Magic 99 Podcast – Catch it Now, or Live at 9EST!

Livestream in less than 30 minutes!!!

Funniest News On the ‘Net.

In this episode:

  • Indictment #4690
  • Biden
  • Yellin
  • Wolves
  • ThinkRealFast.

Catch it live or on replay!

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

6 thoughts on “Magic 99 Podcast – Catch it Now, or Live at 9EST!”

  1. Got a link for that Air Force ‘Goose Awareness’ screencap? There are a few active duty types I simply must send that to, if legit.

    I work for a big 3 defense contractor, and we have to suffer through some pretty bat-sh!t crazy DoD training reels on the regular. But nothing on this level. “Back away” and “Be assertive” is just too rich. And the 3-pane hostile honk identification tutorial had me howling.

    To be fair, geese do get protective around their young. But that guy in the ‘X’ depiction really needs to hand in his wings (and his Man card, if it hasn’t yet been ‘goosed’ away from him).

    “‘Scuse me, Mr. Gander, whilst I calmly back away while maintaining eye contact, and assertively hide my cowardly yellow arse over here behind the mailbox.”

      1. You’re NOT RIGHT, yet I am laughing.

        No wonder why you’re almost a daily read John Wilder.

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