Fight! Fight! Fight!

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

45 thoughts on “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

  1. Can you imagine Biden, or Schumer, or Pelosi or Newsome or any other whiny leftist acting so defiantly and heroically in such a situation? Neither can I. We are not the same.

  2. I am pretty amazed they didn’t force him off of the stage. However, it goes to show how pissed everyone is getting.

    1. If they pushed him off the stage, how is the shooter going to reacquire the target?

  3. They are really desperate now…the rats are driving a train off the rails. I hope Trump is smart enough to hire Blackwater.

      1. They are positioning Prince for a position in the Trump admin. His “edgy” takes have been spilling into the media hive with increasing frequency.

  4. Fight? Orange Man doesn’t even know who his enemies are. As he proved for 4 years last time. He’s an Eighties liberal who is just so sure that Equality and the Jabs eventually will work out.

    Here is Donald’s spiritual advisor:

    It’s just another Karen. Idiots.

    Here is the Director of the Secret Service (aka the Ponytail Posse) with the Chief Operating Officer:,1687,x0,y0&width=2999&height=1687&format=pjpg&auto=webp

    It’s Karens. All the way down.

    Orange Man is a celebrity-millionaire relic whose normality bias (and feminist daughter) are so strong, he ain’t got a clue who the enemy actually is. How could he? He surrounds himself with them. And if he made it all conscious? It’d destroy his mind.

    Now his boy Barron . . . he may be ready to acknowledge reality. The future was made quite clear to him recently.

      1. Yup. This is New Amerika.

        It is empowered, feral, arrogant and vicious females, many of them under 30. This is the New Order, and they are the commandantes. And baby, do they LOVE their power over men and boys! They glory in it, and it drives their spoiled-brat Princess lives.

        God’ll probably just burn the whole place down. Eventually. Hopefully. Probably after He lets the gelding men of the nation writhe under fem-oppression a few more decades.

  5. Second best response to an assassination attempt ever.
    The best will always be Teddy Roosevelt ignoring the wound and continuing the speech.

    1. I have some sympathy for the counter-sniper SS op who was watching the shooter get set up, and thinking “Do I really need to kill that guy? Right now? He’s not the local police counter-sniper officer assigned to that position, is he?”

      So, the shooter registered Republican, and donated Democrat. I’m guessing that his parents told him how to register, and he was really shooting at THEM, somewhere in his twisted mind.


  6. The Johnyoucantkillmemacafee effect?

    Do you think that in 20-30 years in the future
    there will be people with the memory of the
    assassination atempt on DJT being successful?

    Looking forward to your next weather report.

  7. I was chatting with a neighbor, a Biden-pledged delegate (in Maryland), and she said “We really need to tone down this divisive rhetoric!” “Yes” “And unify the country!” “Yes”. “And defeat Trump, because he’s literally Satan!” “Hold on there… you call that toning down the rhetoric?” “But he is! He is! He is Satan!” Me, backing away slowly.


      1. Ole Julian Jaynes woulda said they have no inner life. No dialogue of conscience ongoing. It’s not that, a la Scripture, their consciences are ‘seared’, have been ignored and abused unto non-function. It’s that they don’t have one, apart from the Hive. The Hive is their conscience, it’s just that it’s collective and not individual.

        So, apart from bodily functions etc. and ‘outfacing’ social consciousness, they largely are empty husks. Waiting to be filled, but not even sufficiently self-conscious to know they’re waiting, or empty. It is a kind of bliss, I ‘spect. One never need carry any burden nor guilt nor responsibility, as the Hive takes care of all that messy stuff.

        This is a world teeming with malevolent spirits. You can’t see them, but they are there, and they can see you. They like husks, a lot. You best have Somebody inside your temple to terrorize them away. This will become more clear as we go along.

        Bible says everybody (except obvious cognitive impossibilities) at least know basic right from wrong.

        I am not kidding about the Hive. Wish I was.

  8. The Secret Service allowed the shooter to crawl up on a roof 130 yards from the podium.
    Then the Secret Service Sniper Teams watched as he got in position and set up his rifle.
    They had time to notify their superiors and ask for clearance to take out the shooter.
    They were TOLD to let the shot happen.
    Did they sounded the alarm or tell the other teams to secure the President?
    No, it wasn’t their fault, they were “Just following orders”.
    They sat there and watched as the shooter attempted to kill the President.
    They never sounded the alarm or told the other teams to secure the President
    The shooter very nearly killed the President, but did manage to injure him AND Murder an Innocent man in the stands and critically Injure two more before they finally stopped the shooter.
    Those Secret Service Agents who allowed such carnage should be brought up on Manslaughter charges.
    Those who told them Not to eliminate the Shooter MUST be Tried for Treason and Attempted Assassination of the President. They wanted him Dead and very nearly got their wish.
    No other possible way this happened…

    MSG Grumpy

    1. Latest reports show a 26-minute window while they did nothing.

      This obviously went far beyond massive incompetence.
      This isn’t any more a “conspiracy theory”.
      It’s fact.
      TPTB set Trump up for assassination, just in time for the convention to pick somebody else.
      But their wind-up toy failed.

      The only question now is when the waterboardings begin.

      Anybody who thinks the USSS isn’t going to be gutted if Trump wins, and re-built from the ground up, I have a bridge to sell you.

      1. Is it a good bridge? A nice long one, three lanes each way, freshly painted? I might be interested.

        Because this IS Donald Trump we’re talking about. A man who has no concept of who his enemies are. A man who will hire them.

        He’ll likely build the SS (amusing initialism, that) a beautiful new building. Just look at the fine VP candidate he just designated.

        1. They’re mostly good people he’s saying to himself. Mebbe a few bad apples got mixed in there. Country’s basically solid, though.

          Yoopers. And you’re right about him just not getting the whole enemy thing. Comes from living insulated by wealth, perhaps. I knew I had enemies when I was ten, and that they weren’t going away magically.

          Donald keeps wanting so bad to compromise and work something out with the evil. Wins the election, first thing absolves Hillary of all crimes. Etc. Surrounds himself with enemies, expects I dunno what, ay yi and yi.

        1. With some, you’ve just got to speak their lingo. You know.

          Donald has been an entrepreneur and real-estate tycoon all his life. He does not yet know how to speak their lingo, because he’s never had to fight in a situation where he might lose. Where he or his family might be threatened. Born millionaires and TV game-hosts generally don’t have such life experiences.

          Perhaps now he understands what must be done. I doubt it, tho. Someone who retains Paula White as his spiritual guide, and is not sufficiently wise or strong to deny his prog daughter run of the WH, does not know how to speak the lingo, and essentially is lost.

    2. The news is getting worse and worse – no SS due to the “sloped roof” and they were in the building and they knew the kid was there for almost 30 minutes.

      1. You can’t say stuff like that about a roof anymore, amigo. Hey, Slopes are people too!

        1. But we at least know we can tell the IRS that we left their check on the roof and they can come and get it.

          1. If the check’s on the roof, we can be secure in knowing that the Secret Service will not pilfer it.

  9. Matthew 23:1-8 (Updated for the 21st Century)
    Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
    “The Deep State of the law and the Politicians sit in Moses’ seat.
    So you must be careful to do everything the Word of God tells you.
    But do NOT do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them.

    Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their Power and Graft Deep, and their Speeches Long. They love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the Halls of Power.
    They love to be greeted with respect in DC and bowed to and Worshipped by their peasants.
    But you are not to be called Politicians for you have one Savior, and you are all Brothers.”

    May God have Mercy on their souls, and may they receive Righteous Judgement Soon.

    MSG Grumpy

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