Collective Punishment: It’s The Plan Of The Left

“Could be race memory stored in the collective unconscious.  I wouldn’t rule out clairvoyance or telepathic contact either.” – Ghostbusters (’84)

Reminder to Leftists:  the Geneva Convention is not a checklist.

One of the things that I was raised with was the idea of individual responsibility.  That didn’t come from society – it came from Ma and Pa.  If I drew on the hardwood floor under the bed in ink I’d blown out of ballpoint pens?  Like a dozen ballpoint pens?

It was on me.  And when it was found, it was my responsibility to scrub it until the ink came off.  I could add in another few dozen things I did, but what parent doesn’t remember coming home and seeing the family photo collection curling up because their six-year-old thought he could make bigger copies by stretching them in water?  I mean, it worked in the darkrooms on the TV shows.  I mixed in all of the cleaning chemicals under the sink because it seemed odd that the pictures weren’t stretching.

And those are not the worst examples of my behavior – not even close.

I once told a joke about the Hindenburg.  It didn’t land well. 

For society as well, that seemed to be the rule.  While groups might have different attributes, if someone broke a law and was convicted, they didn’t send grandparents and children and uncles and nephews to jail – they sent the guy who broke the law to jail.

Certainly, families may have felt shame, but the person who did the crime did the time.

That is so deeply ingrained in me that it took me quite a while to understand that viewpoint is no longer the default in Western Civilization, but rather it is on its way to becoming a quaint anachronism.  What’s replacing it?

Collective guilt.  You can see that nearly everywhere, and the 1619 Project®, the BLM™ and reparations movements, anti-Christian movements, and others are proof.  Reparations:  people who did no wrong paying people who weren’t injured 150 years ago.

When Elizabeth Warren canceled her presidential campaign, it wasn’t the first race she had to leave. (meme not original)

The theory is rather simple – every person related to someone who did something in the past is guilty.  The idea is that groups are collectively sinful and must be punished collectively.  This is certainly not an idea that is enshrined in the West.  Oh, sure, the town of Mudstinklebottom was been put to the torch because the Earl Hootertinkletwerp of Snottlyford was not amused because his trousers weren’t pressed properly.  But these examples of collective punishment are rightly viewed as atrocities, not a “how to” guide.

And I wasn’t at a single one of them.  And neither were you.  As I wrote last week, no one alive should feel even the smallest amount of The Guilt® that is featured on display every day in our world.

But yet, the statue of Thomas Jefferson has to come down because the things he did, which were considered normal back in 1780, are now realized to have been morally abhorrent.  The genius of the man, the founding of the University of Virginia, drafting the Declaration of Independence, and inventing sno-cones can’t be thrown aside based on the moral lens of 2022.

I named my daughter after Thomas Jefferson.  About 250 years after.

The real idea for the destruction of American (and Western) history loops straight back to the tactic collective punishment.  Dismantling the heroes of a civilization, the men and women who saw farther and did more is just part of the punishment – and more on that in a minute.

The Left hates Western Civilization and wants to bring it down.  The Guilt is simply one of the tools of the Left, in order to have the battle end even without a fight.  It’s demoralization, and it’s part of the playbook.  But it is intended on a collective basis.  Who is the guilty party?  Based on what I know of my readership, if you’re reading this, you can nearly be assured that the coming collective punishment is intended for you.  And this collective punishment is indeed a tool of the Left.  If you’re not familiar with the Left’s regular use of collective punishment, here’s a taste from your humble author (LINK).

But news of the broom really swept the nation.

Because, as I’ve written before, the aim of the Left is to win before the first battle is joined.  To do that, they have to make us hate our past.  Why?

In order that the enemy (us) will accept collective guilt.  Again, I’m a poor test subject because I feel zero guilt about you can’t effectively punish a people if they have pride in their past, and pride in themselves.  If every American was evil, and the country was founded on that evil, then everything the country has done since then must be evil, too, right?

Sadly, there are many Americans who have utterly fallen for this concept.  They blame themselves for actions that they have never taken, for thoughts they have never felt, and for crimes that they have never committed.  And the Left wants to take down, to erase all of it.

I’m working less at the cat shelter – they reduced meowers.

Why?  Because they believe, deeply, in collective guilt, and the West has been tried and convicted as far as they are concerned.  The sentence, if they can carry it out, is death.  As has been said before, the Left hates you and wants you dead.

Yes, I still believe in individual responsibility and individual guilt – Ma and Pa Wilder certainly taught me that.  So I guess most of the Leftists should have individual trials.  And individual punishment.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

27 thoughts on “Collective Punishment: It’s The Plan Of The Left”

  1. And I wasn’t at a single one of them. And neither were you. As I wrote last week, no one alive should feel even the smallest amount of The Guilt® that is featured on

    Something missing here?

