Learn This One Weird Trick

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s weird and pissed off.” – The Thing

The Mrs. is so weird:  she starts every conversation with “were you even listening to me?”

All memes today are “as found”.

In the recent week, a miracle occurred.  It seems like every Mainstream Media® pundit found the exact same word to describe Donald Trump, JD Vance, or both of them.


Yup, “weird”.  That’s the Kamala campaign’s strategist attempting to frame the 2024 election.  Republicans are . . . weird.  Master Persuader Scott Adams analyzed this.  His conclusion?

This was “mean girl” politics.  And the person who came up with the idea was . . . a woman.  Her idea was to use the “in-group/out-group” method of attack.

What’s that?  Well, simply enough, a junior high girl would describe someone as “weird” in order to get her friends to form a united group against someone.  It only works, mind you, in junior high and also if it’s true.  With Trump and Vance?

Well, not so much, for a couple of reasons.  First off, they’re actually the weird ones:

See what I mean?  We aren’t the weird ones.  Nothing about us is weird.  Okay, some things about me are weird, but most of them in a good way.  Most of them.  Those memes above will have a visceral impact, mainly on those who already agree with us.  Some of them, though, especially at the bottom end of the list will be far too much for the normies in the middle.  They might chuckle, but they’re gonna be pretty hesitant to share them.  Regardless, if they see them and they’re not already consumed by the Woke Mind Virus, they’ll start to grow the doubts about who is really “weird”.

Here are some that are a bit more sharable:

See what I mean?

My take is that the following, though, are knockout punches to the middle, because they really hit the values that define us, but that the normies in the middle have a hard time seeing as weird – it builds a cognitive dissonance – the look at that, and realize that’s a far, far better world than we live in today.

Which makes these memes something that might move them.

And that’s my take.  YMMV.  And if someone called me weird?  I’d say, “Hell yeah, I’m so weird I believe in marriage and intact mothers and fathers raising their kids with moral values.”  Agree with them, and amplify.  Because every single time that they try to paint us as something, it’s something that they fear others think of them.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

37 thoughts on “Learn This One Weird Trick”

  1. Dang John….I’m still having nightmares from the giant creepy billboard of Greta Thunberg in your previous post and then you hit us with pictures of all of these crazy nut jobs.

  2. As Raoul Duke noted years ago…

    “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

    JW, this article reinforces that. BTW, who pays these freaks?

  3. What is Really weird is that those “people” are not under lock and key, kept away from society.

      1. Way too many. I met them when I was a Teacher’s Aide at a government high school here in North ID. I did not last there even a full year.

          1. Yes. Coeur d’Alene is infected with leftists. Not so much in the rest of Kootenai county. Like anywhere else, they infiltrate the school systems, first. Plus, about 40 miles up US-95 you have Sandpoint and all of the toney properties on Lake Pend d’Oreille, which are the hideouts of the Hollywood gargoyles and other uber-rich syphilitic-thinking, Hillary-worshipping members of the Marxist-Infanticide Party. They will surface as things get sportier. Sad.

  4. It certainly helps that They have rather successfully managed to convince people that all sorts of things that are normal and natural are in fact weird and unnatural. Popular media has been slandering intact White families as weird for decades while extolling the virtue of every permutation of a relationship other than that as ideal. I don’t think the Weird shtick is going to have much impact outside of the leftist echo chamber. For average voters it might seem weird in 2024 to pay under $2 for gas but if that is weird, sign me up.

  5. John – – Yah know what is re-e-e-e-ely weird ??

    The fact that the DemonicRats actually believe their own propaganda, while Normies see the lunacy and lies being pushed in the “sales pitch”……

    Now that’s just plain weird !

  6. They, the left,don’t care if their Tool for Demonizing the right is obviously laughable. Need proof? While they scream Follow the Science they also push for more Gun Control measures. What if we ran a large scale science experiment to decide how to approach the Guns in Society question? What Could we do to facilitate that? How about we pass laws of varying degree in different places and then analyze the outcome? Let’s say we make it legal in some places to open carry, without so much as having to take a class, and in the most restrictive places, make it illegal to own a gun,making the thought of open carry just crazy,right? Communities and states having laws of varying degrees of Gun Control scattered around.. Then, according to the proponents of Common Sense gun control would expect to see blood in the streets where Constitutional Carry is legal and peace and safety where the most restrictive laws are enacted.. The statistics and the news stories clearly PROVE, not suggest, not indicate,, it’s PROVEN that where gun control IS is where law abiding people are most at risk.
    If common sense doesn’t keep someone from wanting gun control, then surely the Observable Truth will show them the errors of their thinking!
    Right? Anyway, the Experiment has already been done. The data are collected and analysis complete. There is no justification for promoting more of what is proven to make things worse and Say it’s to make things better. It’s time for Them to admit the obvious. I don’t see any reason to have a conversation with anyone who will not agree that gun control will not work. If they can’t admit the obvious, then what are the odds their mind can be changed about anything else?

