How Invaders Are Looting Your 401k

“The French have just invaded.” – Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

I guess the Mongol Empire had its pros and Khans.

On Monday’s post I gave an example of propaganda, and how it is used to manipulate public opinion.  The example I chose was the phrase “Diversity is our Strength™” which, when viewed from the standpoint of what diversity really gives us, is Orwellian doublespeak.  Diversity causes problems, so much so that journalist Michael Yon has started calling them what might be more apt:  invaders.

One of the problems it causes is related to resources.  While not every invader (legal or illegal) is a net cost to the country, most are.  A recent study by the House Homeland Security Commission (LINK) showed that immigrants (just the illegal variety) cost taxpayers at least $720 billion since Biden took office, and have contributed no more than $120 billion in taxes at all levels, for a net loss of $600 billion dollars.

That’s a huge tax burden, because it assumes that they individual taxpayer is picking up the cost.  So, what kind of costs are in this number?

  • Housing
  • Welfare
  • Schools
  • Police
  • Transport
  • Impacts on Private Property on the Border

If you assume only 10,000,000 invaders, well, that’s a stunning $60,000 per invader, or for a familia of four, nearly a quarter million dollars.  This gives the term “Anchor Baby” a new meaning, since they are literally anchors on our economy, each one holding us back to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, with a net negative lifetime cost that could be in the millions.

If you pronounced her name as “Pamela with a K” would that mean we’d have to call her Pamalak?

But we know the answer of how many invaders are devastating our country is higher, and the cost is much higher than the $720,000,000,000 over four years.  On one side, this money is going to support the invaders.  But this is money that should have been spent on our elderly, our veterans, our infrastructure, and our children.  Nearly every single invader, man, woman, or child, is making the Unites States a poorer nation and is taking from those heritage Americans who have the greatest needs.

Of course, you’re saying, John Wilder, what happened to your compassion for your fellow man?  It’s not compassion at all when all of this is being done against the consent of the vast majority of Americans.  How mad are Americans at this?  Kamala Harris is now saying she wants to build a wall.

I’m afraid to visit Turkey or China.  Too many red flags.

As I have maintained again and again, it is not charity if it is forced, rather, it is GloboLeftists using the resources of the country to pay for this invasion.  As James O’Keefe found out, most of the “private” funds used to assist invaders are actually recycled government grants from places like the Department of State, so even the “private” funds are actually resources looted from you and I.  With no input, with no choice.

What’s Ukraine’s biggest import?  Russian artillery shells. 

That’s not charity, or if it is charity, it’s surprise charity like a mugging is a surprise donation or rape is surprise sex.

Here are more costs that the invaders force upon Americans:

  • Increased Housing Cost: Pop quiz – if 20,000,000 invaders cross a border, how many houses will they consume?  If they live 18 to a house, does that lower or raise housing cost?  If we build 3,000,000 more houses for them, does that raise or lower the cost of building supplies?
  • Lowered Wages: Supply and demand figures in again here.  The derivation of this proof is left to the reader.
  • Increased Crime: It costs $1.6 billion just for federal costs to house invaders in prison annually.  States house even more, so who knows what the overall total is.  This total isn’t included in the report’s number, and doesn’t include the value of stolen property and destroyed lives caused by invaders.
  • School Resource Increase: The 5.1 million children of the invaders cost more than heritage Americans.  Why?  They often speak little English, and that costs, at least, 15% more.  But what about the social friction from invaders with American students?  What about the lost learning opportunities?

In the above list, again, there are missing externalities that are caused by a significant invader class – like needs for new laws, the impact of a large law evading class (48% of New York City transit riders don’t pay any fare), and the loss of societal cohesion.  As Sadiq Khan, invader anchor baby mayor of London said:  terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city.”

I guess terrorism is part of the strength that diversity brings us?

Does it bother anyone besides me that hundreds of thousands of “other” people are invading?

In 2019 the Wilder family was taking a long trip through the Great American West.  It was probably around 1AM.  We were in the space where there might have been two FM channels on the entire dial.  One was an NPR®/college station, so I tuned to that one.

The program was about people from other countries and cultures coming to America and the difficulties that they had in assimilation.  Okay, I’ll listen.  It turned out that on this particular episode, the focus was on invaders with really heavy accents.  What I learned that if you, a heritage American, had difficulty understanding someone speaking broken English in a very heavy accent, the problem, citizen, is that you’re a bad person.  You’re the problem.

Yes.  I’m not making this up.  They actually put this on the air.  Now, I don’t know about you, but if not being able to comprehend someone whose grasp of the English language is as crisp as Kamala Harris’ grasp on sobriety is racist, well, I’m a racist.  And so, then, are you.

I hear summer in Finland is the best day of the year.

That’s the other facet of the loss of social cohesion:  in every instance, the culture of the Americans who built the country is supposed to give way to every other culture.  If it’s culturally allowed for people to be rude, pushy, and insulting in their country, well, take your Midwestern manners and deal with it.  But if you’re rude, pushy, and insulting, well, that makes you a bigot.

It’s a no-win situation.

