No Podcast Tonight!

The Mrs. has to get up early tomorrow.  Instead, please enjoy these memes!

First meme:  when you see it, you’ll know.



Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

9 thoughts on “No Podcast Tonight!”

  1. I’m not “getting” the first one. I guess it could be AI, with distorted foliage coloration, Michael Phelps flippers for feet, and something blurry happening near the knees. But… I feel unsatisfied.


      1. Thanks for the confirmation, and for all the other memes today, as well!

        I wonder whether it occurs to the leftist-alarmists, that whenever they tag something I happen to like (like growing my own food, and shopping at the farmer’s market) as “right-wing nationalist”, it doesn’t change my opinion of that thing that I like. It just makes me more sympathetic to right-wing nationalism.

        My local farmer’s market was temporarily disrupted by a gang of grocery worker unionists. It wasn’t clear what their point was, but they had gathered to try to unionize the grocery store next to the farmer’s market. I guess it’s all about “control”… they were NEVER going unionize the individual grower/seller mom & pop operations, even if they got the grocery store, so the market sellers were just competition, and vulnerable to bullying. Ideally, there’d be just one place in town to buy food, and they’d control it.


          1. Which is why, in 110% of cases, “cutting to the chase” always involves “just shoot them in the face now, and save trouble later”, and is a foolproof and elegant solution.

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