Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Trump Trigger and Complexity

“Rita, you’re a convicted felon, and now you’re an escaped con.” – The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.

They fired me from the clock factory because of all the extra hours that I’m putting in.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume VI, Issue 1

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – The Trump Trigger– Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Stairway to Where? – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Civil War Weather Report Previous Posts

The Trump Trigger

Donald Trump scared the hell out of the GloboLeftElite when he was elected.  I’m fairly certain that he makes many of GloboLeft rank and file lose sleep when they think about him being re-elected.

Rand Paul was quoted in Zero Hedge® (a reader sent this in):

“I worry about strife. I worry about war in the streets. I worry about 50 percent of the public believing that the court system will be used against them . . . I worry when half the country thinks they won’t be treated fairly, what happens and how people react.”

Huh, I thought he was dead.

Where we sit now, Trump may never spend a day in the pokey.  And he may never even be convicted – yes, there’s a jury verdict, but until the judge finds him convicted, there’s just a vote by a jury of twelve GloboLeft peers, one of which may have violated the rules and talked about the proceedings.

Oops.  There are other very, very valid reasons that Trump has for appeal – selective prosecution among them not identifying the charge against him – they never specified the other crime that Trump supposedly committed.

Rand Paul is right.  The judicial system has been weaponized at every level against Trump.  The fact that the Federalist Society has produced a slate of judges over the past several decades that aren’t woke Sotomayor-level GloboHomo soldiers will apply actual justice at the federal level.

But what if they don’t?

If Trump is convicted and sent to prison that will a very dark day in history – one that will show to millions of normies that the republic is irretrievably lost, a conclusion that many on the TradRight have come to years if not decades ago.

Does this lead to immediate chaos?  This is a tough one – I tend to think not, but then again, the number of people that support Trump and MAGA are significant.  It will be a sign that businesses need to create a quick exodus from New York, California, or any other location where the business has a political difference with the GloboLeftElite agenda.  I mean, it’s not like elections matter.

But I’m told it was a FaiR ElEctIoN.

Perhaps Musk moving to Texas is beginning to make a lot more sense.  On the bright side, it means that the Republic of Texas will be born with it’s own space force.

Violence and Censorship Update

The issues in Israel have done several things – they’ve increased the level of fighting in the GloboLeft as the Pro-Palestine wing and the Pro-Israel wings slug it out.  As Bracken notes, it is a weird GloboLeft/Palestine alliance.

Of course, as soon as the GloboLeft makes one of their crappy villages, they . . . put up the borders that they claim to hate.

The other side of the coin is the reaction in Congress, which is entirely at odds with that pesky 1st Amendment:

And, Massey has a very good question, especially since they committed $300,000 to ads attacking him:

Oh, and questioning the “Muh Immigration is Good” narrative is worth a banning:

They’re still trying to ban JK Rowling for telling the truth:

Propaganda, anyone?

Oh, it’s not like they’re trying to suppress anything . . .

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again.  It’s like there’s a pattern here . . .

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is up, a little.  I wonder if Chicago’s Democratic National Convention is going to spike temperatures?

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it is slightly down.  I expect this fall to be a bit more crazy.


Economic numbers are up a bit.  But so are prices.

Illegal Aliens:

Second Highest May is actually down.  But the normies are waking up.

Stairway to Where?

History never repeats exactly, but the same themes keep coming up again and again.  While there is no guarantee, there are patterns.

The lead up to civil war is often the same:  misery, rising tensions, and too many elites fighting each other for scraps of power.  The wars are often drastically different, and depend on things like ideology, geography, technology, and telepathy.  Okay, maybe not telepathy, but the other ones all count.

But, just like Led Zepplin©, there are two paths you can go by . . . and two outcomes.

Broadly, when civil wars occur there two things that can happen as a result.  The first one is what happened after the Russian Revolution or the American Civil War 1.0 – that is, a drastic reduction in freedom for citizens.

