Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: A Month Closer

“That’s the theme song from The Jeffersons.  You really need help.” – Tropic Thunder

All these clock pictures sometimes tick me off.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume V, Issue 11

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

I’ve rolled back the clock this month.  We’ll see if it holds.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Variations on a Theme – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – We Win – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.

I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Variations on a Theme

During the month I collect headlines and other information that documents the way things are going – for me, it’s interesting just how quickly something either fades from memory, or becomes the “new normal” and becomes business as usual.  The following (at first) seemed a bit disjointed to me, but in the end they all tell the same story – the story of the plans to eliminate the culture that now exits, and the desire to hold on to power, no matter what the cost.

Keeping that in mind, the election is coming up.  Trump is leading and one major Democratic technique is to create an electorate split.  The reason they want the power, is to use it.

And there’s a big population of businesses that are coordinating to “interfere” in the election.  The GloboLeftElite always project what they are doing on their enemies.  And, to them, we are not competitors, we are deathly enemies.

As has been a major theme on all media this, not just here at Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise®, illegal aliens oozing across the border has been the biggest story of 2024.  The GloboLeft tries to pretend that they’re not in favor of this, but it’s abundantly clear that this is no mistake, not act of nature.  This is entirely planned.

This policy stays either without respect to the consequences or, perhaps, because of the consequences.  The consequences have significant negative impacts of the actual citizens here, including employment.  They are helped by official at every level.

The consequences?  Lawlessness and lowered competence.

The long term plan?  Who knows?

There is sufficient proof that the GloboLeft hates God:

And that the GloboLeft is everywhere:

And that they worship death:

And don’t care about our deepest cultural beliefs:

And that they’ll put their, um, “money” where their mouth is since humans are apparently just TransCows to them:

Violence and Censorship Update

Several readers have reported to me (via email) that they were unsubscribed or that their subscriptions are filtered out as spam.  FYI.  Might it be random?  Sure.  It might.  Heard about more this month.

I’ll (mostly) let the memes speak for themselves.  Foreign stories are included as they often foreshadow attempts in the United States.

I did two stories this month on Sweet Baby Inc.’s looting of game companies for money and to insert GloboLeftElite propaganda into games to control your mind.  Remember, never buy anything from a company that has a CEO that stole a hair style from Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons.

Here’s the playbook that Sweet Baby Inc. uses . . .

And the voice of someone who called them on it, and got doxed:

And (from the UK) what successful Social Justice looks like:

And the next few are the result of successful Social Justice policies:

And probably the plan:

And, Canada is seeing the end game in sight:

Here’s a bit more on that:

And the what the RCMP thinks of Canadians:

But March was also rich in Orwell:

Never forget, the GloboLeftElite will blame others for what they’re already doing:

And Canada showing they’ve figured out what a woman really is . . .

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again.  It’s like it’s planned:

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is down, expected in spring.  Probably quiet until June or July.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it is slightly up.


Economic numbers are near a high, but I wonder if it’s the drunk before the hangover?

Illegal Aliens:

Highest March.  Ever.

We Win

To have a civil war, there have to be two sides.  I think the goal of the GloboLeftElite has been to convince those who oppose it that the game is over.  They have already shown themselves to be ready to do anything, absolutely anything to gain power.  From then, they’ll pull up the ladder.  What do they want?

  • “Voting” so loosely open that anyone can do it. Think something as simple as obtaining a drivers license equates a ballot in the mail.  Then, anyone can harvest those ballots and mark them however they want, with no accountability.  This was tried in 2020, and works great for the GloboLeft.

  • Combined with voting changes (first point) the GloboLeft is cramming illegals into Red States as fast as they can. Either they’re “voters” or an army.  Neither of those is good news.

  • They also want control of the finances so that they can wreck them. Why?  I have no idea on this one.  Perhaps the Elite just want to consolidate the power and own it all.

  • Of course, guns have been the bug up the butt of the Left for, well, forever. They try to make up things, but the real answer is that guns prevent the GloboLeft from taking the country over.  It is clear from history that killing children is not something that bothers the GloboLeft at all, as the GloboLeft are currently the world champions at kid killing.

