“You’ll have a grand tale to tell. A tale of victory.” – 300
I guess Kim is chubby because he never had to run for office.
Certainly, the re-election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency has been a remoralizing event. I know that many (me included) thought that the GloboLeftElite would do whatever was necessary to “fortify” the results so Trump couldn’t return to power. I think, in the end the real power that saved Trump was the power of his hair. I mean, like Hamlet said, let the best mane win.
I’m in hopes that he won’t let his worst impulses take this second term of his administration run into the problems of the first. Trump’s main flaw (not his mane flaw, which is flawless) is his desire to “make a deal”. Hell, his book was even titled, “The Art of the Deal”. That’s where he got his greatest successes, and that was the great flaw that was exploited and why we ended up sending billions to foreigners, yet still didn’t have adequate border coverage at the end of his administration.
Scientists have discovered a way to walk through walls: doors.
So, now is not the time to give up – we must hold Trump accountable for the promises he made. He understands that he’s not our leader, that, rather, he jumped out in front of a parade that was already in motion and gave it a focus. When he gets off track, like when he praised himself for the Vaxx®, MAGA crowds booed him. And then he stopped talking about the Vaxx™, because he knew that wasn’t where the parade was headed.
We must remain vigilant. I do think that there is hope, since his near assassination, this has probably focused him like a laser on his own mortality. He knows he has four years to do what he has to do, and that’s it. Possibly only two: the mid-term elections may change the House, and turn his last two years into a gridlocked standstill.
Now, a gridlocked standstill is probably better than when congress is “doing” things and will probably lead to a dozen more impeachments for crimes like “breathing” and “sighing”, so the next two years is key.
The good news is that the GloboLeft is shell-shocked. They’ve created little echo chambers that made them get high on their own supply and think that a (possibly) drunken (allegedly) cocaine-using diversity hire anchor baby that achieved absolutely nothing, ever, that wasn’t given to her would be a good candidate. They were (and are) shocked.
Good friends are like toasters – if you throw one down the stairs, they probably won’t make toast for you anymore.
Good. The GloboLeft are shaken to the core, and we should make sure that it stays that way. If they think Trump is going to be bad, we should, at every instance, agree and amplify.
This isn’t spiking the ball. This is making them crazy.
Oh, sure, they wouldn’t be the GloboLeft if they weren’t already crazy members of a death cult. But we want to amp it up. We want them to not be able to think straight. For the next two years. We want to hijack (whenever possible) their amygdalae (Anonymous Conservative talks about it at the LINK). If you work with one of these creatures, you can get them to go off at the slightest provocation.
Why? They’re already unstable. Don’t let them plan. Don’t give them their safe spaces. Don’t let up. They may be in HR. They may be community members. When they make accusations in public, or on Facebook™ or Reddit© or X®, they sound crazy. They will call you a Nazi. They will say that you are evil. They will sound unhinged. Good. They discredit themselves.
You are needed. Keep the pressure on.
Her liver was 152.
As long as the GloboLeft sounds like the unhinged death cult members that they are, they move the Overton Window our direction.
Make them crazy. If you see a GloboLeftist flaking out at the supermarket, you can walk by and say, “This is MAGA country, missy.” That’s guaranteed to end up with a shrieking fit and a crazed post. If confronted, you can just say, “I was wondering where the pasta aisle was. Don’t have any idea why she reacted so.”
So, keep them busy.
To the non-crazy normies, keep dropping redpills. One story I heard from about a normie was that she was concerned that Trump wanted to “drain the swamp”. When it was gently explained that “drain the swamp” actually referred to the corruption of the Deep State at Foggy Bottom, the response was, “Oh, I can see that.”
Never expect normies to know what’s actually going on, so don’t get complicated. Explaining basic economics might help. Might.
Be reminded that these are the same people that didn’t know who was running for president, so, be gentle, and don’t start with weapons-grade redpills about deportation. Ease them into it. Help them draw conclusions. Point out how the mainstream media is lying or not covering the real news.
Well, maybe Juan in a million.
And remember that X® is our friend right now – the closest we have to a mainstream news platform that isn’t censoring (much).
Don’t cede the Second Amendment. Ever. Not a single inch. Point out that the real killers aren’t law-abiding gun owners, but gangbangers mainly shooting gangbangers, and they’d have guns anyway when everyone else was disarmed. Point out that there is a correlation with more guns leading to less crime. Disarmed people are victims waiting for second responders – armed people are citizens who are the true first responders.
