Fear And The Consent Of The Governed, 2021

“This is a consent form to stick a wire into your brain. It’s important for hospitals to get these signed for procedures that are completely unnecessary.” – House, M.D.

When a dentist makes a mistake, it’s always acci-dental.

What I’ve seen from the Federal government recently is something unusual: fear.

The January 6 demonstration at the Capitol is exhibit A. A group of (mainly) unarmed civilians decided that they’d like to wander over to the Capitol to express their displeasure on what many feel is an election that was largely fraudulent. With the early ballots in California, I guess transvestites can commit mail fraud and male fraud.

Elections are supposed to be the safety valve in a society that has them. You voted, and if it goes your way, great. If it doesn’t, well, we’ll vote harder next time.

In theory, it’s a good system. Elections give the loser the thought that, “if we do better next time, we’ll beat ‘em.” That transfers emotions tied to losing into building a party to win the next time.

That assumes that the election is a fair one. Certainly, there have been elections in the past have been manipulated. There’s a reason that people make jokes about corruption and Chicago politics: over 150 Chicago politicians, employees and contractors have been convicted over the last 50 years. While you might think that Chicago would be dangerous with all of the graft and corruption, my friend says it’s not, and he should know. He’s a tailgunner on a Chicago school bus.

I had a friend who started drinking when the kids finally were back at school. Worst teacher ever.

One of the large benefits of the Electoral College system is putting up a firewall against fraud. Chicago could vote 100% for whatever Democrat was running for president, but the corruption would be isolated because it didn’t change the outcome except for that single state.

2020 was different. An unelected cabal worked to get states to change voting systems so that fraud was easier. They worked to get hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for their objectives. They distorted the public debate. And then they bragged about it (LINK).

For whatever reason, 2020 was the year that they decided that they had to win, whatever the costs, whatever the consequences. They weren’t going to let anything stop them.

There are claims the “no significant voter fraud has ever been found” but I couldn’t find my butt if I never looked for it. And, it really, neither of them have been looked for. The idea that people are too stupid to be able to get an ID to allow them to vote, yet are required to get one to eat in a Burger King® in “post-jab” America is nonsense. Yet, it is the basis of Leftist philosophy: 100% control of the people the Left hates, and 100% acceptance of any conduct from the people the Left mines for votes.

If he gets enough across, he doesn’t even have to manufacture votes!

The childhood meme of “majority rules” isn’t correct, however. The idea of a Constitutional Republic was based on the idea that the majority is really often quite wrong and should be walled off from power like a four-year-old going for a wall outlet with a fork. The rights in the Bill of Rights were built on the idea of restricting the power of both the government and the majority.

Those restrictions were based on experience. The Founders had been through a war to overthrow a government that they felt had overstepped its bounds, and their reaction was one based on keeping all kinds of tyranny at bay.

It was a good idea. The idea of sovereign states was also a winner. It allowed the most control to take place locally, not nationally. Ideally, the Federal government was a weak creation. Of course, good things never last. The Federal government accrued power, but was still kept in check.

When the patriots told jokes, was that star spangled banter?

In part, this was due to the mathematics of violence. An individual American marksman with a Brown Bess rifle was the equal to (and sometimes better than) the typical British soldier or Hessian mercenary. They were, after all, fighting for their country. Couple that with the long supply lines of the British, and the American Revolution was the equivalent of their Afghanistan. Well, at least until they made it to the real Afghanistan.

This pointed out that any government of armed men exists only by the consent of the governed. That was a direct consequence of those mathematics of violence. In one well-documented case, the citizens of Athens, Tennessee took up arms in 1946 to stop an election from being stolen.

They relied on the ballot box.

Nah, just kidding. They brought machine guns and service rifles and threw Molotov cocktails and dynamite at the jail that was holding the ballots to prevent fraud. They won the election, and the fraud was so evident that I believe everyone just looked around and whistled and pretended that it never happened. I can’t find a record of any person going to trial for making sure the law was followed. Using dynamite.