People are waking up.  They’re seeing the real Evil of the Left:

They’re seeing that Woke doesn’t help anyone:

They’re seeing the engineered replacement:

They’re seeing that a society without marriage is weak, at best:

They’re seeing that the elite want to enslave them:

Even the GloboLeftElite’s hand-chosen minions are seeing the damage:

The RINOs are being challenged:

And a real A.I. without censoring, can see what’s up:

We will win.  Even 4Chan sees it:

Like I always say – the road may be tough, be we really can’t lose.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys


Good Guys


One Guy


Body Count


Vote Count


Civil War

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

30 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: A Month Closer”

  1. The tipping point is coming soon, it might not be a civil war but there aren’t going to be enough White people to keep the lights on soon and then we are going to party like Rwanda in 1994.

    1. Denver, Colorado is proof of this.

      “Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let ’em crash.”
      Bear in Indy

  2. The wheat will be separated from the chaff very soon. and yep God wins always

  3. Loved the H1b story…and the Taco Bell news item reinforces it.

    We’re in the “Age Of Brawndo” 500 years before it was supposed to happen. Can’t wait for the day that EBT goes down. Heaven forbid we’re anywhere near a WalMart when that happens.

  4. I’m always feeling better inside when I drop by and read your articles. It reminds me that I’m not alone out here.

  5. Fifty years ago, such exposure to manipulation would have been guffawed by Cronkite, and everyday citizens would have lapped it up like a dog laps up its vomit. Those voicing their opinions would have been laughed off as lunatics and chastised for their behavior. Nobody knew then it was being carefully orchestrated, or had a clue of how even their thoughts were being manipulated. It’s different today. Those disagreeing outnumber the few that promote the insanity of today. Whether we reach civil war doesn’t really matter. The sheep are aware and willing to violently resist. This informs the perpetrators of the narrative they might be operating on borrowed time.

    1. Yup, now they’re off the rails, and will try to ban or ostracize people for daring to challenge The Narrative.

      Too late. You can’t stop the signal.

  6. I second the Titanic passenger list. What (political) group has been worse than the Federal Reserve, which resulted in dropping the value of the dollar by 96% since it was founded in 1913.

    And we continue to think of them as intelligent economists? Why do we allow that to happen? They should not be respected or even allowed to buy a Big Mac in the U.S.

  7. You’re still vastly over-selling the case.
    We’re at a 5 to a 6, at worst.

    Things are neither wider nor deeper, just more widely and repetitively reported.

    That’s a sign of desperation by the minions of Evil, not dominance.

    Things are ugly. (Really ugly, if you want to use 1982, or 1962 as benchmarks. Which is why you shouldn’t.) But they’re not out of control, by any stretch.
    They haven’t turned up the burner, and the water isn’t anywhere near getting to frog-boiling range.
    Yet. That may (probably will) change. Perhaps quite rapidly (but that’s been true for ages).
    But until it does change, you really should throttle this back some.

    Calling things an 8, at the current time, is gross overstatement.

    1. Aesop, I’m still going to disagree. 6 is in the past for most people who are going to move. 8? Tell me that Congress voting AGAINST expelling illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes is anything other than official sanction while Soros DAs put them on a revolving door back to the street is even worse.

      I thought guns would be the issue (and they still might be) but it looks like illegals are running neck and neck.

      1. That’s merely a potential for common violence.
        And what you describe at the border, as well as crime perpetrated by illegal aliens, has been going on for literal decades, under both wings of the Uniparty.
        Going back to five seconds after Eisenhower retired.
        Ask me how I know.
        It’s just that now, the country is noticing it, because of scale.
        And suddenly, the sanctuary cities’ ox is being gored.
        Heaven forfend!

        Where’s the “organized violence occurring monthly” from #7…?
        It’s been MIA for years. If it was a spouse, it could be declared legally dead by now.

        If the BLM riots from 2020 had amped up and become a widespread and daily occurrence, there’d be a case to be made.

        But one would have to cherry pick a couple of isolated incidents, and extrapolate them to the 98% of the country where no such thing is even close to happening to get to 8.

        Downtown Portland or Seattle might already be a 10 some days. Granted.
        But most of the country, the vast majority in fact, is barely at a 5.
        Get 50 miles from any college or TV station, and it’s more like a 2: far less than a civil war, and more like a Three Stooges pie fight.

        A scale so flexible that it means all things to all people is pointless.
        It’s like having a speedometer where every hashmark says 100MPH.
        It tells you nothing except the narrative bias being served.
        The difference between that, and everything that happens being attributed to Globull Warmism is…what?