  7. Republicans are weird? Yeah, that’s projection on the big screen in 4k Hi-Def with 250 watt Dolby Surround Sound.

    I will argue, though, that it is not just high school Heathers who try to play the ‘weird’ card. I worked with an enormously fat, deeply frustrated cat person (can’t rightly call it a ‘lady’) in her late 50s who labeled every other woman’s husband or boyfriend ‘weird’. Dripping with bitter envy, she insisted that there was something fundamentally wrong with every man who did not find her attractive, which at least count included…every man. Loved to watch her implode every Valentine’s Day when female coworkers received flowers at work.

    1. She and many millions exactly like her are the main reason the nation is in its current condition of ongoing evil, that is called goodness and progress and liberation.

      She and those like her are the ENEMY. They are not misguided, they are not mentally ill, and they are not any other excuse. They are the ENEMY and must be treated at all times as such.

    2. Exactly – they also project the weird sex fetish on everyone else.

      Heh heh, glad those ladies got flowers.

  8. With Bush, it was “gravitas”. The word stuck like white on rice, and the montage of clips of different news readers saying “gravitas” could fill a one hour slot on television. They wanted Bush too look like a Texas rube with the class of a hillbilly running a flea market in Podunk. With Trump, they want him to appear as strange, since they look like a collection of freak show rejects meeting under an overpass. Weird is their new mantra, and we will grow weary of the use of the word.

  9. John, when I heard this was the new strategy, I actually laughed out loud – both because of the optics (which you so clearly demonstrated) as well as simply fact. I am weird. I have been weird all my life. You cannot hurt me with that word.

    (And let us not get to “creepy”. The memes, again, write themselves.)

    Also delightfully, they have just undercut some of the great urban bastions of their supporters. Keep Austin Weird? Keep Portland Weird? Oh, the festivities are just commencing.

    Much like “The Deplorables”, this will become a badge of honor.

  10. Maybe a topic for a future article….but why have so many crazy people come out of the woodwork in such a short period of time? There are more bat sh_t crazy transgenders in the White House right now, than I knew of over the first 99% of my life. Granted, liberal policies in the declining years of a civilization tend to bring out more of the craziness as witnessed with Rome and Weimar Germany . But it seems like we are seeing WAY more than what would be normal even by Caligula’s standards.

    I’ve heard theories as to what is driving this step change that range from information overexposure via smart phones which has essentially replaced parenting and wiped out morals, to chemical exposure affecting genetics (e.g. glyphosate, SSRI’s, new artificial sweeteners, etc) as well as even electromagnetic exposure from cell towers affecting behavior and/or genetics. Coincidentally, all of these “pollutants” started seeing widespread use in the 90’s and 00’s which is about the time when most of the new wave of lunatics were first being conceived.

  11. Better than a good chance she will be “president” then probably leave a note. This will be an epic cheat challenge, since “our” guys will say oh well she won lol

  12. Hello. Yes I noticed the whole JD Vance is weird narrative
    inserted into a local sports blog here in the UK.
    Pervasive huh?

  13. Laugh all you want; but did you not think it a little “weird” how easily the Demoncrats pivoted the booboisie from that patriotic Trump moment to that absurd Harris moment? Yes, of course we’re not buying it, but does that even matter any more?

  14. Outstanding. I support John and this post 100 percent.

    If you are a grown man living under the tyranny of women and their collective power in the West — and you are not active in the resistance against that power — YOU will be held by God culpable for the horrors that certainly will follow the continued simping and cucking of Western men who refuse the fight when the fight is upon their gates.

    No excuses will be accepted. You want your precious princess daughters to have ‘careers’ and continue the rapid destruction of your nation? You will be held fully and personally responsible for all consequences that follow in your nation. Do not test me in this that I have stated. I am not guessing. I am too near death at this point to joke or mess around about this issue.

    More later from me on this matter, God willing. For now, excellent example and leadership demonstrated by brother John.

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