“That is not a healthy internal narrative.” – Andromeda
I wouldn’t take a job in Seoul – I don’t think it would be a good Korea move.
I decided last night to shift everything over by a day this week. Why? Christmas.
Christmas Day was pretty mellow. We are Christmas Eve package openers, so there weren’t many surprises. We had a nice ham dinner starring mashed potatoes, gravy, sautéed mushrooms, and great company. After that?
A chess game broke out. It turns out that Pugsley decided he wanted to learn to play, and has been on chess.com playing games. We played a couple, then The Boy (on college break) and I split a couple of games, and then The Mrs. was even coaxed into playing a game, too.
So, you can see why I skipped out on writing Monday’s missive.
Christmas is over for this year, so we can begin to return to dealing with the problems at hand: The Narrative. First: who, exactly, is The Enemy?
Oh, sure, the Ultimate Enemy is obvious to folks like me who are Christian. That doesn’t mean that we can’t talk about the minions.
My evil clone was planning to attack me, but I’m not going to beat myself up over it.
One thing that’s become very clear is that the difference between the good guys and the bad guys is simple: the good guys want government and economic system to work for the people, and the bad guys want the people to work for the government and economic system. I’ve used the terms Left, Leftism, and Leftist to name them, but it’s a clumsy, inaccurate term.
I think I’ll keep using the term, but I just wanted to recognize that it is an approximation.
In the real world, the actual Commie left has been co-opted. The goal has been to remove the economic from the political. That has been hugely successful. When is the last time that either party actually did something real on the economic front? The latest spending bill was nearly 4,200 pages, and most legislators had only a few hours to review it.
What’s in it?
Who knows? It’s certain that economic policy isn’t debated, and the Federal Reserve Bank® isn’t federal, yet makes decisions that widely impact the nation and the world. Without meaningful oversight. Without significant debate. If politicians don’t control economic decisions, what chance does an individual have to change the system?
Economics have been pulled from political control. And what’s the goal?
I hear janitors keep their houses at broom temperature.
Whatever makes folks work for the economic system. As the World Economic Forum® stated, the goal is that nothing is owned, and everything is rented. Need a frying pan (to cook your state-approved dinner)? That’ll just be a rental fee of $1.50 for the night. There’s a cleaning fee if you don’t return the pan clean.
And the food? Bugs. It’s not like there’s a great technology that turns bugs into human-friendly protein, called, “a chicken”.
I bought a deck of cards from Amazon® that never showed up. Amazon© says they’re dealing with it.
The Far-Left (think the actual committed Commies in Antifa®) have been co-opted into being race warriors and fighting for “rights” based on fetishes. When they do this, they are no threat to the economic system, at all. The George Floyd riots weren’t about solving racial inequity. The George Floyd riots were about reprogramming the Left into something harmless to the system.
But even those fetishes are being sold as products. Think about the profit opportunity in just one sex-change surgery. The average transsexual is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the economy. That’s the goal – a society that looks like a pyramid, with just a few at the top.
What threatens the system? Anything that offers resistance. Anything that wakes people up. Anything that makes people upset at a system that is designed to transfer wealth out of their hands can concentrate it into the hands of a global elite. I understand that this is Evil, and wonder how many of them have actually made the decision to be Evil themselves. Ghislaine Maxwell went to jail over a client list that had to be sealed.
Why is that?
I would like to get to the bottom of what happened to him, but I’m afraid I’d be left hanging.
To those not in the inner circle, it probably looks like people trying to create control, to make a profit. To do this best, you need international treaties that people can’t see or control, that are made without their knowledge or consent. This creates a structure that allows every important decision to be made outside the realm of politics.
See? No politics in the economics. And to do that properly, it has to be done so people don’t care. Trump was a surprise to them. Trump was always focused on the deal, yet he (either intentionally or by mistake) created a situation where tens of millions of people “woke up,” at least for a little while, to the system that was set up beyond their control or even knowledge. He was a glitch in the matrix, a spelling error in the Narrative.
