COVID-19, Looking Backwards

“What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?” – Babylon 5

Behind every angry woman is a man who has no idea what he did wrong.

This will probably be my final post on the ‘Rona.  It may get a mention from time to time about lingering effects on the economy and society, but I think the whole COVIDmania is far enough in the rear-view mirror that it’s time for the final review, barring some amazing new revelation like Corona was actually made by Big Toilet Paper to move product.

The disease clearly did kill people, but so does the flu.  It did kill elderly folks by far in a greater percentage than in a normal year, but was nearly a nonexistent threat to most people in good health under the age of 65 or so.  It was a threat ranking somewhere below “blood poisoning from cutting a finger opening an aluminum can” for anyone under the age of 20.

Everyone in my house had it, and everyone is fine now.  It was a light fever (99°F, 3.2 kilometers) in the afternoon for me, Pugsley never noticed having it (but was confirmed to have antibodies) and hit The Mrs. the hardest, but I don’t think she missed more than a few days of work.

It did take one person I knew, but he was nearly 100 years old.  It also took the life of one of my friend’s relatives – an elderly father-in-law.  I found that one out after making a COVID joke, so, yeah.  For my follow up, I’ll probably end up saying, “Thank you for your loss” at a funeral.

In a world where I expect that “get boosted” will qualify as a synonym for “drop dead” – I’m certainly glad that we’re not Vaxxed.

Being un-Vaxxed was a really easy decision.  First, this was a novel use of a new technology on a massive scale.  In that respect, I’d much rather be the control than part of the experiment, to the point that I’ve never even been tested for the ‘Rona.  How do I know I had it?  Like I said, I had a small fever one afternoon.

I heard that when Elvis was in the Army he spent time looking for suspicious mines.

Yeah, I know that having “a small fever one afternoon” isn’t in the diagnostic manual for the ‘Vid, but since that small fever one afternoon happened after The Mrs. coughed on me at close range about a million times during the night.

Second, I wasn’t personally that afraid of the ‘Rona by that point.  The peaks in the infection rate had been up and down and up and down, but the numbers weren’t adding up, especially in my age range as all that scary.  Back then, I think I said that the only age range where I would even think it might make sense was above 60 or 65.

Third, the propaganda was huge.  Some of the biggest attacks (hackers) came after this site after I posted content that was contrary to The Narrative.  Public relations campaigns were imposed.  The trick where the Leftists swap one chip for an updated chip (Comey Bad Because Clinton Laptop becomes Comey Now Good Because He Hates Trump) was really in play for the ‘Rona.  Thankfully, the Internet remembers: 

Above is a short list of people who I hope took their boosters.

The Leftists were well programmed.  And then, in a move that is especially Evil, they approved this technological monstrosity for kids.  Babies as young as six months.  And they died, and are dying today from the Vaxx.  How many healthy athletes in their 20s had a heart attack prior to the ‘Vid?


The evidence for the Vaxx being awful is piling up.  Approval for the Johnson & Johnson® Vaxx has been pulled, as it is apparently the worst one in use in the United States.  I know two people who took that Vaxx at about the same time.  They had major heart surgery within a month of each other.  That’s an anecdote, I know, but the plural of anecdote is data, and that’s probably why Johnson & Johnson™ is no longer available.

But it’s cold showers.  And video games.  And . . . anything but the Vaxx™.

The Science®, they told us, was clear.  If you get the Vaxx©, you won’t get COVID.  Simple!


Yeah, you can get COVID if you get the Vaxx™.  You can spread it, and you can also die of it.  Based on some data that I’ve seen, the ‘Rona that Vaxxed® folks get is actually worse in duration and impact than those who are pureblooded like me.  Perhaps that’s why peabrains like Jeff Spicoli want purebloods to be in prison camps.

I’m on the opposite end.  I actually hope that all of the people who took the Vaxx™ aren’t harmed by it.  I do think that the powers that be are ready to let it go.  For whatever reason this was pushed, even if it was something as simple as getting Trump out of office, it’s served the purpose that they intended for it, and when Russia invaded the Ukraine, well, it was okay to shut it all down.

