The Mrs. is tired. Have some memes:
Will Great Britain Rise Again?
“They chose to murder and steal.” – The Dark Knight
Notes: All memes are as found, and no podcast tomorrow – The Mrs. has to catch some sleep.
Alice Smith is a reciprocal follow on X®. She’s the great-great-great-granddaughter of Scottish economist Adam Smith, and is a good person to follow (@TheAliceSmith) if you’re already following the most important account on X™, @wilderbyfar. She’s from the UK, and had the absolutely best post I’ve seen on the current sickness that’s destroying the West:
Doesn’t that say it all?
Immigration to the West (Europe plus the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) has nothing to do with freedom or our culture for most immigrants. It’s merely about the stuff.
The sickness?
It’s from the GloboLeftElite attempting to brainwash the world into thinking that:
- There is no difference between a man and a woman,
- Anyone can be a man or a woman,
- There are no intrinsic differences between races and ethnicities,
- No one can pretend to be a different race unless it’s been okayed in advance even though all races are the same,
- White people should somehow feel shame for their race even though all races are the same,
- There is no difference between people of differing I.Q.,
- People who are wealthy merely “won a lottery”, and,
- Every culture is valid.
It’s the last one that we should talk about right now.
I’m not particularly interested in going on a culture jihad, so, perhaps all cultures are “valid.” I suppose, if cannibal, rape-y, stone age tribes are your thing, I guess you could call it valid.
But all cultures are certainly not equal in things like freedom, justice, morality, and economic output.
Here, for centuries, the West has been far ahead of the world. Europe was free-ish (feudalistically speaking) since the Black Death, which greatly changed the relationship between serf and local lord.
And in a continent that was freer than any in the world, there was a place that was freer yet: Great Britain. Great Britain had a really big advantage: after the year 1066, it really was never invaded by a external enemy army. Sure, you could make a case the culture has been subverted by outside forces (and I will below) but not by force of arms.
This isolation as an island nestled right next to Europe allowed a strange development – yeoman farmers who were encouraged to take up the longbow and become soldiers so that while the English lost land in France, there was never a doubt about them losing England. The Scotts in the north were much the same, being hard-headed independent herders, they had to be strong, and were used to fighting both against and with other Scotts as well as the English. And, yes, that’s a complement. (I’m partially Scot myself).
This isolation of individually armed individuals set up an independent society with no safety nets. If you were too poor, stupid, or drunk to make enough money to live, you died. If your lord decided he wanted something out of line, well, your +3 longbow could outrank his +1 armor at a distance. As a result, Britain’s I.Q. rose over the course of centuries because the culture itself winnowed out stupid people, yet the strong, stubborn sense of independence remained.
Even the song “Rule, Britannia!” has the following lyrics:
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves;
“Britons never will be slaves.”
This is a very, very different culture than that of the current people who opened the floodgates to Great Britain – they were unabashedly Globalist and Leftist, hated everything that Great Britain stood for, and were more than willing to start the migration into Great Britain. I’d be lying to say that none of them pulled their weight – in some cases Britain got some of the best from their home countries, hence the term “brain drain”, but this was the exception rather than the norm. Most of the immigrants to the UK have been a net negative to the country.
But no outside army ever conquered Britain. Except the army of beggars that have invaded it have done something that no one thought possible – united the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland – against the onslaught. What does it take to get people who have been fighting each other for centuries to hold hands, literally, and march together?
Whatever it is, it sounds Evil to me.
And it is. Evil. Brought directly to the shores of Great Britain by GloboLeftists in misguided altruism and the GloboLeftistElite out of a calculated bid to displace inconvenient people who don’t want to be replaced.
There reaches a point where something so awful happens that a culture revolts: it says, “That’s enough.” In the United States for transgender acceptance, it was the murder of six children by a trans killer so crazed that they still won’t release her manifesto. That was enough. The GloboLeftistElite wanted to try to hide it (see how autocomplete will try to take you to murders of transgenders, but not murders by transgenders). These murders is why Bud Light™ is Bud Deadtome© for so many consumers.
It appears that the United Kingdom (Great Britain plus Northern Ireland) has had enough of murderous vultures in their society. The cause? The murder of three girls, ages 6, 7 and 9 at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in a town called Southport. By knife. By a 17-year-old that had no place being in the United Kingdom in the first place.
