King, Kamala, And Evil

“Give me what I want, and I’ll go away.” – Storm of the Century

I hear King’s next novel is about a girl who falls off a boat in Maine and is eaten by a giant shellfish – the title is “New England Clam Chowed Her”.

A few weeks ago, I was re-watching the Stephen King miniseries The Storm of the Century.  I recall watching it when The Mrs. and I were newly married.  I recalled enjoying it at the time.  A Cliff’s Notes™ version is generic Mysterious Villain with Mysterious Powers shows up on a Mysterious Isolated Island off the coast of Mysterious Maine for Mysterious Reasons.

The movie first aired in 1999.  While watching it, the demographic change in entertainment is obvious, since all of the characters in the movie are white. This is entirely in keeping with what Maine looked like in 1999 and still looks like, with approximately 90% of Maine residents being white as of the last census.  Of course, if they were going to do the series in 2024, certainly there would be a Moslem or a black woman in a wheelchair who is the only good character.

Oh, and culturally, the characters were mainly married and had kids and most of the relationships were solid and people went to church.  The good guy was a father, who was married, and his wife was probably the least moral character of the movie.

Yeah, not a 2024 movie since women are perfect in 2024.

Honestly, I liked Jar-Jar Binks™ better.

Yet, the movie was dark in a way that got me thinking – is the world out there even darker than we think?

I’ve been ruminating on that for weeks, and today I was listening to a YouTube® video while smoking a cigar in the hot tub tonight, and it was about . . . how bad the banking industry was, complete with an informant talking about secret sex parties and all manner of debauchery that I won’t discuss on this mostly family-friendly blog.  The conclusion of the informant was that these parties were used to gather video to use for blackmail.  I guess they just can’t charge each other penalty interest rates.

One very successful trader who was interviewed decided that he was going to quit the high-stress life even though he was making hundreds of millions for the investment bank.  He told his boss.  His boss took him to lunch, and told him a story about a trader that had quit.  The bank then went through his emails, his trades, looking for anything that they could use to sue him or to turn over to the authorities.

It didn’t matter if the allegations stuck, the firm could keep coming up with them until the trader went broke.  It was just like a Mafia shakedown.

The trader decided then, he wouldn’t quit, and made himself such a pain that they fired him.  I imagine that was a really amusing two weeks of his life, and I hope he brought in some trout that he’d caught and cleaned them on the copier.

Punctuation is important!  “I’m quitting alcohol for a month” is far different than “I’m quitting.  Alcohol for a month.”

But when it comes to this blackmail, I wonder just how many people that are successful, are successful only because they can be controlled.  Epstein, more than anything, was likely a generator of this type of material for people to use to control others.  Why have the client lists never been made public?  Why have the recordings never come to light?

Because those same recordings, that same information is likely being used today to control those people.  The same with P. Diddy or Puff Daddy or whatever he’s known as today – what do you think the recordings from his parties were used for?

And how in the hell did Epstein and Diddy get fortunes estimated to be near a billion dollars?

Coming soon to a Diddy near you.

They were part of the control apparatus.

I have no doubt that Kamala is utterly controlled in the same fashion.  She was placed in her current position precisely because she can be controlled, and will do what she is told.  She didn’t lead in the cover up of Biden’s decrepit condition, but she certainly has been complicit.  Whatever committee that is running the White House has decided that with Kamala as president they could keep doing whatever it is that they’re doing, and that she can’t or won’t stop them.

She’s made the deal, and for the trappings of power will do whatever they tell her to do.

Who are they?  The GloboLeftElite.

I used to just call them “The Left”, but that really doesn’t fit, nor does “communist”, and it doesn’t explain the core of what they seem to stand for.

It makes me laugh when the dentist asks the last time I flossed, I think, “Man, doesn’t he remember?  He was there.”

No, the thing that they stand for first is globalism.  This is why they can take and transplant 20,000 Haitians into a town of 50,000, forever changing the demographics of a small and happy town to get cheap labor and dispossess the people that built the town in the first place.  Their reach is global, and I think that nations are just pesky anachronisms in their minds, and whatever people actually built a country aren’t important.

So, that’s the Global part.  The Left part is that they are fully on board with much more governmental control of everything.  They want the government to tell us what we can do, where we can do it, and what we can say, as long as the government allows them to do whatever they want sexually without consequence.  That appears to be all they want.

So, the GloboLeft are the foot soldiers, and the GloboLeftElite are the rulers.  Those are the people who actually run the murky enterprises, and whose desires make the actual laws in the country.  And, they do what they want, and control people via blackmail and lawfare.

It’s just that simple.

If the British started a chapter of their Flat Earth Society in America, would it be called the Apartment Earth Society?

In one way it’s darker than any of Stephen King’s villains, though.  King is a member of the GloboLeft, but probably not the GloboLeftElite.  But the villains he wrote about often had a purpose – in Storm of the Century, King’s bad guy wanted a child so he could raise it to be his Evil protégé.  Wanting a child to carry on your Mysterious Evil Work is far more wholesome than the executives that will ruin a town just to increase the profit margin by a percent or two, or to dilute the heritage American voting stock so that the people who built the country will be dispossessed forever.

Stephen King’s Evil Villian said, “Give me what I want and I’ll go away.”  The GloboLeftElite wants power forever.

