Is the Vaxx AIDS?

“Um, well, as with any new vaccine, there were certain side effects associated with it.” – Evolution

I tried to get a refund on some bad batteries I bought.  They wouldn’t give me one, since they said the batteries were free of charge.

Hey, I’ve got a golden oldie from, oh, right before the Russians invaded Ukraine:  the ‘Rona.

I am not vaxxed.  I am not jabbed.  I thought about it, but they told me there were no refunds, so I opted out.  But I have had the ‘Rona.  I haven’t been tested to prove that, but The Mrs. was tested and had the antibodies.  So did Pugsley.  I was around those two losers enough if it is physically possible for me to get it, I’ve had it.  I even remember the afternoon I had it.  Felt a bit bad, had a temperature of 99°F (345 km) that day, and thought about going home early.

I’ve had it.  It wasn’t especially bad.  But then I was exposed again:  I sat for several hours next to a person who had it, 13 days ago.  He was vaxxed.  Again, if I caught whatever variant this was, I had no symptoms other than some extra phlegm.  And who doesn’t want extra phlegm?  It makes it so much easier to hock a gnarly loogie.

I give that to you only as background, though I freely admit I do appreciate the aesthetics of hocking a good loogie.  In all the people I’ve ever met in my life, I know of only a single person who died of the ‘Rona – and when I heard he had died, my response was, “He was still alive?  He was old!”  I did the math, and he was approximately 473 years old.

After getting the vaxx, my friend can’t hear himself urinate.  I guess the p is silent.

I have talked to friends that have lost older loved ones as well.  One of my friends even lost two relatives in their fifties – which was pretty young for COVID.

So, that’s the background.

As I said before, I’m not vaxxed.  I was against it because I generally believe the mice should do human trials before people.

So, what are the long-term implications of the vaxx?

Right now, some implications are showing up that look a bit grim.

One of the big concerns that had shown up in past trials of vaccines against strains of Coronavirus had been, well, AIDS.  The problem was that the vaccines that we tried to create made our immune system act like Nancy Pelosi surrounded by bottles of vodka – useless.  Oh, wait, that’s just regular Nancy Pelosi.

The concern of vaccines is that they can, sometimes, cause “immune dysregulation” which means the immune system doesn’t work right.  T-Cells, which are the semi-trucks that make the immune system work, have life cycle.  Those are the guys that roam around the blood stream and look for stuff that isn’t right – and kill it.

Sadly, still no refunds.

T-cells are like a Terminator® against disease.  No, that language won’t get me a doctorate in immunology, but since I’m typing this while watching a James Bond movie (Diamonds are Forever) while drinking wine, that ship has probably sailed.

To quote an actual immunologist-doctor dude named Bowdish stated, “Once a T cell commits to responding to one thing, it can’t respond to anything else.  As we age, more and more of them become committed to responding to infections, or all the other things we might be exposed to, and fewer and fewer are available to respond to new threats.”


A super-short version of the nightmare scenario is this:  the vaxx injects mRNA, which creates a storm of COVID spike proteins.  The original thought was that there was a burst of these would tickle the neck of the immune system, give it a thrill and then be gone – which is not how the mRNA vaxx works – it’s really gene therapy.  Gene therapy might be a technology that will change the future, but right now, it appears to me it’s like we’re taking sledgehammers to fix a fine gold pocket watch.

Oops.  Apparently, the mRNA concoction (in some studies) stays active longer than anticipated.  Beyond that, the spike proteins don’t degrade very rapidly in the body.  The result?  They keep on jazzing the immune system.  But they don’t give a full picture of the virus that a T cell normally would attack, just the spike.

Still no refunds.

So, the vaxx hijacks the immune system and causes it to focus for a really, really long time on only one portion of the actual virus, and not respond like (for instance) mine did when I actually had the ‘Rona in looking at the whole virus, and not just a tiny bit of it like someone who was injected with mRNA vaxx.

This is bad.

It focuses a big chunk of the immune system on a single part of the virus, and ignores the rest.  Minor modifications would then lead people who had the Two Shots and All The Boosters® to be more and not less susceptible to the ‘vid.

This is combined with all of the other signs that we’ve seen:  amazing numbers of very healthy, world-class athletes either collapsing or just plain dying in the prime of their life in numbers like we’ve never seen before.

And, in the end, for what?

COVID wasn’t pleasant during the afternoon I had it.  And it absolutely killed quite a few people.  But it wasn’t going to kill kids.  And it wasn’t going to kill hardly anyone below the age of 50.

