Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Dances With Dementia Edition

“We’re talking a Sunday drive into some serious dementia.” – Mannequin

Biden’s doctor told him he has dementia.  His response?  “I’m sorry, I don’t remember asking.”

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume VI, Issue 2

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Felon and Fading – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Immigration Update – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Felon and Fading

June is certainly the biggest month so far in the 2024 Presidential campaign, and it’s hard to beat may when Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies in New York.  Seriously, why would a business want to do business in New York now?

Regardless, I was expecting a bad Biden debate performance, but I wasn’t expecting to see the worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates, and probably in the history of the English language.

The other big bombshell was that Trump’s sentencing on his conviction has been pushed back until after the Republican National Convention, so there is this odd place where a Paperwork American (actually Colombian) judge is going to oversee the sentencing.  How could he do anything but sentence the Republican candidate to prison?  But that’s in September.

In June the debate made everyone forget Trump’s trial.

And now we are certain that the person currently holding the title of “president” is certainly no such thing.  Whoever is actually making the decisions wanted to expose him so they could replace him.  And no Democrat thinks Kamala can win because she’s either always drunk or stupid.  Or both.

Where we are now is that Biden is done – the GloboLeftElite just don’t know what to do yet to make that so, and how to remove Kamala at the same time so that they can find someone electable.  July will be an even more eventful month, if my guess is right.

This level of political intrigue is the highest since 1859 or so, and it’s quite clear that the glue that holds the country together is nearly gone, and this is a signpost on the way to Civil War 2.0.

Violence and Censorship Update

Although these Tweets™ are about a Canadian forum, the headquarters of Reddit™ are in San Francisco.  San Francisco used to be about innovation, now it’s about conformity to The Narrative, which includes mass immigration, everywhere:

Before we leave Canada, look at your future if the GloboLeftElite get their way:

While technically not violence, the fact that basic infrastructure is being sabotaged in California probably deserves a mention:

And the Deep State is worried that Trump would do to them what they’re trying to do to him:

What happens to a story that doesn’t meet The Narrative?  It gets ignored.

Oh, and I bet none of you heard about when Putin and Kim decided to crash a Pride parade:

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again.  It’s like there’s a pattern here . . .

But technology will save us, right?

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is up, a little.  I wonder if Chicago’s Democratic National Convention is going to spike temperatures?

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it is slightly down.  I expect this fall to be a bit more crazy.


The economy looks to be juiced, but thankfully we have housing options.

Illegal Aliens:

June is showing as down, since (my take) the .gov folks are just making up numbers now.

Immigration Update

I thought I’d just leave these here so you can form your own conclusions.  I’ll be more wordy next month.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys


Good Gal


One Guy


Body Count


Vote Count


Civil War

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

27 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Dances With Dementia Edition”

  1. Watch for the violent rhetoric to ratchet up as we get closer to the “election” and leftists start to panic about a second Orange Man Bad term. That random “Agenda 2025” thing is already circulating and sounds great to me but unlikely to actually ever happen.

      1. From Wiki’s page on Project 2025:

        “Many legal experts have said it would undermine…the civil rights of women, persons of color, and the LGBTQ community.[13]”

        OMG! I hope they are right!!

  2. Re: LA switching streetlights to solar because of copper theft, that’s great news! I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of gently used solar cells and batteries for sale pretty soon.

  3. Great read below on the Rockefellers and their creation of the Environmental Movement and resultant vast infrastructure. Remember, it was the Rockies who principally financed feminism in America. Stooges of the Fabian Society —

    The ‘debate’ clearly a set-up to tank Tater Joe. It’s Hillary or Kammie I’d expect. Has to be a female of course, and Kam-Kam adds the race points, hard to pass up in New Amerika. Folks says she’s too incompetent, addled, etc.

    Incompetent? Addled? Has anybody been watching Tater Joe the past couple years? The D.C. Beest rolled on quite effectively with the Tater at helm. They can do it with Kammie too.