I was recently reading a book, and in it, the author indicated that the reason that German propaganda failed in the Netherlands during World War II was that the Germans didn’t mindlessly repeat the same slogans like a Korean War Era communist concentration camp. No, they tried to appeal (according to the author) to reason. And when you appeal to reason, that leaves room to think and to choose something else.
That’s why COVID-19 became the litmus test – everyone was supposed to listen to the slogans, repeated endlessly. The slogans were calibrated, repeated endlessly from every source: “safe and effective,” “free and easy.” If there weren’t side effects on millions of people, it would have been bad enough. But it shows just how easy it is to control a population.
Noah’s diary, day 48: “Unicorn steak is delicious!”
That’s also why Trump was dangerous. He certainly didn’t accomplish much, outside of several Supreme Court picks, but from the beginning, there was a hard push-back against him. Why? He wasn’t like ¡Jeb!, just another controlled candidate from the system-loving uniparty where the only decisions politicians make are the unimportant ones.
And the only thoughts you’re allowed to have are those that don’t interfere with the Narrative.
The names have changed but Their goal is the same, from Communism/Marxism/Bolshevism in the early part of last century to “civil rights”, feminism, environmentalism, ghey rights, etc at the end of that century and now the more amorphous “Great Reset”, it is all the same thing: a massive reordering of the system to create a society ruled by a select few that dominates the rest of humanity.
Exactly this, Arthur.
So much is known. You have done such a good job of describing and illuminating these things in your blog over the past few years… we call it The Facet Effect, where a given situation has many features and aspects to it, only clearly visible once you examine said situation from a slightly different perspective. The same information looks different when viewed through a different lens, and through this process the totality can be discerned.
Time runneth short…Can you feel it, that breath on your back as you run for your life, dogging your heels and speeding your pace? It now becomes clear, that the storm is about the break at last, and the only thing left for us to do is to decide how best to comport ourselves in the face of it.
By now, your preparations should have been made, as your opportunity to do so erodes with every new regulation & ‘supply disruption’. There are many moving parts to the situation we could find ourselves in, as the elements thereof differ wildly depending on specific jurisdiction. One’s choices therefore will reflect those specifics.
My point is that, class is nearly dismissed. The exam will be hard, and consume the rest of our lives (whatever that may mean at the individual level). If there was anything else you wanted to do, you need to get it done right away, else lose the option. This breather between Christmas and New Year’s affords an opportunity unique in the calendar year. We should each of us make the best full use of it we can.
I suspect we shall not get another.
God Bless all of you. We are now at the point where the only light left, is that which we shine upon each other…
Thank you for your efforts, Mr Wilder.
Stout hearts. The chair is against the wall.
I think we’ll have another year, perhaps two. There is a lot of ruin in a nation.
John, the enemy goes deeper than Communism. I subscribe to a Substack that sums “them” up perfectly – there’s a spiritual component uniting them, and he has horns. Two of ’em. Ask Hillary.
I don’t disagree. A.I. makes me wonder . . .
Share the substack link. Always up for a new read especially Christian ones.
Link is Contamplations On The Tree Of Woe. Tell Alex Harvey sent you.
Really, that’s much more time than I would need if I were a congresscreature. You just vote “no” (or “nay,” depending on how old-school you are). If you’re voting it down, there’s certainly no need to read it.
I’d use an automatic, blanket policy of: more than three pages? NO. Automatic NO.
Three pages or fewer? Check for an explicit constitutional enumeration of a general-government power to do what the bill says. Can’t find it? Then NO, again.
What? No “spending bills” passed? Aw, shucks. Too bad, so sad.
I like that idea!
John, we are sharing different versions of the same brain (same idea, different application – coming tomorrow).
It is a totalitarian system that is sought now – the reasons for the system keep changing based on the perceived needs of the zeitgeist, but the outcome is the same and exactly as you have specified it: control of the many by the few. The reality, though is that the more “control” is introduced, the less and less more and more people are invested in the system. And systems do not just break because of catastrophic failure; they also break from a thousand cracks in a thousand different places.