If I had taken the vaxx, I’d be mad.  Very mad.  They were marketed as safe.  They’re not.  Tens of thousands have died from them, and there are reports coming in that female fertility had been impacted.  They were marketed as effective.  As the last data seems to show, they vaxxed are more likely to get COVID than the unvaxxed.

Perhaps he has an agenda?

No, he’s clearly well respected.

In order to get people to take this untested new technology, the government engaged in massive amounts of unfounded and knowingly false propaganda and, in the end, coercion.  The ‘rona itself was a disaster, but in the end, the betrayal by every edifice of our public sector is worse.

I am in hopes that the worst is past.  I don’t wish evil on any person.  But in the case of the vaxx?  There’s one theme:  no refunds.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

28 thoughts on “Is the Vaxx AIDS?”

  1. This is so tiresome. As usual, the media has it backwards. Your immune system isn’t weakened because you keep getting covid. You keep getting covid because your immune system is weakened. And the reason your immune system is weakened is because you got the jabs. And the more boosters you get the weaker your immune system will be.

    Not to mention that not all that many people have done a damn thing to strengthen their immune system through diet, exercise, and vitamins/supplements.

    When this crap began winter 2019 we started taking the vitamin regime. Learned about it online from Dr. Mercola, FLCCC, etc. Also learned about treatments that helped. Even though we live in NJ, one of the hardest and earliest hit areas in the nation, we did not get the covid until Omicron hit us on Christmas Eve 2021. Doubled the vitamins, drank extra fluids, got out the liquid livestock ivermectin we’d purchased 18 months earlier, took .6mg/kg oral for 10 days. Cuercetin phytosome, dynamic mushroom extract from Stonehenge Health, lots of curcumin. We were over the ‘rona in less than 3 days, although we were tired for about a week. Symptoms were very mild. We have not had even a sniffle since, even though we’re 4-6 variants down the road, all of them ultrasupermega infectious. It’s called natural immunity. It’s real, and it works.

    1. I’ll agree – I was over it in an afternoon, but did feel run-down for a week or so. The immune system was designed for . . . this.

  2. The whole T cell exhaustion theory, like so many other areas of vaxx concern, doesn’t have much solid evidence behind it yet for COVID, although a well established phenomenon in cancer and HIV patients. It is one of many theories trying to describe why this vaxx doesn’t provide long term immunity but instead immunity that fades quickly with time. Unfortunately, the main emphasis has been on channging the very definition of vaccine to deemphasize its once-primary function of providing long-term immunity. Very Orwellian.

    While on the subject of Orwellian language use in viral disease discussions, and since you mention AIDS in your title (clever semantic clickbait, John!)… 97% of monkeypox cases are among gays, and even the few child cases have a gay contact connection, but the MSM is bending over backwards to avoid labeling monkeypox as a “gay” disease. The left is always saying (incorrectly) that Florida teachers are under “Don’t Say Gay” restrictions. Turns out it’s really the MSM who are…

    Newspeak is real, and was included in 1984 as a literal appendix for a reason!

    1. Dr. Ryan Cole is the one who probably has the best handle on the T-cell situation. He owns and runs the largest pathology lab in Idaho and first reported the T-cell and cancer situations about a year ago. Some shytebags tried to get him kicked off a medical board in Ada County. I’m not sure if they were successful or not, but he hasn’t lost any credibility that I’m aware of.

      1. The really awful thing about this is that the science is so political right now, so many lies are making the rounds. This, more than anything, is a sign that it’s all going down the tubes. Science depends on Truth, no matter where it takes you.

  3. The real question is why were They so eager to get us to get jabbed when they knew that:

    A. The ‘vid isn’t a major threat to the vast majority of the people and

    B. The “vaccine” not only doesn’t seem to work but also might make things worse?

    The answer to that question gets into some really sketchy territory.

    Alex Berenson does a lot of good work on this, he can be a bit smug and thin skinned but his posts paint a pretty grim picture, like this one:

    1. The purpose of the vaccine mandates was to get 100% compliance. The rationale behind getting 100% compliance was to eliminate the existence of a significant “non-vaxxed control group.” It is only because 30% of us defied their mandate, some under penalty of job loss, that these horrific health-crimes are being exposed.

    2. Alex has had some really good info. Same with Steve Kirsch if you haven’t been keeping up with him.

      BTW – I don’t trust the .Gov’s numbers on anything. Someone on Gab just did an (informal, of course) survey on the site and 98% of us who took part DID NOT get the jab. Yeah, 98% with a sample size of just under 500. The cabalists and their evil zombiedogs are going to have a much harder time of things when they try to start the Great Conservative Roundup in the near future. Typically insurgencies involve small groups. In this case, it looks like the iron and clay-footed cabalese army is going to be significantly outnumbered.

