“Can we stop twittering like fishwives?” – The Death of Stalin
Where did Sauron take his driver’s test? The department of Mordor vehicles.
Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter® finally went through. It’s almost as if he’s bored running a car company, a space exploration company, and managing his hair implants.
His purchase of Twitter©, though, is different. It’s made all of the Leftist intelligentsia as crazy as evening visitors to the Pelosi house.
Of course, Elon Tweeted® about that:
But when he was challenged, clarified:
Hillary Clinton responded that she was outraged:
And members of her party were puzzled:
The reason Leftists are upset is simple: Twitter™, though it’s never been horribly profitable, has an outsized grasp on public attention. We’re no longer in the world where the Lincoln-Douglas debates where each candidate would speak for a total of ninety minutes in a three-hour debate. Nope. Twitter™ is a platform that allows no more than 280 characters in a Tweet©.
It does match the attention span of the audience, and it has a format that’s very simple for amplifying very short ideas. It’s like taking an idea or an emotion and distilling it down to the smallest bite. If the Declaration of Independence would have been a Tweet®, it would have been, “No way, dude. Make me.” It seems to lose a bit of the majesty that way, but Franklin would ReTweet™ it to King George with a woodcut picture of Washington’s wife’s butt.
Twitter™, then, is important to the Left. The primary reason it’s important is that, until Musk bought it, it was entirely owned by the Left. For a while, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter©, maintained it was the “free speech wing of the free speech party,” and most content that wasn’t illegal was a go.
Gradually, though, the Left began to hate that. No matter what Trump may or may not have done in office, he was the master of the Tweet©. He could, in a few short words, eviscerate an opponent in such a way that they could never recover. And it was an unfettered way to reach millions.
And the Left hated that. Since they had captured the media, both print and broadcast, they hated anyone who could escape their gatekeeping. Someone like Rush Limbaugh or a group like Fox News™ had to be co-opted, tamed, and turned into a loyal opposition. Rush Limbaugh of 2002 was just a shadow of Rush Limbaugh 1992. And Fox News© never veers too far off of the mainstream.
But Twitter©? It could go to any topic, and ideas could spread at the speed of the Internet across the globe. Any idea could spread this fast, and it could be amplified by tens of thousands. It was important enough that bot nets were created to retweet and comment to give oxygen to topics that certain people liked, while attempting to bury content that certain people didn’t like. How bad are the bot nets? Elon now has the receipts:
On one hand, this was a massive amount of intelligence that I’m sure made the CIA and NSA and FBI very, very happy. Not since Facebook™ had such information been available to them: names, places, private conversations, email addresses, locations, and beliefs.
I stopped using Twitter® and just started yelling my views in public. I have three followers now, but I think two are FBI.
Trump, though, showed the danger in this system. The wrong ideas, unapproved ideas, could begin to spread. The result was that banning for ideas started. Alex Jones in 2018 was the first, and his accounts had over six million followers. Why? Because his accounts had over six million followers.
Steve Bannon was banned. Milo Yiannopoulos was banned for not liking an actress. British politician Katie Hopkins was banned for badthink. Marjorie Taylor Greene (a sitting member of Congress) was banned for daring to share her belief that the 2020 election was hacked.
Those are obvious – but dozens of people have been banned for opinions about the COVID-19 “vaxx” that have been proven, over time, to be 100% true. But they’re banned.
70,000 accounts were purged in January, 2021, for sharing QAnon stuff.
There have been Leftists banned, sure. But Twitter© had become the official mouthpiece of the Leftist oligarchy. Have an opinion that drifted too far from the accepted window of opinions? Banned. And the Left loves it. Check out a list of their demands:
I demand to be recognized, too. I identify as non-Bidenary.
