Feeling a bit under the weather.

Mainly just tired.

More nonsense on Wednesday morning.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

18 thoughts on “Feeling a bit under the weather.”

  1. Fatigue and general malaise are symptoms of covid and long covid. Please review and treat appropriately. Get well soon.

  2. Eat some oranges sit in the sun.
    Oysters and spinach (not as a combo)
    Rest / sleep / pray

    1. “not as a combo” 🤔 ( means “thinking face”)

      First thought? 🤣 (didn’t have to look THAT one up. Had previously. “rollin’ on the floor laughing face”.)

      Spent Quite Some Time lookin’ the silly things Up online. Didn’t know mucha anything ’bout emoji’s*, and more importantly, where to find ’em. Had Copy/Pasted MANY times, from various places into a browser trying to figure out the ‘significance’ of Several… AFTER more (diligent) research? Eureka!

      “Pre-Loaded”, on my ‘puter, as it ultimately turned out. Under ‘Edit”, then ‘Emoji & Symbols’ in the ‘Drop Down’ menu.

      Who Knew? Made the copy/paste Sooo much more efficient & Quick! And THEN?

      ‘Serendipity’ Occurred. “the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way:”

      Musta caught a ‘Shiny Object’ outta the corner of my eye. Woulda said peripheral vision but the spelling? Please. As a BRIEF aside, had ta turn my Spell Chekoff. Don’t proofread well if at all and words like ‘their’ steada ‘they’re’ magically appear. ONLY noticed AFTER the VERY LIMITING 5 min. allowed ‘Edit’ time expires.

      Let’s see, Where wuz eye? Oh Yeah!

      Cursor/pointer thingy just placed in position, ready to copy/paste when the ‘distraction’ happened. When i finally was able to refocus? Voila! Sorry! waalaa. The cursor/pointer thingy. Just sittin’ there, ‘hovering’ over 1 of the faces, and a ‘description/definition’ MAGICALLY appeared!…Afore eye stumble off and into the weeds. Again?

      “Oysters & Spinach” ?

      ‘Bad Experience’? Like ’em both myself, but Admittedly not the usual pairing.
      and then…💡 Big Shout-Out to algore!

      Pages And Pages of “returned Results” or whatever ya call ’em.
      Might try it.

      Sincerely, Cereal Filler

      P.S. *WARNING! Do NOT make the same mistake i did. Supremely confident after Mastering the emoji conundrum In only a few short yrs. The acronyms, short-hand, whatever they’re called?

      Took my first stab at interpretation after apparently too many refreshments. In Particular, LMFAO.

      WILDLY misinterpreted THAT One. Ended Up Married!

    2. I did get some extra vitamin D, which is huge. Mmmmm, oysters. The Mrs. made a shrimp alfredo tonight. Good stuff. And prayer? So important. Thank you.

  3. Prayer for You & Yours. And All of us. It’s like i can FEEL You…Thinking.

    Thank You. No acknowledgement requested/required.

    Rest Up. The FUN has not yet begun.

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