us.

More importantly, if we continue with business as usual, we’re going to collapse.  More illegals won’t make us better.  More debt won’t make eggs cheaper.  Offshoring more jobs won’t increase living standards.  More regulations won’t make more wealth.  All of these things are long term trends that cannot go on forever.

They’ve got to stop.  We are at a point where we’ll have to change the rules, and it seems to me the wheels have already hit the ground.

In Columbia.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

30 thoughts on “Changing The Game”

  1. I was shopping at Lowe’s yesterday, and surprised to se a makeshift booth set up inside the store with 3 FEMA representatives present. They weren’t really doing much of anything except playing on their phones, but I did hear them tell a store patron that they had brochures and info to hand out.

    As you might expect they were all multicultural females and so my guess is that this is part of a desperate attempt to make FEMA look more helpful to the public, particularly with Trump doubling down on the lack of help for the NC flood victims (which is about an hour away from this store’s location). Why we need 3 women in Lowes handing out brochures is beyond me particularly when there are still people in neighboring towns who could use real help…… but hey, at least they are no longer working from home.

  2. Perhaps those higher food costs will do what no other inducement short of bariatric surgery has managed to do – get fat-a$$ Americans to eat less. Now if only Le Grand Orange could devise a way to wean our nation of over-consumers off their Amazon habit…

  3. In 1860, they complained that who would pick cotton if they lost their slaves.

    Now, they whine about who will pick their fruit, roof their new construction, mow their yards, wash their favorite restaurant dirty dishes.

  4. Ol’ JoeBob is THE problem with the US. Imagine him as a grandfather telling his grandchildren (well, if he’s not LGBTVWXYZ3SQ+) that he made real difference buying mosquito nets for indigent Africans.

    People like JB need to go to work at re-education camps that are all across the nation…there’s one every 250 miles or so on interstates. Each has a HUGE sign with a buck-toothed beaver on it.

  5. Removing government employees, regulations, bureaucracy and ridiculous spending might actually allow production cost reductions, less overhead and the lowering of prices after more efficient production methods aren’t hampered by morons with a title. Adding the removal of parasitic aliens will surely remove unwarranted taxpayer burdens.

    Who knows how this will turn out, but I’m already feeling better watching those that hired illegals sweating their new problem of the lack of workers. They created the problem by hiring illegals, increased their profits even though they were whoring the market, and honest employers couldn’t grow, or offer bonuses, because they were losing ground against criminal activities. How they fair in the honest world will be something to watch. May their suffering equal what they caused.

  6. Between DeepSeek and Trump, “learn to pick fruit” has become the new “learn to code” in just one week. And all because Trump put on an apron a few months ago and asked, “Do you want fries with that?” to the cheers of the common man. Now he’s climbed back in the Presidential garbage truck to take out the trash.

    1. He has zero skills. Bet he’s popping an anti-depressant right now, and wondering why this happened to him.

  7. What the most important part of all this is lowering the debt. That will lead to the inflation rate going down, and, eventually, a balanced budget (dare I hope for a surplus?)
    Wait until Trump gets going on impoundment of funds!

  8. Speaking of “Changing The Game”, look at this detailed report DeepSeek wrote up in just 12 seconds….

    John, you gonna start using DeepSeek to write Wilder Wealthy and Wise articles? It doesn’t get tired, it doesn’t need sleep, and it absolutely will not stop – ever…

    1. Hahahaha! I’ve actually asked Grok to write a post in my style (it can “see” this website) and it fails. For now.

      1. For now, he says. Just *wait* until AI can: torture a metaphor, pun with impunity, and spout Dad jokes with the speed and grace that you do. I’m not holding my breath. 😉

  9. Things that were produced cheaply by illegal immigrants will probably get more expensive, but people who no longer have to compete against illegal labor will have more money to pay the prices. And the rich folks who weren’t competing? They get to pay more, too. They can.


  10. “Learn to Code”? That’s what we have Deepseek for. “Learn to prompt the AI.” might make more sense. Or, “learn to maintain the robot” that picks the fruit. Modern apple orchards look like vineyards, with closely planted rows of narrow trees, easy for robot picking.


    1. I can’t help anyone who slept through the dominant “Let them eat cake” meme the Leftards laughingly parroted for the last twenty years at blue collar workers laid off by the millions, as Democommunist cronies shipped manufacturing jobs overseas by the metric f**kton.

      The fact that coding jobs are soon to be extinct too is just extra sauce on the goose, and exquisitely appropriate for superfluous bureaucrats now that 47 is shoving them out the door with a bulldozer.

      They should count their lucky stars he’s not using a Heemeyer 2000 Killdozer, mit der flammenwerfer attachment.

  11. I don’t know exactly why but it took me until reading this to realize that the acronym for “Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service©” should be LIARS. They apparently use LIRS.

    I see two possible ways to read that. The first is that you’re an inspiration, John. The second is that I’d never heard of them. Take your pick of the explanation.

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