This illustrates the mode of operation of the Left – free speech is their stated goal, right until the minute when they have power. Then? Speech must be controlled, in ever smaller boxes, until the only opinions one is free to share are the official and accepted opinions of the Left. To be clear, this is nothing new. Freedom of speech was officially part of the Constitution of the Soviet Union, but actually attempting to use it would nearly certainly result in voluntary visits to the GULAG if not just a single accidental 9x18mm Makarov shot to the head.
That is the way the Left likes their free speech. But Elon messed up their plan.
To be clear, I don’t think Elon is a savior. He’s just, like Trump, a wildcard that the Left didn’t anticipate. He’s been willing to play their games. Tesla™ made money early because of tax incentives. SpaceX® makes billions a year from government contracts. And Elon’s hair was developed in a secret government lab, like COVID-19. And like COVID, it’s growing wild.
In the end, I think it’s another iteration of Wilder’s Law of Greatest Amusement – if there are two possible outcomes, the most amusing outcome will be the thing that happens. I mean, if Jimmy Kimmel is mad at you, you know you’re doing something right.
You da man that was awesome!
Thank you! I blame Musk.
“What’s that smell?
What’s that smell?
What’s that smell?
The Twitter bird will henceforth be yellow, and his name will be “Woodstock”!
Ha! I love it! I bet he could get that changed for Peanuts.
Lord knows they’ve got Snoopy covered!
Great post. The Elon show has been fascinating, and I suspect the next few weeks will be extra fun.
Already are! Stephen King got extra cranky at him today. Ha!
More nincompoopery from the chinese.
Fentanyl in Halloween candy:
Yeah, I’m sure they try to crack down on that . . . I mean, their eyes must get tired of winking.
Those are obvious – but dozens of people have been banned for options about the COVID-19 “vaxx” that have been proven, over time, to be 100% true. But they’re banned.
I suspect these were “opinions” not “options”. The automatic spelling correction strikes again!
Yup (fixing). Thank you!!
“…into a fully formed piece of…”
Jimmy’s pretty adept describing himself these days.
He was funny, once. About 25 years ago.
The amazing thing is that comedy – at least at it is permitted on mainstrem media – is just about dead. When someone does manage to bypass the filters – Dave Chappelle, for example – he is immediately removed and buried from public view.
Kevin Hart, an actual funny guy, had to cringingly apologize for WrongThink. He’s lost that funny edge.
That’s the point, I think. The Mrs. and I watched a silly movie from 2000, and there is no way that that movie with those jokes could be made today – and they weren’t offensive. Just poking fun, at everyone.
Elon’s fascination with Twitter will go beyond his admirable dedication for free speech. I predict he will modify Twitter to go into two new areas that go way beyond constantly sharing people’s thoughts.
First, he will mod Twitter to make geofencing a required default in the terms of service – and hopefully allow public access to the resulting database. Sharing people’s continuous location – and associations – can be even more valuable – and dangerous – than sharing their thoughts.
Second, he will turn Twitter into a vast background cryptocurrency mining empire. Twitter currently has almost 500 million monthly users. That’s 500 million cellphones that could be running a Bitcoin-like concensus algorithm to support a new blockchain for Eloncoin (which doesn’t exist – yet). Unlike the specialized, dedicated Bitcoin miner chips using incredibly stupid levels of electricity, Twitter cellphone are always on anyway and might as well be doing something continuously useful like supporting a blockchain…
And even if Elon doesn’t somehow tie Twitter to cryptocurrency, he almost certainly will tie it to digital currency use. (There is a huge difference, another topic for another day.) Elon has taken on the auto industry with Tesla and the aerospace industry with SpaceX. Maybe he will use Twitter to take on the US Federal Reserve and the “globalist” Atlantic Council/IMF/WEF Great Reset itself in the battle to turn your cellphone into your money wallet as part of the War On Cash.
Mark my words…everybody thinks Elon purchasing Twitter all is about moving from Leftist narrative control into free speech for individuals. What is really at stake is geofencing, cryptojacking and digital currencies for the masses.