Don’t cede morality. The latest hilarity is the 4B movement, essentially women promising not to engage in random sex and rather wait until they’re in a committed relationship. They expected us to get mad, when in reality we say, “Awesome, welcome aboard! Nobody likes a tramp.”
Are the security people at a trampoline store called bouncers?
Don’t cede love of your country, and don’t cede love of your nation. They’re not the same thing, but don’t give up either.
Enjoy the win. Keep the steel in Trump’s spine. And don’t spike the football yet.
It’s not even halftime.
But for now? We didn’t win by a hair, we won by a whole headful.
And you are needed.
Ronald Reagan made a “deal” concerning illegal aliens, but then the promised monies to fund the enforcement mechanisms… Well, that never happened, as the UniParty merrily played him for a fool.
So, BOLO for any recurrence of “deal making” from Trump, because the UniParty will welch whenever and wherever they can. Executive Orders ain’t gonna cut it, whatever needs to be implemented must be made permanent via the statutes ALREADY on the books being enforced. No “legislation from the bench” by the judiciary (the UniParty’s big f’en friends, that’s why they were installed in those lifetime positions; i.e., to keep Justice selectively blind to black letter law), deciding which statutes they will allow to be enforced. The UniParty is fond of impeachments, so why not start to use this against the Judiciary when its members try their tricks, either ignoring those sections of the US Code that thwart their plans, or by denying standing (their favorite trick, inclusive of the Supreme Court, too, remember?). One of the principal duties of the Executive, in the person of the President, is to “take care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” Article II, Section 3, US Constitution. If the Congress can’t be arsed to defend the statutes, the Executive needs to go it alone.
I think he called that his greatest mistake.
Oh, desire, between the ashes and the fire, goes down slow.
Well said.
God will determine our our outcome. Prayer will make things happen.
That reminds me of the parable (badly paraphrased here) of the religious man stranded in rising flood waters. A rescue boat came by but he refused to get in because he said he had put his faith in God to keep him safe. Then a helicopter came by but he refused again because God was going to save him. He eventually drowned as the waters continued to rise. In Heaven, he told Peter that he was disappointed that God didn’t save him from the flood. Peter checked his log and said “well it says here that we sent a boat and a helicopter….”
Anyway, I agree with your sentiment on prayer, but ultimately God helps those who help themselves. As John pointed out, we still have to remain diligent and fight to maintain the victory that we achieved last week or the Republicans will most assuredly “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory” as they are so apt to do.
He also gave mankind free will; it’s on us to use it wisely.
He gave mankind the gift of free will; it’s on us to use it wisely.
We are His hands on this fallen Earth.
“the Lord helps those who help themselves.”
It will. But we must also act.
I am actually surprised by just how demoralized and disorganized the Left is right now. I was expecting massive riots against Tritler. Instead, we get a mere dozen black block Antifa showing up for what are effectively cosplay exercises.
Even Grandpa James Carville is trying to red pill the Left…
I love the smell of napalm in the morning on The View. 🙂
I suspect the riots never materialized because Kamala just isn’t a charismatic leader. You have to have a lot of stage presence and sway over your people to talk them into drinking poisoned Kool-Aid (or rioting on your behalf).
On top of that….most states were already sending the message that they weren’t going to tolerate rioting and many blue cities had already mobilized the National Guard. Rioting was a high risk, low reward proposition this time around.
Kamala didn’t have enough money left over to pay the rioters.
Yes. Make the rubble bounce!
They’re evil rodents, lurking in the shadows, nipping at exposed flesh, and more dangerous than any other species on this planet. Eradication of the mental derangement is necessary, and if Trump’s administration only accomplishes one goal, it is to rid the country of the Department of Education.
Yes. That would be a great start. 4,400, with a couple million to go.
Oh John, you sweet Summer child…
Ok…time to inject 💉 some reality here.
NO individuals ‘elected’ drumphsctick over bare-ass through the latest iteration of the Kabuki political Uniparty Theater sideshow event.
The Globalist Rothschild parasite class banksters did their due diligence over 2 years ago to see which of their owned and controlled political meatpuppets would give them the best ROI (Return On Investment) for their expenditure of both finances and effort – BOTH drumphsctick and bare-ass ARE completely loyal to them and their owned corporate military terrorist colony of israel btw.
They chose drumphsctick as THEIR choice as they have the greater personal and financial leverage over him and he’s proved to them to be a dedicated and loyal hasbara provider of them and their goals.
‘Voting’..it’s just like Joseph Stalin said, “It doesn’t matter who votes – it’s who COUNTS the votes that matter.”
Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock told everyone on October 21st 2024, “Elections DON’T matter.”
What does he know that other non-billionare people don’t know or understand?..
Their owned Kabuki political Uniparty Theater sideshow is a completely rigged game from start to finish, just like the late Harold Wallace Rosenthal said in his interview from July 1976:
“No one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval. Americans have not had a Presidenal choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man. Every president since Roosevelt has been our man.”
Here’s the link to that interview:
The Globalist Rothschild parasite class banksters domestic Kabuki political Uniparty Theater sideshow serves the purpose of giving people here the mere illusion that ‘voting’ gives them both a say and a choice in who leads them…and like any illusion, neither are real..the entire process and event is no more real than any outcome of any WCW/ECW/Ultimate Cage Match…it’s outcome is ALL pre-scripted and decided BEFORE the house lights come on and the spectators take their seats.
Truthfully put, EVERYONE who ‘voted’ for either controlled and danced Kabuki political Uniparty Theater sideshow meatpuppet got played by the Globalist’s rigged house game.
The every 4 year selection is just a Special Olympics event for adults to both be spectators and competitors in…with the same scripted outcome and self-congratulatory emotionally driven ‘atta-boy – you did it – you’re so fantastic!! euphemisms and a cheap “I Voted!” sticker as a consolation prize for being good and participating in the rigged game.
The 4 year Kabuki political Uniparty Theater selection sideshow is over – and everyone who participated in it as a ‘voter’ was played like a fiddle!
George Carlin was absolutely right about ‘voting’ and that we’re NOT in THEIR ‘BIG CLUB’.
Now people can try to return to sanity and try to go back to living together peacefully, if possible.. the Globalist controlled “American [in name only] Government” will continue to do what it’s done since 1913…create more money out of nothing and fund more wars to enrich the Globalist Rothschild parasite class banksters as a result…at least until the “Almighty Dollar” is no longer accepted and becomes completely worthless via hyperinflation..then the ‘domestic fun’ kicks off…a loaf of bread costing $25 million dollars today..$30 million tomorrow..and a gallon of milk twice that.
Weimar ‘Republic’, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and Argentina anyone?…
The only question that remains is, “Are you not entertained?”
Northgunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!
Nothing will change until people start going hungry.
With everything converging like Germany starting to crumble, household debt at $17.94 Trillion, and back-and-forth articles about either the US or Russia cutting undersea transcontinental cables that run the bulk of the internet backbone, the odds of people going hungry before spring is pretty good right now.
Nordstream was a sucking chest wound, but cutting cables in this “advanced civilization” where the retards need directions to get to a place they’ve driven to multiple times and can’t count change from a cash transaction?
Good times ahead, but only after The Great Culling. No stopping it at this point.
Likely not, but there is a singular hope . . .
I know that many (me included) thought that the GloboLeftElite would do whatever was necessary to “fortify” the results so Trump couldn’t return to power.
It feels a little Too Easy. I wonder if THEY haven’t realized that another stolen election would create problems even THEY aren’t ready for,so They backed off and are plotting to destroy his ability to Demonstrate to America that
It Doesn’t HaftaBe the way it’s Been Being.
We’ll see. Stealing the election is not beyond them, but maybe this magnitude was just too large.
Speaking of the lies they tell us, I heard Fed Chairman Powell explain yesterday that “inflation is a psychological, social phenomenon. When people expect it, they act so as to make it happen.” By that logic, I could argue that the onset of Winter is also a psychological social phenomenon, because it only happens when everyone expects it. They get their warm clothes out of storage, put the summer stuff away, and –boom– cold weather shows up!
If the money supply weren’t increased (either by the Fed or the other banks, through reckless lending), anyone who raised prices would see sales fall. Demand a higher wage, and look for a new job. If more money isn’t there, to go around, prices / wages can’t go up.
Powell is an idiot, but you’d only know it if you listen to him talking.
Re: Grandma Wilder’s caption: And her BAC was 497.
Re: The post:
“On target. Fire for effect.
As certain military experts have advised:
“Keep the skeer on ’em.” – Nathan Bedford Forrest
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a blunder.” – Napoleon
“And once they’re in headlong retreat, ride them down with cavalry, trample them underfoot, and shoot the corpses twice. Just to be sure. Because it’s not funny, until it’s not funny. Then it’s hilarious.” – the entire alt Right
Exactly. Don’t let up on them, at all.
Votes are a form of investment in the future. And investors expect a return on their investment.