Like the invaders.  What’s the real cost?  I’d guess no less than double the official number, and possibly triple when you look at the inflationary pressures put on our systems by the invaders.  But what’s $2 trillion when you’re trying to “fundamentally transform America” like Obama promised?

I personally wish the invaders no ill will.  Given the nearly trillion-dollar basket of free stuff, almost anyone would come from the places they live, yet as they cross the border, they carried the flags of their homes, because the only reason they’re here is for the stuff.  For the most part, they hold no allegiance to the United States.  This is the opposite of previous waves of immigrants, who either contributed or died, since didn’t pour out trillions to help Uncle Hans from the Netherlands.

The cumulative economic impact of the collapse of our immigration system may be devastating at a time when the economic situation of the United States in particular and the West in general can least absorb it.

But at least we know that peace is war, and diversity is our strength.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

30 thoughts on “How Invaders Are Looting Your 401k”

  1. Do you mind linking to the report you cite at the beginning: House Homeland Security Commission?

    Thank you!

  2. This is one of your most important posts. The costs are enormous and when you have a population that is rapidly growing but only in the least intelligent and least productive segments of the society. Just feeding them all is going to cause enormous headaches.

    1. Of course not. The people (add parentheses to taste) who are doing the most to bring in these dysgenic, non-assimilable savages? Those people ALREADY own your 401(k), and THEY are not going to share with a bunch of violent retards. Normal subhuman scum like us are the ones who have to give what we have to the retards.

  3. The question of understanding people with foreign accents (apart from being a good source of bad jokes) is more a matter of experience than anything else. Here in Austria, we have a lot of experience of hearing poor grammar and bad pronunciation. We have always had a large immigrant population, going back to the days of empire. When I was growing up in UK, there we had a large immigrant population, and we were used to hearing English with a heavy accent. You got used to it and it was generally comprehensible.
    I have relatives by marriage in Germany that have a holiday home in Sweden. They are intelligent people that have made a serious attempt to learn the language for when they are there, but have absolutely no success in communicating. Times have changed, but earlier it was practically unknown for anyone to learn Swedish and try to practice it on real, live Swedish people. They had no experience of a foreign accent and poor grammar in their language. Sure, drunks and children speak badly, and they would be used to that, but those are different mistakes.

    1. The UK had essentially no (zero) immigrants before 1960, and darned few in 1980.
      This is an invasion, and you have been taught to believe it is normal, and that “things have always been this way.”

    2. There was a scifi book about an alien invasion that took over the world, and at one point the guy who was most fluent in the alien language admits that he intentionally speaks like a child in the alien tongue, because that’s the best a human can do, and it helps predispose the aliens to forgiving any mistakes.


    3. Ha! Well, I’m betting the Swedes have a lot more experience now. But if I don’t understand an accent, it’s not my fault.

  4. When Democrat politicians talk about immigration, they deny that immigrant wages hold down wages for everyone. But when Democrat economists talk about inflation, they’re happy to explain that immigrants help reduce it, by “reducing wage demand”. You can have it both ways, if you cloud it in jargon. And let’s not forget that housing is unaffordable to the young because “property values are supported” by immigrant demand.


    1. To be fair, keeping them out will increase wages for lower-skilled labor, so strawberries will cost more. But taxes can go down and housing prices can go down. Hmmm. I’ll take that trade.

  5. Great article. It’s too bad that we’ve had generations brainwashed into believing that we need to bring the third world into this country (e.g., “It’s A Small World,” “This Land Is Your Land,” “We Are The World,” etc.); and worse, while they think it is for the benefit of the poor and downtrodden, it is actually for the benefit of the elites (the wealth pump). Given how the influx of invaders has driven up housing prices, it should be no surprise that 15% of annual home purchases are by investors, and in the third quarter of 2023, private equity firms accounted for 44% of purchases of flipped single-family houses. You will own nothing and be happy (or have “Joy” as Kamala Harris is saying).

  6. Well, Marty Armstrong’s Socrates indicates this might be the last nationwide election. The bottom line is simply that if we don’t kill “them”, they’ll kill us. While laughing.

    1. lamont, it has about always (decades…) been “us v them”. It always comes down to this – violence is the only thing that will make them see sense. “They” will not, and have never listened. “They” have attacked us in every way they can – except kinetically. And that’s not far off…
      There’s going to be a fight, my friend.
      Let’s win.

  7. It costs more, so the government prints more money, which means it buys less, and makes it cost more. I watched a dog chasing its tail, and it made more sense than this madness.

  8. Cities are dead to me. It started with coddling the preternaturally violent, low-IQ black population, but waves of equally violent, feral, sociopathic invaders from the world’s numerous failed countries are the maggots festering in the corpse.

    White flight from city to suburb has progressed now from suburb to rural America. I and my clan have joined the wave. When this, too, proves inadequate, there is nowhere left to escape to.

    Very glad I got to see San Fran, Chicago, NYC and numerous others before the madness and rot wrecked these places entirely. Very sad that we are leaving such a mess to our heirs.

  9. While driving an 18 wheeler semi across this country, I saw endless housing construction in the Las Vegas basin, Denver region, California…all that housing for whom? Now we know.

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