        Suggestion, worth exactly what you paid for it:

        Every month, you re-visit this, and look at four indices.
        You’ve got a ten level scale, though.
        If we can agree that you can’t skip to 9 from 3 without hitting the intermediate steps, try plugging in all the random incidents in a given month, and plotting them, or grouping them under the appropriate level based upon which description they tick on the list.

        There are 50 states, 3143 counties or equivalents, and over 300M people.
        I would suggest that any item you can’t check off in at least 20 separate places (and that should probably be 50 or 100, but let’s give you a fighting chance) in any given month is proof that level has not been attained to any reliable degree.

        #6? Even with 4 years of Orange Man, we couldn’t even get rid of Babs Streisand or Cher, despite all their hyperventilation! In fact, AFAIK, not one person who swore they’d leave the country over politics actually did so. So I suspect anything beyond a 5 is a yuuuuuuuge stretch, of dubious provenance. Nobody’s left this country over politics since the last year of the military draft during the Vietnam War.

        And #9? Sh’yeah, as if. We can’t even get most people to pretend in their heads, just as a mere thought exercise, that bad things are coming soon, and to therefore take appropriate precautions.
        Half of the herd of cats think we can keep DotGov as is, with a minor tweak or three, if we just vote harderer; the other half think we’re going to declare a libertarian paradise, with no laws, that will work for the first time in recorded human history despite all evidence of human nature since Creation, and they’ll just be left alone by Walden Pond or up Galt’s Gulch, without a care or worry in the world, amen, just as soon as we can figure out the Mason-Dixon line of Blue vs. Purple vs. Red. (They studiously ignore they have all three within single households, and in every neighborhood from sea to shining sea.)

        The Left, OTOH, is so enamored of the current Leviathan, they’ve no need of shadow government. They like what we have just fine (what’s a little metastasis between friends, right?), and they’re sure you will too, if you’ll just climb into this convenient train to the hot showers, comrade.

        So functionally, we never, ever get to even #9. The hands of time hit a brick wall.

        1. An excellent and thoughtful comment. Which deserves a response of much greater length, so I’ll pop it up as a main article on the next CW2.0WR. Can’t promise on changing the scale in any near term, but I’ll see what I can come up with . . . .

  8. Hebrew has no word for coincidence and they got that right. The feminine adversary (tsah-rah, ‘trouble or tribulation’, Daniel 12:1) has many aspects and allies.

    Sweet Baby Inc. CEO and Co-Founder is Kim Belair. Beliar is the Liar.


    Kim, btw, is the reversal of Mik, a name also appearing in Daniel 12. The signatures of the enemy often appear as reversals or ‘upside-downness’.

    1. Oh for god’s sake, will you stop filtering reality through their utter BS.

      It doesn’t matter what anything means in Hebrew. You grant it power by paying attention to it and thus bring it into your life. Word/mind games, the essence of occult manipulation.

      Daniel wasn’t a prophet. The entire book was written after the fact to explain, once again, why the all powerful, greatest god EVAH imagined once again failed them spectacularly.

      Good grief, are you on your best behavior because Santa knows if you’re naughty/nice?

      Religion: Moral philosophy for children too immature to form their own…

  9. Hey John, sorry I’ve been somewhat scarce; new job has been… interesting. Managing a community now that’s approximately 60% immigrant… and about a third of those barely speak any English. But they love the crap of me here because I’m not a corrupt bastard like the previous manager whose only qualification was being bilingual.

    It’s good being a ruthless tyrant that has integrity… 😀

    Anyhoo, in the spirit of Civil War II, I thought I’d share some new lyrics I came up with to the tune of “Hoist the Colours” that you may find amusing… could use a bit of help on the verses, thought you guys might want to chime in… 😉

    Gonna be funny AF watching them wish they had their s***ing pants on if they try to roll into Appalachia from the coastal hives, and find the hills singing this as the trees fall in behind and in front of their columns…

    “YO HO! — ALL HANDS! — Hoist the Communists high! — HEAVE-HO! — THIEVES AND BEGGARS! — Soon you all shall die… — Now some have died — And some are alive — And still others flee overseas… — With rifles and blades — And the keys to dark fates — We feed the Morbarks with glee…”


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