Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Trump Crossing The Rubicon

“I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the Antigravity Olympics, Ceasar crossing the Rubicon, but Sheffield it is.” – Dr. Who

Julius Caesar had a nap before crossing the Rubicon.  The rest is history.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume VI, Issue 9

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.  I considered moving the Clock O’Doom down a notch, but the illegals protesting lawlessly including injuring innocent bystanders who disagreed with them.  Beware: it can notch up quickly.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Crossing The Rubicon – Violence and Censorship Update – LAST CALL Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Full Spectrum War – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Crossing The Rubicon

On January 6, 2021, Donald J. Trump did not cross the Rubicon.  As his supporters entered the Capitol Building, he could have egged them on to stay and actually occupy the building.  He did not.  That was a moment in history where Trump could plausibly have conducted a counter-coup on the government.

He did not.

The counter-coup really started on January 20, 2025.  As Trump entered office, his strategy was entirely different – but more on that on Wednesday where we’ll discuss tactics.  No, the “how” is important, but the “what” is even more important.

The “what” is this is the most seismic moment in United States politics since Civil War 1.0, and perhaps since the American Revolution (or, as commentors have noted in the past, Civil War 0.0).

Quite simply, Trump has crossed the Rubicon by tearing into the Deep State, the entrenched bureaucracy that exists to perpetuate itself.  Oh, sure, that’s what we thought it did, but it turns out that that same Deep State functions to fund jobs for all of the Marxists Grievance Studies graduates the GloboLeftElite schools can produce.

And it appears to be a money laundering operation for the politically connected, with layers of foundations paying each other money, much of which originates from federal spending.  This spending has been obscured for so long that the Deep State though no one could ever find it.

D.O.G.E. found it, or at least billions of it.  I think when it’s all said and done that we’ll see that it’s an octopus with tendrils in everything.

Oh, that’s if they’re allowed.  This information is already causing the Democrats to behaving in the worst way possible:  defending the obvious corruption, with one of the corruptcongresscreatures actually saying “the public has no right to see how the government is spending money.”

They’re acting like the person who found the evidence of the crime is guilty.

The immune system of the GloboLeftElite has been activated:  the lawsuits and injunctions have already started, with the latest (and most ludicrous) one indicating that properly appointed staffers of the Treasury Department aren’t allowed to do their jobs.

So, Trump crossed the Rubicon.  Legally.  Devastatingly.

But now that he’s done it, there are not choices for him.  Trump (and Musk) have to win, have to follow this through, because if they don’t, the Deep State will convulse and likely send both of them to prison for life.

I’m not kidding.

This has already driven the GloboLeft rank and file to despair – they see the corruption that Trump is uncovering, and know they shouldn’t defend it, yet they can’t help themselves.  The fact that the federal government gave George Soros $28 million to help elect GloboLeftist D.A.s to increase the violence in big cities and that GloboLeft senators and representatives can’t denounce it?

Or the employees?  We know at least partially how they spend their workdays:

Tells you everything you need to know if they’re fine with the U.S. government paying a foreigner to influence local elections.  It’s because if they do what the Deep State wants, they’re rewarded with wealth and power in private sector jobs or in foundations.  You don’t denounce that which is making you unjustly rich.

There is danger here, yet this is perhaps the only offramp left to keep the nation out of Civil War 2.0.  Will it work?  Probably not – the odds are still against it.

But it sure is fun to watch.

Violence and Censorship Update

What a difference a month makes.  Facebook® has unleashed slightly less Orwellian speech after having criminally cut it back during COVID.

Even BlackRock® took some time out to tell the truth:

And hard GloboLeftists at CNN™ (but I repeat myself) are getting the boot:

And Hillary and Harris were caught giving Nazi salutes – amazing that their initials, H.H. weren’t noticed before now!  Of course, it would be silly to say that, right?

But, active violence is out there:

And the GloboLeft is starting to plan:

LAST CALL:  Biden/Harris Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month, and get a next to final look at what Biden has done.