But I’ve been assured that everything is fine.

The American Civil war did increase the freedom of slaves, and granted them full citizenship, to be sure.  But for the common man who hadn’t been a slave?  Freedom declined.  There had been a balancing act between the Several States and Fed.Gov, but after the Civil War was done, the States were no longer sovereign, and, in fact were nothing more than subdivisions of the federal government.

This was drastically different than what existed before.  The Several States were recognized as just that, complete governments.  They only banded together, reluctantly, to create an organism strong enough, just barely, to resist being beaten up and conquered by the various European powers.

After the American Civil War?  The process of eliminating the rights of the Several States has been an ongoing battle every year since 1865, and, with a few exceptions, has been largely won by the United States.

If increased central control and tyranny are one outcome from a civil war, what’s the other?

Increased complexity.  Think back to the fall of the Soviet Union.  A huge, monolithic, multicultural tyranny if ever there was one.  It looked to the world as if it would never be defeated – heck, the view of the Russians in the 1980s (I know, I was there) was that, while they didn’t have lots of different consumer products, they did have a huge technological edge over the West.

But when the end came, the fighting that did happen was minimal – the Soviet Union (like the multicultural British and Roman empires that came before) didn’t end so much with a red tide of blood, but rather a gradual realization that no one wanted to play anymore.  The sad, shattered core of empire let all the parts fly to the wind.

I met the guy who puts the symbols on maps that say what things are.  What a legend!

It seems that one key is the “multi-cultural” part.  Whereas you could make the case that the United States had Irishmen and Scots and Norwegians bopping around back in 1860, the vast majority of Americans were just that, Americans descended from (by and large) stock from the United Kingdom with a common language and common religious and cultural heritage.

That led to Tyranny.

The seat of power of Imperial Russian was mainly . . . Russian.  The Russian Revolution led to?  Tyranny.

It seems that there is some tipping point where a Civil War results not in tyranny, but in Balkanization, heck, the name “Balkanization” is literally exactly what we’re talking about.

The more I think about it, unless there is a Caesar sitting in the wings (and I don’t see him) then we will end up Balkanizing after a Civil War.

Disagree?  This is a newer thought, so, love to hear comments.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys


Good Guy


One Guy


Body Count


Vote Count


Civil War–some-already-pining-for-it/

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

52 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Trump Trigger and Complexity”

    1. Arthur, it’s written in the name.

      JUST Us, and you and I are not in that club. Surprised George Carlin never did a skit about it.

    2. Trump gets rolled, suddenly Oh! Oh! the justice system is biased! lol

      The courts and LE have been woke and feminist for decades, but everybody was ok with that . . . often celebratory and joyful. I watched the feminization and prog-ization of the CA court system from the top down and the inside out. That was FORTY years ago.

      Think you’re gonna get fairness or justice in a U.S. courtroom with feminist judges, woke clerks, homo whatever, plus an entire building of public employees who consider you the enemy, rightful to punish on general cultural principles? Or just because it feels good to watch you squirm before them?

      You better not be a white male in their courtrooms, baby. Fatboy bailiff are the jail wardens the only ones that looks like you, and they sold out to send their dotters to Slore University. So it all can continue.

      Especially do not be a white male in legal contention against, or under accusation from, a female. Any female.

      1. I have seen this in ‘conservative’ regions of the nation, including the rural areas. Seen it in all-white areas too. Women run the towns now, especially the judicial systems. The men are tractable and know their place.

        The feminization of the court systems — both fed and state — took place long ago. And girls keep pouring out of law schools (sixty years of AA preference) and keep getting appointed to the bench.

        Men always think such things cannot be. Until they feel the chains on their own wrists and feet.

  1. Balkanization may happen; however retribution occurs first. Some nerdy Russian professor dude predicted the break up of the US some 30 odd years ago, give or take a kilogram.

  2. Back in the early 1980s, a WaPo reporter penned an interesting book – “The Nine Nations Of America”. I have it somewhere, likely in a box. His map was a lot like the one shown, but, to my memory, more accurate.