Ricky, remember he’s done crypto before – DogeCoin
Yes, and also Shiba Inu. He’s made a LOT of money off of both of those…but they were started by somebody else and have several shortcomings. An all new Eloncoin would be a gamechanger if it could go off of Twitter from the start. To da Moon!!!
Agreed. Bix Weir is promoting some crypto starting w/ a T that is around $1 that the claims will go to $500. It acts as access to blockchains. I’ve made some $$$ w/ Ethereum but nothing beeg.
Shopify at $28.62 became my big hit/retirement goose egg. Got out a month before its high, looked several momths later and $300-down 80%???? How’d that happen?
Everything is a crapshoot anymore.
That’s certainly possible. But I think there will be a YouTube clone, along with any other thing – he wants to make an “everything” app.
“Where did Sauron take his driver’s test? The department of Mordor vehicles.”
Besides being Quite Witty…
Purty much ANYONE can relate to the (Majority) of Twits @ the DMV. Seems That the ‘Trick’ is to insult the Premise/Pretense of same, While making EVERYONE from the ‘Patrons’ to the Employees laugh.
The B.S. becomes GLARING under said conditions. SHAME Them into submission. While making them Laugh. Of Course.
Twitter™ ® ©? Unsure how it’s ‘listed’.
” It does match the attention span of the audience”
twit meaning: 1. a stupid person: 2. a stupid person: 3. a person you think is stupid or foolish. Learn more
Remember an Early ‘Bio’..ENTIRE Family ‘Genius-Level’, including the family Dog. ONLY spoke 2-3 other languages beside his native ‘BARKese’, but made up for it by being a Virtuoso on a
Be careful what You ask for…Ended up taking 6 yrs. of piano lessons on/because of one. My Mommy misunderstood.
(f)elon? Noteworthy FRAUD @ best, FULLY subsidized EVERY step of the way. Thanks to algore, anyone can research him exhaustively.
But a tease of the ‘Storied’ malarkey available…https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2
STARLINK™? Spy-in-the-SKY. It’s Fully subsidized ‘Big Brother’s’ nefarious ACTUAL App.
(f)elon’s Earth-Shattering tweet to old what’s her name?
At least it was there ( https://thelibertydaily.com) when i looked.
‘Musk’ ?
“”These animals secreted a very strong odor, which made other animals sexually aroused,”
https://www.wellandgood.com/what-is-musk-in-perfume/…BUY STOCK, CONSUME, OBEY…
Something IS Fishy in Denmark on multiple fronts.
AND, to top-It-Off?
There ARE substantial ‘allegations’ that he IS in fact…Native American Indian.
Again, he owns data and locations of some very, very powerful people.
🤣 AND…he’s gonna SAVE FREE SPEECH!
Native American Indians. Too.
It’s all to be seen . . . but it’s been hilarious so far.
I have been saying something similar. Musk is an agent of chaos, like Trump. Not /ourguy/ but he makes the right people mad and that is worth something.
It is. It distracts them, so the mask drops. Quite useful, really.
All the hysteria regarding Twitter and people’s angst about Free Speech/Censorship
would end in a day if everyone just cancelled Twitter. Is someone paying you big $
to use it? Get out and stop wasting precious time. No more arguments about who is
who in the Twitter verse.
It is glorious. And that’s what I did, once I was shadow-banned. I just stopped. But the Leftists think they own it . . . it’s fun to watch.
The Entire Leftardian Army: “Democracy means everyone gets a say!”
Elon Musk: Buys Twitter.
Entire Leftardian Army: “You fool! We didn’t mean everyone! Just the ones who agree with us!!”
Ha! Yes. Delicious, delicious salt coming from the Left over this one.
Twitter is a shout into a crowd. It’s still a crowd, the crowd does things crowds do best, and the necessary logic to examine the information is thrown out the window.
It was. But now it’s not even that – the shouts are curated to the point that any contradictory viewpoint is silenced. Wonder if that will impact the Left?