Up.  Again.  I’ll keep tracking, since misery is a key driver for civil wars.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence in December is down slightly, (remember, New Orleans is in January).

Political Instability:

Down is more stable, and it is up slightly.


The economy is stable this month.

Illegal Aliens:

Will Trump stop them from coming?  Yes.

Full Spectrum War

In any conceivable actual Civil War 2.0 scenario, I know that most people have been looking at AntiFa® and have found them to be laughable.  They really are, since the mainly consist of women who haven’t seen a shower since George W. Bush left office and stick-boi soy men who couldn’t bench press the bar.

And, yes, we’re right to not worry about them so much, since they really aren’t a physical threat in a stand-up fight.

But it’s not just them.  What about those who are planning attacks on infrastructure?  That will happen in the middle of the night.  Who will help them?  Well, the FBI has given tons of explosives to their informants in the past, I can see them giving the real deal to GloboLeftists as payback.

And it’s not just them.  Trump has been deporting people, and threatened the cartels.  How many divisions do the cartels have?  Well, I’m not sure, but they do have battalion level force, and they’re used to operating in the shadows.  Out of fear, they’ve been very careful to avoid Americans who weren’t involved in the drug business, but if Trump declares war, they’ll infiltrate many urban areas like the Viet Cong.  Places like California could certainly put their full governmental weight behind this, especially if they choose secession.  And don’t think the Chinese wouldn’t fund this and provide weapons and ammo caches for them.

This will, more than anything, tend to racialize the war against Hispanics.  Lee Kuan Yew is relevant in this situation:

Again, if D.O.G.E. works out, fully 10% of the workforce of the United States will be kicked out of their silly make-work positions and some of them will be desperate, and many of them have been indoctrinated with Marxist ethics.

Do I think we’ll win?  I do.  But don’t believe that it’s going to be a cakewalk – it will be gritty and ugly in ways that will echo the worst of what happened in Cambodia.  But most of that will happen in cities, so, keep your head on a swivel if you want to remain in one.

Who knows, maybe Congress will issue letters of marque again?

Maybe that will solve a lot of problems:


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!







Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

41 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Trump Crossing The Rubicon”

  1. One of two things has happened. Either the far left shocktroops are so demoralized and defunded that they have quit and gone home or something less obvious is moving while conservatives are high fiving each other about all the winning. I am leaning toward the latter.

    1. The Left has the advantage and problem of being centrally controlled and funded. They are waiting for their leaders to tell them what to do.

      1. This^^^!
        I’m sure there are tens (hundreds?) of thousands of sleeper cell/troops already imbedded in the fabric of Murika! Fuck Yeah! WOAH!…sorry ’bout that, got carried away…anyway, I used to spend weeks in the southern deserts of California helping a buddy that did contract work with Ford Off Road, Toyota, Borg Warner, others. We were chasing testbed vehicles (Raptor) around for rescue, support. We ran across shit tons of north bound illegal aliens, the majority were military age men , in good shape with good boots, backpacks and in groups of three or more. They probably didn’t go home.
        We talked to all the Border Patrol we ran into, they confirmed the “military invasion”. There is no easy, happy way out of this. I don’t think the main thing we need to worry about are irregulars shooting out transformers at remote substations, though we DO need to worry about that too, no the biggy for infrastructure is Chinese embedded software/hardware running everything and HB1 foreigners imbedded where there should be heritage Americans.
        Other than that, I’m sure we’ll be fiiiiine.
        Tree Mike