    My thoughts of what comes after a “Civil War” consist of several main points, as follow:

    1. All larger metro areas will dissolve. “Up north”, it’ll be worse. As the old 1970s bumper sticker said, “Drive 75. Freeze a Yankee.”
    2. The EBT crowd will resort to cannibalism. (Kudos to Matt Bracken on that.)
    3. The public education system will cease to exist.
    4. “Blue” people in Red States will flee. OR BE SHOT.

    Suggestions for more are appreciated.

    1. lamont, don’t concern yourself with “up north” – we’ll be fine. Worry more about how the folks in the south will fare in the hot ‘n humid summers with no a/c, when those who mean to rule over us destroy the grid with their green nonsense. Warm clothing, a fireplace, etc. will work up north (you know, where a lot of your food comes from). When it’s 100° and 99% humidity – if you don’t have a/c, you’d better have a pool…
      Original Grandpa

      1. Actually you can survive the south’s summer heat. People have for over 2000 years. Up north, heat is required to survive the cold. History has proven repeatedly, the population will consume all the forest for heat; Ireland and Russia are 2 obvious examples.

        Food grows very easily in the south without irrigation that requires power. The food grown in the north is primarily the stuff for export; wheat, corn. Also these products require massive petro-powered machines to be effective. South grows chickens, beef, vegetables and fruit (except not apples). Those products are still largely hand operations with many small operators.

        Of course, even the Indians did long distance trade even without the invention of the wheel or large boats. So, unless the politics kills all movement across boundaries, products will move. Elites like their products.

  3. On a much smaller scale, my home town is suffering the loss of enough taxes to support the city as envisioned by the “brilliant” creations of diversity that aren’t qualified to set up the table of a lemonade stand. There is a huge illegal alien population, businesses are local only and the heavy bullet-proof teller protection booths notify anyone of the current state of law obedience. Will it die? No, but the power of money left, and only the large petrochemical facilities are any real source of revenue. They give what they want, and court cases show they will win if they don’t like the tax assessment. The city is an economic wasteland, and the local port (a separate taxing entity) is slowly turning the once affluent downtown area into huge laydown yards for the business.

    That’s what I see happening on a much larger scale. The large cities will become cesspools of failed liberal ideas as they money leaves as fast as it can. What happens to businesses, and people, is to be seen in the areas they resettle in, but their power will control state governments, since the large cities vote scheming plans will go awry under the closer scrutiny of the outlying areas, and the tax revenue will only attract the most incompetent that will drive potholed streets to their opulent offices that have thick, bullet-proof doors.

    Will people die? They already have. The shooting war started in the riots for the thugs like George Floyd, and not enough good citizens retaliated with extreme prejudice during the events. That changes when it’s apparent law enforcement can’t offer any security, and the anarchy tries to leave the large cities.

    How will the media react? They’ll have to leave, since their news-babes and handsome commentators will refuse to go to the cities to work, and while the now unwatched cities self-destruct, the camaras will only roll for those brave enough to enter the “jungles”. The reports will be heart-wrenching documentaries on the terror of living in the cities, but everyone that is not there will breathe a sigh of relief, know the denizens of failed politics can’t now escape, and have another drink.

  4. ‘Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. . . . kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.’ (Psalm 2:10-12, redacted)

    The Hebrew tabernacle copied or shadowed God’s throne or holy place in heaven. The ark was interactive, a transom, living . . . not a piece of furniture they lugged around.

    If war rises on Earth, it rises in heaven. The constant bickering, squabbling, and territory-swapping of the national spirits (Deut. 32:8) now devolves into globalism, the old Babel Dos twostep, let’s go toss God out and take over etc.

    ‘The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is his name.’ (Exodus 15:3)

  5. That map reminds me of an old Gallagher routine from the 1980’s

    In one of his other routines he said that we should give Oklahoma to Texas, but Texas don’t want Oklahoma.
    Texas wants Mexico.
    They figure that if you have the people, then you ought to get the real estate that goes with them.