If you date a girl from the zoo, be careful. She might be a keeper.

How would that play out in 2021? Don’t know. I’ll tell you after Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial.

But in 2021 we live in a society that was originally based on the idea of freedom and fair play.

I had a thought a few weeks ago. It nearly died of loneliness. It went, however, something like this: what percentage of a population would it take to simply stop society by withdrawing their consent?

I picked Modern Mayberry for the start, since it’s always best to start small. Let’s assume there are 10,000 people here for round numbers. 10% of the population would be 1,000. That’s certainly more than enough. 1% is 100. Is that enough?

It certainly outnumbers the police and sheriff’s department. So, yes.

Tyranny can’t stand 1% noncompliance, locally. How about nationally? If there were 80,000,000 on the Right (a number I think is low) then 1% is 800,000. Initially, I would have said that wasn’t enough. But last week we saw 70,000 some-odd Taliban roll up the 300,000 strong Afghani army in less time than it takes Leonardo DiCaprio to dump his starlet of the week.

Is 1% enough? Maybe. Is 5%? Certainly.

I do know this: the Taliban’s victory shows that the mathematics of violence haven’t changed much since 1776 or 1946. Despite the massive investment in tech and the ability of superpower-level tech to own a battlefield, the war isn’t conducted on battlefields anymore. It’s conducted street by street. House by house.

I hear that place was a Messerschmitt.

Perhaps the final piece of the puzzle is that “the jab” is being rejected by up to 30% or so of the armed forces. Will the military blink, or will the individual soldiers blink?

I don’t think the military will back off.

The Joint Chiefs have shown themselves to (mostly) be completely compliant with whatever Resident Biden wants. I imagine that many of those that will be subject to being drummed out will be some of the most skilled members of the military, and most committed to the cause of freedom.

The jab just might be the cleansing of the military for the Left, a final mechanism to find those who will follow whatever orders come down.

Why do this?

Because they’re afraid

What are they afraid of?

Losing the consent of the governed.

How far are they away from that?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

72 thoughts on “Fear And The Consent Of The Governed, 2021”

    1. I agree, there is video of Antifa and Some guy (supposedly proud boy) engaged in a gunfight in Portland. Naturally the police arrested the supposed proud boy and evidently claimed he was the only one shooting, in spite of video.
      I would think that is getting close to open warfare.

  1. We’re probably 2 or 3 microns away. There are a helluva lotta guys like Aesop in this country. He’s so freakin’ hot, the surrounding woods are probably on fire.

    1. You have NO idea.

      My task this week is inventorying things best left unmentioned.

      I’m not doing it for practice.

      I’ll leave it at that.

  2. Somehow there’s a big difference between The American Revolution in 1776, The Fall Of Kabul in 2021, and The Coming Great American Sh**storm Of 2022. In the first two, Washington and Khairkhwa stood up against great odds and took command and forged a new government that pushed forward. Who is gonna be a similar unifying leader in an America that isn’t facing an existential external threat as in those first two examples? There’s a personality cult element required that Trump imperfectly met for The Deplorables, but finding a leader that simultaneously represents the (ha ha) Mostly Peaceful? Good luck with that. And The Deep State doesn’t want an identifiable leader at all.

    You are right that a determined minority is all it takes to sabotage a seemingly invincible government as an act of destruction. But instituting. a successful follow-on government is an act of creation. Not sure if the current masses of screen zombie sheeple can pull that off. Will be interesting to see.

    1. Great points. Contrary to what fans of the book “Unintended Consequences” think, there will be no revolt of lone wolves. Nothing like that has ever happened in history; if you want to win a group competition you need a team with a leader and lots of followers. The Globalists know this, which is why they put so much effort into subverting leadership. How many of the leaders of the 1/6 “riots” ended up being FBI plants? At least 2 that I can think of off-hand.