English people had watched as rape gangs of organized sexual assault on at minimum 1400 young women that was denied to even exist in Rotherham because the victims were mainly white and the perpetrators were of privileged minority status – Pakistani, mostly.
This was covered up at a national level. Filing cabinets full of the data on the case mysteriously disappeared. That was never solved.
But would it matter? Probably not:
Some of those convicted (many weren’t even tried) got as little as 2 years. Britons can get more time for being mean with words.
Oh, and the last one? She was posting Bible verses.
That set the situation, along with other, repeated, ongoing murders and rapes by people not fit to live in any sort of civilized society. These three final murders were enough.
The response of the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, was exactly what you would expect from a member of the GloboLeftElite: he blamed the people pushing back against unrestrained and unrestricted illegals swarming the United Kingdom. And if you complained online, even if you were more likely to be arrested than the illegals swarming the streets with swords and machetes.
They’re now calling him “two-tier Keir”, since his justice has two tiers: a harsh one for actual English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish and one where all acts by any minority are ignored. Probably because Starmer hates his own people, because he hates himself.
I guess that’s easier.
The United Kingdom has found a point where they say, No More.
This is coming soon to a country near you.
Oh, and if they offer the type of deal below? We should take it. Because it’s not about the stuff.
At all.
Civil War 2.0, A Chaotic Month
“I knew your brother would send assassins.” – Gladiator
I would tell a joke about my time travelling experiences, but you guys didn’t like it.
- Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
- People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
- Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
- Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
- Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
- Open War.
Volume VI, Issue 3
All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”. I’ve kept the Clock O’Doom at the same place – though it will notch up quickly if there are any signs of the TradRight stiffening up.
This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly. The advice remains. Avoid crowds. Get out of cities. Now. A year too soon is better than one day too late.
In this issue: Front Matter – Destabilization – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Kamala – Links
Front Matter
Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month. I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues. Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.
I’ll start with a couple of my own quotes from last month’s Civil War 2.0 Weather Report:
July will be an even more eventful month, if my guess is right.
This level of political intrigue is the highest since 1859 or so, and it’s quite clear that the glue that holds the country together is nearly gone, and this is a signpost on the way to Civil War 2.0.
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was a surprise, and certainly not one that I had anticipated. In the immediate aftermath, Trump’s popularity soared as people saw the raw response to the event from Trump in one of the most iconic photographs of my lifetime, his fist raised in defiance.
Trump is certainly a showman.
As the details of the event continue, it looks like the Secret Service was doing its job as well as Boeing®’s Starliner™ design team.
The other thing the assassination attempt did was show how pathetic the attempt to prosecute the January 6 “insurrectionists” that were so ill-behaved that most of them used trash receptacles for their water bottles. Comparing the two events shows how silly, vindictive, and political the prosecution of the protesters was and is.
Immediately the political attacks restarted on Trump. He was Cheeto® Hitler™, and still is in their minds. Many of them were in open despair that the shooter had missed.
What followed? Joe Biden dropping out of the race. Joe was done, but his last middle finger to Obama, who I believe is the one who pushed for the June debate and pushed for Joe to be booted, wanted someone else, anyone else, other than the retarded girl-child with a love of vodka known as Kamala to be the nominee.
Obama lost, and Kackela Harris will soon be voted in by the Democratic delegates as their first candidate that never received a single primary vote, and was selected by a senile man as a revenge choice.
All of that screams stability.
Just kidding. Of all of the strange and destabilizing things we’ve seen so far, I would lay money we’ve yet to see the strangest part of this election season, and it will be more destabilizing even than what we’ve seen just this July.
Violence and Censorship Update
Well, there’s this:
Which resulted in proof that you don’t hate the media enough:
And also proof that the constant drumbeat has made GloboLeftists evil or crazy. Or both:
And the GloboLeftElite try to hide what we all saw:
But don’t bet on Bing™ to be unbiased:
And here are things they’re also attempting to memoryhole, including billionaire Alex Soros with a bullet hole and forty-seven dollars. Hmmm, Trump, if elected would be the 47th President:
And Prince Harry shows why July 4 is still important:
And here are things that the GloboLeftistElite don’t want you to think about:
But there are Bright spots:
Biden/Harris Misery Index
If Democratic economic policy had a face:
Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .
Yup, up again. It’s like there’s a pattern here . . .
More to come:
Updated Civil War II Index
The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time. They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings. As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index. On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.
Violence is up. I wonder if Chicago’s Democratic National Convention is going to spike temperatures? Maybe they’ll play some soothing music?
Political Instability:
Up is more unstable, and it is slightly down. I expect this fall to drop.
The economy looks to be juiced, but thankfully we have housing options.
Illegal Aliens:
July is showing as down, again, since (my take) the .gov folks are just making up numbers now.
I was going to write a bit more, but I’m a bit under the weather, so here are some related memes, in order:
As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky. Thanks so much, Ricky!!
Bad Guys
Good Guys
One Guy
Body Count
Vote Count
Civil War
Learn This One Weird Trick
“I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s weird and pissed off.” – The Thing
The Mrs. is so weird: she starts every conversation with “were you even listening to me?”
All memes today are “as found”.
In the recent week, a miracle occurred. It seems like every Mainstream Media® pundit found the exact same word to describe Donald Trump, JD Vance, or both of them.
Yup, “weird”. That’s the Kamala campaign’s strategist attempting to frame the 2024 election. Republicans are . . . weird. Master Persuader Scott Adams analyzed this. His conclusion?
This was “mean girl” politics. And the person who came up with the idea was . . . a woman. Her idea was to use the “in-group/out-group” method of attack.
What’s that? Well, simply enough, a junior high girl would describe someone as “weird” in order to get her friends to form a united group against someone. It only works, mind you, in junior high and also if it’s true. With Trump and Vance?
Well, not so much, for a couple of reasons. First off, they’re actually the weird ones:
See what I mean? We aren’t the weird ones. Nothing about us is weird. Okay, some things about me are weird, but most of them in a good way. Most of them. Those memes above will have a visceral impact, mainly on those who already agree with us. Some of them, though, especially at the bottom end of the list will be far too much for the normies in the middle. They might chuckle, but they’re gonna be pretty hesitant to share them. Regardless, if they see them and they’re not already consumed by the Woke Mind Virus, they’ll start to grow the doubts about who is really “weird”.
Here are some that are a bit more sharable:
See what I mean?
My take is that the following, though, are knockout punches to the middle, because they really hit the values that define us, but that the normies in the middle have a hard time seeing as weird – it builds a cognitive dissonance – the look at that, and realize that’s a far, far better world than we live in today.
Which makes these memes something that might move them.
And that’s my take. YMMV. And if someone called me weird? I’d say, “Hell yeah, I’m so weird I believe in marriage and intact mothers and fathers raising their kids with moral values.” Agree with them, and amplify. Because every single time that they try to paint us as something, it’s something that they fear others think of them.
You Need This Podcast In Your Life. Listen. Enjoy.
Streams will show up at 9EDT (click the link below), that’s in just over 30 minutes! (and we typically pregame for five minutes, so it really starts up at 8:55PM)
Funniest News On the ‘Net.
In this episode:
- Politics and Stuff
- Jackass of the Week
- Conversation Street
- Two Minutes of Guns in One Minute
- ThinkRealFast
Incompetence Can Be Fatal, But It’s Always Expensive
“You know what doesn’t look good? A story about gross incompetence.” – American Hustle
My garden shears will never be obsolete, after all, it’s cutting-hedge technology.
My science teacher in high school, who I’ll call “Mr. Johnson” (not his real name except that was totally his real name) often lectured us on things entirely unrelated to science. It wasn’t a doctrine he was trying to instill us with, it was merely that he was old enough and close enough to retirement that he really didn’t give a damn about 90% of the class. I don’t think that he even cared if we listened, since he was only talking to 10% of us anyway.
You either got him or you didn’t.
One of his random asides was about the word “crisis”. Mr. Johnson hated the use of the word crisis except to refer to a single moment in time. His definition was that the crisis was a moment – the Cuban Missile Crisis when everyone was poised to push the button, and yet backed away from world condemning us to live in a world where The View exists.
Regardless of Mr. Johnson’s definition, I think we’re in the midst of a crisis.
Why do I think this stage would smell of old kitty litter and stale chardonnay?