I wonder what the next thing they push will be?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

48 thoughts on “COVID-19, Looking Backwards”

  1. The great Cody Lundin of survival fame has a great quote about how self-reliant people have been marginalized as kooks and crazies over the past forty years.
    It is obvious the Thelma and Louise hive is hellbent on speeding over the cliff edge in the name of security uber alles and taking all of us with them.
    Survey says, wrong mofo answer, we must separate.
    Look at Elvis! Morale is boosted already.
    Thank you very much.

    1. Very true – talk to people about non-standard situations where a cell phone won’t save you, the eyes glaze over.

  2. My other half held out on the Vaxx for 6+ months. She was denied contact with her 3 grandchildren that lived 5 minutes away. Finally gave in, got two in late 2020. F*ed her up immediately, still in physical therapy and on blood thinners.

    And here’s the fag Jim Hoft writing about cold showers with a 20ish stud pic…why not a hot 20ish chick, Jim?

    1. Well, you know I would have preferred that. Sorry to hear about your other half – hoping the effects tone down over time . . .

    1. The so-called covid virus was never isolated. It never existed. Why did the flu “disappear”. A giant hoax.

    1. Agreed the vaxx was for the working Americans. And I guess that was why Congress and the Post Office was not included in mandating.

    2. There are several on camera “taking injections” with the cap still on the needle. Not even trying.

      1. …or saline injections. It’s not like we could tell the difference. Hell, maybe even *they* thought they were getting genuine ‘jab’, but TPTB couldn’t have ’em dyin’ off until all the plebes got theirs…

  3. The real aftermath of Covid will be if it was, as I and many others believe, a trial run of sorts to see how people would react. I am afraid the answer was one that pleases Them as the sheep-like compliance of most people coupled with those that complied out of fear of losing their job are an encouragement for Them to do something similar but more sinister next time.

    As an aside, our local Amish are an interesting counter-narrative. Despite being exposed to all sorts of “English” people, the Amish as a whole refused to do what they were supposed to (wear masks, social distance, get “vaccinated”) and did everything we were told not to do (gathering in large groups, singing, etc). I know a few older Amish that died *with* Covid, but they were elderly and/or had serious health issues that meant they were on the way out anyway. Otherwise life went on just as before as they mostly ignored Covid. You don’t hear much about that from the media.

      1. We ‘self-identify’, much as those who still insist on wearing the face diaper…

  4. Everyone in my extended family got vaxxed, most boosted. They’re all still alive. I didn’t do anything except wear a face diaper when I absolutely had to or else. I am still alive. “Trust the science” — but make sure that you know how science really works.

    I firmly believe that the greatest damage from the SARS-CoV2 imbroglio came from the other elephant in the room, and that damage is far greater and more extensive than I can even comprehend.

  5. Had it in December 2020. Had sniffles for a couple of days. No fever. No body aches. Never got the jab. Stuck to a regimen of elderberry, vitamin B6, vitamin c, vitamin d and zinc. The only fear I had was the effect it would have in the supply chain.

  6. If you’re going to spread the truth, start with the hardest reality for everyone to accept:


    We were promised vaccines, but exactly none were ever delivered.
    By anyone.

    So even the Jabbed are Unvaccinated.
    Period. Full stop.

    Notice that no one is now talking about coming up with an actual vaccine.
    Much like OJ after his jury nullification trial “out looking for the real killer”.

    That should tell you everything you need to know.

    And JW,
    I’ve never been a fan of revisionist history.
    You should know that, living in East Kackalacky, your COVID experience mirrors much of Flyover Country, but precisely none of urban or suburban America’s.
    Unfortunately for America, the reality is that 79% of Americans don’t live where you do, nor experienced so fleeting an effect as you did, because they do live in urban or suburban districts.