  6. The idea of “Balknaization” after a civil war/national divorce/banana is pure codswallop.

    The why isn’t difficult to suss out.

    Let’s start this small, and go bigger.

    Everyone knows it takes two people to go to the courthouse to get married.
    But it only takes one to get divorced.

    (This is why, with all due respect to JW and the Mrs., marriage is exactly like a hand grenade: anything that requires a ring to keep it together is not your friend.)

    War and peace have exactly the same calculus:
    It takes two nations to be at peace.
    It only takes one of them to say F**k that!”, and suddenly you have a war on your hands.

    So, you’re going to balkanize into separate territories.
    How has that idea worked out with the two-state Israel/Palestine plan?
    How about with the two Koreas?
    North and South Vietnam?
    East and West Pakistan?
    Two Irelands?
    How’s the “two Chinas” policy looking these days?

    So, knowing that track record, you’re going to split America That Is into separate Leftard and Liberty pieces, and you figure the Leftards, who can’t help finger-banging anything they see because they think they know better than you, are going to merrily leave other people in peace, rather than jam their fingers into the other guys’ pies up to the armpits?

    Srsly? Anybody thinks that?!?
    Riiiiiiiight. That’ll totally happen. When monkeys fly outta my butt.

    So, inevitably, even a semi-peaceful “divorce” quickly becomes an existential hot shooting war.
    (Side note: How did Ukraine trusting Russian promises to guarantee their original borders work out?)

    So this, as always, becomes a cage match, where two sides enter, and only one leaves.

    There will be one America with one people when it’s done.
    Not 2, or 4, or 9, or eleventy.

    And anyone who think the Canuckistanis, the Mexican’ts, or any other country is going to take advantage of the situation should best look to the response when the cops show up to a domestic violence call: both parties attack the cops more often than not.

    Now imagine that in the US with Blue Helmets or any other silliness.
    Every one living here would exterminate the interlopers before we returned to knocking off the native-born enemies.

    This will be rivers of blood, mountains of skulls, and oceans of tears before it’s over.
    One side is going to be smaller when it’s over.
    The other side is going to be extinct.

    Which is which will be determined by who wants it more.
    Period. Full stop.

    You think the two sides will live and let live?
    Show your work.
    Change my mind.

      1. America has alienated God and thugged His servants. Evil nations are dime-a-dozen: Babylon, ancient Egypt, cruel Rome, the Philistine Pentapolis, so on.

        But no nation ever was dedicated to God’s enemy, even to its capitol city and district. No nation ever set God’s adversary in power as ruler. And no nation every tried to exterminate fatherhood, sonship, and masculinity itself.

        Know your enemy as it is written, the hour of the female adversary, the season of the witch. A time ‘such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time’. Make sure you’re among those ‘delivered’.

    1. Aren’t you the Aesop who so colorfully wrote about the failure of Russia, and the any-moment-now Great Uki Victory– last year? At that time, you vigorously defended your position by disappearing people who disagreed, even those with cogent arguments, after brow beatings and insults. Sorry if you revised your position since then, as I figured you were hopelessly lost and stopped reading.

      Given your perceptual failure on such an obvious situation, I just can’t find your equally colorful opinions on the coming US breakup worth challenging 🤷‍♀️. It’ll be clear enough before long. Kinda like the above.

    2. All the 2 state examples you cite had super powers enforcing stability for their own benefit.
      The US will almost certainly balkanize along existing ethnic/ cultural groupings, but the actual borders will likely be fought over for some time to come. Even the White area(s) will likely have so much internal problems that full-blown wars and invasions might not be logistically possible for some time.

      The most relevant historical analogy will very likely be the Succession Wars after Alexander the Great’s death. Who will be the Diadochi in each area? Likely existing governors, generals commanding troops, state or mega-city police chiefs.