- Crowdstrike™
The Crowdstrike© software incident from just two weeks ago brought down at least 8.5 million computer systems, and brought them down in such a way that they couldn’t restart. To make it even better, once a fix was found, it had to be fixed computer by computer. Why? Because they didn’t test the patch.
Right now, the estimate is that this caused at least $10 billion in financial losses, though a communist would tell you that it was a good thing since all of those computer techs had something to do other than play Tetris™ and Minesweeper© while listening to Dan Fogelberg.
I think Boeing® should adopt a “no slippers” policy.
- Boeing’s© Starliner™
The Starliner® is anything but, more resembling a large orbiting bucket filled with cash than a spacecraft, it sits, useless, stuck against the side of the ISS. If it were the only failure to Boeing’s©, name, that would be one thing, but it’s not. Their planes regularly either fall from the sky due to poor programming kludges, or have random spontaneous partial disassembly of their planes in flight due to spotty manufacturing quality control.
Boeing™ had a pretty good reputation for decades as a company that took engineering seriously – the name of the Boeing® 707 was rumored to be an engineering joke – it’s one over the square root of two. It kept showing up in their calculations, so they decided that was a good omen for naming their (then) flagship airliner. In reality, it sounds like it was just a product number, with the 7 series being jets, and they liked the sound of the end 7.
Regardless, they didn’t call it a “Dreamliner™”.
NASA refuses to send a giant duck into outer space – they say the bill would be astronomical.
I loved NASA when I was a kid. They were generally seen as a triumph of competence and coolness under pressure. They did real engineering, and also were great at managing the integration of multiple complex systems in a manner where they worked pretty well, Apollos 1 and 13 notwithstanding.
They literally wrote the book on getting man to the Moon using the very limits of known technology at the time. Getting to the Moon was so hard that it was barely in our grasp, yet they did it, time and time again. They even managed to get the ISS built.
But now? Barrack Obama stated that the primary goal of NASA was Moslem outreach. During the eclipse of 2017, they even spent NASA resources to make a Braille book about eclipses. What was that meant to do, taunt the blind kids? And, yes, the Webb Space Telescope has been pretty cool. But the Space Launch System costs about $4.1 billion per launch, and each launch takes about six months.
I was okay after I figured out alcohol could kill COVID.
- COVID-19
Every aspect of the response to COVID-19 was horrific from an economic and medical standpoint. From an economic standpoint, the government response was to blindly throw as much cash in as many places as possible as quickly as that could. This was a bipartisan effort.
The panic and hypocrisy weren’t limited to the economic response, no. The medical response was just as inept, as Fauci now admits he just made things up as some sort of medical theater. Ventilators appear to have killed more people than they saved. The abomination of the “Vaxx” has led to an excess mortality that many reckon has a body count higher than COVID itself. I, for one, really hope that everyone who took the Vaxx® recovers, but can we forget a government and its accomplices who tried (and in many cases, succeeded in forcing people to take it?
I can’t, though the GloboLeftElite surely hope you forget. But remember, there are no refunds.
I was wondering if this was going to be too dark, but then I realized it’s all under two and a half miles of water, so of course it’s going to be dark.
- The Titan Submersible
In one sense, I certainly admire the guts that it took to build a submarine from a pressure hull and off-the-shelf parts like an X-Box™ controller, but the hubris of the owner remains: the CEO didn’t “hire 50-year-old white guys” because they weren’t “inspirational”. I wonder if we would have made it to orbit if Von Braun had a similar philosophy?
Well, I guess he paid the ultimate price for his hubris and disregarding competence in favor of the “inspirational” stories. Most CEOs just lose their shareholder’s money, like Disney™, which I could write an entire post on.
The crisis we face is one where we’ve lost the capacity for competence and will to achieve that we had as recently as the 1960s even as our systems grow far more complex. Again, one software update cost $10,000,000,000, NASA doesn’t produce spaceships that can fly with any reliability, and Boeing™ went from making some of the most reliable airplanes in the world by the thousands to a company that survives on government contracts, accounting errors, and inertia.
Maybe, though, this crisis will do what the Cuban Missile Crisis couldn’t do:
Free us from The View. Wonder if they’d like a trip to the Titanic?
Socialists: How To Make A Monster
“Well, ‘free’ is just another word for ‘socialist’.” – Watchmen
There are social drinkers and socialist drinkers. Socialist drinkers only drink when someone else pays.