      I normally roll my eyes at people who talk about ‘Mad Max’ happening, but if it comes to open war that is likely what will happen once enough infrastructure and food production is destroyed. So the following governments will all be local, there won’t be a board room with reps of many different ideologies sitting down to craft a new Constitution. Only Libertarians seem to think that would happen anyway, so probably not a shocker.

      I think Trump could have easily been the American Caesar, unfortunately I think he was subverted in some way.

    2. The reason Biden pulled out of Afganistan so abruptly is China needs Afganistan for their Silk Road plan. We all know that Joe will do anything China asks.

    3. The reason Biden pulled out of Afganistan so abruptly is China needs Afganistan for their Silk Road plan. We all know that Joe will do anything China asks.

  3. John – – You said, “ The rights in the Bill of Rights were built on the idea of restricting the power of both the government and the people.”

    I think I know what you were attempting to say but chose the wrong word.

    The Bill of Rights WAS NOT intended to restrict the rights of the people.

    I believe you intended to say, “ The rights in the Bill of Rights were built on the idea of restricting the power of both the government and the MAJORITY”

    You might want to correct your posting…..,

  4. I’m just one person, but I withdrew my consent years ago. Results: none, so far. But for me, it’s death by a thousand cuts. Every day in every way, I put sand in the gears. Some days are more fun than others.

    Good article, John.

  5. I am an infantry platoon sergeant, with multiple tours to multiple countries, with a rather thick “I love me” book. I have served for 16 years. I will be thrown out of the Army before I get the experimental shot.

      1. Aesop – Kicking out the experienced, “old white men” is a feature, not a bug, of the New Order.
        They are replacing the formerly-mighty US military with a Regime Protection Agency.

    1. Only today they went ahead and approved it, because too many people were saying “I won’t get an experimental shot”. So what’s your reason now? Perhaps better to have said “I wont’ get a shot that hasn’t been properly studied and for which the various side effects are not being tracked”.

      1. It’s an experiment so long as the the trial run is less than five years old, although really it should be more like 10-20 years to see how it affects fertility and cancer rates. Doesn’t matter what lying liars label it — so long as we really don’t know, then that’s an experiment.

      2. An interesting article on some of the legal side effects of approval:

        “Under black letter law an EUA is illegal if there is an alternative that is considered safe, effective and available….

        But, more-importantly, this “full approval” voids all other vaccine EUAs for Covid-19. That is, under the law the Moderna and J&J instantly became illegal to offer or use within the United States.”


        1. What the FDA “approved” was a covid vax called “Comirnaty”. A clot shot not available in the US.
          another bait and switch program.
          check out Leohomann.com for further details.

      3. The FDA letter today says it is not approved, their order just extended the EUA…

        1. Emergency use? For something with a 99.8% survivability rate. And easily at that. Many are going along with the “great reset” over a fucking cold? smh.

      4. It’s NOT an approval, it’s an extension of the EUA…read it for yourself instead of parroting the lamestream liars.

          1. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — the one produced under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and in use since Early 2021 — is NOT the Vaccine given final “Approval” for use…On Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a biologics license application for the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. But they have NONE of this Comirnaty vaccine, so all they have to use right now is the “BioNTech” COVID vaccine — the one produced and in use under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

            Read complete info here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/mainstream-media-fda-approval-pfizer-vaccine/

    2. Matt: If they throw you out, bring your skills back to your community. I am 73 and served from ’69-71. I did not go overseas because Nixon was: “…winding down the war.” However, I still remember how to lay an ambush, set Claymores and booby traps, work with C-4 and other skills learned at Infantry AIT and Benning’s School for Boys. I have passed these along to younglings more fit and strong than I. But, my trigger finger still works just fine. Bleib ubrig.