      1. Likely our own Confederate States Succession provides a closer analogy. The dividing line was based on the legal definition from the Mason-Dixon line. The closest similarity that I see now relates to abortion and gun rights. The Mason-Dixon did not result in a quick or clean division, just as today’s split line and timing are fuzzy.

        Complicating the story greatly today is the possible city-state development since the people and gov of the major cities all think alike whether in South, North, or West. Whereas rural communities largely all share common opinions.

        1. The rural/urban divide is a big part of why I don’t think there will be stable nations for some time, and why borders will likely be fuzzy. A lot of good ol’ fashion ethnic and cultural house-cleaning is going to have to be done before whoever wins gets to start thinking about conquest.

  7. John, have you ever read the 5 stages of collapse by Dmitry Orlov?

    As much “Fun” for warlord types looking for a harem, the sudden collapse of an empire is pretty rare in history. I’ve heard it described as like a drunk on a very long staircase that staggers and falls a few steps, gathers itself only to drunkenly fall to the next landing to recover a bit and so on. Sometimes the drunk manages a step or two upward away from disaster but more and more it falls as the gravity of the situation asserts itself.

    Governmental addiction to debt is generally the Prime Mover in this drunken staggering failures. Generally, as history shows over and over again from the foolishly unneeded wars.

    As currency debasement (repaying your debts and obligations in CHEAPER Dollars, AKA Rubber Checks) is a very common thing (think Zimbabwe, Weimar Germany Hyperinflation and such) the common factor for successful survival is a strong group of productive trusted friends and family. Like the “Value” of Confederate money today. the US dollar “Assets” will be rapidly reduced to nothing as the government that issues it loses more and more “power”.

    The “winner” of a Greater Depression from loss of US Dollar value is the group that can feed, shelter, protect and earn enough of “The Kings Shillings” until the becomes a relic of the past to keep the TAX Man and Co away from their homesteads and small businesses. Extra food is always valued, ability to fix stuff is always valued. Medical services that do not require massive supplies from China will be valued. Payment may be in Kind or agreed trade of services (fixing the dentists leaky roof for future dental care) as the “Grey Market” takes over daily needs.

    During the Great Depression of 1929-39 (A worldwide BTW event) the TAX MAN and the Bankers GOT their “Kings Shillings”. Honest folks lost homes, farms and small businesses and joined Steinbecks Grapes of Wrath style homelessness seeking some sort of employment anywhere. In my family diaries of the Great Depression several families got together and decided what homesteads had the best situation and what could be sold before taken by taxes. Several families lived in the same extended home. Everybody had duties and often jobs. Grandparents took care of children and so on. Even kids “worked” weeding other folks’ gardens for veggies or perhaps a few eggs for the extended family.

    But then again, back then most folks knew the farmers that produced their food, the shoemaker than fixed the shoes and such. Such a shock to the I-Phone generation to have to figure out what’s a weed vs a newly sprouted carrot, let alone process a living chicken into the basis of several meals. How many know the 3rd world trick to turn old tires into soles for shoes? How rubber and gasoline can make effective shoe cement?

    Enough for now, sorry to get so long winded.

    The Original Michael

    1. I’ve pointed this out many times, that actual Mad Max collapses have never happened in recorded history. So many people are looking for a cope rather than the truth, unfortunately. Those who command the loyalty of violent men at the time of unpleasantness will be those competing in a game of musical chairs to see who has the power after things stabilize. Either you are one of those men, one of their enforcers, or you’ll be a producer/ tax payer. Just like you are now. There will be no rising up of completely new polities like Bartertown, or Libertarianville, or ChristIsKingston.

    2. ‘the common factor for successful survival is a strong group of productive trusted friends and family’


  8. Read the new book “The Attack” by Kurt Schlichter. If this is in our future it will put a whole new spin on the country. “All enemies, foreign and domestic” is more than just a catch phrase.

  9. The balkanization has already begun. There is more migration occurring in North America that in all of it’s human history.