TIK History is a YouTube® channel that focuses on, well, history. Mainly his channel has focused on World War II battles, and mainly battles involving lots of tanks. He did one series on Stalingrad that (I believe) totaled over 3,000,000 words of script by the time he was finished. Obviously, that took him years to put together. That’s more than enough work to earn him a doctorate, which I guess would make him a Stalingraduate Student.
When not doing battle documentaries, he also does some on political philosophy. Where I do listen to all of his battle recreations, his political philosophy videos are hit or miss. One that I did listen to (LINK) is one on the similarities of the lives of socialist leaders who had no particular problem with the idea of killing millions to achieve their paradise.
Which socialist leaders? Well, all of them:
Lenin, Trotsky, Marx, Engels, Stalin, Mao, and (and, to a lesser extent) Pol Pot. TIK included Mussolini and Hitler, and, on reviewing, in my opinion they don’t quite fit the mold, so I’ve omitted them here.
Lenin, Trotsky, and Mao walk into a bar. There are no survivors.
TIK noted that each of these had the same sort of pattern:
- Horrible relationship with their father or an absent father.
This doesn’t really surprise me. Mothers and fathers have utterly different roles in raising a child – mothers teach love and empathy and altruism, while fathers teach discipline and honor and courage. These are very different tasks, but this might be incomprehensible to someone who cannot define what a woman is.
This is directly from Mao’s Wikipedia® entry: ”During the 1930s, Mao would claim that he resented his father, viewing him as stingy and unaffectionate. He contrasted this with the affection he received from his mother, thus adopting a Marxist dialectical perspective by dividing the family into two camps: his mother and himself on one side, his father on another.”
This leads us directly to:
- Very strong relationships with “sainted” mothers.
Again, mothers are different than fathers. Looking at what mothers teach, these socialist leaders were taught that they needed to fix the world, but never told to fix themselves.
What did Freud use as an insult? “Your mother is so unpleasant that even your own subconscious isn’t attracted to her. What, no, this is just a cigar.”
- Very religious youth, followed by atheism later in life.
Religion, when done right, provides both a goal and a means to achieve that goal. In Christianity, you’re supposed to help people, but those people should also be striving to be worthy, and there are limits based on the religion of exactly how one should help people: altruism, but with limits. Remove the religion, remove the limits but keep the misplaced altruism.
This is crucial, because it means that all power is in the hands of man, and there isn’t any space for a higher power. Man has no limits, and thus there is no meaning to any of this, so everything is justified as long as it brings about the desired end result.
Socialism doesn’t even work on paper, if history books count.
- Prosperous or stable middle class upbringing with no particular hardship.
Mao, for instance had a hardworking father that bought up several acres and employed several farm workers – this was substantial wealth for where he grew up – Mao as a child had his own room, which was amazingly rare.
- Relationship with real jobs was spotty, at best.
I think Marx did some occasional writing for papers, but mostly he lived based on begging money from friends and family. Yet, he had a maid, drank like a fish, and smoked enough cigars to bankroll Cuba. So, no job, his wife constantly giving birth, his maid once giving birth (likely to Marx’s kid) and he lived in an eight-room house. No wonder communism was a failure: listening to the advice of a pauper on the way to get to economic prosperity is like taking the advice of Boeing in 2024 on how to make spaceships.
These people either hated or feared the idea of economic independence. Lenin worked for two years before becoming a bum. Ditto with Trotsky. Stalin’s only job, ever, was as a cobbler as a child working for his father for a very short time when he was a kid.
A GloboLeftist said that if we had to kill our own food, we wouldn’t eat meat. But I say if he had to make his own computer, he wouldn’t whine on Reddit®.
I think the poor economic conditions that each of these people had filled them with envy. It’s not that they wanted everyone to prosper, it is that they wanted (especially with Marx and Lenin) other people to work harder so they didn’t have to.
Each of them is slightly different, yet those same patterns appear to remain. Additionally, I think the family structures (I wrote about this at the links below) of their countries allowed them to come to power in a way that wouldn’t have worked in England or the United States.
When I look to the modern politician that most models this family structure and early life, it is clearly Barrack Hussein Obama – each of the points that would lead to a socialist or communist dictator were and are there. I think this explains, at least partly, his current engagement to try to steer and control the Democratic party and to “fundamentally transform” a nation that he hates.
