Hopefully My Last COVID Post Ever

“There was a vaccine, just and experimental batch.” – Omega Man

I wish that there was still a mask mandate, at least for Pelosi.

It’s Father’s Day and I have to get up earlier than usual in the morning, so I thought I’d just put a retrospective of COVID headlines instead of a Lame Repost.  Some of them might be fake (you’ll see them) but I left ’em in anyway.  It gives a sense of where we were that they could have been real.

The statistics were pretty clear (to me) early on (and everything I wrote is still here, unchanged) that I wouldn’t recommend the Vaxx to anyone that wasn’t at a bigger risk of death (because of complications and co-morbidities) to take a bioactive compound that, on purpose, hijacked human cells to make bits of foreign material to stimulate the immune system.

It was a clinical trial in the tens of millions.  My family and I decided to be the control group.  I have never regretted it, and they certainly don’t now.  Pugsley competed in a very cardiovascularly intense sport.  Not long after being Vaxxed, one of the competitors at a local school died.  A seventeen-year-old boy, in peak physical condition.

Yeah, the number of times I’d heard of that happening was zero, and that’s through decades.  Could it have been a fluke?

Sure.  Just like the two people I knew who took the Johson & Johnson® Vaxx on the same day had open heart surgery a month apart.

It turned out that “safe and effective” wasn’t either, since whatever immunity the Vaxx granted was, at best, transient, and, at worst, made people who took it subsequently more likely to catch strains later on.  It was interesting when I blurted that out at a meeting, and the medical guy there nodded.

Now we’re at the predictable endgame, where a court has ruled that the Vaxx wasn’t a vaccine in any sense at all and a major newspaper has asked the question about if the Vaxx has “helped fuel rise in excess deaths”.

But Google® isn’t happy about this.

It started with:

A Trump Vaxx was horrible, but the GloboLeft loved the idea of a Biden Vaxx:

But that turned into actual hate:

But then motives became apparent:

But the tune began to change as “Suddenly” people were impacted:

Politicians did normal politician things:

And the press started covering it all up:

But did someone know?


Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

28 thoughts on “Hopefully My Last COVID Post Ever”

  1. Didn’t get the jab. Got covid, horror of horrors, and the only symptom I had was persistent sneezing. I had been taking zinc, vitamins c and d and elderberry, which I suspect lessened any symptoms.

  2. Six Stages Of Any Project:

    1. Enthusiasm
    2. Disillusionment
    3. Panic
    4. Search For The Guilty
    5. Punishment Of The Innocent
    6. Rewards And Honors For The Non-Participants

    …there is nothing new under the sun…” – Ecclesiastes 1:9

  3. A cold lasts 14 days with treatment, or two weeks without.
    Unless it’s Covid-19, which lasts three weeks without treatment, or the rest of your much shortened and miserable life with.

  4. Just curious….how many people went and read some of the original papers when the mRNA vaccines were first rolled out? If not, what ultimately made you realize the vax was a bad idea? I was indifferent to the vax at first other than being concerned that it was a new, yet-to-be-tested in human method that was being rushed to market. But that unknown factor was enough to make me do a little digging.

    When I started reading the studies, all I kept seeing was how all of the test animals were dying from ADE as soon as they got exposed to another variant. At that point, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt in that they could have fixed the ADE problem in the years after the papers were written….. but there was also something creepy about Fauci in the press conferences and the way everything was being made to be political. Once I saw scientists like Kary Mullis start calling him out for fraud (very early on mind you), I knew something wasn’t right.

    1. Thanks to the Carlin Rule I knew 5 minutes after I heard the word ‘covid’ that it was all a scam:
      “The word ‘bipartisan’ means a larger than normal screw job is about to be perpetrated upon the American public.”

      When I saw the Bushes and Clintons, Fox and CNN, Breitbart and JYT, Republicans and Democrats, all pretty much saying the same thing I knew it was all Fake and Gay.

    2. I read as deeply as my background allowed. The one thing that kept popping up was the utterly novel way that this “notavaccine” was treating this. It seemed to be horribly rushed and the data was nearly zero, trials zero, and there was no long term review of effects. It seemed to me to be like thalidomide or, perhaps, the polio vaccine with the monkey cancer cells.

    3. No studies needed.
      Development of a new medical treatment or a vaccine takes years, almost a decade or more. So, there were no public studies. That is the point. That is the first really big red flag. The was no one who could honestly say the shot was safe. Period.

      Second, double speak.
      Science is not fast.
      Science is slow.
      Then re-retest.
      Then re-re-retest.

      When leaders say they are making decisions at the “speed of science” and they want fast action – they are not scientific. They are fear mongering with double speak.

      When leaders say, “follow the science” and there is no actual science, they are lying.

      When the definitions of words like, “vaccine” are changed, we don’t need a study. Double speak is being used and DELIBERATE lies are being told. No study needed.
      When dictionaries change definitions of words like “vaccine” on the same day that is coordinated in violation of almost all their editorial processes. It is a willful lie. No study needed.

      When leaders and officials introduce a proported vaccine in the middle of a supposed pandemic, they are violating 100 years of science. No studies needed. Science established, never introduce a vaccine during a pandemic. This is not new. There was no scientific reason give to change this.