    ‘Like’ is gravitating towards ‘like’. Trad Americans are fleeing blue states. The circling of the wagons of Trad Americans in red states is undeniable. Separation of the heart is undeniable.

    Balkanization is a result of incompatible belief systems, ideologies, and desired corresponding political systems trying and failing to coexist. Balkanization is the inevitability of incompatible peoples stuck together desiring to be apart.

    Neither side in this nation have any desire to exist outside of their side’s beliefs, ideologies and political systems. Left finds right untenable, and vice versa. This is reality.

    The natural inclination is to part and go separate ways. Eventually, that level of separation gets codified in differing political systems. We are in between the divorce of the heart and the political divorce proceedings, but this union is dead. ‘Dammit, I’m a Dr. not a miracle worker, It’s dead, Jim!’ I mean dead.

    There is no common union in FUSA to keep the nation together EXCEPT the desire for carrots, or fear of the sticks from those in DC. The inevitable and increasingly imminent financial implosion will remove the carrot part of the equation, leaving only force.

    DC doesn’t have the sticks to rule the continuous nation via fear, but I have no doubt they will try. They will fail as the hearts and minds of Trad Americans are divorced from DC in it’s current form. No carrots. No sticks. DC can/will just go to hell.

    The republic has been Humpty Dumptied. Anyone thinking this can be put back together again is for one reason or another delusional. Trump can’t fix this. The gulf is too big, and Humpty is too broken.

    What divorce court looks like is all that’s up for grabs.

    1. You may have no desire for D.C.
      Rest assured D.C. has designs upon you, along with the cheerful support of vast hordes of dependent minions in every metropolis in America – you know, the urban locii where 82% of Americans currently live – who will cheerfully and gleefully come to get you and what you think is yours, simply because they can.

      People have lived so long under the protection of a republic that safeguards the minority, and the smallest minority, the individual, they’ve completely forgotten what happens when might becomes right.

      People in Alsace, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Poland should be consulted before anyone proposes to build castles in the air based on the allure of “balkanization”. What looked like a great plan in 1919 didn’t work out so well by 1939.

      Suggestions to the contrary are merely normalcy bias writ large.
      And you don’t even notice that any hope – including your own – for any piece of the puzzle living happy and peaceful afterwards depends on the good wishes and honest intentions of the very exact folks you despise most right now. If you’re going to gamble like that, the Powerball grand prize has better odds. Just saying.

      The same thing happened in Korea. And Vietnam. And the Middle East. And on and on.

      In the rest of the world, that time is known as the Overture.

      Idiots claiming balkanization as the permanent end state, rather than the prep phase, are going to have one helluva shocked face when the curtain goes up on Act One.

      Pray, don’t be one of them.

    2. It’s more different peoples than ideologies. At this point we are several nations that have a common country.

      1. Peoples bring their ideologies.

        That’s the problem when a fraudulent regime imposes the drowning of the natives in a sea of unassimilated “diversity”.

        Import Yugoslavia, become Yugoslavia.
        Balkanization is just setting up the pieces, and never lasts for long.
        When the pieces are all in place, they will “Let the games begin”.

        The only proactive answer would be to shut down all immigration, legal and illegal, across the board, for about 50-75 years (we’ve done it before, btw, and it was a roaring success), round up as much of the illegal diversity as can be found, and let the melting pot melt things down for the rest, with a zero-tolerance policy for trouble-makers. Get so much as a parking ticket or an overdue library book while here on your resident alien visa, and back to Slobovia or Trashcanistan you go, with “Permanent Lifetime Ban” stamped on your file. We’d have the most patriotic bunch of imports the country has ever seen, and be sending the rejects back home by the boatload for years.

        As that won’t happen, the restoration to the mean will be rather more kinetic, and terminal, for most of the uninvited interlopers, and no small number of their naturalized brethren, and the home-grown apologists for both.
        Messy, but effective.

