Now Is When We Need Heroes. And Secondhand Lions.

“Well, a man’s body may grow old, but inside, his spirit can still be as young and restless as ever. And him? In his day he had more spirit than twenty men.” – Secondhand Lions

In England, they don’t have a kidney bank. But they do have a Liverpool.

What is life?

It’s the sum of your experiences. One experience I sadly missed until this week was the movie Secondhand Lions.

It came out in 2003, and I’d missed it until this week. Amazon® seemed to think I needed to see it, and with a movie starring Robert Duvall and Michael Frigging Caine? Well, how could I turn that down?

It’s about a boy named Walter. Walter is a boy who was dropped off by his mother with his crazy uncles who believe that life is an adventure and don’t take crap from, well, anyone.

This particular movie hit home.

I’ll explain, and this will clear up at least some of the mystery regarding my origin story. (Hint: in the end I make a mechanical suit to escape from the clutches of terrorists and found a multinational empire based on funny stories written from the Right.)

It’s funny because he’s a liar.

Despite what you might believe, I didn’t spring fully grown from the loins of some Olympian goddess who had nice, um, bazoongas and was married to Zeus. No, my origin was much more The World According to Garp.

My biological mother decided she really, really liked a guy when she was in college. Why did she like him? Because she thought he had an amazing way with words and was the smartest guy she’d ever met. What was a 23-year-old divorcee to do?

Lure an 18-year old into bed.

Can you get a woman in a “family way” the first time out? Well, I’m certainly not the product of virginity, but I am the product of virginity cunningly snared from a poor 18-year-old boy by a 23-year-old woman who wanted to have his baby.

Yup. Me.

But I can say that I was born a virgin.

You can see that her decision-making was both amazing (I exist) and utterly flawed. I am the result of a genetic experiment conducted by a woman who just decided to have a kid. No plan. Just wanted a kid.


Surprisingly, that’s not a long-term plan that has success written on it. In that time and era, her parents sent her away to have a child far away to avoid the family shame of an unwed mother. So, I was born.


About four years later, however, the world decided that perhaps a woman of such skill and foresight might not be able to raise a child with the cunning and sophistication of your author. The court decided I should be tossed out for adoption.

A nice family was set to adopt me. They were worth (at that time) millions. They wanted a wonderful blonde baby boy, and I was the one. The papers were set. I was going to be the heir to thousands of acres of prime land.

Then Ma and Pa Wilder stepped in. They were my biological mother’s parents (sort of – that’s an even longer story that involves a world war, horses, and a Mormon polygamy cult in Mexico, and I’m not exaggerating or making up any of those things, either). I’d throw in aliens, but I have no proof of that.

I am exceedingly improbable.

So Ma and Pa Wilder got a lawyer and stopped the adoption to those millionaire folks. I’m good with that. They later found an inferior version to adopt. Why inferior?

I have to admit I slept with my third cousin. My friend told me to stop counting them.

Well, that’s an even longer story, but here is the Cliff Notes® version: I was a senior on the varsity wrestling in high school, and one week the coach sent me to wrestle with the JV against a school for a duel. Why? There was a state champion at my weight, even though his school had only AA while mine had AAA. I beat him, soundly.

Yup. It was the guy who got adopted by the childless millionaires instead of me.

No, his name wasn’t John.

But my adoptive brother (who was my uncle) was also named John. And, so it’s true. My brother’s name is . . . John Wilder. And, he’s older, so he owned it first. But he went by his middle name, so, it all worked out.

Sharks never eat clownfish. They taste funny.

To me, though, Secondhand Lions was a wonderful story to view my own life. The power of myth is important. Also from the movie:

Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honor, courage and virtue mean everything. That power and money, money and power mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And I want you to remember this: that love, true love never dies. Remember that boy, remember that. Doesn’t matter if it is true or not, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing. Got that?

If there were words a man should believe outside of religion, here they are.

And it doesn’t matter if these things are true. Because they are worth believing. We live not for today, but to have the spirit of lions, to conduct amazing adventures out of improbable lives.

We need to fight battles against overwhelming odds. We need to save the lives of others, countlessly. We should avoid the tame, and embrace the outrageous.