    Now, with Original COVID happily over, my ER bags and tags maybe 1-5 dead bodies a week of all causes, including gunshots and car accidents, just like it did through the end of 2019, and every year prior for decades.
    From mid-2020 through early 2022, however, it hit spurts of 1-3 dead per shift from COVID, and the ICU was as bad.
    Like it’s never been, anywhere, in my paltry 30 year career in emergency medicine, including any annual flu outbreak in either of our lifetimes.

    If we’re going to play anecdotal games, I personally bagged more people who died from COVID than any number you even know of in your locale. And carried them to 40′ cold storage trailers out back, and helped the techs sling them in piles stacked up over both our heads, because the hospital’s small (but normally more than adequate) morgue was full, and the coroner and mortuaries were backlogged for weeks.

    So comparing a virus with a peak 3% mortality to annual flu with a peak 0.1% mortality, based on your anecdotal experience, is comparing houseflies with houses.
    Now, Covid is, indeed “just the flu”. Back then, not nearly so much.
    Trying to paint Now as equivalent to Peak Pandemic is like calling the Fukushima Tsunami a “strong surf day”.

    [Pro Math Tip: 0.1% mortality is one person in 1000 dying.
    3% mortality is one person in 33 dying.
    You tell me which of those actuarial lotteries you’d want to buy a ticket in.
    It’s the difference between the risk of getting shot by going to Chicago, and the risk of getting shot working on a movie. Even if the movie featured Alec Baldwin.]

    You absolutely know better than that.
    That kind of rhetorical fog is from the style book of the White House Press Secretary explaining what’s going on at the southern border as “business as usual; nothing to see here”.

    The low-information idiots out there want to pretend they weren’t told – including by me – that the actual mortality from this thing was the least of the problems it would bring.
    (Peak Biden being a far greater malady, and probably with a higher body count, to mention only one of many among a Pandora’s Box of other complications.)

    I’m also glad you – or anyone else so spared – were in an area lightly burdened by the disease.
    And like you, I too hope those who foolishly got Jabbed don’t suffer increased mortality from the Jab.
    Even the total raving idiots. (I’m still fine if they get creamed in crosswalks or choke on their meals.)
    But hope isn’t a plan.

    Personally, I’m wondering when and if the 60% of my Jabbed co-workers start suffering the expected “surplus deaths”, and start getting diagnosed with Suddenly™ complications, including sudden expiration from it, if the penny will finally drop for them, and sunset the “Thankfully, I was Jabbed, or it could have been worse” nonsense.

    Or if they’ll just have those final words carved onto their tombstones.

    But the whole thing proved one thing absolutely beyond all argument:
    The Democommunists never let a crisis go to waste.
    Saul Alinsky would be proud.

    I can only hope the eventual response to that cheers Augusto Pinochet to an equal degree.

    1. Bollocks. Covid was a hoax. People died “with it” from nonsense PCR tests and being ventilated. Stop spreading this disinformation.

    2. Agreed, that’s why I never called it vaccine – it’s some weird thing that we can’t really describe well unless we call it poison.

      I wasn’t trying to be a revisionist – the big numbers in deaths were folks 65+ where it was devastating. It was far more brutal than the flu, I pulled up (for the last time, thankfully) the data from here (

      Bad, yes. Certainly some unexpected younger folks in good health, but mostly older folks, where (by one stat I saw) 35% of people over 85 who got it died.

      The deaths in the 50-65 were about 45,000, but the population of people in that age group is somewhere around 54,000,000, so it’s about .08% mortality over three years from COVID. in that age group. Certainly not good, and a lot of people died who shouldn’t have, and at a rate that none of our systems are designed to deal with.

      Sucks you were in that position. I remember reading your posts from then. Grim.

      1. The avg annual deaths of all age groups from annual flu for the last decade is around 36,000 people.
        Kindly compare and contrast.
        COVID avg. over three years: 375,951 in any year of the three.