      1. Dweez, You said a mouthful. Millions of “US” and quite literally “FEW” of them. It’s all in the numbers. US have learned some mighty good skills that Uncle Sammy taught us. Funny how all that stuff stays with you over the years. THEY have learned NOTHING! THEY are scared SHIT-LESS! HOO-AH! Let’s keep: “Puttin’ a skeer in ’em!”

        Like you, I’m in the 7th decade as well, but I can still hit the gong at 300 yards dead-on either with John Cantius’ Masterpiece, my old M1A, or my “Polymer Pleasure in 5.56.”

        Uncle Sammy’s stimmy checks? Yup–got me a white phosphor NOD. Gettin’ used to night fightin’ with and w/o the plates. We old-timers crave challenges.

        Been trying to pass on “critical skills” to the younger male set, but–damn–between their electronic gizmos and them chasin’ after the skirts, kinda tough. We’ll manage, tho.

  6. In respect to the military, the thing I cling to is that most of the enlisted and lower NCOs most likely aren’t buying the BS. I just hope that the ones who get cashiered for refusing to take the jab come home and set up shop teaching everything they learned in the service. I’ll pay for that kind of class in a heartbeat.

  7. It’s remarkable to me the amount of martial sentiment being displayed in so many quarters. Everywhere I go (on the internets) people are talking about this very subject, some with less circumspection than is probably safe (algorithms are everywhere).

    I agree with the sentiment. Things need to change, and as one of (I assume) Aesop’s memes suggest, when the exercise of peaceful change is removed, there is only one option left.

    If (when?) it comes down to the scary time, when politics varies from house to house, how will they be able to distinguish friend from foe?

    Right now, the only thing I can be certain of is that purple hair is a red flag.

  8. John,

    Thanks for using humor to express how many of us feel. Love the Dad jokes!

    Retire from my second career in the US Air Force on 31 Aug 21 finishing up 45 years of service (25 active duty). I am currently assigned to a F-15 Squadron and all it would take is one pissed off person with a restricted area badge with access to the flight line to turn the entire Wing into static displays. Turned my badge in last week so it won’t be me, but I know a lot of pissed off Senior NCOs, NCOs, Airmen, Civilians (mostly prior Military), and a few Officers that are none to happy with the mandatory intake of a death serum manufactured with the stem cells of aborted babies. Mission capable rates are already crap due to spare part issues at the depot level and moral is extremely low with the idiots in DC in charge. Several Civilians and Contractors (also prior Military) have said screw this crap and will be gone about the same time I am. They get rid of enough of us and the Military will cease to function, not that it is running on all cylinders under the fuck-ups they have in the Pentagon now.

    Our household is more than prepared if SHTF. Plus this old man has been going out in the field with the aircrews as a SERE trainer (not my primary job, but used to fly in my active duty days, so I get asked to augment the SERE Instructors). Does not hurt brushing up on the survival, escape, and evasion skills every now and then. Really hate to see what I know is coming, but they will NOT leave us alone.

    1. I know people who walked away with body armor and rifles. Any chance you walked away with an F-15? Asking for a friend. 🤣🤣

    2. SERE training is good training. And will be useful.

      Wonder how many folks will turn F-15’s into museum displays?

  9. I served with the Army as a civilian for more than 20 years, but, realistically, I have almost no experience with the rules under JAG.

    So, I have a few questions for the military folk –

    Are you being hounded by your higher ups or, maybe, the Personnel or Legal Offices to get the jab?

    Have they gotten to the point of threatening your job? Downgrading your rank, etc?

    Threatening court-martial or some level of “less than honorable” discharge based on failure to follow orders?

    I’m guessing that anyone who refuses the jab and is dumped out the door would be a really good person to know.

    Just saying.