      If you understand the science of air-born or aerosolized viruses, then 6 feet social distancing makes no scientific sense. It makes less sense in any building with central air, like restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, etc. No studies needed. The science was already established.

      If you understand the science of UV light (sunlight) on viruses then banning people from public outdoor places like the beach or parks made no scientific sense. No studies needed. The science was already established.

      When medicines that have been used safely on billions of people get banded and maligned, medicines with a better safety record than over the counter drugs like Tylenol, then there is no science. There is corrupt fear mongering and naked profiteering. No studies needed.

      However, Several countries like Japan had aggregate studies (including 40 studies) for safe use of ivermectin before the pandemic. Those studies got ignored. No science.

      Without a single new study, there were many reasons not to trust the vax pushers, officials, and government leaders. They denied the scientific process 100% and embraced coordinated lies. There were no studies needed for that to be apparent.

      The studies are nice to prove the lie to people who bought the lies in the face of existing science.

  5. I freely admit that I “Niemöller”ed this one. I have always been a libertarian in principle, and I typically do not preach that gospel (aside from a brief activist spell in the ’80s), although I have sporadically done so in my website. I fear that we have not seen the true evil of mRNA yet. Like the Fauci-altered AIDS policies, I suspect that the worst is yet to come, or perhaps is only just now ‘slouching closer to Bethlehem’.

    1. The worst is likely behind us if Covid was an accident and their response to it was a well-meaning attempt to save lives.

      So yeah, far worse is most likely ahead of us. For one thing, if you assume population levels are the issue (i.e., 500m max global pop), then killing individuals is meaningless. Huge amounts of research, testing, and real world practice has gone into controlling the population of pests. If you want a long-term decrease in population, killing individuals does very little. You have to do some combination of decrease their food supply and mess with their reproduction. For example, passenger pigeons didn’t go extinct due to hunting, but due to clear-cutting the northern forests where they nested.

      Recently GMO mosquitos were released in CA and FL as a way to decrease mosquito populations long-term by messing with their reproduction.

      “The Environmental Protection Agency has cleared the release of 2.4 billion genetically-modified mosquitoes in California and Florida. The mosquitoes, created by biotech firm Oxitec, will be non-biting Aedes aegypti males engineered to only produce viable male offspring, per the company.

      Female mosquitoes will die, while males will reproduce and spread the self-limiting gene to the next generation, eventually leading to population declines. ”


      compare with this Moderna whistleblower from Dec 2020:

      “The beef of this tip is that, in addition to the mRNA code for S spike, the vaccine vials will contain additional mRNA that codes both for a mutant version of CYP19A1 and a mutant version of CDKN1B. Both these mutant proteins are implicated in the female infertility issues.”


      Dr Mercola on vax reproductive effects:

  6. I think this will be far from your last post about Covid. The law suits are starting, the evidence is mounting, the big players are sweating, and the big show is a guaranteed entertainment bonanza. Personally, I’m hoping to see some murder convictions for those at the center of the subterfuge. My preferable method of punishment is something that lasts.

    1. I wonder if Trump will ever come out publicly against the vaccine? He still touts it as his success and to be fair, he is the one who ultimately helped get it funded. Given how few people are getting the boosters, though, it clearly isn’t viewed positively anymore.

    2. The rising miscarriages are troubling. Don’t know if there is data about the heart attacks to see if they’ve peaked, but I worry they haven’t.

  7. I want to see justice for all the injured and deceased victims of these bioweapon injections. I want to see all those who mandated them rounded up and locked away for life or given the desth penalty.

  8. “But then motives became apparent:”

    $$ wasn’t the real motive, that was just the sweetener for the vaxx companies, to get them to follow orders. It was all orchestrated from the top, and what we are seeing now is part of the cover-up, what is known as a ‘limited hangout.’ Basically, if you think people are catching on to the whole truth, you drop parts of the truth in an effort to distract people and send them in the wrong direction. In this case, the limited hangout is that Evil Corporations tried to make a buck and deceived all those well-meaning politicians and globalcrats who were just trying to do what is right. The whole truth is that this was orchestrated from the top, globally.


    Some emails when I worked for a health corp, note the dates. I’ve been told a bunch of people working in different big health corps received similar emails from corp legal.
    attachment referenced in email:


    In March of 2020 health corporations had already been told lockdowns would be coming.

    1. Yeah. It was a circus. As a crucial employee they even allowed me “first in line” status for the Vaxx. People didn’t understand why I avoided it like the plague. Which appears to be, in hindsight, very accurate.

  9. EVERYONE INVOLVED, from actively creating, injecting, promoting, etc to those lying, censoring, banning, demonizing, etc MUST BE CHARGED WITH CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Upon conviction, the penalty is clear.

  10. Interestingly, this is now making its way down to the industry level as well. At least three companies – Moderna, Curevac, and Gritstone Bio – have announced layoffs directly tied to the slow down and or complete discontinuation of Covid-19 work.

  11. I have predicted since the first shot- we will see a mass die off event in 3-6 years. The numbers are already climbing. How high will they go? And consider this-The next onslaught is turbo-cancer. Drug companies will make billions on the treatments, before the inevitable rapid decline. Coincidence or planned? Take ’em out, but make more money on the trip.

    1. I tried to look up the quote “There is no profit in a cure for cancer” but only got debunking notes. Not surprised.

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