We should be big damn heroes.

We should share our adventures and inspire others to follow us.

Why else is life worth living?

I’ve shared a lot this post that I never had before. I owe so many for who and what I am. I want to help create a world where this adventure never ceases. Where men live and create. Where fortunes are won and lost, where the individuality of man is celebrated, and where improbable men can exist.

Thor never gets drunk, but he sometimes gets hammered.

I’m improbable because my life was helped by those that took me in when they had no reason to. They taught me that honor, virtue and courage mean everything, and that money and power mean nothing. They taught me that heroes exist. That’s who I am. They taught me that these things never die. Again, from the movie:

I’m Hub McCann, I fought in two world wars and countless smaller ones on three continents. I led thousands of men into battle with everything from horses and swords to artillery and tanks. I’ve seen the headwaters of the Nile, and tribes of natives no white man had ever seen before. I’ve won and lost a dozen fortunes, killed many men, and loved only one woman, with a passion a flea like you could never begin to understand.

We need heroes. We need to be heroes.

We need to believe things that are worth believing.


The world needs it. The world needs us.

The world needs you.

Let us go forth now, and create the world where heroes exist. Let us create a world worthy of such heroes.

It won’t do it by itself.

I do believe this world will exist, because of people just like you and me.

No matter how old you are, or where you are, the adventure is just beginning.

Go on. It’s never too late.


Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

65 thoughts on “Now Is When We Need Heroes. And Secondhand Lions.”

  1. Been reading for months, this one actually got me to create a wordpress account so I could comment. Wholeheartedly agree with the spirit of the post. Haven’t seen secondhand lions yet, but will now.

    Stories don’t have to necessarily be true, that’s not the point. It’s what they carry and how they impact us, and eventually, what we do upon hearing those stories.

    1. The trueness *is* the point.

      We’ve been gaslit for so long, like the Underpeople, we “know” the story “just cannot be true”, but by Hannah and her wicker handbasket, we grab onto it anyway. Better the green and growing, sharp and terrible fairy tale than this grey goo everyone claims is all there is.

      On eword, Ma’am. One word.

      All you’ve been saying is quite right, I shouldn’t wonder. I’m a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won’t deny any of what you said. But there’s one thing more to be said, even so.

      Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things – trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones.

      Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that’s a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We’re just babies making up a game, if you’re right. But four babies playing a game can make a playworld which licks your real world hollow.

      That’s why I’m going to stand by the play-world. I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t any Aslan to lead it. I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia.”

  2. John – – Thanks for the insider story of your origins. Came across as an uplifting tale of actual life with all its human foibles, overridden by love and family.

    Yes, our nation needs real leaders. We had one but the DemonicRats played theft to push him out. But truth does come into view given time.

    Strauss snd Howe wrote a book, “The Fourth Turning” and IMHO we are amidst that upheaval. Based on their study of history, this upheaval will continue for quite some time until things get sorted out. Ugh!

    I had thought the approaching world’s economic collapse would be the tail end of the Turning, but now think that will be the introduction to be followed by the Third World War, ……. “the war fought to determine if your land will be free to reject the Moslem blood cult’s overcontrol of your life.”

    1. It’s the war to determine the fate of the world for the next 80 years. And if we lose, freedom dies out for an undetermined amount of time.

      No biggie.

  3. “Secondhand Lions:” excellent movie. Manly as I unquestionably am, I can afford to admit that I still experience just a bit of excess eye-moisture when I view it. Not weeping, though. That wouldn’t be manly.

  4. Oh, and, by the way:

    Lure an 18-year old into bed.

    I remember being 18, and going off to school at Purdue. Fortunately, no woman wanted to “lure” me into her bed (or a closet, or … I wouldn’t have been fussy). Which is just as well, because I would have required very damn little luring. Not sure how to quantify “luring,” but I believe a picoluring (= 2.3 E-16 furlongs) would have sufficed nicely.

    1. Well, it was (in this case) like a velociraptor in a room full of kittens. He didn’t stand a chance.

    1. Not only hadn’t seen it, I hadn’t heard of it, at all. I guess I saw it when it was the right time to write about it . . . .