    2. Probably both Arthur. They had the wind knocked out of them a couple of times and the center of gravity is shattered. I don’t think there was a plan in place for what to do in the event the Pennsylvania assassination failed. The Secret Service girl boss who presided over the epic failure/ convenient incompetence was a little too close to Jill Biden for anyone’s comfort. The follow up try was pretty amateurish in execution, though there had to be inside co-ordination for the attempt to go down like that. So they had to grin and bear it while the election played out and they didn’t dare try the same level of cheating that carried Biden in 2020 this time. It is an amazing thing to see Democrats wonder aloud where 18 million votes they had last time went in 2024. Those bottom feeders still cannot connect the dots.
      I think the shot callers knew the Biden charade was wearing too thin to keep up and that the Heritage American core (of which MAGA is only a subset), expected to be cheated again and were fully prepared for war. This was true in the summer when Trump took the grazing hit, but the Marxist regime was in control of the state at that time and far enough out to justifiably cancel elections if an armed revolt developed. By miscalculating and losing the election after all of that, the Marxists have lost legal control of the State and the security apparatus. They simply were not prepared for that and the low level mechanisms of “resistance” like @ntifa were not geared up for quick deployment. The blitzkrieg through the USAID black funding was brilliant and should lead to several months of additions disarray on the militant Left. They will be back though, with a vengeance. They know as well as we do that this is a fight to the death.

    3. You know what I think has been the blow to Left’s resistance was; blacks. They were the best shock troops the left had. They weren’t hard to get started and could sow a lot of terror fast. The left had been cultivating it for years.

      What happened over the last few years? Blacks saw themselves get sold down the river. White communities weren’t the only ones getting strong doses of mass migration. Throw on the luxury hotels and jacked up debit cards to boot. lol that had to have left a mark 😂

      Here’s a great read that dovetails with this article nicely.

  2. Cutting off the supplies of the enemy is one of the most important tasks in war. That, and demoralizing the enemy. Both are slowly being accomplished by this administration, and Taylor Swift being booed at the Super Bowl is an indication things are changing rapidly. All her wealth, and notoriety, didn’t shield her from the ire of those that despise what she decided to represent.

    1. Dang it, I watched the Super Bowl (not by choice) and missed the one thing I really wanted to see (Tay Tay getting booed). Although I will say it was great to see Mahomes and Kelce get abused like newbies in prison.

      Any chance that State Farm will quit wasting money on the Chiefs now that they got demolished?

  3. Google translation of “winning” is “potitus” Looks close enough to ‘potus’ to me.

    And the Latin word “biden” is translated as “bidet”. Also close enough.

      1. Particularly if the question is “Who has been elected to the presidency of the United States?”

        And BTW, your log-in link is broken.

        – Aesop

  4. My gut tells me nothing notable will happen now. But, once these silly judicial bans are overturned, the USG job cut begins in earnest for those who don’t take the 8 month retirement pay option. So, their $$$ runs out in late February. The residential real estate market in Metro DC might crash, perhaps causing a liberal urban domino effect.

    Then, the illegal alien debit cards aren’t funded, starting in March? That’s a SHTF scenario. Nationwide.

  5. The general theme of “civil war” is about the toppling of an existing regime, and in a broader sense that is currently underway in the worldwide gold markets. If you are unaware of the fireworks that started over gold last week, it’s worth your time to tune in to the show. Here’s a couple-o-sentences overview.

    The US Government supposedly owns 8100 tons of gold in Fort Knox, last inventoried during World War II and currently valued on the Federal asset balance sheet at the last-audited $45 per ounce. Most observers think no subsequent audit has been performed because the gold is no longer there. Speculation is that the US Treasury loaned it all out to the Federal Reserve, who moved it from Fort Knox to the Fed vault in New York, who then loaned it to the so-called “bullion banks” like JP Morgan, who moved it from Manhattan to vaults in London for worldwide trading.