    Kudos to Ricky for the links. It takes a full team.

    1. It’s far worse than 1973 in every respect with the exception of the silence of the press.

  4. Nice catch on the NYT early-date meme, had not seen that one. It’s almost as if they had…precognition.

  5. “…where a Paperwork American (actually Columbian) judge…”
    I think you meant Colombian.

  6. “basic infrastructure is being sabotaged in California”

    It’s hilarious that they try to present this as some kind of political win.
    “Look at us! We are solving the problem of mass theft and destruction of tax payer-funded infrastructure by slightly disincentivizing the theft with massive amounts of tax payer money! Winning!”

    1. The image I had of them stealing fire hydrants was too big to attach. Think of the water savings!

  7. It is interesting to watch what is happening in Europe, particularly with the French and UK elections and try to predict the impact on events here. Both countries seemed to have be shifting significantly to the right, and yet some political shenanigans veered them hard left instead. It’s pretty much a blatant case of one side using politics to force control over another which just ratchets up the pressure even further. Not sure about the UK, but the French are almost certainly going to revolt before the year is up (I wouldn’t be surprised if the Paris Olympics have to be postponed) Civil wars tend to be contagious and spark conflicts in other areas (including world wars) so wouldn’t surprise me if it triggers something here as well. At the very least, the Dems will be watching to gauge just what they can/can’t get away with in the November elections.

    1. The Red/Blue (Bleu?) map of France is even starker. I wonder if they’ll just disown Paris.

  8. John, I have read of the last years of the Roman Republic in Appian, Plutarch, and Caesar (himself perhaps not a disinterested author) and the escalating issues that led to power struggles, eventual civil war, and dictatorship. I just do not know that I anticipated watching them lived out before my very eyes.

  9. If Cassandra McDonald’s screen shot of the op-ed is accurate, then the NYT has done one hell of a scrubbing operation. The only reference of any kind I can find is for 6/25/2024.
    Several possibilities:
    – The tweet is accurate, and the op-ed was pre-written before the debate
    – The tweet does contain an image that was created by or passed on to @CassandraRules, but is not accurate, but faked
    – The tweet is a deliberate attempt to pass on false or misleading information. No idea who did it, but the possibilities are many – The Dems eager to muddy the waters, Biden opponents who really do want this to be thought a conspiracy, Trump supporters who want this to be thought a conspiracy, innocents who passed along manufactured evidence
    No real proof exists. At this point, tampering with electronic images is childishly simple. In fact, it could, and probably should, be argued in a court somewhere, that just about EVERY form of evidence can be faked or tampered with (whether in real life, or via the even simpler methods of changing the lab reports/results or bribing a lab tech to substitute evidence, both real (in the physical world) or in the e-world)
    FWIW, I’m leaning towards Fake. But, Kristol, being lazy, may well have pre-written the framework for his op-ed ahead of time, and added the specifics later. Kristol has spent time with Joey and his handlers – he is probably well aware of his deficiencies.
    Probably most of the Leftist Media anticipated a poor performance. It’s likely that they just didn’t realize how bad it would be. I suspect that their aim was to tank his nomination. I doubt they intended to put them in a position where they would have to seriously consider bringing in the backup VP. In fact, I have to assume that was a horrible surprise – giving Kamala time to settle in an embed herself in the job is exactly the opposite of the result they wanted.
    I can’t believe that Kamala or anyone connected to her is that bright that they could plan such an event. So, it may well be a happy accident for her.

    1. “that just about EVERY form of evidence can be faked or tampered with”

      Since it’s well-known amongst trial lawyers that one of the easiest forms of evidence to fake or tamper with is human memory, I’m not sure where this would end. The form of a question can change the answer, and even change the memory of the person being asked the question.

    2. I think the fix is in for Joe. They were preparing this and have a candidate in mind. Who? I have no idea, but they know Joe can’t win. It’s not out of place to imagine that the NYT was in on it.

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