  5. Brother John Wilder, it’s great to drop by here and see principles stated that should be adhered to by everyone. These principles of iron (not ironclad) have stood the test of time, no matter what the left states. People like you, and those who patronize Wilder, Wealthy and Wise, will be the saviors of this country. Long may you run.

  6. Got a friend who is big on the patriot apparel style of tee shirts. He recently showed up with new logo “LIONS NOT SHEEP”.

    Honor, virtue, integrity, the TRUTH. All things not being taught. The leftist hate these things because they provide absolutes, lines that can’t be crossed. It removes their ability to bullshit their way through things on emo alone.

    My sense of honor and integrity require me to be truthful. A man in a dress is not a women. I can not call that person a women because it is not the truth. I will not call that person something they are not. It is a absolute. It may seem small, but I refuse to relinquish one iota of my honor by participating in the perpetuation of falsehood

    Honor, integrity, virtue are things that can never be taken from you. You can only give them away. And they are very much worth emulating and leading by example. The more people function under these principles the more civilized our society. It is the lack of these principles being exercised that is causing the deteriotion of our civilization.

  7. Thanks for sharing with us your origin story and an uplifting article in sharp contrast to the horrible couple of weeks brought to us by the usurper and his posse in Mordor on the Potomac. I need to sit down this weekend and watch this uplifting movie again to remind me of what is “best in life.”

  8. *** edit profusely after reading ***

    “…heroes exist. hat’s who I am. Hey taught me…”
    Would my hero add a pair of ‘t’ to these two sentences.
    Not a question [shoots the sideways ‘squints’].
    And I support the repealation of the 19th Amendment.
    That one is too long coming.
    Bunch of hormonal scolds/nags/Heathers voting?
    That would be hilarious… if it wasn’t cruel.
    For just one example of female ‘majority rule’, read about
    * the tragedy of Skylar Neese and her two ‘best friends’.
    * Luis Sanchez of Utah, intentionally sent to jail by his defense attorney — a Heather — illegally conspiring with the female judge — a hyphenated-surname — to illegally falsify court records, ‘short’ change appearance times, alter testimony, and hold unannounced hearings intentionally excluding the defendant and witnesses for the express purpose of issuing a fraudulent bench-warrant… to force Sanchez to enter a guilty plea… although dozens of excluded witnesses state he was someplace else.
    And apparently, the arresting LawEnforcementOfficial of record for Sanchez doesn’t exist.

    1. Thank you, as always, Marge. I can’t abide a typo.

      As to the 19th? I think the next society will only rhyme with this one. Will they make it so Leftism never rises again?

  9. The movie, yes a treasure. I to am surprised at not seeing till now. Now I feel the urge to watch it again soon and I will, thanks for that. I believe there is a little hero in all of us. I am a damn good indian but I pray for a leader to appear amongst the masses. If it be Jesus that would be a good thing. If not it won’t be enjoyable for an extended period but we do what we must with what abilities we have. I would love to have the courage of Samuel Whitmore when that time comes. Until then I pray for humanity. May God Bless and keep us all during these times.

  10. Second Hand Lions, is probably my favorite movie. Which may not count for much because I don’t have much movie watching under my belt. I have a hard time sitting long enough for a movie and it’s a rarefied occasion that I EVER re-watch a movie. Second Hand Lions is the exception, I even have it on DVD.

    “Why did she like him? Because she thought he had an amazing way with words and was the smartest guy she’d ever met.”

    Sounds like you at least got the amazing DNA.😎

    I always look forward to your posts. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday bite.


  11. Thanks for the encouraging words. They are in short supply these days, but it does seem that the resistance is beginning to come together,

    1. Just saw a video tonight where he said he was going to resign his commission. He’s dedicating it all to knocking the whole thing down.

  12. OK I can’t resist the pun so I must forge ahead in spite of some reluctance. So . . . I guess your divorced biological mom had second hand loins.

  13. I was a huge fan of Miami Vice back in the day, because its mythic hero Sonny Crockett embodied the very beliefs you detail here. Your origin story reminded me of their episode Baby Blues. You might enjoy watching its opening sequence, totally over the top as all Miami Vice episodes were. You start as a baby and who knows what your 18th birthday (or 70th) will bring? Enjoy the ride.