    A key goal in this clique has been to suppress the price of gold as a prerequisite to allow printing of unlimited paper dollars by the Fed. This gold price suppression has been accomplished by the American COMEX / British LBMA / global bullion banks via offering “paper gold” via ETFs like GLD that offer “exposure to the price of gold” instead of “actual ownership of scarce physical metal”. It’s become a classic ponzi pyramid scheme over the past 50+ years. Nobody knows for sure but estimates are there are 100 to 250 paper claim sheets for every ounce of physical gold that is really out there in a New York or London vault. Just like US Banks, the worldwide gold market operates on a fractional reserve – only gold’s ratio is an greatly more fragile hundreds to one instead of the dollar’s ten to one. All is fine and good as long as nobody (or only a few) invokes the “stand for physical delivery” clause in those contracts. From a dollar profit standpoint, it’s always been more profitable to “roll the contract over” to a future delivery date than ask for physical gold be delivered from a vault.

    That is changing. When the US Government froze / stole the electronic dollar assets in the West held by Russia because of the Ukraine War, every other nation realized that could happen to them, too. So-called “de-dollarization” went into high gear, and repatriation of foreign Central Bank gold held in New York and London to started in earnest. Half a dozen countries have moved their gold holdings back home instead of a NY/London storage vault where it could be confiscated by the US and UK. Other big central banks like China and Russia have also been buying lots of gold to bolster their (non-dollar) holdings. It’s gotten to the point that the Bank of England is now delaying scheduled deliveries of gold by weeks or even months, trying to slow this process down and cool things off.

    This (lack of) movement of gold is reaching some kind of climax behind the scenes and visible cracks (actually, canyons) are starting to become public. Somebody big has decided that with all the uncertainty, they would rather have actual physical gold and not a piece of paper. This is causing an old fashioned bank run, with billionaires lining up on the sidewalks to exchange their paper IOUs for physical gold in their hand. You do not want to be in the back of that line, since there is no “FDIC for gold”. The ongoing collapse of the international gold fractional reserve system is gonna make the price of gold skyrocket. Yay, if you own gold. Grab some popcorn.

    The most interesting theory is that Trump is behind this, and has ordered that all of the gold be pulled back into Fort Knox for an audit and subsequent revaluation to offset the $36 trillion dollar Federal Debt. Raising the price of Fort Knox gold from $44 per ounce to the current $2900 per ounce (!!!) would raise a roughly a trillion dollars. Raising the price of gold by 2900 * 36 to around $100,000 per ounce would eliminate the Federal Debt.

    Trump and others like Stephen Miller are sure throwing around the phrase “America’s Golden Age” a lot. I wonder why.

    1. If you wanna follow the ongoing collapse of the international gold market, the key thing to watch is not so much the price of physical gold (which today hit an all time high over $2900 per ounce) but instead the so called GLD Borrow Rate. This was below 0.5% for many months/years before Trump won the election. It went to around 1.0% at the Inauguration. Last Monday this was around 1.75%. Last Thursday it spiked to 6.5% because (???). This is an apocalyptic level for bullion banks. Somebody monkey hammered it down to 4.5% on Friday, but after the weekend it popped up this morning to 5.25%. This is a critical global finance situation that is not under control.

    2. No idea who you are, but I’ve lurked long enough to know that you’re right most of the time. The times you aren’t you’re not making things up.

  6. I’m happy to announce I have a new short story available for free online. It’s titled “Led by a Star” and it is science fiction in some ways in the vein of Isaac Asimov. In other ways, however, it is almost completely opposite Asimov.

    If you really like it, you can show your appreciation by buying it for $0.99 on Kindle.

    1. Interesting story. Reminds me of Clarke’s story The Star, which made a big impression on me as a teen.

      I did a quick search an your listed literary – and, sadly, apparently fictional – references to stars. What you call the Carpenter’s Tale by Chaucer is I think the one told by The Miller (see Line 3142) – and the only thing in there that’s blue is a tunic, not a star, in Line 3321. Likewise, Shakespeare’s Love’s Labor Won is a lost play with no known copies, so if you’ve got one that talks about a forlorn scarlet star, then Get It And Thee To The British Library.

      Still, again, an interesting story. Kudos.

  7. Re: California succession…
    Trump should beat California to the punch.
    Offer to sell Cali to Mexico. 5000 pesos and 3 dozen tamales sounds fair to me.