        Yes, COVID certainly hit older people harder. Not least of which because they’re less resilient and more worn out (that’s what co-morbidities like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and COPD do to you).

        Total number of people under 50 in any average year who die of annual flu: less than 3000.
        Total number of people under 50 who died of COVID in any year of the three: about 24,585.
        COVID in any of the three years noted killed 2/3rds as many people under 50 than flu kills of all ages, 0-100, combined.

        And mortality isn’t calculated based on percentage of total population, it’s calculated on percentage of total infected with the disease in question. We don’t get to count the 50% or more of people who never got COVID, or any other disease, to try and make it look less virulent.

        Your chances were better with COVID the younger you were, certainly, but flu generally doesn’t kill many 20-somethings ever unless they’re already half dead train wrecks with overwhelming disabilities to begin with.
        I can count the number of 20-year olds I’ve ever even heard of who died of the flu on my third set of teeth.

        And then we’ve still got barking retards claiming more Americans dead in three years from COVID than from 31 years of annual flu, or than the total number of war deaths in all American wars combined from 1775-present is “a hoax”.

        We know who skipped your recent essay on Denying Reality.

        Common sense, isn’t.
        But mafz iz hard.

  7. Lost a coworker to it a few years ago. The local media conveniently neglected to mention that he had advanced COPD and had been out of work for a couple of years as a result.

    Funny how the flu seemed to go away while Covid was making the rounds.

    1. I wonder if everyone in Creation blasting their hands 10x/day with metric craptons of alcohol hand sanitizer for three years, closing all schools and most businesses for months on end, shutting down air (and most other international) travel, mandatory masking most places, and 6′ distancing at the few places still open might’ve had a wee bit to do with flu “going away” during all that time.
      Almost as if infection control measures prevent infections.

      Or maybe those two things were just wildly unrelated coincidences.

      BTW, the coworker that had advanced COPD obviously had it for a couple of years.
      Maybe far longer.
      So how is it that never killed them DRT for years before COVID came along…?

      Just asking. Things that make you go “Hmmmm.”

  8. I went out partying in December ’20. Woke up Saturday morning with the poorlies but, I did my projects. When I got up Sunday I still felt bad. I never had a hangover last that long. I did notice that I couldn’t taste my Pepsi though. So I figured I had it. I was tested on Monday and received the results Thursday, sure enough, positive. By then though, I felt fine but, work was a mandatory 2 weeks off, paid though. I had a great time going wheeling in the snow and generally goofing off all on the taxpayers dime.
    I worked for a public service agency and they had all sorts of isolation and distancing rules. We were outside 95% of the time so we ignored them. I did tell my boss though, if vaccinations become mandatory, I would be burning off all my vacation and comp time beginning the final date I could work without the vaccine. I would then be retiring the day my time was used up. He told me he would be right behind me. They never made them mandatory.

    1. Had a similar situation – asked if I was gonna, I just smiled. Didn’t answer. They knew.

  9. I’ve talked to a few doctors that refused the vaccine, were suspicious of the motives, and believed the lockdown was total crap. Their remarks assured me the bandwagon wasn’t nearly as full as the media described.

    1. I think it also depends on where – a lot were required to take it to keep their jobs.

  10. Irish posted the pic of the white house social media influence posers a couple days ago. Jojo and brooklyn dad dumbass karens are in it. They are the bottom 2 in your first picture post. I follow them on twatter for trolling purposes only.

    I fired my doc of thirty years after the incessant feeding of me the standard lines. It’s safe and otherwise. Then made him do the antibodies test. Yep positive couldn’t tell you when or where. Last visit he just had suggest it one more time. My wife was there. so I smartassed him, you mean the one with 9000 side effects. The exam room door was open so I’m sure many heard it.

    If I ever see him again, I’m going to ask how many of his patients are dead.

  11. Told folks from getgo it’s the serpent’s bite. Intentionally manufactured and disseminated by the usual assholes.

    Told my best friend don’t take it and briefly described why. He obeys me in all other things but took it to keep his job (fireman) and feed/house wife and kids. It’s a poor country and good steady employ is uncommon.

