Kamala: The NPC Candidate

“This isn’t a video game.  There are no extra lives.” – Edge of Tomorrow

Kamala posted a commercial to YouTube®, I tried to reply, but just like Kamala the comments were disabled.  (Memes and content mostly “as found”)

Kamala Harris has invented a new type of presidential candidacy – one based on being absolutely nothing.  Seriously.  She has stated exactly one position publicly:  “No tax on tips” which is precisely the position staked out by Donald Trump two months ago.  I guess we should give Kamala this one, since she’s no stranger to a variety of tips.

Oh, sure, Mr. Trump’s trademark is being “short on details” so that he can leverage a win, but based on 2016, what really outraged the GloboLeft is that Trump actually tried to follow through on many of his positions.  One thing that Trump won’t be to voters is a surprise, but I think Kamala is so unknown as to be a surprise, and not a good one.

Kamala’s first interview question:  “Describe yourself in one word.”  Kamala:  “Vague.”  Interviewer:  “Can you elaborate?”  Kamala:  “Possibly.”


She’s pulling what I’ll call an “Ultra-Clinton” approach to her candidacy.  Back when Hillary first ran for senate in 2000, I was expecting that, finally, she’d have to address the public.  There wasn’t any way, I naively thought, that she could duck the people for an entire election.  I mean, without killing them.

Whoops.  While Hillary did do carefully staged and vetted “listening tour” events, what she didn’t do was meet with anyone but fawning press.  She successfully avoided all genuine interaction with people so she wouldn’t have to kill time.  Of course, Hillary was well known to be a GloboLeft accomplice, so it wasn’t any surprise when the New York machine churned out a senate seat for her to launch an eventual presidential campaign.

Kamala Harris, though, is another matter.  She is the ultimate in vapor.  What, exactly, does she stand for?  Apparently, no taxes on tips.  But beyond that, she is a ghost.

Is she Indian or black?  Yes, though my guess is that more of her ancestors owned slaves than were slaves.

I guess if she doesn’t owe reparations, nobody does.

Is she for or against illegals scurrying across the border in unending streams?

Yes.  She wants to be seen as “tough on immigration” at the same time she promises to “let every illegal sitting in detention out on day one”.

Is she against inflation?  You bet she is, and on day one of her administration she’ll do something (the something is not mentioned) to stop it.  Why the Biden/Harris administration can’t stop it right here and now isn’t discussed and no one asks here that question, since that would be mean or something.  As usual, the Bee nails it:

If honesty is the best policy, I guess Kamala’s normally uses the second-best policy.

Interviews?  Trump sits down to a multi-hour open and candid conversation with Elon Musk, and sits for interview after interview.  Kamala?  She might sit for an interview sometime by the end of the month.  Maybe.  If they can keep her off the gin for that long.

And Trump’s request for three debates?

Well, there’s just one on the schedule, and that’s enough for Kamala, at least in August.  Heck, in September I’m not so certain that Paperwork American Judge Juan Merchan won’t slap Trump in irons and send him to prison.  Oh, sure, he’ll get out on an appeal shortly thereafter, but don’t count that possibility out.  This election is a circus, and we’re far short of the finale.

They did a study of how often Kamala was drunk.  The results were staggering.

But what is known is that Kamala is really attempting to appeal to a select group of voters:  those who aren’t paying attention and who will vote for a candidate based on what they feel.

Kamala has no need to preen for the hard-core GloboLeftists that want to hang Trump because they don’t like his face.  They’re going to show up for her even if she changes her tune to being pro-life and wants to start distributing AR-15s to every citizen.  They’d vote for her, because what they believe in is based only on what the latest talking points are from the DNC.  These people are Non-Player Characters (NPC) because they’re programmed by the mainstream news or by whatever the talking head night joke men tell them to believe.

What, really, is an NPC?

Since humans are social creature, there is an inherent tendency in many people to follow.  In the past, this made sense.  The number of people, say, a French peasant would have seen in their life was small, and they derived their beliefs by what was presented to them other people, rather than any other source.

This variety of NPC is popular in the UK, and in the United States too!  Talk about diversity!

Women, especially, were subject to this effect.  An example proving that was the number of war brides that American troops returned home with from Germany.  I don’t have the total from Germany, but over 300,000 war brides came from Europe, many speaking little English, to the United States.  These women immediately married men of the armed forces that had bombed and terrorized them for years because everyone said they were in charge now.

See?  NPC.

But as family groups become fractured due to no-fault divorce and a system that gives women cash and prizes for divorcing men, and as people become uprooted chasing economic success in areas far from where they grew up, they became reliant on a different tribe:  mass media.

No one is entirely immune, but some are entirely dependent on mass media for their opinions.  A close-knit family, longstanding friends, family stories and novels and other idea intrusions (like this blog) serve as counter-programming to the NPC soup that many live in.  The more you’re divorced from Infocancer like The View, the greater your immune system, and the less of an NPC you are.

This phrase must have tested highly with the NPC species Karenus Manageriusspeakum.