    1. No shit!!! the So. Cal., white van, parking lot tamales are the BEST. Randomly bought them for decades before moving to Tennessee. They were NEVER bad. I miss Mexican food more than anything else in So. Cal. I came from the sane part, San Diego, East County, quite distinct from San Diego Metro.
      Tree Mike

    2. Poorly thought out, even at the grade-school level.

      If you simply deport the 10M illegals from California to back to Mexico, you get California back in the republic for free, and the Dems won’t win another election in this state or nationally this side of 2124.

      Math: still a thing.

      – Aesop

  8. Did you catch the date stamp on all the ice press releases on the 24th of the month. It appears Alot of old footage is being used and many immediate catch and release for the new footage. Looks like a psyop for any meaningful deportation and appears to not be up to even Joe widens numbers

  9. The Left is learning from all this. They next time they seize power, they’ll start with amass arrests and disappearances, with “reeducation” camps to follow.

    1. First, let them. Too many of us are armed. At my age (77) I will be channeling Samuel Whittemore. Second, the elephant in the room which has yet to really start trumpeting is the laundry list of side-effects from the jab and the boosters. More and more of the sheeple are going to start keeling over or become so sick, they might as well be dead. Medical facilities will be overwhelmed. Third, while I agree we are headed for massive, violent riots and shootouts over this wetback round-up, keep in mind this will be in the Blue Hives where the Marxist-Infanticide Party is in power. Instead of sending in troops (which could side with their co-ethnics-Blacks and Browns) just cordon things off and watch the meltdown from a distance. Last of all, the Gods of Economics will have their say very soon. Look at gold and silver. Bank holidays and collapse are on the menu. Plan accordingly. Stay vigilant and keep prepping as though Harris and Waltz won. Bleib ubrig. – DWEEZIL THE WEASEL

      1. “…this will be in the Blue Hives…Instead of sending in troops (which could side with their co-ethnics-Blacks and Browns) just cordon things off and watch the meltdown from a distance.”

        Remember the glorious people’s revolution in LA in 1992?

        South Central LA was burned down; all the excitingly diverse nu-American neighborhoods around it did their patriotic duty of forming looter swarms and pillaging the small Black business district. It was Tulsa Massacre II on Black Wall Street!

        1. It wasn’t just on your Black Wall Street. Do you remember the Rooftop Koreans? I was working as a Peace Officer in Orange County and could see the smoke from my 8th-story office. Some of my colleagues who did respond reported the “mobs” were Hispanic who showed up in vans from as far away as the San Gabriel Valley. LA County probation officers working in juvenile detention facilities had developed intel from conversations overheard from thugs and thugettes in custody that they were just waiting for the right incident to kick-off the looting.
          These Orcs and Vandals ranged as far as West Hollywood and clear into North Long Beach, where a loosely organized militia, commanded by a friend of mine armed with a Ruger 10-22 sent them packing. And the LAPD took tremendous criticism for backing off at the flashpoint instead of crushing it initially. It would seem history just repeated itself with the save-the-wetbacks from Trump mob just last week. Borrowing an expression from my Drill Sergeant, their shit is weak.
          I would ask all here to recall previous posts on WRSA which listed the axioms of the Shoot House drill. The one which stands out is YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. When the local ANTIFA mob from Spokane decided they were going to come to Coeur d’Alene to rape and pillage a few years ago, they were met by a slightly organized local militia armed to the teeth, who sent them packing. But then, Kootenai County with the exception of a leftist newspaper and a few noisy Marxist-Abortionist political hacks is white, polite, and well-armed. Stay vigilant and prepped, my friends. The Golden Golem is not coming to save you, in spite of all of his bluster. Know who is who in your A/O. Bleib ubrig.

          1. Thankfully, the nearest AntiFa to me is over 100 miles, but knowing all the players locally is easier since we’re rural.

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