    Virginia Granny

    1. Some answers are in today’s and yesterdays news and it was yes.

  10. Saw a dank meme of Mad Max II saying vote Lord Humongous or just walk away.
    Muh democracy really only works with a monoethnic society of God fearing people with some skin in the game.
    Once you let in all the free milk and honey parasites who vote for a living and allow anchor babies (squad) and known Long Marching traitors (CPUSA) into positions of power then it won’t end well.
    Get in the right Rwanda x Bosnia x Serbia mind frame because the rack of spices is about to hit the roto-oscillator.
    Was it the Bracken, Aesop (?) with the original quote of you might be able to shoot your way out of Terminal Madness.
    A soft weak whiny society of entitlement whores will try to bring the whole world down to their misery level but at least we have a bullet box say in the matter.
    Hoist the Jolly Roger and etch the Graham Killhouse Combat Rules on a stone tablet, hell is coming for breakfast.

  11. It isn’t going to happen the way everyone thinks. Some bloke is going to lose it on a Tuesday afternoon, the fake news will broadcast it because it fits the Narrative they really, really want, and *everyone* watching will be like, “Yeah, it’s on.” Make sure to stock your weeklies on Mondays from now on; you won’t want to go out later in the week.

    1. I wonder why a Tuesday rather than just any random day? That dude with the explosive (Tannerite?) filled-van last week could well have been an “it’s on” moment except for the incompetence displayed. Well, not incompetence so much as just plain, effing nuts.

      Considering how the Fibbies are behind pretty much every “domestic terrorism” story (the Whittmer assassination, the January 6th festivities, running the “neo-nazi terrorist group” known as Atomwaffen Division, etc.) how do we know when it’s not the FBI doing it?

      Are there people in the anti-government groups that aren’t undercover fibbies?

      1. I agree. “Tuesday” is just Q’s brain having to listen to 8 hours of Sabaton.

        It will definitely be on a day ending in “y”.

    2. And some might be kept quiet, especially when the pattern fills. Don’t want to send up the alarm.

    3. I worry that EVERY organization will be 20 percent informers, with a few provocateurs and undercover agents thrown in. anyone can be compromised with enough pressure on them or family members.

      1. Worry away. It is not as if we have access to , say, how UDAians evaded the Feds under prohibition. That is just crazy talk

  12. My bet is that people have a more or less clear vision of the goal – to restore the rule of law under some semblance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I’m thinking that most of us have a shadowy recollection of a time in which that was the case, back before 2001, say. We know we have rights, we know what they are, we know that the present government(s) violate them when convenient, observe them when convenient. We all probably have some general concept about the “rule of law” which is applicable to all, without respect to some sort of individual characteristic. And we know that the present government(s) do not embody that, nor enforce that.

    I think that things have to be done at pretty much of a local level – local means walking distance at most. Looking for strong leaders at a national or even state level won’t work, perhaps even at a city level. Neighborhoods are about as big as it should get. I’d advise that things be kept informal – no 501(c)3s or anything near approaching that – and to provide for the safety and security of the people in those neighborhoods – essentially a neighborhood watch or Committee of Safety. The goal is to protect each other from a predatory government – and that government may be a local one. That means no marches on Washington unless you’re in Dupont Circle or perhaps Georgetown. You may wind up simply mediating conflicts in some places, in other places you may wind up fighting a corrupt police force allied with criminal elements, but everything is done to provide for the common security on a local level. The idea is to minimize excitement. Providing for systemic breakdown and failure is also very important, ensuring some level of food supply not dependent on electricity, finding out the people who have medical needs, providing for sanitation and clean water supply, fighting and preventing fires, dealing with medical problems before they become emergencies, creating some sort of communications network, and being able to set up an informal perimeter which can be looked after, just in case. And having communications with others in other like neighborhoods. And that’s about it – but that’s a *lot* of work.

    1. I think you have to go back farther than that – keep in mind the number of blatently unConstitutional laws passed since 1930 or so.

      It’s a big hill.

      1. I vote for farther back than 1930, like before 1913. The creation of the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax. Popular election of senators further shifting power from the states to the feds.