Kamala is not for you.  Kamala is for the NPC.

Kamala has to appeal (or pretend to appeal) to the middle.  These are the people who aren’t on the GloboLeft, and aren’t on the TradRight.  They just want to grill and enjoy the sunset and consume mass media.  Be aware, this how they were built – to follow.  Immersive multi-media that’s fed from a screen and doesn’t require any critical thought is what they desire.

For the NPC the TV or TikTok™ is their tribal sense of purpose.  Along with a lot of drugs.

How the NPC class copes.

The difficulty for Kamala is that for many of these people the last four years have been hell.  Their businesses have been closed (if they own a business) and their paychecks have dwindled in the face of ever-present inflation.  They’ve seen awful riots, they’ve seen this weird transgender explosion that they don’t much like, and now they notice huge numbers of people who moved into their neighborhood and don’t speak any English staring at them when they fill their gas tank.  They know they’re supposed to like them, but also have a tingling sense that these aren’t refugees or immigrants.  They’re becoming worried that this is an invader class.

Huh.  Wrongly think.  Get on board, citizen!

Kamala has to appeal to those people to win.  She can’t do it on record, so the best option is to run against anything she has ever stood for, or at least pretend to run against that.  She can say anything in front of any group, and will wait for the networks and search engines to run interference for her so that she can fulfill her strategy to win the White House.

How?  Kamala intends to be the first NPC candidate, standing for nothing, with no real substance except a desire for power with the media as her staunchest friend and defender.  Let’s get this woman some more gin!

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

44 thoughts on “Kamala: The NPC Candidate”

  1. Y’all? It’s because the malign forces that run our government know that the collapse is finalized. The tower hasn’t hit the ground yet but its already on its way down and if you know where to look you can see it getting dustified. At this point its just a T**mudic humiliation ritual. You’re best strategy is to to RIP USA and start building anew and defending what you build against more subversion.

    1. What gets built won’t be the same. But I think it has the potential to be pretty good. But first? Skulls, blood, all of that stuff.

  2. All Cumala can do by speaking in public is hurt herself. There isn’t really a setting where she can be trusted to speak candidly or even with a script so the solution is to simply not go in public. Remember Hidin’ Biden, that was his strategy because 2024 and 2020 are both 100% about the same thing: Donald Trump or more accurately the people that They believe he represents, White people. If I was her campaign manager I would be doing exactly what they are doing, keeping her out of the limelight.

    1. If she gets elected, she will eventually have to resume talking in public on a regular basis and and at that point, the level of stupefaction will be an incredible sight to behold. For many democrats it will be the political equivalent of waking up next to a REALLY ugly girl after a long night of drinking. Most people would just try to sneak away and forget the whole thing…….but then they will notice the brand new wedding ring and realize they are stuck with this harpy for the long haul.

      I expect that if she were to get elected, her approval rating will be below 40% within the first 6 months because such a profound level of stupid is impossible to cover up.

      1. FJB has employed the similar strategy to great success.
        As George Carlin once said, “think of how stupid the average American is, and remember that 50% are even more stupid than that!!?”
        The former United States is fucked.

  3. Since The Debate, America has been like Alex in Clockwork Orange – eyes propped wide open and forced to watch a marathon of bizarre weekly Twilight Zone episodes that show no sign of letting up until after Inauguration Day. I just don’t understand how all of this can be happening so fast, it’s like a magician pulling endless scarves out of a hat. Joe’s great, Joe’s senile, Joe’s still Prez, Don had immunity, Jack is illegitimate, Don’s trials delayed, JD gets picked, JD is weird, Tim gets picked, Tim is weirder, Kammie is Indian, Kammie is Black, Kammie surges ahead….

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin — ‘There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.’

    Better brush up on your Communist quote history, gang. It’s sadly lookin’ like it’s headed soon to a nation near you, brought to you by a bunch of NPC swing voters and harvested mail-in ballots.

    1. There’s so much stuff going on that even I forgot to put “Don got nicked” in there, which is arguably the most Twilight Zone-y of all.

    2. ZH headline just now:

      Who Is Running America? NYT Discloses Lloyd Austin ‘Ordered’ Major Deployment To Conflict Zone…”We are in a proxy war with the biggest nuclear power in the history of the world, & we have another proxy war-ish type thing devolving into a wider regional war in Israel, & we don’t have a president.”

      Twilight Zone.

    3. The process is the point, has been for decades: We can and will do anything we want to you, and your resistance already is criminalized, or on the way to criminalization.

      A vex-a-thon, for that is the nature and desire of America’s dominant spiritual being.

  4. These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches, but I don’t think that the powerful really like them being known. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in school classrooms. Thank You.