    3. The worst, and scariest is that it’s on purpose. The easiest for me to believe (and what I’d like to believe) is that it’s political. Which means the first is probably the truth.

  4. Apparently, the ‘rona, and the mystery-vaxx conjured from snake oil to mitigate it, affect everyone differently. I took the original two clotshots under stern protest late last year when my employer, a hyooge defense contractor, stated that I would be out of a job by December 8th if I didn’t. No more than a week after receiving the second jab, the goobermint edict demanding that contractors enforce compliance from employees to go on feeding at the federal trough was summarily dropped.

    Boy, was I p!ssed. We’d already had the virus, way back in the early days of the panic, when beloved wife brought it home from the nursing home she was managing. For us, it was nothing more than a day and a half of sniffles. But since receiving the jab, I’ve been utterly incapable of maintaining my weight, despite fanatical strictness on low-carb. And I developed chronic joint issues overnight that have put a serious damper on exercise.

    It’s as if some nefarious agency has conspired to make me sedentary, fat and depressed. I drew the line at any and all boosters, and my employer can suck it if they demand that I ever do anything again with this tired, old body that I don’t want to do. But alas, the damage is done. I place responsibility for my woes squarely in the court of the evil elite.

    1. I was thinking about getting the Novavax version to see my favorite band in the fall. A Facebook friend replied:

      “Do yourself a favor, don’t ruin your health over a concert. I literally think I’m dying all the time and have panic and anxiety like never before since the shot…my mom NEVER had issues with anxiety and since her shot has it awful. Sometimes I have to get off the highway because I’m afraid I’m going to pass out and kill someone because of this stupid shot[.]”

      Thankfully the venue the band is playing at dropped their 19 policies for the time being.

    2. What’s done is done, and there’s no way to change that. For what it’s worth, I hope all of this is very wrong.

  5. Time will tell, but your “grim” outlook is becoming evident. What was let loose on the world is yet to be seen, but without honesty by those involved, the eventual outcome will be of vengeance. Regardless of fact, rumor is more powerful to the ill-informed, and the rumors say the intention was to reduce the population of the world.

    1. I still stand astonished that, given the horrible results I’ve seen with poorly tested drugs, that we’d just trot out a new technology and a new drug to children.

  6. Forcing the mandate was intended to get 100% compliance. Getting 100% compliance was intended to eliminate what ended up as the world’s largest experimental control group (+-30%). The existence of the control group is proving what a horrendous crime was committed and is still being promoted.

    1. How many who would have been just fine have died? They won’t even count them, whereas I’m sure that George Floyd is counted among the COVID dead.

  7. After a LOT of nagging from my husband and children, I did finally agree to get the shots. No side effects shown, but I caught Covid about 15 months later.
    My husband asked me about getting a booster; I told him “Not a prayer”.

  8. Glad to hear you skipped the shot. I did too, and as you said, I’d be mad too if I had taken it. For me, it’d be: ‘I’ve got nothing to lose’ kinda mad.

    Nothing short of a new Nuremberg trial is warranted, as this rises to Crimes Against Humanity levels. No more than 50’ish defendants from the NIH, FDA, CDC, Pharma Cos, and the CEOs of big employers that gave employees a choice between the shot or their jobs. Perhaps a flat screen on the wall over the judges with two updated totals: deaths from the Chinese bio weapon, and deaths from the Pharma vaxs.

    1. Don’t forget about the politicians, bureaucrats, BigTech oligarchs, “fact-checkers”, MSM whores, medical boards, aparatchik storm troopers and coproaches, doctors who knowingly gave poisons (vaxxes, remedsivir, etc) to patiends and refused to use the therapeutics KNOWN to work . . . When this is all over, we won’t have a Climate-hoax or global overpopulation problem.

    2. Agreed. And I would have given up pretty much everything I had to give up to not take it – The Mrs. and I had an explicit discussion about just this.

  9. And then there is the simple fact, known at the time, that the spike proteins in the jab are themselves a blood pathogen. They tear up the walls of blood vessels, causing clotting and other problems. With mRNA experimental treatments, your body turns into a factory to keep making more.

    1. There are a lot of problems with the spike protein – especially since it appears to be a persistent blood pathogen.

  10. Once again, it seems that your observational accuracy paired with a level of toxic hilarity helps me through. Please don’t stop.

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