        When was the last time the federal government worked properly? When were employees of the various agencies not inclined to disobey orders they didn’t like, with a “in four years you’ll be out of office I’ll still be working here” attitude?

        I remember in the mid-80s, I spent time working for a defense electronics contractor. It was a joke to vote Democrat to keep your job funded. Now intelligence agencies and the FBI actively worked for four years to destroy a president, which says the employees now think they select their leader and screw the voters.

        I could go on for an hour, but that requires more coherency and more coffee.

        1. This is still a working hypothesis, so caveat lector.

          It began when a tipping point of Americans decided they wanted Christendom without Christ.

          The rrasons why the individuals so wanted vary, but I guarantee ypu can pick one and get a dissident / progressive movement with a one Enemy model of How to Fix America.

      2. The preceding comment about 1913 is correct, it laid the groundwork for the revolution that was to occur in 1932, see https://cdn.mises.org/Peoples%20Pottage_2.pdf, and then it got cemented firmly into place by the formation of a National Security State in 1947 – https://www.fff.org/explore-freedom/article/a-limited-government-republic-versus-a-national-security-state/ (and in general – https://www.fff.org/explore-freedom/articles/category/national-security-state/).

        1. The big reason before 1913 is the first Progressive, Woodrow Wilson, was elected president. All kinds of crap was started by him. The demoncrates ignore that he started the racism and segregation in the Federal gov.

          Thanks for the Mises link.

  13. Replacements are matriculating through all hoods and think that no one can habla.
    Glad I stocked up on that case of Molotov cocktails and +P+ rounds.
    Don’t get scared, get mad.
    If it is WAR that they want then make them regret the day of being born into this world.

  14. There are definitely so many unknown variables it is difficult to predict anything with certainty. The FDA decision now puts more icing on the cv19 fraud cake after already a year and a half of outlandish lies from so many alphabet agencies. One thing for sure is that anything goes so far as the globalist are concerned. They have shown they know no boundaries.

    The Aussie paradigm also cements their extremism in advancing their agenda. Who could have imagined we would see such shameful activity on the part of authorities in Australia? Their masses are a courageous and enlightened people with only 23% vaxxed. While in the USA we are at around 50%. Yet the authorities here may want to think twice about pursuing life threatening behavior because of the 2nd and so many great individuals as many posting in this blog.

    Is time on our side? Or against us? Their narrative is crumbling as the buffoonery reaches new levels on a daily basis. Yet, tech and a surveillance grid evolving could be detriments to any sort of future prospects of Liberty and Freedom. Is the mass vaxxing amongst the masses a trend or a fad? How will the masses feel about having to take the injections every few months or so? Will they wake up if they see their loved ones harmed and dying as time goes on? The globalist have put everything on the line. It would appear that nearly every MD is now nothing but a laughing stock of greedy clowns but who knows, maybe the populace in its fear, ignorance and brain damage will continue to bow to our modern day witch doctors cult of death and humiliation. What does this winter have in store now that so many are vaxxed? Do the vaxxed shed their disease? How far into the abyss are globalist corporations willing to follow the loon Biden? Is Biden on the way out? Can any globalist stooge bring back a semblance of credibility? Maybe a fall back plan would be for them to retreat and use a globalist stooge who poses himself as a populist? If so, perhaps a good percentage of people would be sate with such a temporary reprieve? IMO, pre 1913 would be something to insist on in many respects should we be looking for the ideal.

  15. Love all your posts. However, I’m detail-oriented (similar, but not the same as anal-retentive), and am compelled to point out that American Revolutionary War infantry were mostly armed with French-made muskets (not the British Brown Bess) and a very small number of Pennsylvania (NOT Kentucky!!) Rifles. There . . . I feel so much better.

    1. 10/10. Thank you.

      I was going off of an old article that I (misremembered, obviously) from American Rifleman a LOOOOONG time ago.

      Thank you.

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