    1. The only thing a libtard hates more than Thomas Jefferson, et al is him/her/zherself. Bolsheviks we’re a millennialist cult, and the modern Lib is just as obsessed with self destruction. These are the losers in school that have been empowered by the business classes since they are happy to spend everything and own nothing. The Enemy is weak and pathetic, but favored in a post industrial society. The best way to defeat It is to accept that modern convenience is more dangerous than atomic weapons to our social cohesion. The Amish are perversion proof because they work hard every day, and are happy to do so. The Devil makes use of idle hands, and the unemployed socialist is a case study for that truism

  2. But as you say, it is a Western idea. Other cultures were quite happy to execute three generations of a family for something that one did.

      1. D’oh, your site dropped my bracketed smiley faced aside that I am only acting as a humorous Devil’ Advocate here…

      2. Original sin as viewed through the lens of collective guilt is an interesting idea but perhaps not in a way a lot of people assume.

      3. Not original sin, that’s slightly different. This is communal sin. Like everyone involved in the Amazon Lord of the Rings series.

    1. Fixed! Thank you! My writing process . . . well, let’s not go into that. Children might be reading this.

  3. I’m all for trying, convicting and, er, “punishing” Leftists for the crime of being Leftists. It is important to ensure that they actually were Leftists, after all. (No, I don’t care that some/many of them are “useful idiots”. They’re still the enemies of civilization.)

    1. Sure! On board. But I’m betting that if we make them move into their parent’s basements that’s a good start.

  4. Shovel? After the professor from Ohio State announced that he was going to hold a press conference to introduce his new invention, a shovel that would stand up by itself, his office was ransacked. Plus he was run over by a tagless yellow dump truck the next day.

    Nobody was found collectively guilty.

  5. It probably isn’t necessary to say but I’ll say it anyways. Terms like Western and American are code for White. It isn’t so much about Western civilization as it is about who created Western civilization. Iow, they hate our civilization because they hate us, a hate that is grounded in envy and jealousy.

    1. They are also synonyms for Christianity. Forgiveness and mercy are Christian traits that are missing in other forms of thought. Witness the 95 year old woman tossed in a German prison for supposedly being a secretary at a concentration camp or closer to home, the Blaccs attacking an old folks home in North Carolina. That over an possibly open misdemeanor warrant from 1955 on a woman involved in the Emmit Till case. That the statute of limitations is obviously expired meant nothing to those Black Panther wannabes. Welcome to the New Zimbabwe

      1. Cecil, as for the Till trial, a college friend of mine’s father was the Jury Foreman but never knew that until 10 or so years ago (I’m 69). All defendants were acquitted, which was no surprise. It’s a sad world where these people have to drag something up from 70 years ago.

        1. That is so interesting. First person sources are priceless. Always suspected the rotten apple didn’t fall far from the tree with Till. The father was a true monster. Glad to get this bit to file in the memory banks. Sure you have insights of the time and place that most do not.

          1. Noting: there are pages from her biography that describe the attack that just became public.

    2. Arthur, yup, that is one group easily shown as under attack. As noted below, there are others – but, yeah. Tomorrow’s post goes deeper down this rabbit hole.

  6. If whites are collectively guilty for the legacy of that peculiar institution which whites collectively ended over a century and a half ago, are blacks collectively guilty for the crime, mayhem, division and destruction they cause today on a daily basis?

    Of course not. Silly question. Guilt only flows one way, to the white and right. And in the leftist world of collective cog-diss, it makes perfect sense. In the same way that the inviolate “right” to murder the unborn, enshrined in the law, must be preserved while the right to bear arms, also enshrined in the law, was never anything but a ‘suggestion’. One which has outlived its relevancy, according to our deep thinkers on the loony end of the spectrum.

  7. Collective Punishment is the historical norm. The family and friends of traitors even if not traitors can never be trusted, Its logical and if things go hot , both sides will be doing it.

    Anyway our emphasis on individualism or at most the nuclear family over clan, community or church and note I did not say State is essentially the same as what Soro’s believes in.

    The good Western value is the worth of the individual to himself AND community at large not individualism. Its a rather large difference

  8. Now this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky,
    And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.

    As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back;
    For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

    – R. Kipling 1894 The Jungle Book

    1. Excellent callback from an amazing man. And, also, the (weird) subject of tomorrow’s post.

  9. “So I guess most of the Leftists should have individual trials. And individual punishment.”

    Yes, but use communal nooses. Made from organic hemp, they can be used over and over and over.

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