Which brings us to the other candidate that fits the pattern: Kamala Harris. Although she never won a primary, she fits the pattern as well: her father was absent from her life after their parents divorced, her mother was her sainted figure, raised as a Hindu, she is more than likely not at all Christian, since her father is a rabid communist and commies hate Christianity.
Makes me wonder if her quest for power has left a bad taste in Kamala’s mouth.
That leaves Kamala as filled with altruism as someone guided by religion, but without the constraints that the belief in God. Or whatever gods Hindus believe in, since I don’t believe anyone actually understands the religion.
Regardless, these two people are dangerous. And they are potentially working together. If you look at the intense desire to bring in hordes of illegal and legal immigrants used to either socialist or chaotic government, look no further for the reason: they hate America. They hate you. And they want to replace you because, in the end, they hate themselves as well.
Here’s hoping that Kamala can’t keep away from the vodka during the campaign. Perhaps we can convince her to start a vodka diet if we tell her she can lose three days in just one week.
It Came From . . . 1990.
It Came From . . . 1990
“Alas, poor Yorick.” – Hamlet
I can’t really think of a worse interpretation of the instructions I gave the A.I., but yet, here it is.
I seem to recall we have one more year in the 1980s before we’re done with it, but I decided that we could zip along and move to 1990. VHS changed everything – of the nineteen eighteen movies on this list, I saw 11 on VHS tapes. I had to drop a movie because Ernest Goes to Jail is technically a sequel.
As I look through the movies that are on this list, only two of the top ten grossing films are on it. Again, the rules are that there are no sequels on the list, and the list is in no particular order. One of these I included because of personal reasons, and you’ll see that when you get to it.
With that, here’s the list.
Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer – Wow. Picked this one up at the video store, and I had no idea how grim a movie could be, and then this one topped it. Looking back, the title includes the words “portrait of a serial killer” so I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. I’ve seen this one twice. The second time, I said to myself, “Nah, it can’t have been as grim as I remember.” It was.
Tremors – In every way possible, Tremors is the opposite of Henry. It’s a buddy comedy about two less than bright handymen who run into a bright scientist and discover a species of giant landwhales (this doesn’t refer to Democrat voters) that they have to outwit to survive. A good time filled with lots of firepower.
Well A.I., at least you tried. Here’s a star. Not a gold one. But a blue one.
The Hunt for Red October – The Cold War was already winding down and the end was near for the Soviet Union, but, hey, this is a pretty good story, told pretty well. Sean Connery’s Russian accent sounds like it came from the Edinburgh part of Moscow, but it still works. I rewatched this a couple of years ago, and it holds up pretty well.
Joe Versus the Volcano – This movie always seemed to me to be only slightly better than a TV movie of the time. The major difference was the cast, with Tom Hanks attempting to sell the silly plot, and Meg Ryan before plastic surgeons performed those bizarre experiments on her face. Brain cloud.
Blind Fury – Rutger Hauer as a blind guy who carries around a walking stick that’s also a samurai sword. What more do you need??? Technically, this is a remake which would make it invalid for the list. Meh. It’s on the list anyway.
I guess this poster describes the movie absolutely perfectly. If you were a blind person going to a movie.
A Shock to the System – Aesop suggested this one to me a few years ago. It’s about a guy with a midlife crisis that he solves with murder. Bippity, boppity, boo.
I Love You to Death – What’s funnier than a wife killing a philandering husband? A wife failing to kill a philandering husband by shooting him and poisoning. What’s even funnier? That it’s all based on a true story, and that the wife and husband are still married 40 years later.
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane – This isn’t a great movie, and I only put it on the list because I’m theoretically in it. Yup. In a crowd shot. At night. Maybe a pixel or two. I’m sure everyone wants my autograph now. Life forms on the left, next to the gift shop.
Quick Change – Most people like Groundhog Day better than Quick Change. They’re wrong. Quick Change is Bill Murray in a sharp, funny, very rewatchable comedy where a clown robs a bank and needs a monster truck to try to get away and where Murray’s character doesn’t grow or change in any way. Which is as it should be.
I guess Geena Davis is gonna be pissed by this poster.