    The Five Rules of Propaganda

    1. The rule of simplification – reducing all data to a simple confrontation between ‘Good and Bad’, ‘Friend and Foe’.
    2. The rule of disfiguration – discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
    3. The rule of transfusion – manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.
    4. The rule of unanimity – presenting one’s viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by ‘psychological contagion’.
    5. The rule of orchestration – endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

  5. Over at a website which probably doesn’t want to be mentioned by me, many of us posit that NPCs are the descendants of those humans who ~3000 years ago did not cross over to a unicameral mind; that is, NPCs are bicameral; they are not conscious.

    1. Perhaps these are the people that do not have an inner voice and conversation. This was making the rounds a few months back; I’m suspecting now that there are more of them that everyone thinks, making up the bulk of the Demoncrat party.

  6. George Costanza must be her campaign manager.

    “I’ve got it….a campaign about nothing!”

    “You may just have something there!”

  7. Obama also stood for nothing during his campaigns. Worked well for him despite obviously being a foreign, America-hating, red diaper baby. But Harris can’t do that herself (foot in mouth disease) so must tely on the press to do it all.

    On the other hand, she doesn’t need to win, she only needs to keep the fake polls and public perception within the margin of fraud. The fraud machine will do the rest when given even the thinnest cover of plausible deniability.


  8. Knockout analysis.

    The ‘immigrants’ can rage next street over, but the white females constituting the bulk of Kammie’s support still will vote Total Prog. With pink puzzie hats on. Because their essential motivations are resentment, rage, and thirst-for-vengeance.

    D.T. is unapologetically male, thus the rage-a-thon cannot cease. He is white, tough, and retains some remnant of Traditional America: he is the enemy. When the Chaos Machine that is woman is fully unleashed, empowered and ‘liberated’, the endgame always is destruction, of everything . . . demonstrated by Team Fem’s first target, the colleges and unis, where the Ebil White Man canon rapidly was ‘deconstructed’. That’s their pretty word for annihilation and skin-suit parading.

    I had Kammie from the jump and was surprised the Regime waited this long for the switcheroo. She has it all: female (most important), of-color, and a cistern awaiting its fill of anything her handlers command. Because like Hillary, Pelosi, Nuland and the Team Fem populist base, Harris’ motivation is rage and revenge. If it vexes, discomfits, or destroys the (nonexistent) White Male Patriarchy, it is a good thing and they are down for it.

    That is where we are now.

  9. “In his famous letters from prison, Bonhoeffer argued that stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice, because while “one may protest against evil; it can be exposed and prevented by the use of force, against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here. Reasons fall on deaf ears.””

  10. 1% of humans are freethinkers, and work out moral rules for themselves rather than adopting the ambient morality. Mark Twain and Robert Heinlein were two famous freethinkers. The other 99% of humans are NPCs, and get their programming from the mainstream media. Most often the mainstream media was a religion. An early mainstream media edited the Bible to favor the world’s first multinational corporation, the Catholic church. At that time dissenters were deplatformed and had to bury their independent journalism in caves, where it was later rediscovered as Dead Sea scrolls.

    Popular voting doesn’t work as advertised. The NPCs control the vote, the mainstream media controls the NPCs, and the secret police controls the mainstream media and the elected politicians with blackmail.

    Ah, but where did the harmful “no-fault divorce and a system that gives women cash and prizes for divorcing men” policy come from? Who voted for that, or who would tolerate it being pushed on them if they didn’t vote for it? Maybe it’s an societal autoimmune disease appearing after external threats are vanquished? See tomwoods.com/ep-2232-when-civilizations-hate-themselves

  11. A campaign about nothing is appropriate for a constituency that has little to think with. For those that do, they have to realize ignorance is a disease rampant today, and their logic is not welcome.

  12. Anyone else think it is a coincidence that we have Kum-ala running with a guy who literally almost died from drinking too much horse jizz? I think they are now just openly mocking the electorate.

  13. “She has stated exactly one position publicly: “No tax on tips” which is precisely the position staked out by Donald Trump two months ago. I guess we should give Kamala this one, since she’s no stranger to a variety of tips.”

    Wait, I must have read that wrong. I thought she said, “just the tip” which meant she was going to abolish all other taxes except the tax on tips.

  14. Pre-1776 it was the rule that only property owners or men with financial assets of more than “X” pounds/dollars were granted the right to vote. The Poll Tax was eliminated in the 1960s, maybe its time to bring it back.

    Or, send out a questionnaire to all single females, as follows: 1. How many cats do you own? 2. Are you on antidepressants? 3. How much box wine do you consume daily?

    If more than one cat or yes to #2, they can’t vote. Oh, if they drink box wine, immediate disqualification from suffrage.

    1. The answers to question #1 and #3 are highly correlated so you can probably get by with just 2 questions.

      Not a fan of poll taxes, but I do think there should be a civic literacy requirement (particularly knowledge of the US Constitution). This test could be taken in high school in a manner similar the written driving test except passing this test allows one to vote

    2. No votes for any females. No participation in law, criminal justice, government, media, education (except tykes and the v. young) and a bunch of other stuff they always ruin. And especially, no female leaders in any church. Unless you wish to repeat the past 4 decades of New Amerika.

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