Now that, I call Evil.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

10 thoughts on “King, Kamala, And Evil”

  1. I read nothing by traitors to God and country. And that weenie weasel King is a King traitor to God and country.

    Let him rot in hell where he belongs, instead of co-opting my consciousness. His biggest horror-story is yet to come, and he will star in it.

  2. King is a traitor. I don’t read the books of hell-bound traitors. I toss them and their books into hell, instead.

  3. The banker’s tale about quitting reminds me of what an older elementary school teacher told me when I was in my mid-20s back in the late 1970s. She stated that as a homeroom teacher that she had to “evaluate” all students, as in “doesn’t play well with others”, “too fidgety in class”, “very shy around girls”, etc.

    Armchair psychology that can scar you for life. Bet that banker’s boss was a Hall Monitor.

  4. Control is the major theme in business management. There is a huge body of literature this.

    Control is thus an unavoidable reality in any organized group of people that submit themselves to a hierarchy. Systems of control are neither good nor evil – they are just tools.

    The evil comes in when control shifts from cooperative to coercive. A group of people who cooperate to achieve a common goal is a good thing. A group of people who are split into opposing factions with one faction being drug towards an unwanted goal is an evil thing.

    Sadly, we are definitely moving towards the latter these days.

  5. Globohomo / Globopedo / Murderhobo.

    “Whatever committee that is running the White House”:
    The Bidens just held the first cabinet meeting in 11 months. Joe clocked out after 2 minutes. Jill is running things there. She takes her orders from Big Mike and the B.O.

    “forever changing the demographics of a small and happy town”:
    Or at least until the natives finally have enough and figure out which end of the stick goes boom. Complicated problems often have simple solutions, once enough people have the backbone to implement them.

  6. Who run Bartertown?
    Who run Hollywood? (And “popular” entertainment in general?)
    Who run banking?
    I’m sure I don’t know, but it might be … uh, Turtles. As in “it’s Turtles all the way down.”

    But aren’t the Turtles working against themselves? Used to be you’d have something you could use against a person if he was a homosexual, or she had sex with a negro. But the Turtles are all about not only normalizing, but glorifying, faggotry and miscegenation. So those are not longer useful for control. Used to be if you dressed up like a dog for perverted sex stuff then that was shameful. Now they’re stunning and brave if you parade on the streets in your fetish gear. You might become a DOE official, for that matter. The current jihad (word choice deliberate irony) of the Turtles is pedophilia, normalization of, one each. After that happens, what do they have left?

    Turtles: and then suddenly one day, for absolutely no reason at all ….

    1. It’s called priming. Not to normalize, but to desensitize. What actually takes place is so unimaginably horrific, it would break your mind.

      They promote it as cover for framing. I would put thousands on a bet that that the “right” sees all leftists as you described despite most of them being nothing like that.

      Right, of course, means proudly self identifying with none of that filth while secretly masturbating to tranny porn, financing massive personal debts, and sending children to public schools to be indoctrinated.

      Oh, that’s a terrible stereotypical portrayal?

      Ain’t it grand?!!

  7. Even though I can’t stand the Commie bastard, he is a talented writer. The best was “The Stand”. The made-for-TV miniseries based on the book introduced me to Gary Sinise. Have a lot of respect for him. I refuse to read anything he pens at this point. I’m sure he and his fellow travelers will rot in Hell someday. After all, “We all float down here….”

  8. Eliminate the “left” part and you’re much closer to accurate. No idea what the “Truth” actually is, and I suspect it is not singular.

    There are just globalists. The false divide of L/R, blue/red, dem/rep, lib/cons (at least in America) is an artificial binary construct of extremes. It is perpetuated as a psychological manipulation due to the way humans quickly identify something, label it, then substitute that for the reality without further thought and virtually no reason.

    It’s a bias filter and we all have them. Similar to the way Christian’s identify everybody who won’t believe as evil and consign them to hell. Simple, efficient, lazy, and extreme. They decry the “left” as globalists, but their team red fantasy football players are not in the same league.

    Simpler assumption: power players today whether in politics or entertainment are 99% sanctioned and vetted. Whether blackmail or Mk ultra robots, you can only move so far if you’re not read in. Pdiddler was Hollywood’s temporary controller. His time is up.

    Again, simple. His time is up. Take him down with very limited exposure. “We got him guys” it’s over. We all cheer because life is back to normal and the good guys won. It never slowed, not a single second.

    We DO NOT know these people. We never met them, they are not our friends and peers. I don’t actually KNOW a single thing about any of them, only what is portrayed in media form. It’s important to remember that. We don’t draft them based on statistics or past performance.

    Wouldn’t a fantasy football political league be great? See how many would actually bet real money on their adopted identity proxy actually performing as promised!

    You wouldn’t be able to trade any of them, no one would want them and the league would collapse.

    “Christ, trump had a clear breakaway bomb right in his hands. It would have stalled the bloated budget in its tracks.” Drops it in the end zone for the 12th time…

    “I’m keeping him in my legacy league. He just had a bad year.” He’s not a billionaire NY conman involved in mob casinos and back door Jew real estate deals.

    I’m also drafting that KY red neck rookie right out of Ivy League and Tiel’s billionaire private equity fund. No way that chubby make up wearing homo is gay and been filmed getting ass rammed while wearing a ball gag.

    “He’s from KY, he’s good people.”

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