No Podcast, The Mrs. Is Exhausted. Enjoy These Memes Instead.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

6 thoughts on “No Podcast, The Mrs. Is Exhausted. Enjoy These Memes Instead.”

  1. Soooo, Nuuk is the Capital of Greenland. Great! I’ll hit the local bars, hook up with a local chick.

    Can fly home and tell my friends I got some Nuukie.

      1. Yup!!! I’ll call Wheels Up tomorrow if I can clear it with Sweetie (doubtful).

    1. The population of Greenland is only around 50,000 which is less than attends an average SEC football game. So conceivably you could date ALL of the eligible women there in just a few weeks of bar hopping. How cool would that be to say you literally conquered an entire country?

      Of course, most are Innuit women so they probably prefer eating whale blubber to doing tequila shots, so you might need to adjust pick up lines accordingly.

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