  14. Just watched Second Hand Lions. All I can say is, what took me so long? Easily one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. It’s amazing that it even got made.

  15. And here you are. Why it’s almost as if some higher power wants you here.
    Many miles in the rear view and many more to go, keep on trucking.
    You are a hero to your kin and tribe.
    Be not afraid of this rebalancing time even if it is compressed and wilder than a Hunter primo hundred dollar piece crack pipe session.
    Use anything to keep morale up, mine is music and thinking back on the time I got the swank hot blonde by being the new kid in town with the Snake Plissken leather jacket and tuff snarl.
    All of those movie quotes, books, riffs, song choruses, Bible passages, ancestors calling from beyond, AM talk radio legends, they get you through when you’re in the ICU and Charon is at the door while the wretched Nurse Ratched grins and laughs.

    1. “We were buddies, Harold. You, me, and Fresno Bob. You know what they did to Bob?”

      Love that movie.

  16. Amen.

    (But just watched it…18 years later? Slow Learner? I suppose life gets in the way, and all. But…geez. Better late than never.)

    PM me. I’ll make you a list. You’re probably not missing more than 40 or 50 Must Sees. We can see if I haven’t seen any on your list. 🙂

    1. Hahahaha!

      Yeah, The Boy was a toddler and . . . . life. I had never even heard of it.

      I’ll hit you up!

  17. Never commented here before. But this post made me come on and tell you how much I like your writing and point of view.

  18. I know a really good professional storyteller who was once asked by a child if his stories were true. His reply was “All my stories are true. Whether they really ever happened, I don’t know.”

  19. That people were meant to be good. That honor, courage and virtue mean everything. That power and money, money and power mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And I want you to remember this: that love, true love never dies

    There: FIFY. And you can believe every last jot and tittle of it, because is *is* true. Ake it to the bank.

    Despite the quibble, Mr. Wilder, you hit it out of the ballpark again: Grand slam!

    1. Well, that wasn’t my quote, so to be true (wink) I put it as I heard it.

      And, thank you. I will ake it to the ank.

  20. Dude, even with all the erudite commentary on various blogs about our current situation, this post wins the Internet for the week.

    But I’m with the rest-how the heck did you miss SHL for so long? 😉

    1. Thank you. Some of them just write themselves.

      Toddler. A toddler makes you miss huge chunks of life.

  21. — We need heroes. We need to be heroes. —

    It’s easier to be a hero if you believe in heroes. Our media and educational system have been straining to the skies to destroy the very concept of heroism:
    — 1. By denigrating and finding (often fallacious) faults in genuine real-life heroes;
    — 2. By steering young Americans away from our fictional inheritance of heroism and toward antiheroic protagonists instead;
    — 3. By diluting and polluting the word “hero” to the point where its true meaning is lost (e.g. “sports hero,” “social justice hero,” “guitar hero” et cetera ad nauseam infinitam).

    Providing today’s readers with real heroes is about 75% of the reason I write fiction. We need to get a lot more writers to do it.

  22. Second Hand Lions 👍

    Have it on DVD and love it.

    Still can never sign into WP when commenting on your blog but you know that, nothing can be done, just thought I’d mention it in case you suddenly have a tech guy who says “I can fix that”.

  23. You need to watch Adventures in Babysitting to see Thor in his more recent heroic form.
    And yes, we need myths. I grew up on Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill, as well as exaggerations of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Sam and John Adams.
    I have visited Europe and taken tours. Most countries have foundations myths, and are better off for them.

  24. Thank you for this. As for so many others, apparently, the timing of this was perfect for me. And thanks for the movie reference. I had also missed this one. (Also, it appears that we have things in common raisin’-wise!)

  25. Watched Secondhand Lion tonight with my kids. Replayed the “Things a man should believe in” speech for them. Thanks for reminding me.

  26. Thank you for sharing John. We have gotten so used to mediocrity and our heroes being heroes because they are famous that we forget what true heroes are like.

    And yes Secondhand Lions is a gem.

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