        May their chains rest lightly on their wrists, and posterity forget they were ever our brethren.

        1. Ideology is downstream from culture, which is downstream from people. Ultimately, that’s the rub. It will be messy – I concur.

    3. As predicted by the great prophet Thomas Chittum in “Civil War 2.”
      “White Fortressing” is also a new cause celebre of shitlibs, worried about Whites withdrawing from the urban parasites.

  10. Thoughts on the newer thought:

    “The American Civil war did increase the freedom of slaves”
    *WARNING* Unpopular thought ahead: no, it really didn’t. For the most part, slaves were a resource, a source. After the war, they became a sink. And largely still are. (Okay haters, go for it!)

    And Reconstruction not only destroyed the sovereignty of the Southern states, it transformed the nation from united States into Empire, step by step from April 9th 1865 forward. (A point on which I think we agree, albeit presented from different views.)

    Lastly, I think we will end up (are currently ending up) in Balkanization by proxy. I don’t think we will need a trad war to do it, just a war of wills. And I am confident that I know whose will is stronger.

    Soli Deo Gloria.

    1. An even more unpleasant truth is that afterwards many slaves stated they preferred slavery to being capitalist wage slaves, as at least massah provided for retirement and there were no firings or layoffs.

      1. And they got 3 squares and a roof from master. They understood slavery very well since it was endemic to their origins. Also, most slaves were not abused as Hollywood likes to portrait. There were as expensive as a very good horse, which no sensible owner would abused either. Plus, the Bible provides that slaves were to be properly treated. Doing otherwise would have brought the condemnation of the local church. Reminder: Moses was a slave.

    2. I really don’t think the GloboLeft will give up quietly – there’s nothing they hate more than people peacefully enjoying themselves with freedom.

  11. “Middle class America is no less violent than any other people. They seem passive because they’re results oriented. They rise not out of blood frenzy but to solve the otherwise insoluble. Their methods of choice are good will, cooperation, forbearance, negotiation and finally, appeasement, roughly in that order. Only when these fail to end the abuse do they revert to blowback.
    And they do so irretrievably. Once the course is set and the outcome defined, doubt is put aside. The middle class is known, condemned actually, for carrying out violence with the efficiency of an industrial project where bloody destruction at any scale is not only in play, it’s a metric. Remorse is left for the next generation, they’ll have the leisure for it. We’d like to believe this is merely dark speculation. History says it isn’t.”
    – Ol’Remus

    Seemed somehow appropriate to the conversation at hand.

  12. John, your assessment of the jobs situation is off because you are using “establishment” employment numbers. Appears most real economists [not gov] agree that the household survey provides a more accurate estimate. Esp’ly check halfway down on the page:

    The real issue people are feeling is all the new jobs are part-time, while there has been a significant cut in full-time jobs. And even the part-time jobs go to illegals. That has got to add up to a lot of dissatisfaction among natives. No wonder Trump is a success with round them up.

    1. They are, and they’re lower quality service jobs. It’s a hidden recession of the middle class, hollowing them out.

  13. There are always cultural fracture lines in a large enough political entity, they are just easier to see in some large empires that expanded through colonization. These fracture lines are the natural new borders when the empire center can no longer maintain control.
    It doesn’t have to be ethnic, either. The history of China is of many imperial periods that decline into multiple (warring) states. The same thing is true in Europe. An argument could be made that both World Wars revolved around Germany making a play for reconsolidation of the Holy Roman Empire but was rebuffed. France made a play for the same but Napoleon was eventually defeated.
    The best thing that could probably happen to the US would be to split into multiple polities that more accurately reflect the religious and therefore cultural mores of their populations. I don’t see this happening without a fight though because the Mississippi Basin with its agriculture, industry, and cheap bulk transportation is the #1 thing that made the US what it is today. The true economic power of the United States resides there and the elites running their financial sand castles on the coasts know it and won’t just let it go, all the talk about “flyover country” notwithstanding.

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