But even the breakage is controlled. The French Revolution, for instance.
“Need a frying pan…? That’ll just be a rental fee of $1.50 for the night. ”
Sounds like Mr. Haney from Green Acres.
It really does. Imagine: the face of Big Brother? Mr. Haney.
Unfamiliar with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imgur other than in passing, and a brief review of the link:
“Since June 26, 2013, Imgur has provided a “Meme Generator” service that allows users to create image macros with custom text using a wide variety of images.”
And, while technically incorrect, (maybe) https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/imgflip#:~:text=Created%20in%202008%20by%20Dylan%20Wenzlau%2C%20the%20earliest,been%20fixed%20over%20the%20years%20with%20minor%20improvements.
Seems much more Neo-lithic friendly. AND, could find no wikipedia entry. Must NOT meet ‘standards’. 🤣
However, i know not whereof i speak, but alas ’tis too late to stop. Now.
Prolly cost a pretty ¢ to enable posting actual https://imgflip.com/ here.
Y’all need to read this. Both parts. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/dave-collums-2022-year-review-part-1-all-roads-lead-ukraine
Dave Collum is a professor of chemistry, and a keen student of world affairs, and he has a wicked-smart way with words.
Dave Collum? Kinda Dave Barryesque, here & there.
Still, https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/its-a-long-way-tipperary-song
I like his annual column. Good thing he has tenure!
I love his end of year summaries.
One of the number one tools of the evil people seeking to destroy freedom so they can rule with impunity is pretending to be something they are not. And it works.
Right? I’m reading something about just that. Maybe next Monday.
End of the year posts always make me sad – and, often, apprehensive. This year’s are no exception.
I’m in a resigned prep mode.
Husband and I are returning to SC to clear out the house and get it sold. That will not only reduce the monthly outflow, but free up time for other things. I’ll also take the time to meet with friends, make sure I have contact info, and generally get prepared for Hunker Down Time.
A year too soon, is better than a day too late . . .
Yep! Everything the wheels are beginning to come off the bus. TPTB think they are in complete control as they work feverishly to loot the Treasury to enrich themselves on the backs of the tax paying wage slaves. The twitter files releases have been of no surprise to me, but hopefully it begins to wake up more of the normies to our illegitimate government. Just keep on preparing and trying to build relationships with like-minded individuals as time is short.
So glad I didn’t have a mouth full of coffee when I read the meme about the evil ex-wife. Reminds me so much of my first mistake although I really appreciate the woman I have been with for 40 years now.
Enjoy what’s left of this holiday season as hard times are inbound.
Will do. And I think they’re coming quickly.
The latest spending bill was nearly 4,200 pages, and most legislators had only a few hours to review it.
This is the way in literally every field. If you knew the dirty little secrets of medicine, academia, banking, law enforcement, food service, HVAC repair, day care, housepainting, dogcatching, et cetera, ad nauseum, you’d stay in bed all day, cowering under the covers. A 4200 page document is so vast that it requires a team, and possibly a large one, to assemble it. No one individual on the planet knows exactly what it consists of.
And that is precisely the point. Commercial End User Agreements are built on the same concept. Has anyone ever read through one of those, top to bottom? I’ve tried, but they are duller and dryer than a statistics textbook. Just click the box at the end and hope like hell that you haven’t bargained away your first-born male child or signed yourself up to serve as Bill Gates’ towel boy.
Anything over 2 paragraphs needs a brief, meaningful tl;dr. Life itself, needs a tl;dr. As the dumbing-down continues apace and attention spans get whittled further by electronic media, even a tl;dr needs a tl;dr.
tl;dr: You are going to willingly cede all of your rights to Big Gov, eat bugs, and like it. Try the gummy worms. They are delish.
I’m not sure AOC could retain where she parked her car, let alone more than two facts in a bill . . .
You said, ” … the difference between the good guys and the bad guys is simple …”
Agreed, all these political labels are deliberately confusing. I think that the truth was stated perfectly years ago by the master, Robert A. Heinlein:
“The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”
I like it. But I’ve always liked RAH.