    He took two hits and in subsequent two years suffered a bunch of unusual maladies and infections, some serious. This is a man in his late thirties, excellent condition, MMA trained etc. He’s doing ok now but I’m concerned.

    I should have been more adamant in prohibiting him, but he’s a grown man with a family and 2 jobs, and he spent a year passing the job qualifications and doing intern firefighting. So stupidly I left it at one warning. My bad.

  12. Two items:

    1) Two direct relatives died as a result of The Plague. Yes, they were both over 70, but it ls likely that had it not been the Plague there is every reason to believe they would still be with us.

    2) The other real casualty of this (beyond the world economy, which is pretty significant in and of itself) is the entire way we develop, authorize, and approve medications. The process was clearly not followed and the long term results are rolling themselves out. But the damage has been done – now every time I hear discussion of Regulatory Approval and questions on the data, I find myself wondering what they missed this time. It is a real setback for science and drug approvals everywhere.

    1. The considered and deliberate destructions of
      1) Medical ethics both of and within the profession
      2) Trust in the entire medical industry
      3) The certification and regulatory agencies overall

      has pretty much returned us the era of snake oil salesmen and witchdoctors, at least functionally, and in ways TPTB either didn’t imagine; or which they knew about, but didn’t care enough not to screw up.

      One is monumental stupidity, the other is pure malice.
      There’s no third option to pick from.

      (Reference the nonsensical “Hey, can’t we just forget all the COVIDiocy hogwash we spewed?” headlines. They figure they can maybe get forgiveness for stupidity, rather than owning malicious design. And they’re shocked they underestimated the depth and vehemence of the comeuppance they’re still owed, which is like thinking throwing a bottle of Pepto-Bismol into it would have calmed Krakatoa.)

      When they’re flying out of helicopters, or getting hot tar and feathers applied in earnest, then it’ll be funny.

    2. I’m sorry to hear that. Yes, a lot of years were taken from elderly folks in otherwise good health, but I think it really messed with the minds of a *lot* of kids. And that’s a long term effect we still haven’t dealt with.

  13. Because being fashionably late is simply how we roll, wife and I both came down with confirmed cases of coolie flu a mere two days before the CDC declared the world “all better” a few weeks ago. Perhaps not surprisingly, we are utterly certain that we contracted it in the hospital where I went the week before for a cardiac catheterization. Being virtual hermits had kept us safe from the coof for years, so it took 6 hours in the hospital for it to finally find us.

    After testing pos at my local CVS Minute Clinic I was hustled out of the store and sent to the drive-thru prescription pickup, where I was given a bottle of Lagevrio pills. According to what I’ve since read, this particular med boasts a 30% success rate in lessening the symptoms of covid.

    Think about that. A 30% success rate. Just one in three people taking this crap showed measurable improvement from taking it, however “improvement” was dubiously defined. Not only are the “vaccines” so much snake oil, the “approved treatment” main ingredient appears to be ‘wishful thinking’.

    Trust the science, indeed.

      1. Different strokes.

        Me? 150 tests. Mandatorily. Twice a week for a year and a half.
        Because no Jab. No way in hell.
        Still no COVID. Not even so much as a sick day in three years until last month.
        (And I checked. That wasn’t COVID either.)

        Everyone who got the Jab(s²)³ at work?
        COVID. More COVID. COVID Again. And Yet Again.
        That’s how I stick it to The Man.

  14. I had it twice. My 84 year old father had it once. No worse than the flu for us.

    I know a guy who died from it. He was on a ventilator for a month before they turned it off. He was about 78 or so and in good health for a guy 3/4s of a century old.

    My 89 year old friend has had it three times. It did not help his heart health. He has had to stop preaching on Sundays but normal life may have done that to him too. He used to preach at one of our local nursing homes, I have attended several times for his five minute sermons.

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