Arachnophobia – This is a movie that simply disappeared. Why? I have no idea. I haven’t seen it show up on any streaming service. Regardless, it was what is mostly rare today: a summer popcorn flick that doesn’t promote any sort of agenda with the exception of “Auuuuuugh! Spiders!”.
Pump Up the Volume – What teen boy didn’t want a pirate radio station to blast his silly rants out to the world while having sex with Samantha Mathis? That was the best of all possible worlds. This was a fundamentally silly movie, sort of like if rabbits had an opinion. I blame this movie for all the teen angst of the 1990s.
Men at Work – Yes, another silly comedy, this time about brothers who are sanitation workers living on the edge, getting in the face of cops, and solving a crime involving illegal toxic waste dumping. Emilio Estevez both wrote and directed the movie, I think while on drugs, which was a net positive for him.
Since when did Fabio do sanitation work?
Goodfellas – Another movie based on a real story, this one involving the Mafia. You’ve seen it, so I won’t dwell on it, except to ask, does it amuse you?
Quigley Down Under – Tom Selleck as a cowboy who decides to not kill aborigines in the Outback in Australia and picks up Laura San Giacomo in the process. Alan Rickman plays the perfect villain. “This ain’t Dodge City. And you ain’t Bill Hickok.” One of my favorites.
Home Alone – Home Alone was the biggest money-making action comedy for decades, grossing half a billion dollars in 1990. So, you’ve seen it, you filthy animals.
If Keven was a Soviet officer attacked by Clint Eastwood and Peter Cushing. I guess.
Robot Jox – This was a huge box office flop, and really part of that was the production values. The story itself is fun. After a nuclear war, the major countries decided to solve all of their conflicts by having giant robots fight each other. Yes. That was the basis of international order, and I, for one, would like to dissolve the United Nations right now and have everyone buy robots. I would love to see the one from India – I imagine it would be steam powered.
The Grifters – This is John Cusack’s first attempt at a real dramatic role, and he does a fine job in this tragedy. It’s a shame that he turned into a horrible Leftist. This movie is a tragedy, and its not a lot of fun at all. I don’t suggest watching it, but I really do remember it.
Hamlet – This 1990 version is my favorite version of this tragedy. Mel Gibson was a bit long in the tooth for playing the sad Dane, but it’s fine because he plays the part with such verve. It was really lost on me when I was a kid, but now, alas, I finally understand his speech to Yorick.
Not gonna lie, this movie looks like the best movie ever. What a paragon of movies this could be….
At the end of the 1990s, there seems to be a difference in the way the movies feel. The 1980s were giddy with the challenge of coming together to beat the Soviets. The GloboLeftistElite propaganda machine owned television then, but movies had to make a buck, and Reagan won a resounding victory in 1984 not on a weak America, but on building a strong one.
So, what happened? Why did the victory sap our strength? Why did the brash, in your face sounds of Cherry Pie turn to the lament of Lithium?
Maybe, just maybe . . . a man needs a goal.
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- Politics and Stuff
- Jackass of the Week
- Conversation Street
- Two Minutes of Guns in One Minute
- ThinkRealFast
Gen X, Gen Z, And The Crisis Of The Soul
“And then we’ll all have a Christening for Rosemary’s baby.” – Last Action Hero
They call me “The Exorcist” at the liquor store. After I leave, all the spirits are gone.
The kids today have a lot of challenges. Generation Z and Generation Alpha have had a very significantly different childhood than most people reading this post.
For me growing up as a Gen X kid, we were very, very free. I regularly came home to an empty house when I was in kindergarten. The first time I let myself into my house with my own key, I was in third grade. The first time I stayed overnight by myself (in winter, no less) I was in fourth or fifth grade. By the time I was in high school I didn’t even see a parent three or four nights a week most weeks since I was going to school in an apartment about fifty miles from Wilder Mountain.
I certainly didn’t raise myself, but Gen X was pretty free range. We left the house when we got up, and got home, dirty, muddy, and sunburned when the photodetector turned the yard light on because that was Ma Wilder’s definition of ‘dark’ in the ‘be home by dark’ direction.
Life is like a warranty – it runs out at the worst time possible.
I certainly used several of my free hours to do things that were things my warning label said not to do, and certainly would have voided my manufacturer’s warranty had I goofed up.
We were also pretty awful to each other, at least in middle school. I have long maintained that kids in middle school are the worst people on the planet: they have learned how to bully people by digging at their deepest insecurities, but they haven’t learned enough empathy to not do that. See? Absolute worst people on the planet. I know, I was one of them.
I won’t dwell much on my specifics for this post – this isn’t about me, but about a generation that was given great independence from the start. Many, many generations had it far worse than Gen X, since at no point when I was 8 did Pa Wilder seriously mention selling me off to the mines to move explosives so that valuable miners wouldn’t be injured. Again, he may have mentioned it, but not seriously.
You’d think that being the first generation born after the pill was invented and abortion was entered into the sacraments of the Left, that Gen X would have been the most wanted generation in history.
No, not really.
What’s Gump’s password? 1Forest1.
Many parents that were often more interested in themselves during the “Me” decade of the 1970s. In fact, Gen X was born at the intersection on a great societal upheaval of Woman’s Lib convincing women they didn’t want to be mothers. Or wives. That was also the beginning of the cult of the no-fault divorce as well.
Society’s feelings are often transmitted in the media, and let’s look at the roster of Gen X villains:
- The baby from Rosemary’s Baby was a Gen X baby.
- So was Damien from The Omen
- So was Regan The Exorcist.
- Although Michael Myers from Halloween was technically a Boomer, when he first appears he’s a kid, the same age as Gen X at the time. Same with Jason Voorhees.
- Who opens the door in Poltergeist? Gen X.
- The vampires in The Lost Boys? Gen X.
- Everybody in Scream.
- Oh, and when we grew up? The Faculty.
- I think the shark from Jaws was a Boomer, so we’re off the hook on that one.
I started downloading Jaws the other day, but my computer keeps dying after one megabyte.
I don’t know what it was about Gen X that made people think of Satan when they thought about us. I’m pretty sure that other kids weren’t quite as bad as I was. Except Damien.
I can’t speak for other generations, but I’m not going to complain about my experience being a part of Gen X. Yes, I was bullied, but I got tougher. Yes, my parents gave me a lot of freedom, but Pa Wilder missed very few wrestling matches and rarely missed a varsity football game, even when a three-hour drive was involved. I knew I was loved.
Coming out of high school, I felt (and still feel) that the limiting factor to my life is . . . me. I feel the ball is in my hands.
From observation, kids today (on average) don’t have near the opportunity to be free range that we as Gen X did. And, at least around Modern Mayberry, they aren’t bullied. People are nice. The kids are nice.
Maybe . . . too nice?
The best thing about taking money by bullying kids is you can buy yourself something nice.
We have created a fundamentally different generation with Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Heck, what’s the best way to ground a member of Gen Alpha? To make him go outside and hang with his friends in real life, away from his electronics.
I sense (and I could be wrong) that a lot of Gen Z and Gen Alpha has never had to face real adversity. Instead, they’ve lived their lives with a sense of impending dread and massive confusion amidst the greatest material and information wealth the world has ever seen. Starvation in the United States, and, for the first time ever, in the world, is virtually unknown.
World hunger?
It’s a solved problem. There is more than enough food for everyone in the world right now, and the only starvation that occurs happens in war zones or is politically motivated.
Yet the GloboLeftElite has put into the minds of the kids today that the world is doomed. They’re feeling higher levels of depression than kids from the Great Depression. Suicide is their second highest cause of death.
Gen X had “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’”, while Gen Z and Gen Alpha have “All Good Girls Go To Hell”.
Yet, my generation had Mutually Assured Destruction while Gen Z and Gen Alpha have Climate Change. At least the Soviets were the bad guys in MAD, but in Climate Change? Every human is the villain, oh, and we’re deeply in debt, robots and immigrants are going to take their jobs.
Gen X is so old our Social Security number is in Roman numerals.
Gen Z and Gen Alpha have been taught to hate themselves and humanity, and it’s so bad that they don’t want to have kids.
More than anything, this is a crisis of the spirit. My generation was vilified as the Anti-Christ incarnate, and we responded by getting married and having children and getting by in life.
Did we make it? Yes, I think we did. Will they make it? I think so, though, for many, their road is tougher than ours. Weak men make hard times, and I think that’s where we’re at.
But, hey, think of all the great memes they’ll make!